16 research outputs found

    Plant species diversity for sustainable management of crop pests and diseases in agroecosystems: a review

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    Plant measurements on African tropical Maesopsis eminii seedlings contradict pioneering water use behaviour

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V. With increased drought events affecting forests globally, little is known about their future impact on Africa's forests. In particular, we need to gain a better understanding of how key African forest species will respond to drought stress. In this study, we investigated functional traits and physiological responses to drought of the light-demanding pioneer species Maesopsis eminii Engl. The study involved an experiment on potted M. eminii seedlings with three different drought treatments in which sap flow (SF), stem diameter variation (SDV) and stomatal conductance (gs) were measured. Whereas low gs rates (39 ± 30 mmol m−2 s−1) and pronounced SF-VPD (vapour pressure deficit) and gs-VPD hysteresis loops during well-watered conditions indicated conservative stomatal control on water loss, nocturnal sap flow implied M. eminii is not able to completely block transpiration. At the onset of drought, the pioneer seedlings retained high stem diameter growth despite highly reduced soil moisture (>−0.95 ± 0.03 MPa) and SF rates, indicating that growth was prioritised. Contribution of stored stem water to daily water use was limited both during drought and control conditions, which was confirmed by the absence of time lags between photosynthetic active radiation (PAR)-SDV, PAR-SF and SDV-SF in all treatments. Below a soil water potential of −0.95 ± 0.03 MPa, leaves were gradually shed, but diurnal and nocturnal SF did not turn zero, and absolute stem diameter kept decreasing for the entire experimental period (115 days), portraying that M. eminii seedlings can survive only limited drought periods. In sum, this study demonstrated that species-specific traits, as opposed to species ecological strategy, govern drought performance. For M. eminii, its leaf traits proved pivotal to its drought performance

    Capacitive water release and internal leaf water relocation delay drought-induced cavitation in African Maesopsis eminii

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    © 2016 The Author. The impact of drought on the hydraulic functioning of important African tree species, like Maesopsis eminii Engl., is poorly understood. To map the hydraulic response to drought-induced cavitation, sole reliance on the water potential at which 50% loss of xylem hydraulic conductivity (?50) occurs might be limiting and at times misleading as the value alone does not give a comprehensive overview of strategies evoked by M. eminii to cope with drought. This article therefore uses a methodological framework to study the different aspects of drought-induced cavitation and water relations in M. eminii. Hydraulic functioning of wholebranch segments was investigated during bench-top dehydration. Cumulative acoustic emissions and continuous weight measurements were used to quantify M. eminii's vulnerability to drought-induced cavitation and hydraulic capacitance. Wood structural traits, including wood density, vessel area, diameter and wall thickness, vessel grouping index, solitary vessel index and vessel wall reinforcement, were used to underpin observed physiological responses. On average, M. eminii's 50 (±SE) was -1.9 ± 0.1 MPa, portraying its xylem as drought vulnerable, just as one would expect for a common tropical pioneer. However, M. eminii additionally employed an interesting desiccation delay strategy, fuelled by internal relocation of leaf water, hydraulic capacitance and the presence of parenchyma around the xylem vessels. Our findings suggest that exclusive dependence on 50 would have misdirected our assessments of M. eminii's drought stress vulnerability. Hydraulic capacitance linked to anatomy and leaf-water relocation behaviour was equally important to better understand M. eminii's drought survival strategies. Because our study was conducted on branches of 3-year-old greenhouse-grown M. eminii seedlings, the findings cannot be simply extrapolated to adult M. eminii trees or their mature wood, because structural and physiological plant properties change with age. The techniques and methodological framework used in this study are, however, transferable to other species regardless of age

    Forest resilience and tipping points at different spatio-temporal scales: approaches and challenges

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    1. Anthropogenic global change compromises forest resilience, with profound impacts to ecosystem functions and services. This synthesis paper reflects on the current understanding of forest resilience and potential tipping points under environmental change and explores challenges to assessing responses using experiments, observations and models. 2. Forests are changing over a wide range of spatio-temporal scales, but it is often unclear whether these changes reduce resilience or represent a tipping point. Tipping points may arise from interactions across scales, as processes such as climate change, land-use change, invasive species or deforestation gradually erode resilience and increase vulnerability to extreme events. Studies covering interactions across different spatio-temporal scales are needed to further our understanding. 3. Combinations of experiments, observations and process-based models could improve our ability to project forest resilience and tipping points under global change. We discuss uncertainties in changing CO2 concentration and quantifying tree mortality as examples. 4. Synthesis. As forests change at various scales, it is increasingly important to understand whether and how such changes lead to reduced resilience and potential tipping points. Understanding the mechanisms underlying forest resilience and tipping points would help in assessing risks to ecosystems and presents opportunities for ecosystem restoration and sustainable forest management