2,528 research outputs found

    Economic paradigms and the role of the State in Latin America

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    Includes bibliographyThis paper looks at the two successive development paradigms that prevailed in Latin America during the second half of the twentieth century, examining in particular the role assigned to the State in each. It will discuss how, in the ECLAC paradigm, a far-reaching role for the State as guide, sponsor and direct participant in productive development became less viable as the State was captured by private interests that no institution was solid enough to contain. Later, after the advent of the Washington consensus, the State became too severely weakened to carry out proper regulation of privatized activities or to sustain its long-term vision or its concern about income concentration. The paper touches upon the social demand for a new type of State and examines the requirements and objectives that will have to be met if the State is to facilitate the effective operation of markets and act to reduce social inequalities, among other things

    Agricultural Development in Latin America and the Role of Research and Technological Change: An Overview

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    Text of the Sir John Crawford Memorial Lecture delivered during International Centers Week, October 1992, by President Enrique V. Iglesias of the Inter American Development Bank (IDB). Iglesias spoke of the role of agriculture in Latin American economic development, the performance of Latin American agricultural exports, and the contribution of agricultural research and technological change. He described IDB strategy for promoting agricultural development in the region and its approach to research within that strategy

    A preliminary overview of the Latin American economy during 1983

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    Includes bibliographyPresenta un balance de la economia en America Latina durante 1983, a partir del examen de la produccion, el empleo, la inflacion y el sector externo. Analiza las politicas de ajuste aplicadas en la region orientadas a restablecer el equilibrio del sector externo y las consecuencias economicas y sociales de dichas politicas

    Development and equity: the challenge of the 1980s

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    Includes bibliographyPresenta algunos rasgos principales de la coyuntura internacional y del escenario económico regional a comienzos de la década de los ochenta. Analiza las relaciones centro-periferia y el proceso de industrialización en el marco de la realidad actual. Esboza los problemas estratégicos de la nueva década relativos al comercio internacional, el financiamiento internacional, la transición energética y la seguridad en el abastecimiento de alimentos

    Reflections on the Latin American economy in 1982

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    Includes bibliographyAnaliza los rasgos principales de la crisis economica que afecta a la region y sus causas a partir de algunos fenomenos como el crecimiento economico, la desocupacion, la inflacion, los desequilibrios del sector externo, y el endeudamiento externo. Esboza el camino que debiera seguir America Latina para enfrentar esta crisis

    Palabras del Sr. Presidente con ocasión del acto: "Las remesas como instrumento de desarrollo: Una conferencia regional"

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    Da a conocer las palabras ofrecidas por el Presidente del BID, Enrique V. Iglesias, sobre la conferencia que abarca temas de la importancia macroeconómica de las remesas, mecanismos que contribuyan a la reducción en el coste y propuestas para canalizar el ahorro de los emigrantes hacia inversiones productivas.Remesas, Economía, remesas, macroeconomía, ahorro

    Development of algorithms of statistical signal processing for the detection and pattern recognitionin time series. Application to the diagnosis of electrical machines and to the features extraction in Actigraphy signals

