75 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTThe position of children from a siri marriage before the law is very weak. Because without statutory registration, the child born from the marriage cannot be legally proven to be the legal child of the father. However, after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 46 / PUU-VIII / 2010 so that the child outside of marriage or the child from a unmarried marriage also has a civil relationship with his biological father if it can be proven based on scientific technology and / or other evidence according to law. Meanwhile, the position of a child from a siri marriage according to Islamic law is considered valid in Islamic law and is entitled to recognition from the father and his father's family and to receive rights as a child, including inheritance rights from his parents.Keywords: Children status, Inheritance Rights, Siri Marriage, Islamic Law.ABSTRAKKedudukan anak dari perkawinan siri di depan hukum sangat lemah. Karena tanpa adanya pencatatan secara hukum Negara maka anak yang lahir dari perkawinan tersebut tidak dapat dibuktikan secara hukum merupakan anak sah dari ayahnya. Namun, setelah adanya Putusan MK Nomor 46/PUU-VIII/2010 sehingga anak luar kawin atau anak dari perkawinan siri tersebut juga mempunyai hubungan perdata dengan ayah biologisnya apabila dapat dibuktikan berdasarkan ilmu pengetahuan teknologi dan/atau alat bukti lain menurut hukum. Sedangkan kedudukan anak dari perkawinan siri menurut hukum Islam yaitu dianggap sah dalam hukum Islam dan berhak mendapat pengakuan dari ayah dan keluarga ayahnya serta mendapat hak sebagai anak termasuk hak waris dari orang tuanya.Kata Kunci: Kedudukan Anak, Hak Waris, Perkawinan Siri, Hukum Islam

    Bilingual education teachers and learners in a preschool context: Instructional and interactional translanguaging spaces

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    This study explores how bilingual education teachers' flexible delivery of instructional translanguaging within a bilingual preschool in the predominately monolingual context of Turkey could provide children with a space for bilingual interaction. The research aim is to analyse the children's use of translanguaging in relation to translanguaging pedagogy of the teachers. These flexible practices involved two levels of translanguaging. One was teachers' design of the teaching materials, assigning either Turkish or English to each task as the instructional and interactional languages. The other was the facilitation of children's unenforced flexibility to alternate and shuttle between Turkish and English. Six co-teachers were interviewed online about their bilingual teaching experiences and their journals containing children's translanguaging utterances were obtained. Implications for teachers, teacher educators, and policy makers in bilingual education contexts are discussed.publishedVersio


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    Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang menghasilkan lulusan yang memenuhi kompetensi kerja pada pembelajarannya membutuhkan tingkat pemahaman peserta didik secara konseptual maupun praktik. Khususnya pada integrasi materi cara kerja rangkaian elektronika daya pada mata pelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika. Dengan adanya pengembangan bahan ajar, berupa lembar kerja siswa (LKS) berbasis model pembelajaran project based learning saat ini dianggap sebagai salah satu upaya yang mampu memaksimalkan pemahaman peserta didik dalam memahami materi pembelajaran dan pengerjaan proyek. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan lembar kerja siswa (LKS) sebagai pedoman belajar pada saat kondisi pandemi dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman peserta didik dalam pengerjaan proyek. Proses desain LKS dilakukan melalui metode tahapan ADDIE yaitu tahapan analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi dan evaluasi. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuesioner/angket kepada populasi siswa kelas X sebanyak 73 peserta didik SMK Karya Bhakti Pusdikpal dan dengan jumlah sampel penelitian 33 peserta didik melalui metoda purposive sampling. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh deskripsi bahwa dari penilaian dosen, guru dan siswa sebagai pengguna untuk LKS berbasis Project Based Learning, pada aspek isi, aspek tampilan dan aspek pembelajaran, secara keseluruhan menunjukan bahwa pengembangan LKS Berbasis Project Based Learning telah memenuhi harapan dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan peserta didik dalam pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran khususnya pada materi mata pelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika. Vocational High Schools as educational institutions that produce graduates who meet work competencies in their learning require a level of understanding of students conceptually and practically. Especially on the material integration of how the power electronics circuit works in the Basic Electrical and Electronics subject. With the development of teaching materials, in the form of student worksheets based on project-based learning models, it is currently considered as an effort that is able increase students' understanding a learning materials and project work. This research aim to to develop student worksheets as learning guidelines during a pandemic conditions and are expected to increase students' analytical skills in project work. The student worksheets design process is carried out through the ADDIE stages method, the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The data collection technique was collected by distributing questionnaires to the class X population of 73 students of SMK Karya Bhakti Pusdikpal with a total sample of 33 students using purposive sampling method. Based on the results of data analysis that the assessment from lectures, teacher, and students as users for student worksheets based on project-based learning models, in terms of the content aspects, display aspects and learning aspects, overall it shows that the development of student worksheets based on project-based learning models has achieved expectations and is in accordance with the needs of students, especially in Basic Electrical and Electronics subjects

