44 research outputs found

    Gis-based drinking water watershed management: a case study of the galyan watershed in Turkey

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    WOS: 000369100100019Water is one of the most important resources for sustainable development and human life. To meet future water needs, water resources and drinking water watersheds (DWWs) should be placed under protection using efficient methods. the spatial planning and spatial data has an important role in sustainable DWW management. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is extensively used for spatial data production effectively based on spatial planning. the use of large-extended data, the analyzing of the maps which have no standard with data layered and the prevention of separation between administrative jurisdictions depending on administrative boundaries are possible by using GIS. in this paper since emphasized on the effectiveness of GIS in DWW management in the Galyan Drinking Water Watershed (GDWW), a sub-watershed of the Degirmendere Watershed, which supplies drinking water to Trabzon City, Turkey, is used as a case to study. the results of the study show that the agricultural chemicals and fertilizers used for hazelnut and cultivated farming to threaten the quality of drinking water in a significant part of the watershed (30%). Approximately 72% of the GDWW area is at risk of landslides, and the region as a whole is under threat because of widespread mining activities. the distances between the mining areas and the streams feeding the watershed were investigated. It was found that all the active ore beds are within 1,000 m of the rivers. Moreover, while the average distance of the ore beds to the streams is 253 m, the distance of the active ore beds is 357 m. According to the analysis results of the study, with GIS-based DWW management, decision makers can see where and what type of change has occurred in the area in use; therefore, it can provide requirements for the environmental and economical sustainability of the area in the future

    A Rare Cause of Intestinal Obstruction: Paraduodenal Hernia

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    Internal abdominal hernias may rarely be the cause of intestinal obstruction with an incidence of less than 1% and paraduodenal hernias constitute approximately 50% of them. Those hernias emerge as a result of abnormalities in gut rotation at the embryonic stage. The clinical spectrum of a symptomatic internal hernia may range from abdominal pain to frank intestinal obstruction. Delay in the diagnosis and treatment should be avoided, since the content of paraduodenal hernia may quickly progress to strangulation and necrosis because of vascular compromise. Here, we report a case of successfully diagnosed and treated with cause of paraduodenal hernia

    Roux-en-Y rekonstrüksiyonlu pankreatikoduodenektomi sonrası izole pankreatikojejunostomi pankreas fistülünü azaltabilir mi?

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    Amaç: Pankreatikoduodenektomi ampulla Vateri, pankreas başı, distal koledok tümörleri ve bazı kronik pankreatit olgularında yaygın kabul gören cerrahi prosedürdür. Rekonstrüksiyon sonrası pankreatik fistül halen ciddi bir problemdir. Rekonstrüksiyon yöntemleri hususunda üzerinde fikir birliği sağlanmış bir yöntem henüz yoktur.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Pankreas tümörü nedeniyle pankreatikoduodenektomi uygulanan hastalarda yapılan rekonstrüksiyon yöntemleri ve sonuçları retrospektif olarak araştırılmıştır. Tüm hastalardaki anastomoz Roux-en-Y şeklinde yapılmış olup birbirinden farkları ise şöyledir; Tip 1: Y bacağı ile sadece pankreatik anastomoz, Tip 2: Y bacağı ile pankreas ve hepatik kanal anastomozu birlikte yapılmıştır.Bulgular: Çalışmaya 31 hasta dahil edilmiştir. Hastaların 21'i erkek, 10'u kadındı. Çalışmamızda pankreatik fistül, kanama, abse, yara yeri enfeksiyonu ve akciğer enfeksiyonu postoperatif dönemde gözlenen komplikasyonlardı. Her ne kadar grup 2'de komplikasyonların sayısı grup 1'e kıyasla daha fazla gözlense de istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark tespit edilmedi. Mortalite her iki grupta da birer hastada gelişti.Sonuç: Kaçağın sebeplerinden birinin aynı ans üzerine yapılan pankreas ve safra kanalı anastomozlarının birlikte debiyi yükseltmesi ve anastomoz basıncını arttırarak fistül oluşumuna neden olması olduğunu düşünüyoruz. Çalışmamızın dezavantajı ise hasta sayısının az olmasıdır. Pankreatik sıvı ile safranın ayrı anastomozlarla rekonstüksiyonu kronik pankreatik fistülleri azaltabilir.Objective: Pancreaticoduodenectomy is a surgical procedure which is commonly accepted in cases of ampulla of Vater, head of pancreas, distal common bile duct neoplasms and severe chronic pancreatitis. Pancreatic fistula is still a serious problem after reconstruction. Yet, there is no consensus on a single reconstruction method. Material and Methods: The reconstruction methods on patients who had pancreaticoduodenectomy due to pancreatic tumor, and results of these reconstruction methods were retrospectively analyzed. Anastomosis was performed on all patients in the form of Roux-en-Y, but they varied as follows; Type 1: Only pancreatic anastomosis to the Y limb, Type 2: Pancreas and hepatic canal anastomosis together to the Y limb.Results: 31 patients participated in the study. 21 of them were male, and 10 were female. In our study, postoperative complications included pancreatic fistula, hemorrhage, abscess, wound site infection, and pulmonary infection. Although more complications were observed in group 2 than in group 1, there was no statistically significant difference. There was one mortality in each group.Conclusion: In our opinion, one of the reasons of leakage is that anastomosis of both the biliary and pancreatic ducts to the same loop increases anastomotic pressure due to the raised output thus leading to fistula formation. A limitation of our study was the low number of patients. Reconstruction of the pancreas and bile secretions through separate anastomosis may reduce the rate of pancreatic fistulas

