208 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry breaking branes on solvmanifolds and de Sitter vacua in string theory

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    We consider IIA compactifications on solvmanifolds with O6/D6 branes and study the conditions for obtaining de Sitter vacua in ten dimensions. While this is a popular set-up for searching de Sitter vacua, we propose a new method to include supersymmetry breaking sources. For space-time filling branes preserving bulk supersymmetry, the energy density can easily be extremized with respect to all fields, thanks to the replacement of the DBI action by a pullback of a special form given by a pure spinor. For sources breaking bulk supersymmetry, we propose to replace the DBI action by the pullback of a more general polyform, which is no longer pure. This generalization provides corrections to the energy-momentum tensor which give a positive contribution to the cosmological constant. We find a de Sitter solution to all (bulk and world-volume) equations derived from this action. We argue it solves the equations derived from the standard source action. The paper also contains a review of solvmanifolds.Comment: 57 pages, 3 figures. Important additions (concerning the validity of our solution in string theory); version to appear in JHE

    Experimental muscle hyperalgesia modulates sensorimotor cortical excitability, which is partially altered by unaccustomed exercise

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    Impaired corticomotor function is reported in patients with lateral epicondylalgia, but the causal link to pain or musculotendinous overloading is unclear. In this study, sensorimotor cortical changes were investigated using a model of persistent pain combined with an overloading condition. In 24 healthy subjects, the effect of nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced pain, combined with delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), was examined on pain perception, pressure pain sensitivity, maximal force, and sensorimotor cortical excitability. Two groups (NGF alone and NGF + DOMS) received injections of NGF into the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) muscle at day 0, day 2, and day 4. At day 4, the NGF + DOMS group undertook wrist eccentric exercise to induce DOMS in the ECRB muscle. Muscle soreness scores, pressure pain thresholds over the ECRB muscle, maximal grip force, transcranial magnetic stimulation mapping of the cortical ECRB muscle representation, and somatosensory-evoked potentials from radial nerve stimulation were recorded at day 0, day 4, and day 6. Compared with day 0, day 4 showed in both groups: (1) increased muscle soreness (P < 0.01); (2) reduced pressure pain thresholds (P < 0.01); (3) increased motor map volume (P < 0.01); and (4) decreased frontal N30 somatosensory-evoked potential. At day 6, compared with day 4, only the DOMS + NGF group showed: (1) increased muscle soreness score (P < 0.01); (2) decreased grip force (P < 0.01); and (3) decreased motor map volume (P < 0.05). The NGF group did not show any difference on the remaining outcomes from day 4 to day 6. These data suggest that sustained muscle pain modulates sensorimotor cortical excitability and that exercise-induced DOMS alters pain-related corticomotor adaptation

    High frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex modulates sensorimotor cortex function in the transition to sustained muscle pain

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    Based on reciprocal connections between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and basal-ganglia regions associated with sensorimotor cortical excitability, it was hypothesized that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the left DLPFC would modulate sensorimotor cortical excitability induced by muscle pain. Muscle pain was provoked by injections of nerve growth factor (end of Day-0 and Day-2) into the right extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) muscle in two groups of 15 healthy participants receiving 5 daily sessions (Day-0 to Day-4) of active or sham rTMS. Muscle pain scores and pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) were collected (Day-0, Day-3, Day-5). Assessment of motor cortical excitability using TMS (mapping cortical ECRB muscle representation) and somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) from electrical stimulation of the right radial nerve were recorded at Day-0 and Day-5. At Day-0 versus Day-5, the sham compared to active group showed: Higher muscle pain scores and reduced PPTs (P < 0.04); decreased frontal N30 SEP (P < 0.01); increased TMS map volume (P < 0.03). These results indicate that muscle pain exerts modulatory effects on the sensorimotor cortical excitability and left DLPFC rTMS has analgesic effects and modulates pain-induced sensorimotor cortical adaptations. These findings suggest an important role of prefrontal to basal-ganglia function in sensorimotor cortical excitability and pain processing

