155 research outputs found

    Which one is your the favoritte instrument? A Study on the demographic and socio-cultural factors that affect the instrument preferenceSenin favori çalgın hangisi? Çalgı tercihini etkileyen demografik ve sosyo-kültürel faktörler üzerine bir araştırma

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    Music, which is a part of the cultural expression, can be seen in all of the communities or societies of the world. Undoubtedly, instruments are among the most important elements that put music into being. Every culture from past to present has produced numerous musical instruments depending on the geography inhabited, production format, level of access to the technology, their varied customs and traditions. This diversity was also contribute to the formation of various kinds of music in a sense. Especially during the last fifty years research on the diversity of music preferences/tastes gained great momentum but it is amazing that there is limited research on musical instrument taste. In this study, people's musical instrument tastes were examined in accordance with certain demographic and social variables. Research was conducted among participants of 130 female and 102 male who are 18-27 years old (n = 232). Participants were asked to evaluate the selected 10 different instruments from four different continents (Pan Flute, Violin, Sitar, Kavala, Morin Khuur, Classical Guitar, Flute, Erhu, Lute, and Piano) with four predetermined simple melodies. The melodies used were selected of 4 different audio systems (tonal, modal, modal, pentatonic). In addition, the instruments were also evaluated with authentic melodies of culture each one belongs to. As a result of the study, a significant relationship has emerged between the levels of musical instrument tastes of the participants and their age, gender, income level and choice of music genre. Based on the relationship between gender and the music genre listened to, it has been identified that women prefer more pop music, while men choose to listen to Turkish music. In addition, while most women prefer the Calssical Guitar, the Flute and Piano, the men chose the lute. The instrument that men and women have preferred least was Morin Khuur. The low-income participants preferred more piano, the middle-income participants preferred Classical Guitar, while high-income participants preferred Oud mostly. At the same time, across all income levels, Morin Khuur was the least popular instrument. As the average age of participants decreases, like for the guitar grows, but as the average age increases, like for the Kavala grows. Özetİfade kültürünün bir parçası olan müzik bütün dünya topluluk ya da toplumlarında görülebilir. Bunun yanı sıra kuşkusuz müziğe varlık kazandıran en önemli öğelerden biri de çalgılardır. Geçmişten günümüze her kültür, yaşadığı coğrafyaya, üretim biçimine, erişmiş olduğu teknolojik düzeye, birbirinden farklı adet, örf ve geleneklere bağlı olarak sayısız çalgı üretmiştir. Bu çeşitlilik bir anlamda bir çok müzik türünün oluşmasına da katkı sağlamıştır. Özellikle son elli yılda müzik tercihi/beğenisi üzerine yapılan araştırmaların büyük bir ivme ve çeşitlilik kazanmasına rağmen çalgı beğenisine yönelik araştırmaların sınırlı olması şaşırtıcıdır. Bu çalışmada, insanların çalgı beğenileri belirli demografik ve sosyal değişkenler çerçevesinde incelenmiştir. Araştırma 18-27 yaş arasında 102 erkek 130 kadın (n=232) katılımcı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Katılımcılardan belirlenmiş dört yalın ezgiyi, dört farklı kıtadan seçilen 10 farklı çalgı ile (Pan Flüt, Keman, Sitar, Kaval, Morin Khuur, Klasik Gitar, Yan Flüt, Erhu, Ud, Piyano) değerlendirmeleri istenmiştir. Kullanılan ezgiler 4 farklı ses sisteminden (tonal, modal, makamsal, pentatonik) seçilmiştir. Ayrıca çalgıların her biri ait olduğu kültürün otantik ezgileriyle de değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda katılımcıların çalgı beğeni düzeyleriyle yaş, cinsiyet, gelir düzeyi ve dinlenen müzik türü arasında anlamlı ilişkiler olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Dinlenilen müzik türü ve cinsiyet arasındaki ilişkiye göre kadınların daha çok Pop müzik, erkeklerin ise daha çok  Türk müziği dinlemeyi tercih ettikleri tespit edilmiştir. Buna ek olarak kadınlar en çok Gitar, Yan Flüt ve  Piyano’yu tercih ederken, erkekler Ud’u tercih etmiştir. Toplamda erkek ve kadınların en az tercih ettiği çalgı ise Morin Khuur olmuştur. Gelir düzeyi düşük katılımcılar daha çok Piyano’yu, orta gelir düzeyindeki katılımcılar  daha çok Klasik Gitar’ı, yüksek gelir düzeyindeki katılımcılar ise  daha çok Ud’u tercih etmiştir. Aynı zamanda tüm gelir düzeyleri arasında en az beğenilen çalgı Morin Khuur olmuştur. Katılımcıların yaş ortalaması küçüldükçe Gitar beğenisi, yaş ortalaması büyüdükçe Kaval beğenisi artmıştır

