35 research outputs found

    Ultra sub-wavelength surface plasmon confinement using air-gap, sub-wavelength ring resonator arrays

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    Arrays of sub-wavelength, sub-10 nm air-gap plasmonic ring resonators are fabricated using nanoimprinting. In near infra-red (NIR) range, the resonator supports a single dipole mode which is excited and identified via simple normal illumination and explored through transmission measurements. By controlling both lateral and vertical confinement via a metal edge, the mode volume is successfully reduced down to 1.3 × 10(−5) λ(0)(3). The advantage of such mode confinement is demonstrated by applying the resonators biosensing. Using bovine serum albumin (BSA) molecules, a dramatic enhancement of surface sensitivity up to 69 nm/nm is achieved as the modal height approaches the thickness of the adsorbed molecule layers

    Changes in Renal Function after Different Tandem Hematopoietic Stem-cell Transplantation Approaches in Patients with Multiple Myeloma

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    This study was done to observe the alteration of the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in multiple myeloma patients according to type of tandem hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Forty-one patients were enrolled in this study. Twenty patients underwent autologous HSCT (auto-HSCT) and 21 patients underwent allogeneic HSCT (allo-HSCT). The changes in eGFR after the two tandem HSCT modalities were different between the two groups, according to the donor of stem cells (P = 0.016). In the auto-HSCT group, the eGFR, recorded 12 months after secondary HSCT, was significantly decreased compared with the eGFR recorded before stem cell mobilization (P = 0.005). Although there was no significant difference, the trend showed that the eGFR after allo-HSCT decreased from the previous HSCT until a month after secondary HSCT. In addition, after 6 months of secondary HSCT, the eGFR recovered to the level recorded prior to the HSCT (P = 0.062). This difference may be due to total body irradiation, a calcineurin inhibitor, or maintemance therapy. Changes in renal function would be monitored closely for these patients. The recovery of the eGFR would be a main focus for the patients treated with the total body irradiation or the calcineurin inhibitor, a progressive decline of the eGFR would be also crucial for the patients treated with maintenance therapy

    The IPIN 2019 Indoor Localisation Competition—Description and Results

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    IPIN 2019 Competition, sixth in a series of IPIN competitions, was held at the CNR Research Area of Pisa (IT), integrated into the program of the IPIN 2019 Conference. It included two on-site real-time Tracks and three off-site Tracks. The four Tracks presented in this paper were set in the same environment, made of two buildings close together for a total usable area of 1000 m 2 outdoors and and 6000 m 2 indoors over three floors, with a total path length exceeding 500 m. IPIN competitions, based on the EvAAL framework, have aimed at comparing the accuracy performance of personal positioning systems in fair and realistic conditions: past editions of the competition were carried in big conference settings, university campuses and a shopping mall. Positioning accuracy is computed while the person carrying the system under test walks at normal walking speed, uses lifts and goes up and down stairs or briefly stops at given points. Results presented here are a showcase of state-of-the-art systems tested side by side in real-world settings as part of the on-site real-time competition Tracks. Results for off-site Tracks allow a detailed and reproducible comparison of the most recent positioning and tracking algorithms in the same environment as the on-site Tracks

    Volatile and Non-Volatile Allelopathic Characteristics in Thermally Processed Needles of Two Conifers

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    With allelopathic composts, potential merits for preventing initial weed infestations have been observed in crop transplantation. However, previous studies have rarely investigated whether high temperatures, generated during composting, decrease allelopathic ability. This study evaluated the thermal allelopathic effect of two coniferous plants (Pinus densiflora and P. koraiensis) on Brassica napus germination and seedling growth using their characterized allelochemical destinations. The 90 °C dry treatment of P. densiflora extract exhibited stronger inhibitory effect on germination than its 30 °C dry treatment. In a range from 0.25 to 1 mg mL−1, the germination rate was decreased to 38.1 and 64.3% of control with P. densiflora extract dried at 90 and 30 °C, respectively. However, P. koraiensis showed potent inhibition of the germination process with no statistical difference in inhibitory effects regardless of the dry temperature. Regarding B. napus seedling root growth, the allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts of both conifers were not reduced with the 90 °C treatment, but it was lost in seedling shoot growth. GC-MS/MS confirmed that high temperature treatment drastically decreased volatile contents to 53.2% in P. densiflora, resulting in reduced allelopathic abilities. However, a relatively lower decrease to 83.1% in volatiles of P. koraiensis accounts for less loss of the root-specific inhibitory effect on B. napus seedlings even after 90 °C treatment. Foliar tissues of both conifers with species-specific thermal resistance have potentially valuable functions regarding allelopathic use in horticultural compost processing ingredients, demonstrating their weed control ability during the early cultivation season where crops are transplanted in the facilitated area

    Allelopathic Efficiency of Plant Extracts to Control Cyanobacteria in Hydroponic Culture

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    Cyanobacteria rapidly form harmful algal blooms (HABs) that cause serious nutritional imbalances in crop production via hydroponics. Allelopathic extracts from plants can be applied as a solution for ecologically sustainable control of algal blooms. In this study, the effects of 11 aqueous extracts of 10 allelopathic plants in controlling Microcystis aeruginosa were evaluated. Among the extracts, walnut husk and rose leaf extracts exhibited high inhibitory levels for efficient control of algae. High inhibitory levels were achieved owing to large amounts of water-soluble tannins, especially tannic acid. The effective extracts were applied to a hydroponic system cultivated on leafy perilla vegetables. Although the severe doses (IC90) did not guarantee complete algal control due to partial algal regrowth, walnut husk and rose leaf extracts only exerted strong persistent effects on algae control. Persistent algae inhibition contributed to the increase in perilla growth and leaf quality. Rose leaf was potentially a more useful resource for controlling algae in a hydroponic system because the application of rose leaf extract efficiently controlled the algae and was less toxic to perilla growth. In contrast, the treatment of walnut husk extract also controlled algae but inhibited perilla growth with pale green leaves

