280 research outputs found

    Rates of spectacle wear in early childhood in the Netherlands

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    BACKGROUND: Refractive errors are relatively common all around the world. In particular, early onset myopia is associated with a significant burden in later life. Little is known about refractive errors in preschool children. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of spectacle wear, visual acuity and refractive errors in young Dutch children. METHODS: We analyzed data of three prospective population-based studies: 99,660 3- to 5-year-olds undergoing vision screening at preventive child healthcare organizations, 6934 6-year-olds from the Generation R study, and 2974 7-year-olds from the RAMSES study. Visual acuity was measured with Landolt-C or LEA charts, spectacle wear was assessed, and refractive errors at age 6 and 7 were measured with cycloplegic refraction. RESULTS: The prevalence of spectacle wear ranged from 1.5 to 11.8% between 3 to 7 years with no significant gender differences. Among children with spectacle wear at 6 years (N = 583) and 7 years (N = 350) 29.8 and 34.6% had myopia respectively, of which 21.1 and 21.6% combined with astigmatism; 19.6 and 6.8% had hyperopia, 37.2 and 11.1% hyperopia and astigmatism, and 12.5 and 32.7% astigmatism only. CONCLUSIONS: Spectacle wear in European children starts early in preschool and increases to a relatively frequent visual aid at school age. Advocating early detection and monitoring of refraction errors is warranted in order to prevent visual morbidities later in life

    Evidence that emmetropization buffers against both genetic and environmental risk factors for myopia

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    YesPURPOSE. To test the hypothesis that emmetropization buffers against genetic and environmental risk factors for myopia by investigating whether risk factor effect sizes vary depending on children’s position in the refractive error distribution. METHODS. Refractive error was assessed in participants from two birth cohorts: Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) (noncycloplegic autorefraction) and Generation R (cycloplegic autorefraction). A genetic risk score for myopia was calculated from genotypes at 146 loci. Time spent reading, time outdoors, and parental myopia were ascertained from parent-completed questionnaires. Risk factors were coded as binary variables (0 = low, 1 = high risk). Associations between refractive error and each risk factor were estimated using either ordinary least squares (OLS) regression or quantile regression. RESULTS. Quantile regression: effects associated with all risk factors (genetic risk, parental myopia, high time spent reading, low time outdoors) were larger for children in the extremes of the refractive error distribution than for emmetropes and low ametropes in the center of the distribution. For example, the effect associated with having a myopic parent for children in quantile 0.05 vs. 0.50 was as follows: ALSPAC: age 15, –1.19 D (95% CI –1.75 to –0.63) vs. –0.13 D (–0.19 to –0.06), P = 0.001; Generation R: age 9, –1.31 D (–1.80 to –0.82) vs. –0.19 D (–0.26 to –0.11), P < 0.001. Effect sizes for OLS regression were intermediate to those for quantiles 0.05 and 0.50. CONCLUSIONS. Risk factors for myopia were associated with much larger effects in children in the extremes of the refractive error distribution, providing indirect evidence that emmetropization buffers against both genetic and environmental risk factors.UK Medical Research Council and Wellcome (grant ref: 102215/2/13/2), and the University of Bristol provided core support for ALSPAC. This research was specifically funded by the UK National Eye Research Centre (grant SAC015), the Global Education Program of the Russian Federation government, a PhD studentship grant from the UK College of Optometrists (“Genetic Prediction of Individuals At-Risk for Myopia Development”), and an NIHR Senior Research Fellowship award SRF-2015-08-005. The Generation R study is supported by the Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands; the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO); Netherlands Organization for the Health Research and Development (ZonMw); the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science; the Ministry for Health,Welfare and Sports; the European Commission (DG XII); European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (grant 648268); the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO, grant 91815655); and Oogfonds, ODAS, Uitzicht 2017-28 (LSBS, MaculaFonds, Oogfonds)

    Price Elasticities and Social Health Insurance Choice in Germany: A Dynamic Panel Data Approach

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    In 1996 free choice of health insurers has been introduced in the German social health insurance scheme. Competition between insurers was supposed to increase efficiency. A crucial precondition for effective competition among health insurers is that consumers search for lower-priced health insurers.We test this hypothesis by estimating the price elasticities of insurers? market shares. We use unique panel data and specify a dynamic panel model to explain changes in market shares. Estimation results suggest that short-run price elasticities are smaller than previously found by other studies. In the long-run, however, estimation results suggest substantial price effects

    Doseersysteem voor element correcties: Aanpassingen in ammonium en calcium gift, gebaseerd op pH en ammoniumvracht

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    De werking is getest van een flexibel geautomatiseerd meet- en regelsysteem voor de ammoniumgift (afhankelijk van de pH van de drain). Het effect is van de verhoogde ammoniumgift op de pH, de gewassamenstelling en gewasproductie is gemeten

    "Liberalizing" the English National Health Service: background and risks to healthcare entitlement