    Plasma Apelin Levels and Thiol/Disulfide Balance in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    The main objective of this research is to investigate the relationship between the plasma apelin concentrations, oxidative stress biomarkers (dynamic thiol/disulfide balance), and albuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: The study was carried out with 87 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and 24 age- and sex-matched healthy control group. Serum apelin concentrations were studied using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. Colorimetric method was used to determine native and total thiol levels. Concentrations of spot urine albumin and creatinine were measured to calculate the albumin creatinine ratio (mg/g). Results: Serum apelin concentrations were significantly lower in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus compared to the control group (P < .001). Native and total thiol ratios were also significantly lower in diabetic patients compared to healthy patients (P < .001). The calculated disulfide levels of the patients and control groups were similar (P = .182). A negative and significant correlation was detected between serum apelin concentrations, and glucose and hemoglobin A1c levels in diabetic patients (r = −0.272, P = .004, r = −0.280, P = .003, respectively). A negative and significant correlation was also observed between native and total thiol levels and albumin (r = −0.338, P = .001, r = −0.328, P = .001, respectively). Conclusion: We found significantly lowered serum apelin concentrations and native and total thiol levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. An association was also observed between serum apelin concentrations and glycemic control. The role of apelin and thiol/disulfide balance in diabetic kidney disease requires more detailed studies

    Anesthetic management in endovascular treatment of aortic pathologies

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    Objective: In this study we aimed to compare the anesthesia methods we used in the endovascular treatment of thoracic and abdominal aorta pathologies and to discuss accompanied by literature. Methods: Our study was carried out be retrospectively assessing a total of 20 patients on whom we had administered endovascular treatment for aortic aneurism and aortic dissection. The demographic features of the patients, their American Anesthesia Association (ASA) scores, laboratory findings, accompanying diseases, whether they smoke, their ejection fraction and the place and type of aortic pathology was recorded. Also the surgical procedure, anesthesia method, the amounts of crystalloids, colloids and blood products used during the surgery, the anesthesia and surgery durations, complications and interventions, duration of stays in intensive care and the hospital in general and the mortality rates were recorded. All cases were provided with standard anesthesia monitoring. Results: A total of 20 (M=15, F=5) cases were included in our study. 16 of our cases were in ASA 3 risk group and 4 were in ASA 4 risk group. While patients who had been administered with thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) were all given general anesthesia, seven patients who had been administered with abdominal endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) were given regional and 6 were given general anesthesia and one case was only given sedoanalgesia. While 8 of the patients administered with EVAR had hypertension all of the patients administered with TEVAR had hypertension. No significant differences were found in blood and blood product transfusions, preoperative and postoperative hemoglobin, hematocrit, urea and creatinine values between two groups. Conclusion: In EVAR and TEVAR applications general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, sedoanalgesia accompanied by local anesthesia can be successfully administered depending on the patient’s status and the location of the procedure

