269 research outputs found

    Liikunnan muutokset ja painon kehitys nuorilla

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    Tutkimuksissa selvitettiin liikuntatapojen ja niiden muutosten vaikutusta painon kehittymiseen ja kehon koostumukseen nuorilla. Liikunnan ja lihavuuden väliseen kausaalisuussuhteeseen kiinnitettiin huomiota. Tutkimuksen aineistona käytettiin Kaksosten Kehitys ja Terveys tutkimuksen kaksoskohorttiaineistoa. Läpi nuoruutensa aktiivisesti liikkuneita, liikunnan lopettaneita ja täysin liikuntaa harrastamattomia nuoria vertailtiin painoindeksin suhteen 12-, 14-, 17,5- ja 22-vuotiaana ja vyötärönympäryksen suhteen 22-vuotiaana. Nuoruuden liikuntatottumukset eivät ennustaneet merkitsevästi painoindeksiä 22-vuotiaana. Sen sijaan liikunnan lopettaneilla ja täysin liikuntaa harrastamattomilla nuorilla vyötärönympärys 22-vuotiaana oli suurempi, kuin aktiiviliikkujilla, eli liikuntatottumukset vaikuttivat kehon koostumukseen. Pojilla muutos painossa tapahtui ennen muutosta liikunnassa – lihominen näytti johtavan liikkumattomuuteen

    High Quality of Service on Video Streaming in P2P Networks using FST-MDC

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    Video streaming applications have newly attracted a large number of participants in a distribution network. Traditional client-server based video streaming solutions sustain precious bandwidth provision rate on the server. Recently, several P2P streaming systems have been organized to provide on-demand and live video streaming services on the wireless network at reduced server cost. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing is a new pattern to construct disseminated network applications. Typical error control techniques are not very well matched and on the other hand error prone channels has increased greatly for video transmission e.g., over wireless networks and IP. These two facts united together provided the essential motivation for the development of a new set of techniques (error concealment) capable of dealing with transmission errors in video systems. In this paper, we propose an flexible multiple description coding method named as Flexible Spatial-Temporal (FST) which improves error resilience in the sense of frame loss possibilities over independent paths. It introduces combination of both spatial and temporal concealment technique at the receiver and to conceal the lost frames more effectively. Experimental results show that, proposed approach attains reasonable quality of video performance over P2P wireless network.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, journa

    Visual match of emails or landing pages to detect phishing

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    In a phishing attack, a perpetrator attempts to obtain the online credentials of a user by impersonating a trusted entity such as a bank, email service provider, etc. Sophisticated phishers attempt to deceive spam filters by structuring the visual look-and-feel of their fake emails to be nearly but not precisely identical to emails sent by a trusted entity, such that the spam filter allows the fake email to reach a user’s inbox. This disclosure applies machine-learning based techniques to assess the visual similarity of genuine and phished emails (or landing pages) for a given brand. The techniques detect visual near-duplicates of a trusted entity’s email and thereby achieve resilience against adversarial attacks. The need for use of hand-crafted features to achieve visual-similarity match is eliminated, enabling accurate detection of new genres of phishing email as they surface

    Handcrafting visual features of emails or landing pages to detect phishing

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    In a phishing attack, a perpetrator attempts to obtain the online credentials of a user by impersonating a trusted entity such as a bank, email service provider, etc. Sophisticated phishers attempt to deceive spam filters by structuring the visual look-and-feel of their fake emails to be nearly but not precisely identical to emails sent by a trusted entity, such that spam filters allow the fake email to reach a user’s inbox. This disclosure describes use of hand-crafted visual features of emails or landing pages, and classification based on earth-mover’s distance, to assess the visual similarity of genuine and phished emails. The techniques detect visual near-duplicates of a trusted entity’s email and thereby achieve resilience against phishing attacks


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    Program Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) dilaksanakan guna memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa UNY untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam bidang pendidikan maupun sebagai upaya persiapan untuk terjun ke dalam kehidupan masyarakat. PPL ini dilaksanakan dari bulan Agustus - September 2015. Kegiatan PPL dimaksudkan untuk memberikan pengalaman mengajar, memperluas wawasan, pelatihan dan pengembangan keterampilan, kemandirian, tanggung jawab, dan kemampuan dalam mengembangkan keprofesionalan dalam bidang keguruan atau pendidikan, memahami seluk-beluk sekolah dengan segala permasalahannya, serta memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk menerapkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan nilai sikap yang telah dimiliki dalam proses pembelajaran. PPL dilaksanakan di SD Panggang, Sedayu, Bantul dimulai tanggal 10 Agustus sampai 12 September 2015. Kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam PPL ini adalah mengajar di kelas. Program kerja PPL diawali dengan kegiatan observasi baik fisik maupun nonfisik yang meliputi perangkat pembelajaran, pelaksanaan Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM) dan kondisi lembaga. Praktikan menyusun perangkat pembelajaran berupa Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), media pembelajaran, beserta kelengkapan pembelajaran lain. Berdasarkan observasi, dilakukan penyusunan perangkat persiapan pembelajaran, praktik mengajar terbimbing, menyusun dan mengembangkan alat evaluasi, menerapkan inovasi pembelajaran, mempelajari administrasi guru, pengembangan media, dan kegiatan lain yang menunjang kompetensi mengajar. Berdasarkan pelaksanaan PPL di SD Panggang, Sedayu, Bantul, mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan kompetensi mengajarnya sebagai calon pendidik atau tenaga kependidikan. Selain itu, memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk belajar dan mengenal segala permasalahan di sekolah yang terkait dengan proses pembelajaran maupun administrasi sekolah, memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk menerapkan ilmu, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan nilai sikap yang telah dipelajari dalam kehidupan nyata di sekolah, serta dapat meningkatkan hubungan kemitraan yang baik antara UNY dengan sekolah terkait, yaitu SD Panggang, Sedayu, Bantu

    Sisävesi- ja rannikkorakenteiden jääkuormat

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    Rintakipupotilaan erikoinen EKG : vinkistä vihiä + ratkaisu

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    SUSTAINABLE ENERGY CHALLENGES OF INDIA : Essays of the study course "Future Sustainable Energy Challenges"

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    Of recent, energy education is acquiring importance in Indian higher education system. As a signatory to many international protocols on reducing carbon emissions, India is obligated to persue alternative sources of energy and awareness building among the masses to meet its global commitments. Once such initiative was undertaken in Solapur University, Maharashtra state, Western India, to introduce a course on “Future Sustainable Energy Challenges”, in collaboration with Finland Futures Research Centre (Turku School of Economics in University of Turku, Finland) under the financial assistance from the Finnish National Agency of Education. The present book is a collection of essays developed by Master students as project work of their course in Energy Education. There are three essays presented in this book which provide glimpses on Renewable Energy Sources and their potential to meet energy needs of India in a sustainable manner. All the three essays are set in ‘Futures studies perspective‘ and have discussed at length the challenges and limitations through specific case studies on wind, solar, biofuel energy, in the context of India’s energy sector

    Topic modeling for frame analysis : A study of media debates on climate change in India and USA

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    We argue that 'topics' of topic models can be used as a useful proxy for frames if (1) frames are operationalized as connections between concepts; (2) theme-specific data are used; and (3) topics are validated in terms of frame analysis. Demonstrating this, we analyse 12 climate change frames used by NGOs, governments and experts in Indian and US media, gathered by topic modeling. We contribute methodologically to topic modeling in the social sciences and frame analysis of public debates, and empirically to research on climate change media debates.Peer reviewe