369 research outputs found

    Contested spaces. Ethnic visibility in the city of Oradea

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    Past and present of large housing estates in Visegrad countries and Armenia

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    In all Visegrad countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia), as well as in Armenia, a large proportion of the housing stock consists of blocks of fl ats erected during the Communist era. Those quarters have become an identical part of the cityscape inducing intense scientifi c discussion in the fi eld of social sciences including human geography addressing such topics as architectural and spatial planning of housing estates, the analysis of society sett led in those blocks of fl ats or even the psychological eff ects of the uniform environment on individuals. Following the systemic transformation the possible rehabilitation of the gradually deteriorating housing stock and environment meant a further challenge. Although examples from the West European countries provide signifi cant help and information regarding housing estate rehabilitation, nevertheless due to the diff erent scale of the problem, the altering history and the embeddedness of the topic, discussion on regional level is not only promising but necessary at the same time. This paper focuses on the important questions of large housing estates (LHEs) with special att ention to the Visegrad countries and Armenia

    Landscape in transition in the shadow of 2022 Russia’s invasion in Ukraine – notes from Hungary

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    This research note focuses on two phenomena: the transformations in the landscape in Hungary as an effect of Russia’s invasion in Ukraine and the welcome/help centers that were established to channel mobility and provide a temporary safe space. I suggest that liminality (which serves as a main explanatory category) is characteristic of both. It is stated that in this context that the bodies of refugees are reminders of the existence of the (state) border, which gets reaffirmed by the process of welcoming and hosting and is also reflected in the visual reminders in the landscape. I also divide the management of the refugee crisis into three phases: spontaneous action, institutionalization, and sanitization. With the phase of sanitization (removing the physically existing “indicators” of the war, including refugees, volunteers, signs, and queues) the reality and severity of the war can be concealed, and the “normality” can be reinstated. Research is based on field observations and interviews taken in March 2022 in Budapest, Kisvárda, Vásárosnamény, Barabás, and Beregsurány in Hungary

    Needle in a haystack: about the LEADER programme in Hungary

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    The special branch of analytical chemistry, spectroscopy is dealing with phenomena (emission, fluorescence, absorption, reflexion) accompanying the interaction between material and electromagnetic radiation. Spectroscopy is suitable for the determination of the structure and composition of materials. In the present comprehensive paper the application of molecular absorption spectra recorded in the ultraviolet (UV) and visible (VIS) spectral range for the quantitative analysis of inorganic ions is surveyed. The study has been prepared in tabulated form on the basis of books listed in [1-7]. The books and spectrum atlas presented in Ref. [7] and [8] are of use in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic compounds. Several fundamental books of UV -VIS spectroscopy (spectrophotometry) can be found in references entitled books [1-25]. In references under heading "Atlas of Spectral Data" [1-12] the important catalogues are presented

    "Kulturell sind wir Ungarn, in der Mentalität Serben" – ungarische Migranten aus der Vojvodina und die Jugopartys

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    Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit einer Veranstaltung der ungarischen Migranten aus der Vojvodina, den Jugopartys; auf Basis der Erzählungen von Organisatoren und teilnehmenden werden die auch in der Fachliteratur diskutierten Zusammenhänge von Migration, Musik und Identität erklärt. Die Musik, welche die Migranten mit dem Herkunftsland verbindet, kann die mit der Migration erfahrenen Verluste reduzieren, die zurückgelassene Jugend und Welt aufleben lassen, und gleichzeitig Identität stiften. Die Jugopartys lassen die musikalische und kulturelle Welt des ehemaligen Jugoslawiens aufleben, deshalb gehen wir der Frage nach, ob diese Veranstaltung sowie die Erzählungen um sie herum im Rahmen der sogenannten Jugonostalgie als politisches und kulturelles Phänomen interpretiert werden können. Die Party wird von Vojvodina-Ungarn organisiert, ursprünglich konzipiert als Treffpunkt und Vergnügungsmöglichkeit für ungarische Migranten aus der Vojvodina. Musik und Tanz, die Stimmung und das Essen lassen die kulturelle Welt des Balkans aufleben. Die Jugoparty schafft zumindest für einen Teil der Vojvodina-Ungarn einen Raum, in dem sie die „südliche“ oder balkanische Seite ihrer Identität ausleben und zeigen können, und der gleichzeitig die Möglichkeit bietet, sich von den Ungarn in Ungarn zu unterscheiden. Die Jugoparty kann daher auch als symbolische Grenzziehung verstanden werden


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    Emlékhely-transzformáció: a pátosz és a mindennapiság ciklikus dichotómiája a Corvin közben

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    Heat potential evaluation of effluent and used thermal waters in Budapest, Hungary

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    Europe’s largest thermal water system can be found in the capital of Hungary. The springs and wells that supply the famous baths of Budapest discharge mainly from a regional Triassic carbonate rock aquifer system. The springs have mostly been substituted by wells; only a few natural springs are known today, most of which are drained unused into the Danube. In this study, first the heat potential of these unutilized spring waters in the three natural discharge areas was assessed. Secondly, the heat potential of used thermal waters of three baths was calculated. At the springs discharge and temperature measurements were carried out. In the case of the baths, water management data were evaluated. At the Boltív Spring at the foot of Rózsadomb, the heat potential calculation shows that cooling the spring water to 5 °C would provide 6 MWth thermal capacity, providing a stable energy source for heat pumps. From the overflowing water of the springs of Rudas Bath at the foot of Gellért Hill, a total of 107 kWth heat could be utilized when cooling it to 5 °C, possibly by heat pump system. However, the heat potential of the Bründl Spring is not sufficient for geothermal utilization, mainly due to lack of end users in the vicinity of the spring. Together with the wastewater of the thermal baths, the effluent springs and wastewaters of pools carry a total of 25 MWth waste heat, which is a considerable amount compared to the needs of a public institution. The importance of this study is in the assessment of such potential heat sources (unused lukewarm and thermal springs, wastewater of spa pools) which are present either naturally or artificially, and do not require further thermal water production for heating purposes