    Nadir görülen bir tüberküloz formu : Doğumsal tüberküloz

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    Congenital tuberculosis is defined as infection developing as a result of the encounter between the infant and Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli during the intrauterine period or during normal birth. Although tuberculosis infection is very common all over the world congenital tuberculosis cases are rare and mortalities of 50% have been reported. Non-specific symptoms in congenital tuberculosis and difficulties encountered in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in general, make it difficult to reach a final diagnosis. Cases of congenital tuberculosis are generally known clinically during the first postnatal month. This case is important as the three-month infant was presented with pneumonia symptoms and diagnosed as congenital tuberculosis after an attentive anamnesis which is unusual during three postnatal months. To our knowledge, this case is one of a few cases in the literature diagnosed as congenital tuberculosis in three months. Our case emphasizes that it is necessary to consider congenital tuberculosis in the differential diagnosis of pulmonary infections in infants, particularly in countries where the incidence of tuberculosis is high. For this reason, we believe that a successfully obtained anamnesis is the parameter which provides a valid diagnosis. Furthermore, early and speedy initiation of treatment in cases with a potential diagnosis of tuberculosis is a very important factor that affects prognosis.Doğumsal tüberküloz, infantlarda Mycobacterium tuberculosis basili ile intrauterin dönemde veya normal doğum sırasında karşılaşma sonucunda oluşan infeksiyon tablosu olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Tüberküloz infeksiyonu tüm dünyada yaygın olmakla birlikte, %50’lere varan ölüm oranına sahip doğumsal tüberkülozlu olgular nadiren bildirilmiştir. Doğumsal tüberkülozdaki nonspesifik semptomlar ve genel olarak tüberkülozdaki tanı zorlukları nedeniyle kesin tanı koymak zordur. Doğumsal tüberküloz olguları genellikle doğum sonrası ilk bir ay içinde görülür. Bu olgunun önemi, doğumdan sonra üç aylıkken pnömoni belirtileriyle başvurması ve dikkatli anamnez alınması sonucunda doğumsal tüberküloz tanısı konulmasıdır. Bilgilerimize göre üç aylıkken doğumsal tüberküloz tanısı konulan literatürdeki birkaç olgudan biridir. Şunu vurgulamak gerekir ki; ülkemiz gibi tüberküloz olgularının sık görüldüğü ülkelerde pnömoni yakınmalarıyla gelen infantlarda doğumsal tüberkülozun akla getirilmesi ve bu amaçla alınacak dikkatli ve ayrıntılı bir anamnezin tanı için hala en geçerli parametrelerden biri olduğu kanaatindeyiz. Erken tanı prognoza olumlu katkı sağlayacaktır.Şunu vurgulamak gerekir ki; ülkemiz gibi tüberküloz vakalarının sık görüldüğü ülkelerde pnomoni yakınmalarıyla gelen infantlarda doğumsal tüberkulozun akla getirilmesi ve bu amaçla alınacak dikkatli ve ayrıntılı bir anamnezin tanı için hala en geçerli parametrelerden biri olduğu kanaatindeyiz. Erken tanı prognoza olumlu katkı sağlayacaktır


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    The effect of red phosphorus on the fire properties of intumescent pine wood flour - LDPE composites

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    Red phosphorus (RP) was used to improve the fire performance of wood flour - low density polyethylene (LDPE) composites containing ammonium polyphosphate (APP). The fire performance of LDPE-based composites was investigated by using limiting oxygen index (LOI), UL-94 standard, thermogravimetric analysis, and cone calorimeter. The addition of 30 wt% APP increased the LOI value from 17.5 to 24.2 and still burned to clamp (BC) in UL-94 test. The RP showed beneficial effect when combinedly used with APP. The maximum beneficial effect was seen at ratio of 5: 1 (APP : RP) with the highest LOI value of 27.2 and UL-94 rating of V0. RP showed its beneficial effect via increasing the gas phase action of the flame retardant system. Copyright (C) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd