13 research outputs found


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    Competition in the business world causes business actors to sometimes resort to various ways to conduct unfair business competition, resulting in losses for other business actors. In the virtual world (information technology for example) this action is often found. So it is necessary to study how the prohibition of monopolistic practices and unfair business competition against businesses in the field of information technology. This research is a normative legal research, the main data of which is obtained through library research. Based on the results of the research, it is known that the form of market monopoly and unfair business competition in information technology law can be in the form of vertical integration, discrimination of business actors, taking of domain names, and other actions that can harm business competitors. The Tying Arrangement in the Microsoft case is a form of unfair business competition, in which the giant software company Microsoft is accused of violating the antitrust law by taking Tying Arrangements by linking the windows product (the tying product) with the internet explorer browser product (the tied product). The Tying Arrangement was allegedly carried out in order to win a monopoly in the internet browser product market

    Pengaruh Kevakuman Jabatan Majelis Pengawas Wilayah Notaris terhadap Efektivitas Pembinaan dan Pengawasan Notaris di Aceh

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    Article 72 of Law No.30 of 2004 concerning to the Position of a Notary, as amended by Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning to Amendments to Law No.30 of 2004 concerning to the position of a Notary (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Notary Position and abbreviated as UUJN), states that the duration of position for the Notary Regional Supervisory Council (MPWN) are 3 (three) years, but the duration of notary for the Aceh MPWN, which on 27 September 2020 has alredy turned 3 (three) years, turns out that until 19 May 2021 there has been no replacement for a new MPWN. As a result, there has been a vacuum in the Aceh MPWN for 7.2 months. So it would be interesting if a scientific study was carried out on the effect of the MPWN's vacuum on the effectiveness of the guidance and supervision of Notaries in Aceh. This type of research is included in empirical legal research. The primary data was obtained through field research, by conducting interviews with respondents and several informants. The results of the study revealed that when the Aceh MPWN was vacuumed, there were 2 (two) MPDN recommendations with 2 (two) Notaries indicating violations of the UUJN and/or the Notary Code of Ethics, namely the MPDN for Banda Aceh Municipality and Aceh Besar District. However, due to the vacuum of the Aceh MPWN and its members having been retired, the Aceh MPWN is not authorized to handle and follow up on the recommendations of the two MPDN. The legal consequence is that the guidance and supervision of Notaries is not carried out effectively

    Alih Fungsi Ekosistem Hutan Manggrove di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang

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    ABSTRACT: Protection against forest ecosystem conservation in Aceh Tamiang manggrove decreased. This can be seen from the policy of land conversion in the forest ecosystem manggrove. Local governments have issued policies on the conversion of mangrove forest ecosystems that are not in accordance with its provisions, the conversion of the ecosystem of the mangrove forest to plantations. In addition, the exploitation of the mangrove forest by the community to the needs of charcoal that has lasted a long time and generations as well as land clearing for aquaculture ponds also cause damage to mangrove ecosystems. The conversion of mangrove forests has led to the effect that should be shouldered by the public, which reduced the catch of fishermen, the pollution of mangrove forest ecosystems.    The Convertion of Mangrove Forest Ecosystem  in Aceh Tamiang Distric


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    In everyday life, whether we realize it or not, we will always come into contact with the use of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) on the products we consume or use. In the current era of globalization, IPR has become a very important issue and has always received the attention of various parties, both national and international levels. IPR is the only right that is specifically granted to the inventor / creator, while other parties are prohibited from using the invention / creation. For this reason, IPRs need to be legally protected. The formulation of the problem in this research is what are the steps in providing legal protection for IPR in Indonesia and how is Indonesia's concern as a member of the WTO in providing legal protection for IPR. As a normative juridical research, to obtain data, literature research is carried out in order to obtain legal material, both primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The approach method used is the statutory approach, namely by examining the applicable legal provisions which are related to the issue of legal protection of IPR in Indonesia. In the legal protection of IPR, several routes can be taken, namely national, regional, European and international routes. As an effort to protect IPR, Indonesia has ratified several international conventions and harmonized several laws and regulations in the IPR sector. However, the legislation that has been produced should be supported in the form of law enforcement, so that it will have a positive impact on creators. Especially now that there are more and more practices of IPR violations, CD and VCD piracy, song or art piracy and so on. Likewise, violations in the field of brands that are rife with the development of online businesses such as Shopee, Lazada, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, JD.ID, OLX and others, both officially registered and unregistered

    Arrangements and Stages of Implementation of Land Acquisition for Development for Public Interests

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    From a formal legal perspective, the term land expropriation is recognized for the first time since Presidential Decree (Keppres) No.55 of 1993 on the acquisition of land for public interest development. This follows from Home Secretary's Order No. 15 of 1975 on the Procedural Regulations for the Liberation of Land (PMDN) which used the term "Land Liberation". With the entry into force of Law No. 2 of 2012, the term "land acquisition" is used. Several presidential decrees (Perpres) were issued to implement the Land Acquisition Act. Therefore, in order to understand in depth about the issue of land acquisition, it is necessary to explain how the arrangements and stages of land acquisition for the implementation of development in the public interest are necessary

    Juridical Analysis of the Importance of the Southwest Aceh Regency Draft Qanun Concerning Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility

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    Implementation of development is not enough only through the development of the national economy alone, but also through social development. Social development is a collective strategy and is carried out in a planned and sustainable manner in order to improve the quality of human life through a set of social policies covering the education, health, housing, employment, social security and poverty alleviation sectors. The goal of social development is to improve the welfare of society. One of the social developments is in the form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which is one of the obligatory matters of local government, so its implementation must be regulated in a legal instrument, namely in the form of a Regional Regulation or Qanun concerning the Implementation of CSR. Since the beginning of the formation of Aceh Barat Daya District through Law Number 4 of 2002 until now there has been no local law product (Qanun) that specifically regulates the Implementation of CSR. Consequently, this will have an impact on optimizing the role of the Aceh Barat Daya District Government through regional apparatus organizations and units in Aceh Barat Daya District in realizing welfare for the community. Therefore it is very important and necessary for the Regional Government of Aceh Barat Daya Regency to compile and stipulate a Draft Qanun which regulates the Implementation of CSR in order to realize the welfare of the people of Aceh Barat Daya Regency in particular and the people of Indonesia in general