95 research outputs found

    Recovery and characterisation of DNA from virgin olive oil

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    The characterisation of the genetic identity of DNA recoverable from olive oil could facilitate the assessment of its place of origin and conformity to type thanks to the particular regional spread of olive cultivars and to their different contributions to the olive oil mixture as stated by each Protected Designation of Origin regulation. This requires that intact DNA should be recovered from virgin olive oil. In an attempt to recover DNA from virgin olive oil, the performance of three different oil production methods was compared. The recorded data demonstrate that only olive oil obtained by using proteinase K treatment during the malaxation process contains DNA amenable to random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR amplification. This important result represents the first unambiguous and reproducible RAPD-PCR amplification of DNA recovered from virgin olive oil

    Information Asymmetries, Family Ownership and Divestiture Financial Performance: Evidence from Western European Countries

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    Abstract: Combining agency theory and information asymmetry literature this paper examines the controversial relationship between family ownership and the stock market reaction to a divestiture event. We employ a unique dataset of 265 divestiture transactions in West European countries. We reveal that in presence of high information asymmetries the stock market’s positive reaction will be lowered by a higher perception of the risk of opportunistic behaviours that controlling owners may carry out to the detriment of minority shareholders

    Sensory Analysis of Virgin Olive Oils

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    Olive Oil Traceability

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    Verso una "cultura" del disinvestimento: Efficienza, Superiorit\ue0 e Conformit\ue0

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    Strategic management research has always been committed to portray divestitures just as a reaction to strategic mistakes or a change to earlier decisions. Yet, scholars have recently gauged that divestiture operations represent a keystone in firm value creation (e.g. Moschieri and Mair, 2011) propelling change process. This article reviews existing research on divestiture classifying it into three schools of thought - firm efficiency, firm superiority and firm conformity \u2013 based on different assumptions and conceptualizations of firms and firm objectives. Moreover, it introduces a taxonomy of divestiture operations that accounts for their heterogeneous determinants, thus proposing to read divestiture no longer and not only as a sign of failure, but rather as a tool to create and preserve shareholders\u2019 wealth

    Knowledge spillovers from FDI: a critical review from the international business perspective

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    This paper reviews and organizes the theoretical and empirical research on foreign direct investment (FDI) knowledge spillovers from the international business perspective. In doing so, it develops a framework for the analysis of this phenomenon. The suggested FDI knowledge spillover framework integrates both the macro-level (country, industry, institutions) and micro-level (multinational firm, headquarters, subsidiary, local firms) antecedents of spillovers with their consequences, and proposes to analyse spillovers along three main attributes that characterize their occurrence, i.e. their magnitude, scope and speed

    Identicação de grupos de cultivares italianos de oliva com marcadores microssatélites

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    Cultivar characterization for fruit trees certification requires fast, efficient and reliable techniques. Microsatellite markers (SSR) were used in the molecular characterization of 23 genotypes of Olea europaea subsp europaea. The DNA from the olive cultivars was analyzed using nine pre-selected SSR primers (GAPU59, GAPU71A, GAPU71B, GAPU103A, UDO99-01, UDO99-12, UDO99-28 and UDO99-39) and revealed 29 alleles, which allowed each genotype to be identified. In the dendrogram, the nine primers allowed the 23 olive genotypes to be grouped into subgroups corresponding to the same cultivar denominations. SSR markers proved to be efficient and reliable for the molecular characterization of Italian olive cultivars.A caracterização de cultivares na produção de mudas certificadas exige técnicas rápidas, eficientes e confiáveis. Marcadores microssatélites (SSR) foram utilizados objetivando a caracterização molecular de 23 genótipos de Olea europaea subsp europaea. O DNA das cultivares foi analisado por meio de nove primers SSR pré-selecionados (GAPU59, GAPU71A, GAPU71B, GAPU103A, UDO99-01, UDO99-12, UDO99-28 and UDO99-39) e reveleram um total de 29 alelos que permitiram individualizar cada um dos genótipos. No dendrograma, os nove primers permitiram a separação dos 23 genótipos, em subgrupos. Os SSR foram eficientes e confiaveis para a caracterização molecular de cultivares italianeo de oliva

    La creazione di valore nelle strategie di disinvestimento: evidenze dal contesto europeo

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    Obiettivo del paper: Analizzare il ruolo della performance pre-disinvestimento nella creazione di valore delle scelte di disinvestimento nei paesi dell\u2019Europa Continentale, evidenziando eventuali interazioni con la presenza di \u201cblockholder\u201d e con il grado di correlazione tra il core business dell\u2019impresa che disinveste e il business disinvestito. Metodologia: Analisi econometrica su un campione di 147 operazioni realizzate in 13 paesi dell\u2019Europa Continentale. Risultati: La performance precedente l\u2019operazione, che consente di distinguere tra strategie di disinvestimento di tipo reattivo e proattivo, modera la relazione tra le determinanti di creazione di valore identificate dalla letteratura (risoluzione di conflitti di agenzia tramite il controllo esercitato dal blockholder e rifocalizzazione sul core business) e performance post-disinvestimento. Quando la performance prima dell\u2019operazione \ue8 elevata, l\u2019effetto della presenza di blockholder sulla performance postdisinvestimento \ue8 meno positivo, mentre l\u2019impatto della scarsa correlazione tra business \ue8 meno negativo. Limiti della ricerca: A causa della scarsa numerosit\ue0 campionaria non \ue8 stato possibile esplorare eventuali differenze tra le diverse modalit\ue0 di disinvestimento. Implicazioni pratiche: Il management delle imprese deve riconoscere che il disinvestimento, se usato secondo una logica proattiva, pu\uf2 avere anche un\u2019accezione positiva, e che la performance delle operazioni di disinvestimento non \ue8 indipendente dai risultati che l\u2019impresa ha realizzato nel periodo precedente all\u2019operazione stessa. Di conseguenza, i manager devono individuare il momento pi\uf9 adeguato per implementare le scelte di disinvestimento. Originalit\ue0 del paper: Lo studio contribuisce in modo originale alla letteratura sul disinvestimento, con un particolare focus sulle determinanti della performance del disinvestimento nei paesi dell\u2019Europa Continentale e sulla moderazione esercitata dalla performance pre-disinvestimento quale indicatore della tipologia di disinvestimento (reattivo vs. proattivo)
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