    Improving the Antioxidant Activity and Flavor of Faba (Vicia faba L.) Leaves by Domestic Cooking Methods

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    Faba leaves are an unusual vegetable which contain not only a range of functional phytochemicals, but also certain undesirable flavors, which limit their consumption. In this study, several cooking methods (microwaving, roasting, steaming, and boiling), which are expected to reduce the odd flavors, were evaluated in terms of both health benefit effects and odd flavor factors, including antioxidant activities and the content of non-volatile and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A cooking time of 5 min was selected because of the high content of l-dopa (l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) and aim of reducing the undesirable flavors of the cooked faba leaves. Microwaving and steaming significantly increased the l-dopa content by 24% and 19%, respectively. Roasting specifically increased the content of flavonols, exhibiting a 28% increase of kaempferol-3-O-arabinoside-7-O-rhamnoside, representatively, whereas boiling decreased about 50% of most phytochemicals evaluated. Microwaving and steaming treatments significantly increased the antioxidant activities. The l-dopa content and antioxidant activities of the processed faba leaves were strongly positively correlated with either an R2 = 0.863 of DPPH radical scavenging activity or an R2 = 0.856 value of ABTS radical scavenging activity, showing that l-dopa was a key antioxidant. All cooking methods potentially improved the flavor of the cooked faba leaves compared with that of the fresh leaves, because they significantly reduced the contents of VOCs such as alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones. These VOCs were the main components (>90%) in the fresh leaves. Adverse aromatic hydrocarbons were newly formed by the microwaving treatment, typically producing p-xylene, which is known to be a harmful dose-dependent compound, but they were not detected in leaves processed by the other cooking methods; therefore, although microwaving efficiently increased antioxidant activity, the chemical safety of the aromatic hydrocarbons produced need further study

    Calibration and characterization protocol for spectral-domain optical coherence tomography using fiber Bragg gratings

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    We present a calibration protocol to obtain the alignment factors of a custom-made spectrometer and the nonlinear fitting function between the measured CCD pixel domain and the wavelength domain to apply to the spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) using fiber Bragg gratings. We have used five gratings with different center wavelengths covering the broadband source spectral range. All have a narrow spectral bandwidth (0.05 nm) and the same reflectivity (92%) to calibrate and align the custom-made spectrometer. The implemented SD-OCT system following the proposed protocol showed the alignment factors as 44.37 deg incident angle, 53.11 deg diffraction angle, and 70.0-mm focal length. The spectral resolution of 0.187 nm was recalculated from the alignment factors

    L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine Accumulation in Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Tissues during Different Growth Stages

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    L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-dopa)-rich faba (Vicia faba L.) tissues are a potentially useful source for its pharmaceutical purpose, although the species contains health curious vicine and convicine in the seeds. We determined the contents of L-dopa, vicine, and convicine in different tissues of faba plants throughout the entire growth period. The three compounds accumulated in germinating sprouts and showed high contents at 8 days of germination, especially in the epicotyl containing 132.33 mg∙g−1 DW of L-dopa, 19.81 mg∙g−1 DW of vicine, and 10.38 mg∙g−1 DW of convicine, respectively. We compared the contents of the three compounds among leaves of different ages in plants at different growth stages. The samples could be ranked, from highest to lowest content, ranging from 11.11 to 81.82 mg∙g−1 DW, as follows: new leaves > young leaves > old leaves; and vegetative > flowering > ripening. Vicine and convicine were not detected in leaves or flowers. The L-dopa content was high in flowers, especially young flower buds, ranging from 36.51 to 100.70 mg∙g−1 DW. In older flowers, the L-dopa content tended to decrease as the calyx and petal parts developed. In addition, the three compounds showed decreasing contents in pods, stems, and roots with increasing plant age. The results of this study provide information on the timing and extent of L-dopa, vicine, and convicine accumulation in different faba tissues, and indicate that various by-products, especially new/young leaves and flowers, are potential sources of natural L-dopa

    L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine Accumulation in Faba Bean (<i>Vicia faba</i> L.) Tissues during Different Growth Stages

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    L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-dopa)-rich faba (Vicia faba L.) tissues are a potentially useful source for its pharmaceutical purpose, although the species contains health curious vicine and convicine in the seeds. We determined the contents of L-dopa, vicine, and convicine in different tissues of faba plants throughout the entire growth period. The three compounds accumulated in germinating sprouts and showed high contents at 8 days of germination, especially in the epicotyl containing 132.33 mg∙g−1 DW of L-dopa, 19.81 mg∙g−1 DW of vicine, and 10.38 mg∙g−1 DW of convicine, respectively. We compared the contents of the three compounds among leaves of different ages in plants at different growth stages. The samples could be ranked, from highest to lowest content, ranging from 11.11 to 81.82 mg∙g−1 DW, as follows: new leaves > young leaves > old leaves; and vegetative > flowering > ripening. Vicine and convicine were not detected in leaves or flowers. The L-dopa content was high in flowers, especially young flower buds, ranging from 36.51 to 100.70 mg∙g−1 DW. In older flowers, the L-dopa content tended to decrease as the calyx and petal parts developed. In addition, the three compounds showed decreasing contents in pods, stems, and roots with increasing plant age. The results of this study provide information on the timing and extent of L-dopa, vicine, and convicine accumulation in different faba tissues, and indicate that various by-products, especially new/young leaves and flowers, are potential sources of natural L-dopa