    Routine careful histopathological examination should be performed in sleeve gastrectomy specimens

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    Introduction: The presence of increased ratio of obesity caused a rapid increase of bariatric surgery practice. In this study, our purpose is to clarify the histopathologic findings of the patients who have experienced this type of bariatric surgery and to learn more about the distinguishable features of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) specimens and to contribute to the related literature. Methods: A retrospective study was designed with the histopathologic findings from pathology specimens of 109 patients who experienced LSG between April 2014 and May 2016. To collect essential data, we used the database system of our institution that contains all of the selected patients for our study. Results: Overall, the average age was 36.2 years, and 85 were female while 24 were male. The principal histopathologic features were active chronic gastritis in 9, chronic gastritis in 68, atrophy in 5, and intestinal metaplasia in 8 patients. In two patients, gastrointestinal stromal tumor was found and in another patient, neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia was found. In addition to the dominant histopathologic features including chronic and active chronic gastritis, a small percent of patients had clinically significant pathologic findings in the sleeve gastrectomy specimens and this may have an effect on postoperative management and morbidity. Conclusion: Considering these results, having histopathologic examination of the sleeve gastrectomy specimens as a standard procedure is strongly recommended

    The effects of vardenafil and pentoxifylline administration in an animal model of ischemic colitis

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    OBJECTIVES: Vardenafil enhances dilatation of vascular smooth muscle and inhibits platelet aggregation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical effects of vardenafil and pentoxifylline administration in an experimental model of ischemic colitis. METHODS: Forty female Wistar albino rats weighing 250-300 g were randomized into five experimental groups (each with n = 8) as follows:1) a sham group subjected to a sham surgical procedure and administered only tap water; 2) a control group subjected to a standardized surgical procedure to induce ischemic colitis and administered only tap water; 3) and 4) treatment groups subjected to surgical induction of ischemic colitis followed by the postoperative administration of 5 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg vardenafil, respectively; and 5) a treatment group subjected to surgical induction of ischemic colitis followed by postoperative administration of pentoxifylline at 50 mg/kg/day per day as a single dose for a 3-day period. All animals were sacrificed at 72 h post-surgery and subjected to relaparotomy. We scored the macroscopically visible damage, measured the ischemic area and scored histopathology to determine the severity of ischemia. Tissue malondialdehyde levels were also quantified. RESULTS: The mean Gomella ischemic areas were 63.3 mm2 in the control group; 3.4 and 9.6 mm2 in the vardenafil 5 and vardenafil 10 groups, respectively; and 3.4 mm2 in the pentoxifylline group (p = 0.0001). The mean malondialdehyde values were 63.7 nmol/g in the control group; 25.3 and 25.6 nmol/g in the vardenafil 5 and vardenafil 10 groups, respectively; and 22.8 nmol/g in the pentoxifylline group (p = 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that vardenafil and pentoxifylline are effective treatment options in an animal model of ischemic colitis. The positive clinical effects produced by these drugs are likely due to their influence on the hemodynamics associated with vascular smooth muscle and platelet functions

