19 research outputs found

    The repeatability of inspiration performance through different inhalers in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and control volunteers

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    Background: Inhalation therapy is a cornerstone of treating patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Inhaler types and through-device inhalation parameters influence airway drug delivery. We aimed to measure the repeatability of inhalation performance through four different commercially available inhalers. Methods: We recruited control subjects (n = 22) and patients with stable COPD (S-COPD, n = 16) and during an acute exacerbation (AE-COPD, n = 15). Standard spirometry was followed by through-device inhalation maneuvers using Ellipta(®), Evohaler(®), Respimat(®), and Genuair(®). Through-device inspiratory vital capacity (IVC(d)) and peak inspiratory flow (PIF(d)), as well as inhalation time (t(in)) and breath hold time (t(bh)), were recorded and all measurements were repeated in a random manner. Results: There was no difference in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV(1)) between patients (S-COPD: 39 ± 5 vs. AE-COPD: 32% ± 5% predicted, p > 0.05). In controls, the IVC(d) was significantly reduced by all four devices in comparison with the slight reduction seen in COPD patients. In all subjects, PIF was lowered when inhaling through the devices in order of decreasing magnitude in PIF(d): Evohaler, Respimat, Ellipta, and Genuair. The Bland-Altman analysis showed a highly variable coefficient of repeatability for IVC(d) and PIF(d) through the different inhalers for all COPD patients. Based on the intermeasurement differences in patients, Respimat and Genuair showed the highest repeatability for IVC(d), while Genuair and Ellipta performed superior with regard to PIF(d). Conclusions: Our study is the first to compare repeatability of inhalation performances through different inhalers in COPD patients, showing great individual differences for parameters influencing lung deposition of inhaled medication from a given device. Our data provide new insight into the characterization of inhaler use by patients with COPD, and might aid the selection of the most appropriate devices to ensure the adequate and consistent delivery of inhaled drugs

    Successful Tacrolimus Therapy Extended by Everolimus in Retroperitoneal Angiomyolipoma after Lung Transplantation: A Case Report

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    Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare disease that affects women, especially in child-bearing age. Clinical manifestations include angiomyolipoma, pneumothorax, chylothorax, cystic changes of lungs and progressive pulmonary failure. In this article, we report a case of lung transplantation (LuTX) for end stage pulmonary LAM and the treatment of angiomyolipoma showing growth after LuTX resulting in complete remission with combination therapy of everolimus and tacrolimus. Keywords Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, Everolimus, Angiomyolipoma, Lung Transplan

    Tonsillectomia versus tonsillotomia

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    Összefoglaló. Bevezetés és célkitűzés: A szerzők a posztoperatív fájdalom és a sebgyógyulás tekintetében prospektív vizsgálattal hasonlították össze gyermekeken (67 fő, 1-12 év) a hagyományos hidegeszközzel történő extracapsularis tonsillectomiát (23 fő) a microdebriderrel (23 fő) és a coblatorral (21 fő) végzett intracapsularis tonsillotomiával. Módszer: A vizsgálatok a betegek által kitöltött kérdőívek, valamint prospektív klinikai adatgyűjtés alapján történtek. Eredmények: Az intracapsularis tonsillotomia gyógyulási idejét 50%-kal rövidebbnek találtuk, és az első 13 napban szignifikánsan kevesebb fájdalommal és fájdalomcsillapító igénnyel járt, mint az extracapsularis tonsillectomia eseteiben. A tonsillotomiás csoporton belül egyedül a posztoperatív első napi fájdalom tekintetében észleltünk szignifikáns különbséget a két különböző módszer között a coblator javára (p<0,05). A vizsgálatokat retrospektív áttekintéssel is kiegészítettük, 4 évi gyermek- (1-15 éves) tonsillaműtéten átesett beteganyagunk (1487 fő) eredményeinek feldolgozásával. Tonsillectomia (1253 fő) után 7,7%-os utóvérzési arányt észleltünk, műtéti vérzéscsillapításra 1,3%-ban volt szükség. Tonsillotomia esetén (234 fő) 0,43%-os utóvérzési arányt regisztráltunk. Ebben a csoportban vérzés miatt nem, de 2 esetben ismételt obstrukciót okozó hypertrophia, 1 esetben góctünetek miatt reoperációt végeztünk (1,28%). Következtetés: Eredményeiket a szerzők a nemzetközi ajánlások tükrében elemezték. Az intracapsularis tonsillotomia kisebb fájdalommal, kisebb vérzéssel és kisebb megterheléssel jár. A közösségbe való aktív visszatérés akár egy hét után lehetséges a tonsillectomiára jellemző 3 héttel szemben, mindez jelentős szocioökonómiai előnyökkel járhat

    Modeling of nursing care-associated airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in a real-world hospital setting

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    Respiratory transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from one older patient to another by airborne mechanisms in hospital and nursing home settings represents an important health challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the factors that influence the concentration of respiratory droplets and aerosols that potentially contribute to hospital- and nursing care-associated transmission of SARS-CoV-2 are not well understood. To assess the effect of health care professional (HCP) and patient activity on size and concentration of airborne particles, an optical particle counter was placed (for 24 h) in the head position of an empty bed in the hospital room of a patient admitted from the nursing home with confirmed COVID-19. The type and duration of the activity, as well as the number of HCPs providing patient care, were recorded. Concentration changes associated with specific activities were determined, and airway deposition modeling was performed using these data. Thirty-one activities were recorded, and six representative ones were selected for deposition modeling, including patient’s activities (coughing, movements, etc.), diagnostic and therapeutic interventions (e.g., diagnostic tests and drug administration), as well as nursing patient care (e.g., bedding and hygiene). The increase in particle concentration of all sizes was sensitive to the type of activity. Increases in supermicron particle concentration were associated with the number of HCPs (r = 0.66; p < 0.05) and the duration of activity (r = 0.82; p < 0.05), while submicron particles increased with all activities, mainly during the daytime. Based on simulations, the number of particles deposited in unit time was the highest in the acinar region, while deposition density rate (number/cm(2)/min) was the highest in the upper airways. In conclusion, even short periods of HCP-patient interaction and minimal patient activity in a hospital room or nursing home bedroom may significantly increase the concentration of submicron particles mainly depositing in the acinar regions, while mainly nursing activities increase the concentration of supermicron particles depositing in larger airways of the adjacent bed patient. Our data emphasize the need for effective interventions to limit hospital- and nursing care-associated transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory pathogens (including viral pathogens, such as rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus and adenoviruses, and bacterial and fungal pathogens)

    Az antropocén narratívák korlátai

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    Simon ZB. Az antropocén narratívák korlátai. In: Balogh R, Bodovics É, Demeter G, Erdélyi M, Eszik V, Vadas A, eds. Táj, ember, tudás - zöldtörténelem: Bevezetés a környezettörténet irodalmába. Budapest: Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Történettudományi Intézet; 2021: 271-289