75 research outputs found

    Putusan Pengadilan Agama Sidoarjo No. 223/Pdt.G/2005/PA.Sda. tentang bagian waris anak angkat dalam perspektif hukum Islam

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    Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan, bagaimana tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap putusan Pengadilan Agama Sidoarjo No. 223/Pdt.G/2005/PA.Sda. tentang bagian waris anak angkat? Pada penelitian ini mengguanakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pola pikir deduktif. Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa Pengadilan Agama Sidoarjo memutuskan memberi anak angkat bagian dari harta warisan almarhum bapak angkatnya dengan perolehan masing-masing 4/15 bagian bagi tiap-tiap harta peninggalan dengan pertimbangan karena hibah wasiat tersebut tidak dapat dibuktikan sedangkan ia juga tidak mendapatkan wasiat, maka ia diberi hak wasiat wajibah melalui kompilasi Hukum Islam. Sedangkan tinjaun hukum Islam terhadap putusan Hakim Pengadilan Agama Sidoarjo yang memberikan bagian waris anak angkat melalui wasiat wajibah dengan perolehan 1/3 bagian adalah sudah sesuai dengan hukum Islam

    Kebijakan Sekolah Peduli dan Berbudaya Lingkungan di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kandangan III Surabaya

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    Dari beberapa pengalaman dan studi yang membuktikan bahwa kebutuhan masyarakat yang kian meningkat, berdampak pada terwujudnya perilaku masyarakat yang eksploitatif terhadap sumber daya alam (SDA) yang ada Kecenderungan tersebut tentu saja berakibat pada menurunnya tingkat kuantitas maupun kualitas SDA di Indonesia secara cepat. Oleh karenanya kualitas manusia menjadi isu sentral dan mempunyai peran yang penting dalam upaya penyelamatan SDA. Dengan pengetahuan tentang lingkungan hidup yang lebih baik, diharapkan semua lapisan masyarakat sadar untuk turut melaksanakan upaya penyelamatan dan pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Menyikapi masalah tersebut dan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman mengenai wawasan lingkungan hidup kepada peserta didik dan masyarakat maka diterapkan program Sekolah Peduli dan Berbudaya Lingkungan. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif untuk menjawab pertanyaaan: bagaimana penerapan kebijakan sekolah peduli dan berbudaya lingkungan di SON Kandangan III Surabaya dan apa faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat dalam penerapan kebijakan sekolah peduli dan berbudaya lingkungan di SON Kandangan III Surabaya? Data penelitian diperoleh melalui metode pengumpulan data (interview, observasi dan dokumentasi) serta menentukan instrument yang sesuai dengan permasalahan yang akan diteliti dan selanjutnya di analisa sesuai dengan teknik analisa data antara lain; reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi data. Setelah analisis data tersebut terbukti bahwa penerapan kebijakan sekolah peduli dan berbudaya lingkungan di SON Kandangan III Surabaya dapat tercapai dengan melaksanakan prinsip dasar program sekolah peduli dan berbudaya Iingkungan yang partisipatif dan berkelanjutan sesuai dengan empat pilar indikator dan kriteria program sekolah peduli dan berbudaya lingkungan dengan mengembangkan kegiatan berdasarkan norma-norma dasar sekolah peduli dan berbudaya lingkungan. Faktor-faktor yang menjadi faktor pendukung dalam penerapan kebijakan sekolah peduli dan berbudaya lingkungan: guru, siswa, wali murid dan warga sekitar SON Kandangan III Surabaya. Sedangkan yang menjadi faktor penghambat dalam penerapan kebijakan sekolah peduli dan berbudaya lingkungan: uang dan pedagang kaki lima (PKL)

    Airborne investigation of black carbon interaction with low-level, persistent, mixed-phase clouds in the Arctic summer

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    Aerosol–cloud interaction is considered one of the largest sources of uncertainty in radiative forcing estimations. To better understand the role of black carbon (BC) aerosol as a cloud nucleus and the impact of clouds on its vertical distribution in the Arctic, we report airborne in situ measurements of BC particles in the European Arctic near Svalbard during the “Arctic CLoud Observations Using airborne measurements during polar Day” (ACLOUD) campaign held in the summer of 2017. BC was measured with a single-particle soot photometer aboard the Polar 6 research aircraft from the lowest atmospheric layer up to approximately 3500 m a.s.l (metres above sea level). During in-cloud flight transects, BC particles contained in liquid droplets (BC residuals) were sampled through a counterflow virtual impactor (CVI) inlet. Four flights, conducted in the presence of low-level, surface-coupled, inside-inversion, and mixed-phase clouds over sea ice, were selected to address the variability in BC above, below, and within the cloud layer. First, the increase in size and coating thickness of BC particles from the free troposphere to the cloud-dominated boundary layer confirmed that ground observations were not representative of upper atmospheric layers. Second, although only 1 % of liquid droplets contained a BC particle, the higher number concentration of BC residuals than BC particles sampled below cloud indicated that the totality of below-cloud BC was activated by nucleation scavenging but also that alternative scavenging processes such as the activation of free-tropospheric BC at the cloud top might occur. Third, the efficient exchange of aerosol particles at cloud bottom was confirmed by the similarity of the size distribution of BC residuals and BC particles sampled below cloud. Last, the increase in the BC residual number concentration (+31 %) and geometric mean diameter (+38 %) from the cloud top to the cloud bottom and the absolute enrichment in larger BC residuals compared with outside of the cloud supported the hypothesis of concomitant scavenging mechanisms but also suggested the formation of BC agglomerates caused by cloud processing. The vertical evolution of BC properties from inside the cloud and below the cloud indicated an efficient aerosol exchange at cloud bottom, which might include activation, cloud processing, and sub-cloud release of processed BC agglomerates. In the case of persistent low-level Arctic clouds, this cycle may reiterate multiple times, adding an additional degree of complexity to the understanding of cloud processing of BC particles in the Arctic

    Does the Intra-Arctic Modification of Long-Range Transported Aerosol Affect the Local Radiative Budget? (A Case Study)

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    The impact of aerosol spatio-temporal variability on the Arctic radiative budget is not fully constrained. This case study focuses on the intra-Arctic modification of long-range transported aerosol and its direct aerosol radiative effect (ARE). Different types of air-borne and ground-based remote sensing observations (from Lidar and sun-photometer) revealed a high tropospheric aerosol transport episode over two parts of the European Arctic in April 2018. By incorporating the derived aerosol optical and microphysical properties into a radiative transfer model, we assessed the ARE over the two locations. Our study displayed that even in neighboring Arctic upper tropospheric levels, aged aerosol was transformed due to the interplay of removal processes (nucleation scavenging and dry deposition) and alteration of the aerosol source regions (northeast Asia and north Europe). Along the intra-Arctic transport, the coarse aerosol mode was depleted and the visible wavelength Lidar ratio (LR) increased significantly (from 15 to 64–82 sr). However, the aerosol modifications were not reflected on the ARE. More specifically, the short-wave (SW) atmospheric column ARE amounted to +4.4 - +4.9 W m−2 over the ice-covered Fram Strait and +4.5 W m−2 over the snow-covered Ny-Ålesund. Over both locations, top-of-atmosphere (TOA) warming was accompanied by surface cooling. These similarities can be attributed to the predominant accumulation mode, which drives the SW radiative budget, as well as to the similar layer altitude, solar geometry, and surface albedo conditions over both locations. However, in the context of retreating sea ice, the ARE may change even along individual transport episodes due to the ice albedo feedback