728 research outputs found
Two-Pion Exchange Currents in Photodisintegration of the Deuteron
Chiral effective field theory (ChEFT) is a modern framework to analyze the
properties of few-nucleon systems at low energies. It is based on the most
general effective Lagrangian for pions and nucleons consistent with the chiral
symmetry of QCD. For energies below the pion-production threshold it is
possible to eliminate the pionic degrees of freedom and derive nuclear
potentials and nuclear current operators solely in terms of the nucleonic
degrees of freedom. This is very important because, despite a lot of experience
gained in the past, the consistency between two-nucleon forces, many-nucleon
forces and the corresponding current operators has not been achieved yet. In
this presentation we consider the recently derived long-range two-pion exchange
(TPE) contributions to the nuclear current operator which appear at next-to
leading order of the chiral expansion. These operators do not contain any free
parameters. We study their role in the deuteron photodisintegration reaction
and compare our predictions with experimental data. The bound and scattering
states are calculated using five different chiral N2LO nucleon-nucleon (NN)
potentials which allows to estimate the theoretical uncertainty at a given
order in the chiral expansion. For some observables the results are very close
to the reference predictions based on the AV18 NN potential and the current
operator (partly) consistent with this force.Comment: Contribution to the 12th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon
Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU2010), Williamsburg, USA, May
31-June 4, 201
The magnetic form factor of the deuteron in chiral effective field theory
We calculate the magnetic form factor of the deuteron up to O(eP^4) in the
chiral EFT expansion of the electromagnetic current operator. The two LECs
which enter the two-body part of the isoscalar NN three-current operator are
fit to experimental data, and the resulting values are of natural size. The
O(eP^4) description of G_M agrees with data for momentum transfers Q^2 < 0.35
GeV^2.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Isospin-violating nucleon-nucleon forces using the method of unitary transformation
Recently, we have derived the leading and subleading isospin-breaking
three-nucleon forces using the method of unitary transformation. In the present
work we extend this analysis and consider the corresponding two-nucleon forces
using the same approach. Certain contributions to the isospin-violating one-
and two-pion-exchange potential have already been discussed by various groups
within the effective field theory framework. Our findings agree with the
previously obtained results. In addition, we present the expressions for the
subleading charge-symmetry-breaking two-pion exchange potential which were not
considered before. These corrections turn out to be numerically important.
Together with the three-nucleon force results presented in our previous work,
the results of the present study specify completely isospin-violating nuclear
forces up to the order , where () denotes the soft
(hard) scale.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure
Lattice calculations for A=3,4,6,12 nuclei using chiral effective field theory
We present lattice calculations for the ground state energies of tritium,
helium-3, helium-4, lithium-6, and carbon-12 nuclei. Our results were
previously summarized in a letter publication. This paper provides full details
of the calculations. We include isospin-breaking, Coulomb effects, and
interactions up to next-to-next-to-leading order in chiral effective field
theory.Comment: 38 pages, 11 figures, final publication versio
Lattice methods and the nuclear few- and many-body problem
We begin with a brief overview of lattice calculations using chiral effective
field theory and some recent applications. We then describe several methods for
computing scattering on the lattice. After that we focus on the main goal,
explaining the theory and algorithms relevant to lattice simulations of nuclear
few- and many-body systems. We discuss the exact equivalence of four different
lattice formalisms, the Grassmann path integral, transfer matrix operator,
Grassmann path integral with auxiliary fields, and transfer matrix operator
with auxiliary fields. Along with our analysis we include several coding
examples and a number of exercises for the calculations of few- and many-body
systems at leading order in chiral effective field theory.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to Lect. Notes Phys., "An advanced
course in computational nuclear physics: Bridging the scales from quarks to
neutron stars", M. Hjorth-Jensen, M. P. Lombardo, U. van Kolck, Editor
Lattice effective field theory calculations for A = 3,4,6,12 nuclei
We present lattice results for the ground state energies of tritium,
helium-3, helium-4, lithium-6, and carbon-12 nuclei. Our analysis includes
isospin-breaking, Coulomb effects, and interactions up to
next-to-next-to-leading order in chiral effective field theory.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, published version to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett
More on the infrared renormalization group limit cycle in QCD
We present a detailed study of the recently conjectured infrared
renormalization group limit cycle in QCD using chiral effective field theory.
It was conjectured that small increases in the up and down quark masses can
move QCD to the critical trajectory for an infrared limit cycle in the
three-nucleon system. At the critical quark masses, the binding energies of the
deuteron and its spin-singlet partner are tuned to zero and the triton has
infinitely many excited states with an accumulation point at the three-nucleon
threshold. We exemplify three parameter sets where this effect occurs at
next-to-leading order in the chiral counting. For one of them, we study the
structure of the three-nucleon system in detail using both chiral and contact
effective field theories. Furthermore, we investigate the matching of the
chiral and contact theories in the critical region and calculate the influence
of the limit cycle on three-nucleon scattering observables.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, discussion improved, results unchanged, version
to appear in EPJ
Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations of Light Nuclei Using Chiral Potentials
We present the first Green's function Monte Carlo calculations of light
nuclei with nuclear interactions derived from chiral effective field theory up
to next-to-next-to-leading order. Up to this order, the interactions can be
constructed in a local form and are therefore amenable to quantum Monte Carlo
calculations. We demonstrate a systematic improvement with each order for the
binding energies of and systems. We also carry out the first
few-body tests to study perturbative expansions of chiral potentials at
different orders, finding that higher-order corrections are more perturbative
for softer interactions. Our results confirm the necessity of a three-body
force for correct reproduction of experimental binding energies and radii, and
pave the way for studying few- and many-nucleon systems using quantum Monte
Carlo methods with chiral interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables. Updated references. Cosmetic changes to
figures, tables, and equations; added a sentence clarifying the
correspondence between our real-space cutoffs and momentum-space cutoffs.
Other sentences were reworded for clarit
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