22 research outputs found

    Corrigendum to “The status of depression and anxiety in infertile Turkish couples” [Iran J Reprod Med 2011; 9: 99-104]

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    The publisher has been informed of an error that occurred on page 99 in which the second authors name must be changed to Ozlem Kayacik Gunday. On behalf of the author, the publisher wishes to apologize for this error. The online version of article has been updated on 31 August 2023 and can be found at https://doi.org/10.18502/ijrm.v9i2.104

    Mogu li hemocitometrijski parametri poslužiti kao biološki biljezi u razlikovanju adrenalnih adenoma i karcinoma te u prognozi adrenokortikalnih karcinoma?

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    Recently, studies have reported that inflammatory response and elevated platelet counts are associated with several cancers. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate hemocytometer parameters in differentiating adrenal adenoma and carcinoma, and the prognostic utility of hemocytometer parameters in adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC). We included 30 patients with nonfunctional adrenal adenoma and 13 patients with ACC having undergone surgery between 2005 and 2017 and followed up postoperatively at our centre. The neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet/lymphocyte ratio (PLR), red blood cell distribution width (RDW), mean platelet volume (MPV) and plateletcrit (PCT) were evaluated preoperatively in all patients included in the study. There was a significant difference between the adrenal adenoma and ACC groups in terms of neutrophil and lymphocyte counts, NLR and PLR. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of platelet count and MPV, but PCT levels were significantly lower in ACC group. There was no statistically significant difference between recurrent and/or metastasis positive patients and negative ones according to NLR, PLR, RDW and MPV. There was a statistically significant difference in RDW levels and tumor diameter between the groups. Our study is the first to evaluate hemocytometer parameters in differentiating adrenal adenomas and carcinomas, and also in the prognosis of ACC. The present study suggested that the hemocytometer parameters may be a marker in the differential diagnosis of adrenal adenomas and carcinomas. However, our study also showed that these parameters had no prognostic value in ACC.Nedavna istraživanja pokazuju da su upalni odgovor i povišeni trombociti udruženi s nekim vrstama karcinoma. Cilj našega istraživanja bio je procijeniti hemocitometrijske parametre u razlikovanju adrenalnog adenoma i karcinoma, kao i prognostičku vrijednost hemocitometrijskih parametara u adrenokortikalnom karcinomu (adrenocortical carcinoma, ACC). U istraživanje smo uključili 30 bolesnika s nefunkcionalnim adrenalnim adenomom i 13 bolesnika s ACC operiranih između 2005. i 2017. godine i poslije operacije praćene u našoj ustanovi. Kod svih bolesnika uključenih u studiju prijeoperacijski su izmjereni sljedeći parametri: omjer neutrofila i limfocita (neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio, NLR), omjer trombocita i limfocita (platelet/lymphocyte ratio, PLR ), širina distribucije eritrocita (red blood cell distribution width, RDW ), srednji volumen trombocita (mean platelet volume, MPV) i pleteletkrit (PCT). Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između skupina bolesnika s adrenalnim adenomom i onih s ACC u broju neutrofila i limfocita, NLR i PLR. Nije bilo značajne razlike među skupinama u broju trombocita i MPV, ali su razine PCT bile značajno niže u skupini s ACC. Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike u NLR, PLR, RDW i MPV između bolesnika s opetovanim ACC i/ili metastazama i onih bez tih stanja. Statistički značajna razlika između skupina nađena je za razine RDW i promjer tumora. Naše istraživanje je prvo te vrste u kojem su se procjenjivali hemocitometrijski parametri u razlikovanju adrenalnih adenoma i karcinoma te u prognozi ACC. Rezultati studije ukazuju na to da bi se hemocitometrijski parametri mogli primijeniti kao biljezi u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici adrenalnih adenoma i karcinoma. Međutim, naše je istraživanje pokazalo kako ovi parametri nemaju prognostičku vrijednost kod ACC

    Curative Result with Primary Medical Therapy in an Elderly Acromegaly Patient

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    In acromegaly, transsphenoidal hypophysectomy is the primary treatment of choice. Medical treatment is performed on patients uncontrollable with surgery. Indications for primary medical treatment or medical treatment prior to surgery are limited to patients with macroadenoma with high risk for surgery due to cardiac and respiratory problems. Medical treatment is not applied on patients with microadenoma due to the high chance of cure with surgical option. Seventy-five years-old female patient was admitted in our clinic with complaints of drowsiness, fatigue and growth in hands and feet. Patients IGF1level was measured 516 ng/ml (64-118 ng/ml normal range for age and gender) and in the magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary; an adenoma, 2x2 mm in size, was detected. Octreotide LAR therapy was begun 10 mg per month considering the age of the patient. IGF1 level was measured as 129ng/ml and growth hormone (GH) as 0.65ng/ml (0.06-5 ng/ml normal range) at the end of the third month of treatment. On the MRI carried out in the 9th month of treatment, it was observed that the pituitary was compatible with partial empty sella and no adenoma was determined. In our case of acromegaly with microadenoma, taking into account the age and medical condition of the patient, primary medical therapy was required. Although a low dose of octreotide LAR was implemented, primary medical therapy has been effective in controlling biochemical parameters. Moreover, it was observed that the tumor completely disappeared and is considered a curative result. Therefore, primary medical treatment of acromegaly should be among the options in selected patients with microadenomas. [Med-Science 2014; 3(4.000): 1697-707

    Is Parenteral Levothyroxine Therapy Safe in Intractable Hypothyroidism?

