834 research outputs found

    A simulation model for public bike-sharing systems

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    Urban areas are in need of efficient and sustainable mobility services. Public bicycle sharing systems stand out as a promising alternative and many cities have invested in their deployment. This has led to a continuous and fast implementation of these systems around the world, while at the same time, research works devoted to understand the system dynamics and deriving optimal designs are being developed. In spite of this, many promoting agencies have faced the impossibility of evaluating a system design in advance, increasing the uncertainty on its performance and the risks of failure. This paper describes the development of an agent-based simulation model to emulate a bike-sharing system. The goal is to obtain a tool to evaluate and compare different alternatives for the system design before their implementation. This tool will support the decision-making process in all the stages of implementation, from the strategical planning to the daily operation. The main behavioral patterns and schemes for all agents involved are designed and implemented into a Matlab programming code. The model is validated against real data compiled from the Barcelona’s Bicing system showing good accuracy.Postprint (published version

    Ciclos de mejora docente integrados en Anatomía Patológica: ¿primer paso hacia una enseñanza integrada?

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    Nuestra hipótesis es que el aprendizaje de los alumnos mejoraría si se integrasen contenidos de diversas asignaturas y se adelantasen algunos contenidos clínicos al comienzo del Grado de Medicina. Para llevar a cabo este proyecto hemos empleado la metodología de ciclos de mejora docente, realizados en el Programa de Formación e Innovación Docente del Profesorado (FIDOP), pero la hemos empezado a aplicar al diseño de Ciclos de Mejora Docente Integrados (CMDI), que abarquen aspectos concretos de varias asignaturas. La evaluación de la actividad, según la técnica de escaleras de aprendizaje y evaluación, opiniones de los alumnos, y autoevaluación, ofrece algunos puntos de mejora, pero sugiere que la intervención ha sido acertada en líneas generales

    Skeletal and Extraskeletal Benefits of Vitamin D

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    Vitamin D exerts its principal actions on bone metabolism, so it has important benefits on the skeleton. Serum 25(OH)D is directly related to bone mineral density (BMD), so subjects with lower levels have lower BMD and higher prevalence of osteoporosis and fractures, mainly hip and non-vertebral fractures. But, vitamin D has also many other beneficial effects, and its deficit has been associated with a great variety of diseases, such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, some inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, infections and some liver diseases. It is also remarkable its direct effect on muscle strength, so patients with vitamin D deficiency have higher risk of falls. Supplementation with vitamin D in patients with low 25(OH)D levels has shown a favourable effect not only on bone and muscle, reducing the risk of fracture, but also on inflammation, cell proliferation or immune system, reducing the risk of other diseases and complications. However, observational studies are needed with larger numbers of patients and well-designed randomized clinical trials, with baseline vitamin D determination and accurate monitoring to establish a cause-effect relationship between vitamin D deficiency and some diseases

    Modificación de la herramienta SimpleScalar para el estudio de las arquitecturas asíncronas

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    El objetivo de nuestro proyecto consiste en desarrollar una herramienta que simule el comportamiento de una arquitectura asíncrona, para posteriormente realizar un estudio que demuestre que se puede un obtener un mayor rendimiento con este tipo de sistemas y que, por tanto, seria viable trabajar en el diseño de la misma. Para crear este simulador, partiremos de la herramienta simplescalar. SimpleScalar es un software de simulación de arquitecturas avanzadas, utilizado para el análisis de funcionamiento de programas y el modelado de microarquitecturas. Las herramientas de SimpleScalar se utilizan extensamente para la docencia e investigación, en el año 2000 más de un tercio de los investigadores en arquitectura de computadores utilizó SimpleScalar para evaluar sus diseños. Las herramientas se distribuyen con todo el código de fuente, haciendo posible que los usuarios amplíen SimpleScalar, y adapten modelos existentes a sus propias ideas. Además de distintos simuladores, SimpleScalar incluye herramientas de visualización del funcionamiento, análisis estadístico e infraestructura para su depuración. SimpleScalar fue creado por Todd Austin, auque las primeras versiones del sistema incluyeron contribuciones de Doug Burger y Guri Sohi, hoy, SimpleScalar es desarrollado y apoyado por SimpleScalar LLC. De los cinco simuladores incluidos en Simplescalar, nos centraremos en Sim-Outorder. Este simulador soporta ejecución especulativa y fuera de orden basada en el renombramiento de registros. Partiendo del módulo sim-outorder, obtendremos uno nuevo que devuelva como salida tiempos correspondientes a una ejecución asíncrona basada en la distinción tanto de instrucciones, como de operandos utilizados. Una vez terminado este módulo, realizaremos una serie de pruebas que nos permitan llegar a una conclusión en nuestro estudio: por una parte ejecutaremos los benchmarks SPEC2000 para obtener resultados reales referentes a las estadísticas de instrucciones ejecutadas y por otra, ejecutaremos distintos tests que serán procesados por el temporizador para comparar su rendimiento en ambas arquitecturas

    Development of good practices database of European regions for prevention of work related musculoskeletal disorders: TIAM project

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    Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are extremely common health problem and have important consequences for the individual and the society which are affecting millions of European workers across all employment sectors. One of the main objectives of TIAM is to collect good practices in prevention of WMSDs and disseminate the good practice to all the regions. Three documents related to collect good practices (Good practices definition, Good practices report form and Questionnaire form for regional policy) had been sent to all the participant regions. Good practices and successful experiences or innovations in WMSDs prevention have been collected from 5 European regions. A good practice database has been developed based on 8 categories: TIAM region; Sector; Topic; WMSDs relevance; Work activities; Risk assessment methodology; Results of reassessment and Impact on performance. Finally, the database has been successfully uploaded onto the website (www.TIAM.eu) in order to share knowledge and promote good practices in WMSDs prevention. Collecting good practices based on a collaborative platform for preventing WMSDs will not only help companies improve and maintain healthy and safe working conditions, but will also promote the creation of new solutions in the field of WMSD and injuries preventionPostprint (published version