    Gebelikte Tütün Dumanı Maruziyetinin Anne Sıçan Akciğer Dokusunda Meydana Getirdiği Değişiklikler Üzerine Alfa Lipoik Asitin Etkilerinin İncelenmesi

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    Amaç: Çalışmamızda gebelikte tütün dumanına maruz kalan anne sıçanların akciğer dokusunda meydana gelen değişiklikler üzerine alfa lipoik asitin etkilerinin deneysel sıçan modeli üzerinde araştırılması amaçlandı. Yöntemler: Çalışmada 28 adet dişi Sprague-Dawley cinsi sıçanlar kullanıldı. Gebe sıçanlar; Kontrol grubu, Tütün dumanı (TD) grubu, Tütün dumanı + Alfa lipoik asit (TD+ALA) grubu ve Alfa lipoik asit (ALA) grubu olmak üzere rastgele dört eşit gruba ayrıldı. TD ve TD+ALA grubundaki sıçanlar çiftleşmeden önce sekiz hafta ve gebelik süresince günde iki saat tütün dumanına maruz bırakıldı. TD+ALA ve ALA grubundaki sıçanlara ise çiftleşmeden önce sekiz hafta ve gebelik süresince gün aşırı oral gavaj yolu ile 20 mg/kg dozunda alfa lipoik asit verildi. Deneyin sonunda sıçanlar dekapite edilerek akciğer dokuları çıkarıldı ve histolojik, biyokimyasal ve immünohistokimyasal metotlar uygulandı. Bulgular: TD grubuna ait akciğer kesitlerinde inflamatuar hücre artışı, konjesyon, ödem, hemoraji gibi histopatolojik bulgular gözlendi. ALA uygulamasıyla bu histopatalojik bulgularda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı oranda düzelmeler izlendi. TD grubunda VEGF immünreaktivitesinin kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı artış gösterdiği, TD+ALA grubunda ise TD grubuna göre VEGF immünreaktivitesinin anlamlı derecede azaldığı belirlendi. TD grubunda MDA değerlerinin kontrole göre anlamlı derecede arttığı, TD+ALA grubunda ise TD grubuna göre anlamlı derecede azaldığı gözlendi. Sonuç: Tütün dumanının gebe sıçan akciğerinde yol açtığı oksidatif hasarın, alfa lipoik asit tedavisinin antioksidan etkileri ile kısmen engellendiği belirlendi