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    Case: A 32-year old woman was admitted to the hospital due to intractable hypothyroidism refractory to high dose of oral L-thyroxine therapy. She underwent total thyroidectomy and radioactive iodine therapy due to papillary thyroid cancer. After excluding poor adherence to therapy and malabsorption, levothyroxine absorption test was performed. No response was detected. Transient neurologic symptoms developed during the test. She developed 3 attacks consisting of neurologic symptoms during high dose administration. The patient was considered a case of isolated L-thyroxine malabsorption. She became euthyroid after intramuscular twice weekly L-thyroxine therapy

    The status of depression and anxiety in infertile Turkish couples

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    Background: Infertility is a major psychosocial crisis as well as being a medical problem. The factors that predict psychosocial consequences of infertility may vary in different gender and different infertile populations.Objective: The primary purpose of this study was to investigate whether Turkish infertile couples had higher levels of depression and anxiety when compared to non-infertile couples. Our secondary aim was to evaluate the relationship between sociodemographic characteristics and levels of depression and anxiety in Turkish infertile couples.Materials and Methods: We designed a descriptive cross sectional study of 248 infertile women and 96 infertile men with no psychiatric disturbance and 51 women and 40 men who have children to evaluate the depression and anxiety levels between infertile couples and fertile couples. A gynecologist evaluated participants for demographic data and then they were visited by a psychologist to perform questionnaire scales which were The Beck Depression Inventory and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for the evaluation of the degree of psychopathology. The data were statistically analyzed, with p<0.05 as the level of statistical significance.Results: We observed significant differences between the infertile couples and fertile couples with respect to state and trait anxiety (p<0.0001) while no difference was regarding with depression, both of women and men. Anxiety and depression were observed as independent from gender when infertile women and men were compared (p=0.213).Conclusion: We believed that the psychological management at infertile couples must be individualized with cultural, religious, and class related aspects


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    While the best way to identify microalbuminuria is to determine albumin excretion rate (AER) in a 24 h urine sample. Published data have shown that calculation of an albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) in a spot urine sample has reasonable rate of sensitivity and specificity. We aimed to evaluate the effect of daily exercise on ACR and estimate the best time for the examination of the ACR in a spot urine sample. Sixteen eligible patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus were asked to perform varying degree of exercise periods. Urinary albumin and creatinine excretion rates during each period were determined. ACR and AER of timed urinary samples were compared with the 24 hour urinary AER. We found significant correlations between timed and 24 hour urinary AER. According to diagnostic performance tests, ACR and AER of timed urine samples were both found to be significantly more sensitive during resting period when compared with mild or moderate active periods. It is concluded that ACR and AER of a timed urine sample are sensitive and specific methods for determining microalbuminuria, while overnight resting samples give the impression of being more diagnostic

    Anomaly based target detection in hyperspectral images via graph cuts [Çizge Kesit Yöntemi ile Hiperspektral Görüntülerde Anomali Tabanli Hedef Tespiti]

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    The studies on hyperspectral target detection until now, has been treated in two approaches. Anomaly detection can be considered as the first approach, which analyses the hyperspectral image with respect to the difference between target and the rest of the hyperspectral image. The second approach compares the previously obtained spectral signature of the target with the pixels of the hyperspectral image in order to localize the target. A distinctive disadvantage of the aforementioned approaches is to treat each pixel of the hyperspectral image individually, without considering the neighbourhood relations between the pixels. In this paper, we propose a target detection algorithm which combines the anomaly detection and signature based hyperspectral target detection approaches in a graph based framework by utilizing the neighbourhood relations between the pixels. Assuming that the target signature is available and the target sizes are in the range of anomaly sizes, a novel derivative based matched filter is first proposed to model the foreground. Second, a new anomaly detection method which models the background as a Gaussian mixture is developed. The developed model estimates the optimal number of components forming the Gaussian mixture by means of utilizing sparsity information. Finally, the similarity of the neighbouring hyperspectral pixels is measured with the spectral angle mapper. The overall proposed graph based method has successfully combined the foreground, background and neighbouring information and improved the detection performance by locating the target as a whole object free from noises. © 2015 IEEE