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] En la actualidad, el desarrollo y aplicación de algoritmos para el reconocimiento de patrones que mejoren los niveles de rendimiento, detección y procesamiento de datos en diferentes áreas del conocimiento resulta un tema de gran interés. En este contexto, y específicamente en relación con la aplicación de estos algoritmos en el monitoreo y diagnóstico de máquinas eléctricas, el uso de señales de flujo es una alternativa muy interesante para detectar las diferentes fallas. Asimismo, y en relación con el uso de señales biomédicas, es de gran interés extraer características relevantes en las señales de actigrafía para la identificación de patrones que pueden estar asociados con una patología específica. En esta tesis, se han desarrollado y aplicado algoritmos basados en el procesamiento estadístico y espectral de señales, para la detección y diagnóstico de fallas en máquinas eléctricas, así como su aplicación al tratamiento de señales de actigrafía. Con el desarrollo de los algoritmos propuestos, se pretende tener un sistema dinámico de indicación e identificación para detectar la falla o la patología asociada que no depende de parámetros o información externa que pueda condicionar los resultados, sólo de la información primaria que inicialmente presenta la señal a tratar (como la periodicidad, amplitud, frecuencia y fase de la muestra). A partir del uso de los algoritmos desarrollados para la detección y diagnóstico de fallas en máquinas eléctricas, basados en el procesamiento estadístico y espectral de señales, se pretende avanzar, en relación con los modelos actualmente existentes, en la identificación de fallas mediante el uso de señales de flujo. Además, y por otro lado, mediante el uso de estadísticas de orden superior, para la extracción de anomalías en las señales de actigrafía, se han encontrado parámetros alternativos para la identificación de procesos que pueden estar relacionados con patologías específicas.[CA] En l'actualitat, el desenvolupament i aplicació d'algoritmes per al reconeixement de patrons que milloren els nivells de rendiment, detecció i processament de dades en diferents àrees del coneixement és un tema de gran interés. En aquest context, i específicament en relació amb l'aplicació d'aquests algoritmes a la monitorització i diagnòstic de màquines elèctriques, l'ús de senyals de flux és una alternativa molt interessant per tal de detectar les diferents avaries. Així mateix, i en relació amb l'ús de senyals biomèdics, és de gran interés extraure característiques rellevants en els senyals d'actigrafia per a la identificació de patrons que poden estar associats amb una patologia específica. En aquesta tesi, s'han desenvolupat i aplicat algoritmes basats en el processament estadístic i espectral de senyals per a la detecció i diagnòstic d'avaries en màquines elèctriques, així com la seua aplicació al tractament de senyals d'actigrafia. Amb el desenvolupament dels algoritmes proposats, es pretén obtindre un sistema dinàmic d'indicació i identificació per a detectar l'avaria o la patologia associada, el qual no depenga de paràmetres o informació externa que puga condicionar els resultats, només de la informació primària que inicialment presenta el senyal a tractar (com la periodicitat, amplitud, freqüència i fase de la mostra). A partir de l'ús dels algoritmes desenvolupats per a la detecció i diagnòstic d'avaries en màquines elèctriques, basats en el processament estadístic i espectral de senyals, es pretén avançar, en relació amb els models actualment existents, en la identificació de avaries mitjançant l'ús de senyals de flux. A més, i d'altra banda, mitjançant l'ús d'estadístics d'ordre superior, per a l'extracció d'anomalies en els senyals d'actigrafía, s'han trobat paràmetres alternatius per a la identificació de processos que poden estar relacionats amb patologies específiques.[EN] Nowadays, the development and application of algorithms for pattern recognition that improve the levels of performance, detection and data processing in different areas of knowledge is a topic of great interest. In this context, and specifically in relation to the application of these algorithms to the monitoring and diagnosis of electrical machines, the use of stray flux signals is a very interesting alternative to detect the different faults. Likewise, and in relation to the use of biomedical signals, it is of great interest to extract relevant features in actigraphy signals for the identification of patterns that may be associated with a specific pathology. In this thesis, algorithms based on statistical and spectral signal processing have been developed and applied to the detection and diagnosis of failures in electrical machines, as well as to the treatment of actigraphy signals. With the development of the proposed algorithms, it is intended to have a dynamic indication and identification system for detecting the failure or associated pathology that does not depend on parameters or external information that may condition the results, but only rely on the primary information that initially presents the signal to be treated (such as the periodicity, amplitude, frequency and phase of the sample). From the use of the algorithms developed for the detection and diagnosis of failures in electrical machines, based on the statistical and spectral signal processing, it is intended to advance, in relation to the models currently existing, in the identification of failures through the use of stray flux signals. In addition, and on the other hand, through the use of higher order statistics for the extraction of anomalies in actigraphy signals, alternative parameters have been found for the identification of processes that may be related to specific pathologies.Iglesias Martínez, ME. (2020). Development of algorithms of statistical signal processing for the detection and pattern recognitionin time series. Application to the diagnosis of electrical machines and to the features extraction in Actigraphy signals [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/145603TESISCompendi

    Apparent availability of nitrogen in composted municipal refuse

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    The use of compostested municipal refuse on agricultural land requires prior knowledge of the interactions among compost, soil, and plants. Research into the availability of N in highly matured municipal refuse compost is particularly important considering the current concern about groundwater contamination by NON.AgreehousepotbioassaywasconductedtodeterminethepercentageofshorttermapparentbioavailableNofahighlymaturedrefusecompostanditsrelativeefficiencyinsupplyinginorganicNtothesoilplantsystemincomparisonwithNH- N. A greehouse pot bioassay was conducted to determine the percentage of short-term apparent bioavailable N of a highly matured refuse compost and its relative efficiency in supplying inorganic N to the soil-plant system in comparison with NHNO.Municipalrefuse(after165daysofcomposting)wasappliedatratesequivalentto10,20,30,40,and50thatoaferralliticsoilfromTenerifeIsland(AndepticPaludult).NH. Municipal refuse (after 165 days of composting) was applied at rates equivalent to 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 t ha ' to a ferrallitic soil from Tenerife Island (Andeptic Paludult). NHNOwasappliedatratesequivalenttothetotalNcontentofthecomposttreatments.Perennialryegrass(LoliumperenneL.)wasgrownin3kgpotsandthetopswereharvestedatregularintervalsafterseedlingemergence.Thecompostincreaseddrymatteryield,soilmineralN,andplantNuptakeproportionaltotheappliedrate.Theseincreasesweresignificantlyhigherthanthecontrolatanapplicationrateof20tha.After6monthstheapparentbioavailableNrangedfrom16to21 was applied at rates equivalent to the total N content of the compost treatments. Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was grown in 3-kg pots and the tops were harvested at regular intervals after seedling emergence. The compost increased dry matter yield, soil mineral N, and plant N uptake proportional to the applied rate. These increases were significantly higher than the control at an application rate of 20 t ha '. After 6 months the apparent bioavailable N ranged from 16 to 21%. The relative efficiency was 43% after 30 days. This suggets that large inputs of inorganic N into soil can be obtained with high rates of this kind of compost, with a potential for NO-N contamination. However, applied at moderate rates in our bioassay (<50 t ha'), compost showed a low N-supplying capacity to ryegrass, i.e. a small fraction of the mineralized compost N was used by plants in the course of time. This was ascribed to a partial biological innobilization. This pattern of N availability in highly matured municipal refuse compost, positive net mineralization but partial immobilization, is similar to the pattern of N availability in biologically active soils and is therefore extremely interesting for the conservation of N in agro-ecosystems.Peer reviewe