    A Critical Edition of the Risāla Ḥablullah al-Metîn fī Akīde eš- Šayḫ al-Ekber Muḥyī l-Dīn by Ḥusayn b. Ṭuʿma al- Beytumānî

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    İbnü’l-Arabî’nin sıkı takipçisi olan ve döneminin önde gelen sufilerinden kabul edilen Abdülganî b. İsmâîl en-Nâblusî’nin öğrencisi tarafından kaleme alınan “Risâle Hablullahi’l-Metîn fî Ak?detiş-Şeyhi’l-EkberMuhyiddîn” adlı bu risale 18. yy da İbnü’l-Arabî’nin görüşleri etrafındatoplanmış Şam’daki önemli bir sufî hareketin konumunu gözler önünesermektedir. Risalenin baş tarafından anladığımız kadarıyla Şam’daİbnü’l-Arabî’nin itikadi görüşlerini okutmak amacıyla Nâblusî’nin özelbir ders halkasının olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Bu ders halkasında İbnü’lArabî’nin itikadi görüşlerinin okutulup daha sonra şeriate uygun olduğunun tekid edilmeye ve delillendirilmeye çalışıldığı anlaşılmaktadır.Bu bize o dönemde Şam’da olan tasavvufi ortamın en önemli özelliğinigöstermektedir ki o tarikatle şeriatın bir götürülmesi veya diğer bir ifade ile aralarının bulunmasıdır. Bu nedenle Şam Tasavvuf çevresindediğer tasavvufi mecralarda ortaya çıkan ayinler/uygulamalar gözükmemektedir. Yazarın dönemindeki bazı sufilerin Allah’a ulaşmak amacıyla şer’î emirlere muhalif bazı tasarruflarını eleştirmesi de bunu destekler mahiyettedir. Bu hassasiyetinden dolayı -şer’î naslara bağlılığı veverdiği önemin ortaya çıkması amacıyla- fikri sorulduğunda ayet vehadislerle delillendirmeye özen gösterdiğini görüyoruz. Şam’da önemlitarikat şeyhlerinden birisi olan müellif -risalenin başında da beyan ettiği üzere- yanlış algıları düzeltmek, müridlerine tasavvuf eğitimine başlamadan sahih itikadi bilgileri öğretmek ve sufilerin sahih inanç sistemini müdellel olarak ifade etmek amacıyla bu risaleyi kaleme almıştır.Buradan anlıyoruz ki o avamın ve havassın inancını ayırmakta müridlerine İbnü’l-Arabî’nin ulaştığı havas seviyesine ulaşmalarını nasihat etmektedir. Müellif müridlerin gönüllerine sahih inanç esaslarının yerleşmesi amacıyla salihlerin sohbetine önem göstermelerini tavsiye etmekte ve onların sorunlu gördüğü hal, davranış ve söylemleri karşısında doğruyu açıklamaktadır. Müellif risalenin sonunda -sahih akaidiuyguladıktan sonra- müride gereken salih amellerden ayet ve hadislerle müdellel bir şekilde bahsederek risalesine son vermektedir.Abd al-Ghan? ibn Ism???l al-N?blus? who is a strict follower of Ibn al-Arab?, is accepted as one of the leading sufis of his time. The treatise “Ris?la ?ablullah al-Metîn f? Ak?de eš- Šay? al-Ekber Mu?y? l-D?n” - which was written by one of his students- shows the position of a significant sufi movement in Damascus gathered around the views of Ibn alArab? in the 18th century. It is understood from the beginning of the risalah that Nâblusî had a special lecture circle in Damascus in order to teach theological views of Ibn al-Arab?. In this circle, Ibn al-Arab?’s views were read and tried to be proved as they are appropriate to Sharia’h. This shows us the most important feature of sufi environment in Damascus at that time; that al-tariqah and al-sharia’h were taken together, in other words they were compromised. For this reason, in Sufi environments of Damascus we cannot witness rituals / practices which appeared in other sufi movements. The fact that the author criticizes behaviours of some sufis of his time -which they exhibited with the aim of reaching Allah although they contradict to Sharia’h- also confirms this situation. Due to this sensitivity, when he was asked about his opinion, he was attentive to evidence it with the verses of Quran and narrations of Prophet (pbuh), to present his loyalty to Islamic legal texts. The author who was one of the significant sheikhs of Damascus, wrote the aforementioned manuscript-as he also stated at the beginning- in order to correct misperceptions, to teach his disciples authentic knowledge about faith before they take sufi training and to express the true belief sytem of sufis in the light of evidences. We understand that he recommends his disciples to reach the khawas rank which Ibn alArab? reached, to be able to divide the faith of awam (commons) and khawas (exclusives). The author emphasizes the importance of conversation with righteous believers in order to settle true principles of faith in the hearts of disciples and explain the truth in the face of their troublesome situations and discourses. After applying the true faith, the author concludes his treatise by mentioning righteous deeds which a sufi disciple needs, by documenting them with the verses and ahadith

    Inequalities in the use of secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease by socioeconomic status: evidence from the PURE observational study.

