119 research outputs found


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    Epik Tri Rahayu. 2008. The English Teaching and Learning Process to The Fourth Grade Students of SDN 03 Gemolong, Sragen. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. This report is written based on the job training done by the writer as an English teacher in SDN 03 Gemolong for a month. The purpose is to know and to understand the English Teaching and Learning process at SDN 03 Gemolong, including the difficulties faced by the students and the teacher and also to find the solutions for those difficulties. The data of this report is obtained from the writers’ observation and experience when she taught English lesson. During conducting the job training, the writer used some steps to make the English teaching and learning process run smoothly. The steps covered greeting, warming up, presentation strategies, skill practice, assessment and ending the lesson. The result shows that there are some difficulties faced by the writer. The difficulties are related to the problems of the students and the teacher. The problems of the students are the students’ condition and the students’ motivation. Meanwhile, the teachers’ problems are limited source books and in handling the students. The writer also presents the solutions to solve the difficulties from the discussion in this report. To solve the students’ problem about the students’ condition, the writer explained the material using loud voice and often reminded them to be silent and listened to the explanation. Besides, to motivate the passive students’ the writer gave extra explanation to them and gave reward. Furthermore, to solve the teachers’ problem in limited source books, the writer create another exercise to develop the students’ ability in facing the test that is not provided in the source books. To solve the problem about handling the students, the writer make the students busy by giving them tasks done in pairs

    Positive, Neutral, Negative Evaluation in Connotation

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    The article focuses on evaluation-type connotation, expressed by a theoretically triple opposition (positive neutral negative, as in plump+, stout neut, obese -) which is more often represented by only two members (as in dismiss neut fire -), though even cases with no opposition can be spoken about (e.g., bald -). Though to speak about connotative opposition we basically need denotative synonyms (like high-flown +?? “pompous†-), words like “warm†+ and “cold†(especially in metaphoric meanings) may be viewed as both denotative and connotative antonyms. As evaluation depends on taste, it is subjective (depending on historic period, personality of the speaker, situational and linguistic context) and therefore difficult to study or teach. This situation, anyway, should not prevent researchers and language teachers from its careful treatment as ignorance of connotation on the language users' part may cause serious problems in communication

    An Unequivocal Message from the German Federal Court of Justice

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    For some time now, there seemed to be consensus that functional immunity does not protect (former) state officials from criminal prosecution by foreign domestic courts in cases where they are suspected of having committed or participated in crimes under international law. Recently, however, this has been called into question not only by scholars but also by members of the International Law Commission as well as a considerable number of state representatives. It is against this backdrop that the German Federal Court of Justice has issued a landmark judgment confirming the exclusion of functional immunity in cases of crimes under international law. This article provides a summary as well as a legal analysis of the Court’s main arguments. It focuses on the main question of immunity while also touching upon the Court’s application of the substantive law concerning war crimes under the German Code of Crimes Against International Law.Peer Reviewe

    Politeness of Discourse and Vocabulary Teaching

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    The article is a review of the few existing publications dealing with problem of politeness of discourse in the process of vocabulary teaching. While communicatively teaching vocabulary, we should keep in mind that the goal is not just memorization by learners of lists of words, their semantics, combinability, etc. and successful performance of some exercises, but first of all it is the formation of learner’s ability to communicate in the target language (to apply the acquired vocabulary as efficiently as possible). From this point of view some issues of politeness of discourse are more crucial than the correct pronunciation of the word or some other aspect of linguistic correctness. Not only stylistic appropriateness makes our utterances polite, but also tact. Though “tact†is definitely not a linguistic category, it has to be taught in vocabulary classes. Minorities (taking into consideration their gender, age, race, nationality, physical defects, etc.), for example, should be labeled very carefully. What kind of utterance is considered to be polite / rude depends on the degree of formality / informality of the situation (the so-called “insider†or “outsider†talk). Language learners should also be aware that irony and sarcasm can turn any polite word into an impolite one. Language learners need both information about unpleasant words and strategies that will permit them to be not only linguistically, but also “politically†correct. Some of such strategies and ways to form them are discussed in the article.politeness of discourse, unpleasant words, slang, curse words, taboo words, irony, dropping the negative, strategies of political correctness.

    The Factors which are effective in the integration of "a group" licensed travel agencies to developments about communication and information technologies and research in kuşadasi area

