110 research outputs found

    Comparison of building thermography approaches using terrestrial and aerial thermographic images

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    Thermography is commonly used for auditing buildings. Classical manual terrestrial thermography records images of individual buildings at a short distance. When auditing a large number of buildings (e.g. whole city districts) this approach reaches its limits. Using drones with thermographic cameras allows images to be recorded automatically from different angles, with faster speed and without violating property rights. However, an airborne camera has a significantly greater distance and more varied angles to a building compared to terrestrial thermography. To investigate the influence of these factors for building auditing, we perform a study evaluating seven different drone settings of varying flight speed, angle, and altitude. A comparison is drawn to manually recorded terrestrial thermographic images. While we find that a flight speed between 1m/s and 3m/s does not influence the thermographic quality, high flight altitudes and steep viewing angles lead to a significant reduction of visible details, contrast, and to falsified temperatures. A flight altitude of 12m over buildings is found to be the most suitable for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of rooftops and a qualitative analysis of façades. A flight altitude of 42m over buildings can only be used for qualitative audits with little detail

    Capital allocation for credit portfolios with kernel estimators

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    Determining contributions by sub-portfolios or single exposures to portfolio-wide economic capital for credit risk is an important risk measurement task. Often economic capital is measured as Value-at-Risk (VaR) of the portfolio loss distribution. For many of the credit portfolio risk models used in practice, the VaR contributions then have to be estimated from Monte Carlo samples. In the context of a partly continuous loss distribution (i.e. continuous except for a positive point mass on zero), we investigate how to combine kernel estimation methods with importance sampling to achieve more efficient (i.e. less volatile) estimation of VaR contributions.Comment: 22 pages, 12 tables, 1 figure, some amendment

    Coulomb gap in a model with finite charge transfer energy

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    The Coulomb gap in a donor-acceptor model with finite charge transfer energy Δ\Delta describing the electronic system on the dielectric side of the metal-insulator transition is investigated by means of computer simulations on two- and three-dimensional finite samples with a random distribution of equal amounts of donor and acceptor sites. Rigorous relations reflecting the symmetry of the model presented with respect to the exchange of donors and acceptors are derived. In the immediate neighborhood of the Fermi energy μ\mu the the density of one-electron excitations g(ϵ)g(\epsilon) is determined solely by finite size effects and g(ϵ)g(\epsilon) further away from μ\mu is described by an asymmetric power law with a non-universal exponent, depending on the parameter Δ\Delta.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Discrete logic modelling as a means to link protein signalling networks with functional analysis of mammalian signal transduction

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    Large-scale protein signalling networks are useful for exploring complex biochemical pathways but do not reveal how pathways respond to specific stimuli. Such specificity is critical for understanding disease and designing drugs. Here we describe a computational approach—implemented in the free CNO software—for turning signalling networks into logical models and calibrating the models against experimental data. When a literature-derived network of 82 proteins covering the immediate-early responses of human cells to seven cytokines was modelled, we found that training against experimental data dramatically increased predictive power, despite the crudeness of Boolean approximations, while significantly reducing the number of interactions. Thus, many interactions in literature-derived networks do not appear to be functional in the liver cells from which we collected our data. At the same time, CNO identified several new interactions that improved the match of model to data. Although missing from the starting network, these interactions have literature support. Our approach, therefore, represents a means to generate predictive, cell-type-specific models of mammalian signalling from generic protein signalling networks

    Interacting electrons in a one-dimensional random array of scatterers - A Quantum Dynamics and Monte-Carlo study

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    The quantum dynamics of an ensemble of interacting electrons in an array of random scatterers is treated using a new numerical approach for the calculation of average values of quantum operators and time correlation functions in the Wigner representation. The Fourier transform of the product of matrix elements of the dynamic propagators obeys an integral Wigner-Liouville-type equation. Initial conditions for this equation are given by the Fourier transform of the Wiener path integral representation of the matrix elements of the propagators at the chosen initial times. This approach combines both molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods and computes numerical traces and spectra of the relevant dynamical quantities such as momentum-momentum correlation functions and spatial dispersions. Considering as an application a system with fixed scatterers, the results clearly demonstrate that the many-particle interaction between the electrons leads to an enhancement of the conductivity and spatial dispersion compared to the noninteracting case.Comment: 10 pages and 8 figures, to appear in PRB April 1

    Enteric neural crest-derived cells promote their migration by modifying their microenvironment through tenascin-C production