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    BACKGROUND: There is little evidence on the use of secondary prevention medicines for cardiovascular disease by socioeconomic groups in countries at different levels of economic development. METHODS: We assessed use of antiplatelet, cholesterol, and blood-pressure-lowering drugs in 8492 individuals with self-reported cardiovascular disease from 21 countries enrolled in the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study. Defining one or more drugs as a minimal level of secondary prevention, wealth-related inequality was measured using the Wagstaff concentration index, scaled from -1 (pro-poor) to 1 (pro-rich), standardised by age and sex. Correlations between inequalities and national health-related indicators were estimated. FINDINGS: The proportion of patients with cardiovascular disease on three medications ranged from 0% in South Africa (95% CI 0-1·7), Tanzania (0-3·6), and Zimbabwe (0-5·1), to 49·3% in Canada (44·4-54·3). Proportions receiving at least one drug varied from 2·0% (95% CI 0·5-6·9) in Tanzania to 91·4% (86·6-94·6) in Sweden. There was significant (p<0·05) pro-rich inequality in Saudi Arabia, China, Colombia, India, Pakistan, and Zimbabwe. Pro-poor distributions were observed in Sweden, Brazil, Chile, Poland, and the occupied Palestinian territory. The strongest predictors of inequality were public expenditure on health and overall use of secondary prevention medicines. INTERPRETATION: Use of medication for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease is alarmingly low. In many countries with the lowest use, pro-rich inequality is greatest. Policies associated with an equal or pro-poor distribution include free medications and community health programmes to support adherence to medications. FUNDING: Full funding sources listed at the end of the paper (see Acknowledgments)

    Inequalities in the use of secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease by socioeconomic status: evidence from the PURE observational study

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    Background: There is little evidence on the use of secondary prevention medicines for cardiovascular disease by socioeconomic groups in countries at different levels of economic development. Methods: We assessed use of antiplatelet, cholesterol, and blood-pressure-lowering drugs in 8492 individuals with self-reported cardiovascular disease from 21 countries enrolled in the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study. Defining one or more drugs as a minimal level of secondary prevention, wealth-related inequality was measured using the Wagstaff concentration index, scaled from −1 (pro-poor) to 1 (pro-rich), standardised by age and sex. Correlations between inequalities and national health-related indicators were estimated. Findings: The proportion of patients with cardiovascular disease on three medications ranged from 0% in South Africa (95% CI 0–1·7), Tanzania (0–3·6), and Zimbabwe (0–5·1), to 49·3% in Canada (44·4–54·3). Proportions receiving at least one drug varied from 2·0% (95% CI 0·5–6·9) in Tanzania to 91·4% (86·6–94·6) in Sweden. There was significant (p<0·05) pro-rich inequality in Saudi Arabia, China, Colombia, India, Pakistan, and Zimbabwe. Pro-poor distributions were observed in Sweden, Brazil, Chile, Poland, and the occupied Palestinian territory. The strongest predictors of inequality were public expenditure on health and overall use of secondary prevention medicines. Interpretation: Use of medication for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease is alarmingly low. In many countries with the lowest use, pro-rich inequality is greatest. Policies associated with an equal or pro-poor distribution include free medications and community health programmes to support adherence to medications. Funding: Full funding sources listed at the end of the paper (see Acknowledgments)

    Retinal guanilat siklaz aktivitesi üzerine atp, amp-pnp ve all-trans retinal etkisinin incelenmesi

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    TEZ6397Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2007.Kaynakça (s.51-55) var.x, 56 s. : res. ; 29 cm.Retinal guanylate cyclases, retGC-1 and retGC-2, are a subclass of the membrane dependent guanylate cyclase family. Synthesize cGMP, the intracelular second messenger of phototransduction, they play a crucial role in photoreceptor physiology. In recent work, it is intended to investigate the effect of adenine nucleotides and all-trans retinal on the retinal guanylate cyclase activity. Crosslinking experiments indicate, protein phosphorylation might be essential for physiological activity of cyclases.Retinal guanilat siklazlar, retGC-1 ve retGC-2, membrana bağlı guanilat siklaz ailesinin bir alt kolunu oluştururlar. Fototransdüksiyonunun intraselüler mesajcısı olan cGMP'yi sentezledikleri için fotoreseptör fizyolojisinde önemli rol oynarlar. Bu çalışmada, adenin nükleotidlerinin retinal guanilat siklazların fizyolojisine etkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çapraz bağlama çalışmaları protein fosforilasyonunun siklazın fizyolojik aktivitesinin ortaya çıkmasında önemli rol oynadığını göstermiştir