38 research outputs found


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    Are Low-Price Compromises Collusion Guarantees? An Experimental Test of Price Matching Policies

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    In a symmetric differentiated experimental duopoly we test the ability of Price Matching Guarantees (PMG) to rise prices above the competitive levels. PMG is introduced both as a market institution (the effective selling price is always the lowest posted price) and as a strategic choice so subjects have to decide whether or not to offer it. Our results show that PMG leads to a clear collusive outcome as markets quickly and fully converge to the collusive prediction if PM is imposed as a market institution. If subjects are allowed to decide whether to adopt PMG or not we observe that almost all subjects decide to adopt PMG and prices get very close to the collusive ones.price-matching guarantees, experimental economics

    How politicians make decisions under risk: a political choice experiment

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    We report on an experimental study with real-world politicians. These political experts face political choice problems under risk and probability. Thus, we test the frequently observed violations of rational choice theory -the reference point effect, loss aversion, framing effects, and the common ratio effect- with experts from the field. Their choices violate expected utility theory. Nevertheless, they appear to be more rational and less risk averse (loving) in the domain of gains (losses) than student subjects.Subject-pool effect; experts; expected utility; prospect theory.

    The puzzle of social preferences

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    We present a brief overview of the experimental economics literature on social preferences. In numerous experiments, economically incentivized subjects are willing to sacrifice part of their material earnings to compensate the kind behavior of others, or will be willing to reciprocate at a non-negligible cost, or even pay a positive price for punishing the behavior of selfish individuals. All these actions are labeled as social in economics because there is no apparent way to reconcile them with any reasonable form of pure self-interest. We focus on social dilemma games and want to communicate two main messages. First, research in experimental economics has produced abundant evidence that illustrates the social components of people’s preferences. Second, social sanctions of different types play an important role in facilitating cooperative behavior

    Endogenous social influence in an experimental dilemma game

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    We study whether people's behavior in a one-shot sequential public goods type situation is affected by social information about average behavior by others in the same situation. The kind of social information we consider does not directly affect subjects' payoffs and we are, therefore, able to separate pure social influence from more conventional distributional effects. We find clear evidence for other-regarding preferences; a specific patterns that we identify is that the more generous a subject, the more reciprocal his responses to others' actions. However, there is very little indication of social influence in our data. The results suggest that current static models of social preferences need not take into account the effect of social influence.Social information, experimental economics, social dilemmas

    Una introducciĂłn a la metodologĂ­a experimental en economĂ­a

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la metodología experimental en economía, identificando los elementos esenciales de todo experimento económico. Los tres objetivos esenciales de la economía experimental son analizados en profundidad a partir de algunas de las aportaciones esenciales de esta técnica. Por último, se presentan las principales críticas que la utilización de laboratorios experimentales ha recibido, así como las respuestas con que los experimentalistas han intentado rebatirlas

    EconomĂ­a polĂ­tica europea: la independencia monetaria y la paradoja fiscal

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    La exigencia de un objetivo de inflación para acceder a la tercera fase de la UEM puede considerarse una barrera para no infectar al futuro BCE con la mala reputación de determinados países con un historial reciente de inflación. Pagar un precio en términos de desempleo, sin recurrir a un endeudamiento, coyuntural o acumulado, para responder a los posibles shocks asimétricos que afectarán a la UE es una manera de demostrar la voluntad de obtener esa reputación anti inflacionista imprescindible para hacer escapar al BCE de la trampa del sesgo inflacionista anteriormente comentado. El establecimiento de un criterio de deuda pública se justifica en la medida en que cuando el porcentaje de la misma sobre el PIB es muy elevado, desencadena presiones sobre el BCE para crear sorpresas inflacionarias que reduzcan la carga real de la deuda. Ese incentivo se mantiene independientemente de que los gobiernos de los países que se integran tengan idénticas preferencias antiinflacionarias. y no se desvanece una vez formada la unión monetaria. No obstante, aunque la imposición de condiciones de carácter presupuestario se justifica por el riesgo que su incumplimiento supone para la estabilidad de precios de la futura UM, la formación de la UM sin la exigencia de ese mismo criterio facilitaría la reducción posterior del ratio deuda pública PIB. Es lo que se denomina la paradoja fiscal, que consiste en que en una UM desaparecen las diferencias en tipos de interés nominales, lo cual reduciría la carga de la deuda (medida a través de los tipos reales de interés) y facilitaría su reducción A pesar del aparente consenso sobre la cuestión entre los economistas, los últimos años han arrojado a la luz algunas dudas en ciertos casos mus matizadas, sobre los resultados hasta ahora comentados

    Mixture and distribution of different water qualities: an experiment on vertical structure in a complex market

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    We report results from experimental markets in which two different...water are supplied to two types of consumers; households and farmers. In the...studied, we very strategic complexity (and centralization) by varying the...of agents per market. Centralization of information by a multiproduct more (scenario I) improves market preformance with respect to a duopoly...downstream coordinator (scenario 3)succeds in mitigating upstream market...In a complex setup like ours, some centralization on the supply or the de...may enhance market efficiency.Publicad

    Participación en la distribución: un análisis experimental de las instituciones políticas

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    Este artĂ­culo analiza el papel de de las instituciones polĂ­ticas sobre la distribuciĂłn de recursos en procesos de negociaciĂłn polĂ­tica. Para ello, recurrimos a la metodologĂ­a experimental y estudiamos 3 instituciones polĂ­ticas diferentes en el laboratorio, con el fin de determinar los resultados (desde el punto de vista del bienestar y de la igualdad) de la democracia y la participaciĂłn directa en las instituciones. En la instituciĂłn no democrática (Dictadura), un dictador es elegido aleatoriamente al comienzo del experimento para elegir como distribuir una cantidad constante de recursos. Dos instituciones democráticas son comparadas a este tratamiento base: (i) Democracia Indirecta, en la cual el proponente es elegido aleatoriamente cada ronda; y (ii) Democracia Directa, en la cual todos los sujetos hacen una propuesta de reparto cada perĂ­odo. Nuestros resultados sugieren que las instituciones democráticas garantizan más bienestar y más igualdad, debido a que los participantes interiorizan y evitan el conflicto y rechazan menos propuestas cuando perciben el sistema como legĂ­timo. Estas ganancias no están necesariamente asociadas al nivel de participaciĂłn en las instituciones democrá[email protected]; [email protected]

    Inducing a self-fulfilling prophecy in public goods games

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    This study explores how a self-fulfilling prophecy can solve a social dilemma. We ran two experimental treatments, baseline and automata. Both consisted of a finitely repeated public goods game with a surprise restart. In the automata treatment it was announced that there might be automata playing a grim trigger strategy. This announcement became a self-fulfilling prophecy. That is, most participants actually followed a grim trigger strategy in the automata treatment resulting on an increase on the average contributions to the public good relative to the baseline treatment. Moreover, four out of nine groups managed to fully cooperate almost until the last period. Furthermore, after the surprise restart, when the automata threat is less credible, subjects’ behavior was very close to that in the original game