528 research outputs found

    Fast high-efficiency integrated waveguide photodetectors using novel hybrid vertical/butt coupling geometry

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    We report a novel coupling geometry for integrated waveguide photodetectors−a hybrid vertical coupling/butt coupling scheme that allows the integration of fast, efficient, photodetectors with conventional double heterostructure waveguides. It can be employed to yield a planar, or pseudo-planar, surface that supports further levels of integration. The approach is demonstrated with a 25-”m-long p-i-n detector integrated with an InP/InGaAsP/InP waveguide, which displays a high (~90%) efficiency and large (~15 GHz) bandwidth. This is the fastest high-efficiency integrated waveguide photodetector reported to date

    Mapping the 3-D Dark Matter potential with weak shear

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    We investigate the practical implementation of Taylor's (2002) 3-dimensional gravitational potential reconstruction method using weak gravitational lensing, together with the requisite reconstruction of the lensing potential. This methodology calculates the 3-D gravitational potential given a knowledge of shear estimates and redshifts for a set of galaxies. We analytically estimate the noise expected in the reconstructed gravitational field, taking into account the uncertainties associated with a finite survey, photometric redshift uncertainty, redshift-space distortions, and multiple scattering events. In order to implement this approach for future data analysis, we simulate the lensing distortion fields due to various mass distributions. We create catalogues of galaxies sampling this distortion in three dimensions, with realistic spatial distribution and intrinsic ellipticity for both ground-based and space-based surveys. Using the resulting catalogues of galaxy position and shear, we demonstrate that it is possible to reconstruct the lensing and gravitational potentials with our method. For example, we demonstrate that a typical ground-based shear survey with redshift limit z=1 and photometric redshifts with error Delta z=0.05 is directly able to measure the 3-D gravitational potential for mass concentrations >10^14 M_\odot between 0.1<z<0.5, and can statistically measure the potential at much lower mass limits. The intrinsic ellipticity of objects is found to be a serious source of noise for the gravitational potential, which can be overcome by Wiener filtering or examining the potential statistically over many fields. We examine the use of the 3-D lensing potential to measure mass and position of clusters in 3-D, and to detect clusters behind clusters.Comment: 21 pages, including 24 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Cosmic shear analysis of archival HST/ACS data: I. Comparison of early ACS pure parallel data to the HST/GEMS Survey

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    This is the first paper of a series describing our measurement of weak lensing by large-scale structure using archival observations from the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). In this work we present results from a pilot study testing the capabilities of the ACS for cosmic shear measurements with early parallel observations and presenting a re-analysis of HST/ACS data from the GEMS survey and the GOODS observations of the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS). We describe our new correction scheme for the time-dependent ACS PSF based on observations of stellar fields. This is currently the only technique which takes the full time variation of the PSF between individual ACS exposures into account. We estimate that our PSF correction scheme reduces the systematic contribution to the shear correlation functions due to PSF distortions to < 2*10^{-6} for galaxy fields containing at least 10 stars. We perform a number of diagnostic tests indicating that the remaining level of systematics is consistent with zero for the GEMS and GOODS data confirming the success of our PSF correction scheme. For the parallel data we detect a low level of remaining systematics which we interpret to be caused by a lack of sufficient dithering of the data. Combining the shear estimate of the GEMS and GOODS observations using 96 galaxies arcmin^{-2} with the photometric redshift catalogue of the GOODS-MUSIC sample, we determine a local single field estimate for the mass power spectrum normalisation sigma_{8,CDFS}=0.52^{+0.11}_{-0.15} (stat) +/- 0.07 (sys) (68% confidence assuming Gaussian cosmic variance) at fixed Omega_m=0.3 for a LambdaCDM cosmology. We interpret this exceptionally low estimate to be due to a local under-density of the foreground structures in the CDFS.Comment: Version accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics with 28 pages, 25 figures. A version with full resolution figures can be downloaded from http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~schrabba/papers/cosmic_shear_acs1_v2.pd