    A storyteller: Cengis Asiltürk

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    03.12.2022 tarihine kadar kullanımı yazar tarafından kısıtlanmıştır.Cengis Asiltürk, Büyülü Gerçeklik Akımı'nın Türkiye'deki yeni nesil temsilcilerinden, romancılarından ve sinema kuramcılarından biridir. Yazar ve yönetmen Asiltürk, gerek romanlarında, gerekse filmlerinde kentsoylu ailelerin hayatlarından kesitler sunar. Bunu yaparken eğitim görmüş, bilinçli ve zengin şahıs kadrosu üzerinden düşsel mekânlar gösterir. Yazar, bir yandan kentsoylu ailelerin hayat hikâyelerini diğer yandan kırsaldan kente olan özlemi çarpıcı mesajlarla okuyucusuna iletir. Asiltürk romanlarında hadiseleri anlatırken bir yandan da tahkiyenin arka planında olayların cereyan ettiği Türkiye'nin sosyal gerçeklerine yer vermiştir. Sade anlaşılır bir üslupla aktarılan eserler; Asiltürk'ün diğer yanı olan sinemacı kimliğinden de nasibini fazlasıyla almıştır. Dünya edebiyatında yaygın olarak bilinse de sinemada bir ilk örnek olan "Büyülü Gerçekçilik" üslubu kendisinin öğrencilik yıllarında çektiği (1987-1991) yurtiçi-yurtdışı festivallerde ilgiyle ve takdirle karşılanan Düş Akıntıları, Özgürlük Tutkusu, Eziyet, Esrime, Bir Aşkın Cenaze Töreni, Göz, Komik Ölüler Ülkesi adlı kısa, Büyülü Gerçekler (2008) ve Akordeon (2010) adlı orta metraj filmlerinde; TRT adına çektiği Kaçakçılar, Geç Gece, Mavi Bavul vd. uzunlu kısalı televizyon filmlerinde (2004-2005) ve Albatrosun Yolculuğu (2013) adlı uzun metrajlı filminde açıkça gözlenebiliyor. Başarılı bir romancı ve senarist olan Attila İlhan gibi Asiltürk de gözlemlerini bir kamera vizörünün hassaslığıyla, romanlarında kullanmıştır. Tahkiyelerdeki yoğun şahıs kadrosu ve kimi zaman kullandığı sinema terimleriyle okuyucunun ilgisini diri tutmaktadır. Asiltürk'ün romanlarında ayrıca şiirden estetiğe, kronolojik tarihten sanat tarihine ve sinemadan tabiat bilgisine kadar, sosyal hayatın gerektirdiği birçok bilgiye rastlamak mümkün... Yazar, eserlerini oluştururken gerçeklikten çok da uzaklaşmadan anlatısını renkli tablolar halinde bilgilerle pekiştirerek yapmakta. Okuyucu bir yandan roman kişilerinin serüvenini merakla takip ederken; diğer yandan da renkli görüntüler içindeki şiirsel anlatımın zevk ve ahengini yaşar. Asiltürk'ün anlatısı, bir tezin konusu olabilecek kadar dolu ve değerlendirmeye açıktır. Romanları mutlaka dikkatli bir şekilde okunmalıdır.Cengis Asiltürk is one of the new generation representatives, novelists and film writers of the "Magical Reality Movement" in Turkey. The author presents various sections from the lives of the bourgeois families in his novels. While doing this, we see places that we can call very rich, together with educated conscious people among rich and diverse staff. On the one hand, the author conveys the life stories of the bourgeois families, on the other hand, the longing from the countryside to the city and the flow from the village to the city with striking messages. While Cengis Asiltürk narrated the events in his novels, he also included the social realities of Turkey, where the events took place in the background of the narration. Works with a simple and understandable style; The other side of Asiltürk, he has had his share of the identity of a filmmaker. Just like Atila İlhan, who is a successful novelist and screenwriter; Cengis Asiltürk also used his observations in his novels with the precision of a camera viewfinder. It also keeps the reader's interest alive with its dense cast of characters in the narrations and the cinematic terms it sometimes uses. In Asiltürk's novels, it is also possible to come across all kinds of information required by social life, from poetry to aesthetics, from chronological history to art history, from cinema to natural knowledge. While creating his works, the author does not stray too far from reality, reinforcing his narrative with information in colorful tables. While the reader is curiously following the adventures of the characters of the novel; On the other hand, he is enchanted by the harmony and pleasure of poetic expression in colorful images. Cengis Asiltürk's novels are so full and open to evaluation that they can be the subject of a thesis. His novels must be read carefully

    A New Risk-Scoring System for Colorectal Cancer and Polyp Screening by Turkish Colorectal Cancer and Polyp Study Group

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    Background: Colorectal cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed types of cancer worldwide. An early diagnosis and detection of colon cancer and polyp can reduce mortality and morbidity from colorectal cancer. Even though there are a variety of options in screening tests, the question remains on which test is the most effective for the early detection of colorectal cancer. In this prospective study, we aimed to develop a simple, useful, effective, and reliable scoring system to detect colon polyp and colorectal cancer. Methods: We enrolled 6508 subjects over the age of 18 from 16 centers, with colonoscopy screening. The age, smoking status, alcohol consumption, body mass index polyp incidence, polyp size, number and localization, and pathologic findings were recorded. Results: The age, male gender, obesity, smoking, and family history were found as independent risk factors for adenomatous polyp. We have developed a new scoring system which can be used for these factors. With a score of 4 or above, we found the following: sensitivity 81%, specificity 40%, positive predictive value 25.68%, and negative predictive value 89.84%, for adenomatous polyp detection; and sensitivity 96%, specificity 39%, positive predictive value 3.35%, negative predictive value 99.29%, for colorectal cancer detection. Conclusion: Even though the first colorectal cancer screening worldwide is generally performed for individuals over 50 years of age, we recommend that screening for colorectal cancer might begin for those under 50 years of age as well. Individuals with a score >= 4 must be included in the screening tests for colorectal cancer