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    The enteric nervous system (ENS) is derived from vagal and sacral neural crest cells that migrate, proliferate, and differentiate into enteric neurons and glia within the gut wall. The mechanisms regulating enteric neural crest-derived cell (ENCC) migration are poorly characterized despite the importance of this process in gut formation and function. Characterization of genes involved in ENCC migration is essential to understanding ENS development and could provide targets for treatment of human ENS disorders. We identified the extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin-C (TNC) as an important regulator of ENCC development. We find TNC dynamically expressed during avian gut development. It is absent from the cecal region just prior to ENCC arrival, but becomes strongly expressed around ENCCs as they enter the ceca and hindgut. In aganglionic hindguts, TNC expression is strong throughout the outer mesenchyme, but is absent from the submucosal region, supporting the presence of both ENCC-dependent and independent expression within the gut wall. Using rat-chick coelomic grafts, neural tube cultures, and gut explants, we show that ENCCs produce TNC and that this ECM protein promotes their migration. Interestingly, only vagal neural crest-derived ENCCs express TNC, whereas sacral neural crest-derived cells do not. These results demonstrate that vagal crest-derived ENCCs actively modify their microenvironment through TNC expression and thereby help to regulate their own migration

    Oxidative stress in hepatitis C infected end-stage renal disease subjects

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    BACKGROUND: Both uremia and hepatitis C infection is associated with increased oxidative stress. In the present study, we aimed to find out whether hepatitis C infection has any impact on oxidative stress in hemodialysis subjects. METHODS: Sixteen hepatitis C (+) hemodialysis subjects, 24 hepatitis C negative hemodialysis subjects and 24 healthy subjects were included. Total antioxidant capacity, total peroxide level and oxidative stress index were determined in all subjects. RESULTS: Total antioxidant capacity was significantly higher in controls than hemodialysis subjects with or without hepatitis C infection (all p < 0.05/3), while total peroxide level and oxidative stress index were significantly lower (all p < 0.05/3). Hepatitis C (-) hemodialysis subjects had higher total antioxidant capacity compared to hepatitis C (+) hemodialysis subjects (all p < 0.05/3). Total peroxide level and oxidative stress index was comparable between hemodialysis subjects with or without hepatitis C infection (p > 0.05/3). CONCLUSION: Oxidative stress is increased in both hepatitis C (+) and hepatitis C (-) hemodialysis subjects. However, hepatitis C infection seems to not cause any additional increase in oxidative stress in hemodialysis subjects and it may be partly due to protective effect of dialysis treatment on hepatitis C infection

    Single-particle excitations under coexisting electron correlation and disorder: a numerical study of the Anderson-Hubbard model

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    Interplay of electron correlation and randomness is studied by using the Anderson-Hubbard model within the Hartree-Fock approximation. Under the coexistence of short-range interaction and diagonal disorder, we obtain the ground-state phase diagram in three dimensions, which includes an antiferromagnetic insulator, an antiferromagnetic metal, a paramagnetic insulator (Anderson-localized insulator) and a paramagnetic metal. Although only the short-range interaction is present in this model, we find unconventional soft gaps in the insulating phases irrespective of electron filling, spatial dimensions and long-range order, where the single-particle density of states (DOS) vanishes with a power-law scaling in one dimension (1D) or even faster in two dimensions (2D) and three dimensions (3D) toward the Fermi energy. We call it soft Hubbard gap. Moreover, exact-diagonalization results in 1D support the formation of the soft Hubbard gap beyond the mean-field level. The formation of the soft Hubbard gap cannot be attributed to a conventional theory by Efros and Shklovskii (ES) owing the emergence of soft gaps to the long-range Coulomb interaction. Indeed, based on a picture of multivalley energy landscape, we propose a phenomenological scaling theory, which predicts a scaling of the DOS in perfect agreement with the numerical results. We further discuss a correction of the scaling of the DOS by the long-range part of the Coulomb interaction, which modifies the scaling of Efros and Shklovskii. Furthermore, explicit formulae for the temperature dependence of the DC resistivity via variable-range hopping under the influence of the soft gaps are derived. Finally, we compare the present theory with experimental results of SrRu_{1-x}Ti_xO_3.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figure

    Zebrafish Endzone Regulates Neural Crest-Derived Chromatophore Differentiation and Morphology

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    The development of neural crest-derived pigment cells has been studied extensively as a model for cellular differentiation, disease and environmental adaptation. Neural crest-derived chromatophores in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) consist of three types: melanophores, xanthophores and iridiphores. We have identified the zebrafish mutant endzone (enz), that was isolated in a screen for mutants with neural crest development phenotypes, based on an abnormal melanophore pattern. We have found that although wild-type numbers of chromatophore precursors are generated in the first day of development and migrate normally in enz mutants, the numbers of all three chromatophore cell types that ultimately develop are reduced. Further, differentiated melanophores and xanthophores subsequently lose dendricity, and iridiphores are reduced in size. We demonstrate that enz function is required cell autonomously by melanophores and that the enz locus is located on chromosome 7. In addition, zebrafish enz appears to selectively regulate chromatophore development within the neural crest lineage since all other major derivatives develop normally. Our results suggest that enz is required relatively late in the development of all three embryonic chromatophore types and is normally necessary for terminal differentiation and the maintenance of cell size and morphology. Thus, although developmental regulation of different chromatophore sublineages in zebrafish is in part genetically distinct, enz provides an example of a common regulator of neural crest-derived chromatophore differentiation and morphology