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    Resumo: A recente reforma do Serviço Nacional de Saúde (NHS) inglês por meio do Health and Social Care Act de 2012 introduziu mudanças importantes na organização, gestão e prestação de serviços públicos de saúde na Inglaterra. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar as reformas do NHS no contexto histórico de predomínio de teorias neoliberais desde 1980 e discutir o processo de "liberalização" do NHS. São identificados e analisados três momentos: (i) gradativa substituição ideológica e teórica (1979-1990) - transição da lógica profissional e sanitária para uma lógica gerencial/comercial; (ii) burocracia e mercado incipiente (1991-2004) - estruturação de burocracia voltada à administração do mercado interno e expansão de medidas pró-mercado; e (iii) abertura ao mercado, fragmentação e descontinuidade de serviços (2005-2012) - fragilização do modelo de saúde territorial e consolidação da saúde como um mercado aberto a prestadores públicos e privados. Esse processo gradual e constante de liberalização vem levando ao fechamento de serviços e à restrição do acesso, comprometendo a integralidade, a equidade e o direito universal à saúde no NHS

    Market structure and hospital–insurer bargaining in the Netherlands

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    In 2005, competition was introduced in part of the hospital market in the Netherlands. Using a unique dataset of transactions and list prices between hospitals and insurers in the years 2005 and 2006, we estimate the influence of buyer and seller concentration on the negotiated prices. First, we use a traditional structure–conduct–performance model (SCP-model) along the lines of Melnick et al. (J Health Econ 11(3): 217–233, 1992) to estimate the effects of buyer and seller concentration on price–cost margins. Second, we model the interaction between hospitals and insurers in the context of a generalized bargaining model similar to Brooks et al. (J Health Econ 16: 417–434, 1997). In the SCP-model, we find that the market shares of hospitals (insurers) have a significantly positive (negative) impact on the hospital price–cost margin. In the bargaining model, we find a significant negative effect of insurer concentration, but no significant effect of hospital concentration. In both models, we find a significant impact of idiosyncratic effects on the market outcomes. This is consistent with the fact that the Dutch hospital sector is not yet in a long-run equilibrium

    A randomised controlled trial of preventive spinal manipulation with and without a home exercise program for patients with chronic neck pain

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Evidence indicates that supervised home exercises, combined or not with manual therapy, can be beneficial for patients with non-specific chronic neck pain (NCNP). The objective of the study is to investigate the efficacy of preventive spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) compared to a no treatment group in NCNP patients. Another objective is to assess the efficacy of SMT with and without a home exercise program.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ninety-eight patients underwent a short symptomatic phase of treatment before being randomly allocated to either an attention-group (n = 29), a SMT group (n = 36) or a SMT + exercise group (n = 33). The preventive phase of treatment, which lasted for 10 months, consisted of meeting with a chiropractor every two months to evaluate and discuss symptoms (attention-control group), 1 monthly SMT session (SMT group) or 1 monthly SMT session combined with a home exercise program (SMT + exercise group). The primary and secondary outcome measures were represented by scores on a 10-cm visual analog scale (VAS), active cervical ranges of motion (cROM), the neck disability index (NDI) and the Bournemouth questionnaire (BQ). Exploratory outcome measures were scored on the Fear-avoidance Behaviour Questionnaire (FABQ) and the SF-12 Questionnaire.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results show that, in the preventive phase of the trial, all 3 groups showed primary and secondary outcomes scores similar to those obtain following the non-randomised, symptomatic phase. No group difference was observed for the primary, secondary and exploratory variables. Significant improvements in FABQ scores were noted in all groups during the preventive phase of the trial. However, no significant change in health related quality of life (HRQL) was associated with the preventive phase.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study hypothesised that participants in the combined intervention group would have less pain and disability and better function than participants from the 2 other groups during the preventive phase of the trial. This hypothesis was not supported by the study results. Lack of a treatment specific effect is discussed in relation to the placebo and patient provider interactions in manual therapies. Further research is needed to delineate the specific and non-specific effects of treatment modalities to prevent unnecessary disability and to minimise morbidity related to NCNP. Additional investigation is also required to identify the best strategies for secondary and tertiary prevention of NCNP.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov: <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00566930">NCT00566930</a></p

    Effect of Supplementation with Zinc and Other Micronutrients on Malaria in Tanzanian Children: A Randomised Trial

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    Hans Verhoef and colleagues report findings from a randomized trial conducted among Tanzanian children at high risk for malaria. Children in the trial received either daily oral supplementation with either zinc alone, multi-nutrients without zinc, multi-nutrients with zinc, or placebo. The investigators did not find evidence from this study that zinc or multi-nutrients protected against malaria episodes

    Key issues in the design of pay for performance programs

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    Pay for performance (P4P) is increasingly being used to stimulate healthcare providers to improve their performance. However, evidence on P4P effectiveness remains inconclusive. Flaws in program design may have contributed to this limited success. Based on a synthesis of relevant theoretical and empirical literature, this paper discusses key issues in P4P-program design. The analysis reveals that designing a fair and effective program is a complex undertaking. The following tentative conclusions are made: (1) performance is ideally defined broadly, provided that the set of measures remains comprehensible, (2) concerns that P4P encourages "selection" and "teaching to the test" should not be dismissed, (3) sophisticated risk adjustment is important, especially in outcome and resource use measures, (4) involving providers in program design is vital, (5) on balance, group incentives are preferred over individual incentives, (6) whether to use rewards or penalties is context-dependent, (7) payouts should be frequent and low-powered, (8) absolute targets are generally preferred over relative targets, (9) multiple targets are preferred over single targets, and (10) P4P should be a permanent component of provider compensation and is ideally "decoupled" form base payments. However, the design of P4P programs should be tailored to the specific setting of implementation, and empirical research is needed to confirm the conclusions