    Dragoman: Efficiently Evaluating Declarative Mapping Languages over Frameworks for Knowledge Graph Creation

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    In recent years, there have been valuable efforts and contributions to make the process of RDF knowledge graph creation traceable and transparent; extending and applying declarative mapping languages is an example. One challenging step is the traceability of procedures that aim to overcome interoperability issues, a.k.a. data-level integration. In most pipelines, data integration is performed by ad-hoc programs, preventing traceability and reusability. However, formal frameworks provided by function-based declarative mapping languages such as FunUL and RML+FnO empower expressiveness. Data-level integration can be defined as functions and integrated as part of the mappings performing schema-level integration. However, combining functions with the mappings introduces a new source of complexity that can considerably impact the required number of resources and execution time. We tackle the problem of efficiently executing mappings with functions and formalize the transformation of them into function-free mappings. These transformations are the basis of an optimization process that aims to perform an eager evaluation of function-based mapping rules. These techniques are implemented in a framework named Dragoman. We demonstrate the correctness of the transformations while ensuring that the function-free data integration processes are equivalent to the original one. The effectiveness of Dragoman is empirically evaluated in 230 testbeds composed of various types of functions integrated with mapping rules of different complexity. The outcomes suggest that evaluating function-free mapping rules reduces execution time in complex knowledge graph creation pipelines composed of large data sources and multiple types of mapping rules. The savings can be up to 75%, suggesting that eagerly executing functions in mapping rules enable making these pipelines applicable and scalable in real-world settings

    El perfil docente constructor de paz: concepciones emergentes desde la escuela en el posconflicto colombiano

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    Objective: to characterize the conceptions of the peacebuilding teacher profile of students and teachers in public schools located in Colombian post-conflict regions. Methodology: a non-experimental, descriptive, cross-sectional research design was considered, using the Modified Natural Semantic Networks (RSNM) technique. Two hundred thirty-three students and 36 teachers selected from a non-probabilistic convenience sampling participated in the study. They attend four official educational institutions in the rural sector (a zone prioritized by the post-conflict) located in the Troncal del Caribe zone of the city of Santa Marta, in the department of Magdalena. For the analysis and processing of the data, the RSNM technique categories were taken into account: Network Size (J), Frequency (F), Semantic Weight (M), SAM Group, Semantic Distance (FMG) and Density of the Network (G); they were complemented by the Importance Frequency (IF) method and the consensual analysis of the RSNM configured by the different population groups studied. Results: the defining characteristics Respectful and Tolerant were evidenced as the constitutive core concepts of the conception of the peacebuilding teacher profile from the voices of students and teachers belonging to these schools. Conclusions: the conception of the peacebuilding teacher profile in the voices of students and teachers of public schools in the Colombian Caribbean highlights universal and moral values such as respect and tolerance when thinking about configuring peace processes in populations that have historically been affected by the armed conflict.Objetivo: caracterizar las concepciones del perfil docente constructor de paz de estudiantes y profesores en escuelas públicas ubicadas en zonas de posconflicto colombiano. Metodología: Se contempló un diseño de investigación no experimental, descriptivo, de corte transversal, mediante el uso de la técnica de Redes Semánticas Naturales Modificadas (RSNM). En el estudio participaron 233 estudiantes y 36 profesores seleccionados a partir de un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, quienes asisten a cuatro instituciones educativas oficiales del sector rural (zona priorizada por el posconflicto) localizadas en la zona troncal del caribe de la ciudad de Santa Marta, en el departamento del Magdalena. Para el análisis y procesamiento de los datos se tuvieron en cuenta las categorías de la técnica RSNM: Tamaño de la Red (J), Frecuencia (F), Peso Semántico (M), Grupo SAM, Distancia Semántica (FMG) y Densidad de la Red (G); complementadas por el método Importancia Frecuencia (IF) y el análisis consensual de las RSNM configuradas por los diferentes grupos poblacionales estudiados. Resultados: las definidoras Respetuoso y Tolerante se evidenciaron como los conceptos nucleares constitutivos de la concepción del perfil docente constructor de paz desde las voces de estudiantes y profesores pertenecientes a estas escuelas. Conclusiones: la concepción del perfil docente constructor de paz en voces de estudiantes y profesores de escuelas públicas del caribe colombiano, resalta valores universales y morales como el respeto y la tolerancia cuando se piensa en procesos configurativos de paz en poblaciones que históricamente han sido afectadas por el conflicto armado