    The star formation rate history in the FORS Deep and GOODS South Fields

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    We measure the star formation rate (SFR) as a function of redshift z up to z \~4.5, based on B, I and (I+B) selected galaxy catalogues from the FORS Deep Field (FDF) and the K-selected catalogue from the GOODS-South field. Distances are computed from spectroscopically calibrated photometric redshifts accurate to (Delta_z / (z_spec+1)) ~0.03 for the FDF and ~0.056 for the GOODS-South field. The SFRs are derived from the luminosities at 1500 Angstroem. We find that the total SFR estimates derived from B, I and I+B catalogues agree very well (\lsim 0.1 dex) while the SFR from the K catalogue is lower by ~0.2 dex. We show that the latter is solely due to the lower star-forming activity of K-selected intermediate and low luminosity (L<L_*) galaxies. The SFR of bright (L>L_*) galaxies is independent of the selection band, i.e. the same for B, I, (I+B), and K-selected galaxy samples. At all redshifts, luminous galaxies (L>L_*) contribute only ~1/3 to the total SFR. There is no evidence for significant cosmic variance between the SFRs in the FDF and GOODs-South field, ~0.1 dex, consistent with theoretical expectations. The SFRs derived here are in excellent agreement with previous measurements provided we assume the same faint-end slope of the luminosity function as previous works (alpha ~ -1.6). However, our deep FDF data indicate a shallower slope of alpha=-1.07, implying a SFR lower by ~0.3 dex. We find the SFR to be roughly constant up to z ~4 and then to decline slowly beyond, if dust extinctions are assumed to be constant with redshift.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Cosmic Shear from STIS Pure Parallels: Analysis

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    The measurement of cosmic shear requires deep imaging with high image quality on many lines of sight to sample the statistics of large-scale structure. The expected distortion of galaxy images by cosmic shear on the STIS angular scale is a few percent, therefore the PSF anisotropy has to be understood and controlled to an accuracy better than 1%. In this poster we present the analysis of the PSF of STIS and a preliminary cosmic shear measurement using archival data from the STIS pure parallel program to show that the STIS camera on-board HST is well suited for our project. The data reduction and catalog production are described in an accompanying paper (astro-ph/0102330).Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the STScI 2001 spring symposium "The Dark Universe: Matter, Energy and Gravity" Baltimore April 2-5 2001, acknowledgements adde

    A weak lensing analysis of a STIS dark-lens candidate

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    We perform a weak lensing analysis on a previously reported dark-lens candidate on STIS Parallel data (Miralles et al. 2002). New VLT-data indicate that the reported signal originates from a small number of galaxies tangentially aligned towards the center of the STIS field but no signature for an extended mass distribution is found. We argue that we should be able to detect a massive cluster (M≄3.2×1014M⊙M\geq 3.2\times 10^{14}M_{\odot}) through its lensing signal up to a redshift of z≈0.6z\approx 0.6 with our data. Also the double image hypothesis of two galaxies with very similar morphologies in the STIS data is ruled out with colour information.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to A&A main journa

    KiDS-i-800: Comparing weak gravitational lensing measurements in same-sky surveys

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    We present a weak gravitational lensing analysis of 815 square degree of ii-band imaging from the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS-ii-800). In contrast to the deep rr-band observations, which take priority during excellent seeing conditions and form the primary KiDS dataset (KiDS-rr-450), the complementary yet shallower KiDS-ii-800 spans a wide range of observing conditions. The overlapping KiDS-ii-800 and KiDS-rr-450 imaging therefore provides a unique opportunity to assess the robustness of weak lensing measurements. In our analysis, we introduce two new `null' tests. The `nulled' two-point shear correlation function uses a matched catalogue to show that the calibrated KiDS-ii-800 and KiDS-rr-450 shear measurements agree at the level of 1±41 \pm 4\%. We use five galaxy lens samples to determine a `nulled' galaxy-galaxy lensing signal from the full KiDS-ii-800 and KiDS-rr-450 surveys and find that the measurements agree to 7±57 \pm 5\% when the KiDS-ii-800 source redshift distribution is calibrated using either spectroscopic redshifts, or the 30-band photometric redshifts from the COSMOS survey.Comment: 24 pages, 20 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcom

    A conspicuous tangential alignment of galaxies in a STIS Parallel Shear Survey field: A new dark-lens candidate ?

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    We report the serendipituous discovery of a conspicuous alignment of galaxies in a field obtained through the STIS Parallel Shear Survey. This project collects randomly distributed 50'' x 50'' fields to investigate the cosmic shear effect on this scale. Analyzing the parallel observations having the Seyfert galaxy NGC625 as primary target, we recognized over the whole field of view a strong apparent tangential alignment of galaxy ellipticities towards the image center. The field shows several arclet-like features typical for images of massive galaxy clusters, but no obvious over-density of bright foreground galaxies. We also find a multiple image candidate. On the basis of the possible strong and weak lensing effect within the data, we discuss whether this could be compatible with a massive halo with no clear optical counterpart.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, submitted to A&