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    Bu araştırmanın ilk aşamasında, turizm sektörü ve seyahat acentalarının geniş kapsamlı tanımları, seyahat acentalarının tarihsel gelişimi ve sınıflandırılma şekilleri açıklanmıştır. Daha sonra, seyahat acentalarında kullanılan iletişim ve bilgi teknolojileri açıklanmış ve seyahat acentalarının elektronik ticaret uygulamalarına entegrasyonunda etkili olan faktörler ele alınmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarından elde edilen bulgular, Kuşadası'nda faaliyet gösteren A grubu seyahat acentası yöneticilerinin, iletişim ve bilgi teknolojilerindeki gelişmeleri takip edebilmelerine rağmen, uygulama söz konusu olduğunda bazı çekinceleri olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Yöneticilerin iletişim ve bilgi teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler konusundaki algılarının, cinsiyet, turizm eğitimi alma ve eğitim seviyeleri gibi demografik faktörlerden dolayı farklılaşmadığını ortaya koymuştur. In the first phase of this research, comprehensive definitions of tourism sector and travel agencies, historical development and classification types of travel agencies are explained. Then after, communication and information technologies which used in travel agencies explained and factors which affect integration of electronic commerce implementations in travel agencies are considered. Findings which obtained from the results of this research propounded that, in despite of executive managers of A group licensed travel agencies in Kuşadası can follow the developments about communication and information technologies, there are some hesitations when the implementation is subject. This research has propounded that, there are no differences in between perceptions of executive managers about developments in communication and information technologies and demographic factors like sex, tourism education and education levels


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    This research was conducted at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 1 Sintang for the 2019/2020 school year. Based on the learning outcome data, it shows student learning scores that are good in the conditions and situations of the Covid-19 pandemic. This research aimed to determine the relationship between the task value of students and the daily test scores of students in class VB MIN 1 Sintang for the 2019/2020 school year. The approach used in this research is quantitative while the research method uses the correlation method. Techniques and data collection tools used in this study were documentation techniques, while the tools were documents. Based on the research results, it was found that the average value of the task value of students from the sample was 81.2. Meanwhile, the students' daily test results obtained an average value of 85.9 in the good category. After the data is calculated statistically, it is obtained that rcount is 0.477, which means that it is in the value range 0.40-0.599 in the medium category. The results of the determinant formula obtained KP = 22.75%. From the significant test results obtained tcount of 3.096 where the error level is 5% or α = 0.05 and the degrees of freedom dk = n-2, dk = 32-2 dk = 30, for the ttable value of 2.042. Because tcount > ttable, namely 3.096 > 2.042, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So that the conclusion is that there is a significant relationship between the task value of students and the daily test scores of students in class VB MIN 1 Sintang for the 2019/2020 school year

    Die Selbstbelastungs- und Aussagefreiheit des Beschuldigten nach deutschem und englischem Recht

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers (De Gruyter) frei zugänglich.Peer Reviewe


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    Kurangnya minat anak-anak dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan metode secara manual, maka dirasa sangat perlu dibuatnya suatu aplikasi Sistem Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Untuk Tingkat Sekolah Dasar, untuk menarik minat mereka dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. Aplikasi Sistem Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Untuk Tingkat Sekolah Dasar ini dibuat, khusus untuk siswa tingkat sekolah dasar dari kelas 1 sampai kelas 3, yang dikemas dalam media pembelajaran yang menarik karena disertai dengan gambar dan suara. Aplikasi Sistem Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Untuk Tingkat Sekolah Dasar ini bertujuan untuk dapat merubah pandangan siswa terhadap pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, sehingga dapat menarik minat mereka untuk belajar serta memacu daya pikir mereka didalam belajar Bahasa Inggris dan juga menjadikan anak-anak agar terbiasa berinteraksi dengan komputer demi menghadapi perkembangan teknologi dimasa mendatang. Apllikasi Sistem Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Untuk Tingkat Sekolah Dasar ini akan menghasilkan total nilai yang diperoleh siswa dari setiap jawaban yang benar untuk setiap soal pada quiz yang dilakukan. Hal ini dilakukan untuk dapat mengetahui seberapa jauh daya pikir mereka didalam belajar ilmu Bahasa Inggris melalui Sistem Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Untuk Tingkat Sekolah Dasar ini


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    Kode warna merupakan suatu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya misfile (salah letak) Rekam Medis. Adanya 3-digit Kode Wilayah dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memaksimalkan pemberian Kode Warna pada Map Rekam Medis. Tujuan pengabdian yaitu untuk mengoptimalkan Kode Warna pada Map Rekam Medis di Puskesmas.  Metode Difusi Ipteks dengan merancang sticker kode warna. Tahapan kegiatan yang dilakukan wawancara permasalahan mitra, Observasi, pengukuran, mendesain, sosialisasi dan simulasi Simulasi pemasangan Sticker Kode Warna.  Hasil perancangan Sticker Kode Warna dengan ukuran 3 x 6 cm, warna terbagi menjadi 13 sesuai pembagian kode wilayah dengan memanfaatkan 1-digit pada digit ke-3 meliputi ungu, kuning, hijau tua, orange, biru muda, coklat tua, magenta, hijau muda, merah, biru tua, hitam, pink, abu-abu dan bahan sticker mirror. Evaluasi yang dilaksanakan 1 minggu setelah kegiatan, Petugas merasa terbantu dengan adanya kode warna ada yang salah langsung bisa dipindahkan ke rak yang benar. Rencana ke depan akan dilaksanakan bimbingan tehnis penyusunan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) tentang penerapan kode warna