10 research outputs found

    Manisa Sülüklü Göl Emys Orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Testudinata: Emydidae) populasyonunun üreme döneminde çeşitli kan parametrelerinin incelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada, Manisa Sülüklü Gölde 14 (3 ♂♂, 11 ♀♀) ergin Emys orbicularisin, üreme öncesi ve üreme sonrası dönemlere bağlı olarak hematolojisi, eritrosit sayısı (ES), lökosit sayısı (LS), hemoglobin miktarı (Hb), hematokrit değeri (HCT), ortalama eritrosit hacmi (OEH), ortalama eritrosit hemoglobini (OEHb), ortalama eritrosit hemoglobin konsantrasyon (OEHbK) ve hücre morfolojileri çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, 1 mm³ kandaki eritrosit sayısı (ES), 443.178 (227.500 - 560.000); lökosit sayısı (LS), 5.276 (2.800-7.975); hemoglobin miktarı (Hb), 6.10 (2.8-8) g/dl; hematokrit değeri (HCT), 0.2 (0.1- 0.27) L/l; ortalama eritrosit hacmi (OEH), 458.81 (338-541) fl; ortalama eritrosit hemoglobini (OEHb), 140.96 (90-187) pg; ortalama eritrosit hemoglobin konsantrasyonu (OEHbK), 308.24 (246 - 433) g/l olarak bulunmuştur. Çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlar literatürde verilen değerlerle büyük ölçüde benzerdir. Eritrosit sayısı ve bunlarla ilgili parametreler (Hb, OEH, OEHb ve OEHbK) üremeye bağlı olarak bir artış gösterse de, bu artış istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmamıştır. Hematokrit miktarı ve lökosit sayısında ise dönemler (üreme öncesi ve üreme sonrası) arasında farklılık gözlenmiştir. Hücre morfolojisinde ise küçük farklılıklar gözlense de, bu farklılıklar bireysel varyasyondan kaynaklanmaktadır

    Idiopathic Hypercalciuria in Children With Urinary Tract Infection

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    Amaç: Çalışmamızda idrar yolu enfeksiyonu olan hastalarda idrar ile kalsiyum atılımının rolünü değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Yöntem ve Gereçler: İdrar yolu enfeksiyonu tanısı olan 100 çocuk ve sağlıklı 50 çocuk alındı. Çalışmaya alınan tüm olguların sabah ikinci idrar örneklerinde, idrar kalsiyum / kreatinin oranı bakılarak 0,21 ve üzerinde değerler hiperkalsiüri olarak kabul edildi Bulgular : Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Nefroloji polikliniğinde görülen idrar yolu enfeksiyonu olan hastalarda hiperkalsiüri birlikteliğini saptamak için yaptığımız çalışmamızda hiperkalsiüri prevalansını, çalışma grubunda %9,9, kontrol grubunda %8 tespit ettik. Kontrol grubu ile çalışma grubu kıyaslandığında hiperkalsiüri sıklığı yönünden fark bulundu Sonuç: İdrar yolu enfeksiyonu olan hastalarda üriner kalsiyum düzeyi bakılmalıdırAim: We aimed to evaluate the role of urinary calcium excretion in children with urinary tract infections. Material And Methods: This study was performed on 100 children with urinary tract infections and 50 healthy cont- rols. Urinary calcium/creatinine ratio was examined in the second urine samples of all cases obtained in the morning, and any ratio above 0.21 was considered hypercalciuric. Result: In the present study conducted to detect hypercalciuria in the patients seen at the Pediatric Nephrology outpa- tient clinic of Kırıkkale University School of Medicine, prevalence of hypercalciuria was 9,9 % in the patient group, and 8%in the control group. When compared to the control group, prevalence of hypercalciuria was higher. Concluction : The investigation of urinary calcium excretion in children with urinary tract infections is recommended

    Relationship Between Mental Health Literacy Level and Treatment Motivation in Alcohol and Drug Addicts

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    The primary objective of this research is to explore how the level of Mental Health Literacy influences the motivation for treatment among individuals dealing with alcohol or substance addiction. The study involved 128 subjects undergoing inpatient treatment at the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment Center. To gather data, researchers utilized a Personal Information Form, Mental Health Literacy Scale, and Treatment Motivation (TM) survey. The scores obtained from the Treatment Motivation Questionnaire and Mental Health Literacy Scale were 94.21±12.2 and 108.03±11.7, respectively. The analysis revealed a statistically significant, albeit weak, positive correlation between the participants' Mental Health Literacy Scale-Knowledge of How to Seek Mental Health Information subscale mean score and both their total Treatment Motivation Questionnaire score and their Interpersonal Help-Seeking subscale mean scores (r=0.284). Conversely, a statistically significant weak negative correlation emerged between the participants' Mental Health Literacy Scale-Knowledge of Professional Help Available subscale mean score and their Treatment Motivation Questionnaire-Distrust in Treatment subscale mean score (r=−0.230). Conclusions drawn from the study indicate that a lack of knowledge regarding addiction and accessing professional assistance, coupled with concerns surrounding stigma, pose as significant barriers to motivation for seeking treatment

    Prevalence of celiac disease in healthy Turkish school children.

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    OBJECTIVES: Epidemiological studies of celiac disease (CD) in Turkey have been performed only within some regions of the country. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of CD in Turkish school children

    Streptozotosinle Oluşturulan Diyabet Modelinde Gelişen Kognitif Bozukluklarda Etil Pirüvat Etkisinin Araştırılması

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    Gait as a biometric has a unique advantage that it can be used when images are acquired at a distance and other biometrics are at too low a resolution to be perceived. In such a situation, there is still information which can be readily perceived by human vision, yet is difficult to extract automatically. We examine how this information can be used to enrich the recognition process. We call these descriptions semantic annotations and investigate their use in biometric scenarios. We outline a group of visually assessable physical traits formulated as a mutually exclusive set of semantic terms we contend that these traits are usable in soft biometric fusion. An experiment to gather semantic annotations was performed and the most reliable traits are identified using ANOVA. We rate the ability to correctly identify subjects using these semantically prescribed traits, both in isolation as well as in fusion with an automatically derived gait signature