    Dèficit de vitamina D i fractura de maluc

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    Investigadors de l'Institut Universitari Fundació Parc Taulí han aprofundit en l'estudi de la relació entre la fractura de maluc i la manca de vitamina D en les persones que pateixen osteoporosi. La principal conclusió és que el dèficit de vitamina D entre aquests pacients és alt i especialment freqüent entre els individus que s'exposen poc al sol, presenten un estat de malnutrició i tenen una baixa capacitat funcional

    Training-induced changes in drag-flick technique in female field hockey players

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    The penalty corner is one of the most important goal plays in field hockey. The drag-flick is used less by women than men in a penalty corner. The aim of this study was to describe training-induced changes in the drag-flick technique in female field hockey players. Four female players participated in the study. The VICON optoelectronic system (Oxford Metrics, Oxford, UK) measured the kinematic parameters of the drag-flick with six cameras sampling at 250 Hz, prior to and after training. Fifteen shots were captured for each subject. A Wilcoxon test assessed the differences between pre-training and post-training parameters. Two players received specific training twice a week for 8 weeks; the other two players did not train. The proposed drills improved the position of the stick at the beginning of the shot (p<0.05), the total distance of the shot (p<0.05)and the rotation radius at ball release (p<0.01). It was noted that all players had lost speed of the previous run. Further studies should include a larger sample, in order to provide more information on field hockey performance

    IzCa Automotive

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    IzCa Automotive es un proyecto que como principal meta pretende automatizar y simplificar la gestión de un taller de vehículos, lo que conlleva a aumentar la productividad y los beneficios del mismo de manera óptima y con herramientas de vanguardia. Además de facilitar la gestión interna del propio taller, también permite facilitar que los clientes del mismo puedan realizar gestiones o consultas de manera automatizada y sin tiempos de espera. En definitiva, se pretende innovar los métodos tradicionales que se utilizan para gestionar el taller y la relación con los clientes, haciendo que ambas sean más fluidas y sencillas permitiendo mejorar la calidad de los servicios.Grado en Ingeniería Informática de Servicios y Aplicacione

    Modelling flexible thrust performance for trajectory prediction applications in ATM

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    Reduced thrust operations are of widespread use nowadays due to their inherit benefits for engine conservation. Therefore, in order to enable realistic simulation of air traffic management (ATM) scenarios for purposes such as noise and emissions assessment, a model for reduced thrust is required. This paper proposes a methodology for modelling flexible thrust by combining an assumed temperature (AT) polynomial model identified from manufacturer take-off performance data and public thrust models taken from typical ATM performance databases. The advantage of the proposed AT model is that it only depends on the take-off conditions —runway length, airport altitude, temperature, wind, etc. The results derived from this methodology were compared to simulation data obtained from manufacturer’s take-off performance tools and databases. This comparison revealed that the polynomial model provides AT estimations with sufficient accuracy for their use in ATM simulation. The Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) and the Aircraft Noise and Performance (ANP) database were chosen as representative of aircraft performance models commonly used in ATM simulation. It was observed that there is no significant degradation of the overall accuracy of their thrust models when using AT, while there is a correct capture of the corresponding thrust reduction.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Trajectory prediction uncertainty modelling for Air Traffic Management

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    The anticipated growth of air traffic worldwide requires enhanced Air Traffic Management (ATM) technologies and procedures to increase the system capacity, efficiency, and resilience, while reducing environmental impact and maintaining operational safety. To deal with these challenges, new automation and information exchange capabilities are being developed through different modernisation initiatives toward a new global operational concept called Trajectory Based Operations (TBO), in which aircraft trajectory information becomes the cornerstone of advanced ATM applications. This transformation will lead to higher levels of system complexity requiring enhanced Decision Support Tools (DST) to aid humans in the decision making processes. These will rely on accurate predicted aircraft trajectories, provided by advanced Trajectory Predictors (TP). The trajectory prediction process is subject to stochastic effects that introduce uncertainty into the predictions. Regardless of the assumptions that define the aircraft motion model underpinning the TP, deviations between predicted and actual trajectories are unavoidable. This thesis proposes an innovative method to characterise the uncertainty associated with a trajectory prediction based on the mathematical theory of Polynomial Chaos Expansions (PCE). Assuming univariate PCEs of the trajectory prediction inputs, the method describes how to generate multivariate PCEs of the prediction outputs that quantify their associated uncertainty. Arbitrary PCE (aPCE) was chosen because it allows a higher degree of flexibility to model input uncertainty. The obtained polynomial description can be used in subsequent prediction sensitivity analyses thanks to the relationship between polynomial coefficients and Sobol indices. The Sobol indices enable ranking the input parameters according to their influence on trajectory prediction uncertainty. The applicability of the aPCE-based uncertainty quantification detailed herein is analysed through a study case. This study case represents a typical aircraft trajectory prediction problem in ATM, in which uncertain parameters regarding aircraft performance, aircraft intent description, weather forecast, and initial conditions are considered simultaneously. Numerical results are compared to those obtained from a Monte Carlo simulation, demonstrating the advantages of the proposed method. The thesis includes two examples of DSTs (Demand and Capacity Balancing tool, and Arrival Manager) to illustrate the potential benefits of exploiting the proposed uncertainty quantification method