    Adotta un elemento

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    Adotta un elemento 2014 2015: Questa attivitĂ  nasce dall’esigenza di introdurre la tavola periodica come un alfabeto da utilizzare per comporre le sostanze della materia che ci circonda, e non un astruso elenco di nomi e simboli completamente distaccati dalle sostanze che manipoliamo abitualmente. Di conseguenza dopo aver visitato le scuole con attivitĂ  pratiche sugli elementi chimici e sulle loro proprietĂ , si desidera con questa attivitĂ  seminare la curiositĂ  su alcuni aspetti che per motivi di tempo non possono essere valutati nella attivitĂ  “viaggio attraverso gli elementi chimici”. Il web con numerosi siti di interesse chimico, risulta essere un ottima risorsa dal punto di vista di informazioni e facilmente fruibile da parte degli studenti piĂą interessati. Siti come ad esempio: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tavola_periodica_degli_elementi, http://chemistry.about.com/od/everydaychemistry/tp/Chemistry-In-Daily-Life.htm, http://www.textbooksonline.tn.nic.in/Books/Std08/Std08-MSSS-I-EM-S-3.pdf, http://www.minerva.unito.it/Chimica&Industria/SistemaPeriodico/TabellaSemplice.htm, possono essere un buon spunto per iniziare un viaggio di conoscenza su elementi noti ma dalle inaspettate proprietĂ  e presenti ad esempio come principio attivo in farmaci, in materiali ad alte prestazioni, in additivi in alimenti, in enzimi dalle fondamentali attivitĂ  negli organismi viventi e così via. E’ ben chiara la trasversalitĂ  dell’attivitĂ  che porterĂ  lo studente ad attraversare le discipline di fisica, chimica e biologia in maniera elastica mettendo in relazione principi di base e conoscenze generali. Questa attivitĂ  ha lo scopo di presentare gli elementi e il loro impiego da un punto di vista nuovo, un punto di vista che metta in luce l’importanza della chimica e della sua ricaduta in termini di sviluppo tecnologico e umano. Come esempio, si pensi a tutto lo sviluppo dell’elettronica e all’importante sviluppo civile e tecnologico dovuta alla scoperta delle proprietĂ  semiconduttrici del Silicio e alla messa a punto del metodo Czochralski (http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Processo_Czochralski) per la purificazione e la costruzione di monocristalli di Silicio. Questa attivitĂ  prevede: i) la preparazione di un elaborato di almeno 8 pagine (carattere a scelta, corpo 12, interlinea 1.5) e di una presentazione PPT e/o multimediale, corredati da eventuali semplici esperimenti pratici inediti rispetto all’attivitĂ  1) su un elemento della tavola periodica. L’elaborato tratterĂ  un solo elemento chimico. ii) L’attivitĂ  deve essere presentata da un singolo studente che sia motivato nell’approfondimento dello studio della chimica. Ad ogni studente viene assegnato in via esclusiva un elemento della tavola periodica all’eventuale fine di ricostruire una tavola periodica virtuale. iii) L’elaborato dovrĂ  contenere un breve cappello introduttivo sulle caratteristiche generali dell’elemento e su note storiche sulla sua scoperta e approfondire gli aspetti applicativi tecnologici, farmacologici e merceologici dell’elemento e/o dei suoi derivati. iv) I riferimenti bibliografici e le fonti usate nella preparazione dell’elaborato devono essere citate alla fine dell’elaborato. v) Per la preparazione della presentazione metodi comunicativi alternativi e innovativi sono benvenuti tali come fumetti, video ed esperimenti inediti. vi) Il lavoro dovrĂ  essere prettamente individuale, coadiuvato dai docenti delle Scuole Secondarie vii) Si prevede una giornata conclusiva negli ultimi giorni di maggio 2013 dove gli studenti presenteranno il loro studio. viii) L’acquisizione dei CFU da parte dello studente concorrente può essere convalidata attenendosi alle procedure del regolamento di Scuola e di Ateneo. L’adozione di un elemento da parte di uno studente dovrebbe essere fatta durante o subito dopo la attivitĂ  sulla tavola periodica. L’adesione deve essere comunicata al docente referente compilando il sotto riportato modulo che a sua volta lo comunica a referente UNICAM [email protected]. Una commissione di docenti del corso di laurea in chimica valuterĂ  gli elaborati degli studenti concorrenti. Questa attivitĂ  è rivolta agli studenti particolarmente curiosi e attivi. L'attivitĂ  si pone come obiettivi lo sviluppo di conoscenze nel campo degli elementi chimici, lo stimolo allo studio della materia e lo sviluppo di capacitĂ  comunicative. L'attivitĂ  si articola su piĂą fasi: i) la scelta di un elemento chimico, ii) la ricerca dei suoi aspetti chimici e fisici di base, iii) la ricerca su come questi aspetti cambino nei composti derivati dall'elemento. Il punto cruciale di questo studio riguarda l'individuazione dei prodotti con questi elementi che manipoliamo nella vita quotidiana. Classi coinvolte: Classi 4e e 5e. Tutti gli studenti curiosi sarebbe potenzialmente idonei per questa attivitĂ . Tuttavia si ritiene che alcune competenze utili per questa attivitĂ  (come capacitĂ  comunicative sia orali che scritte, organizzazione dell’elaborato, capacitĂ  di sintesi) siano riscontrabili in studenti del 4 e 5 liceo scientifico e di scienze applicate. Calendario: Adozione dell’elemento entro fine febbraio 2015 Conferma adozione entro prima decina di marzo Consegna degli elaborati 20 aprile 2015 Upload degli elaborati approvati nel sito http://d7.unicam.it/plschimica Giornata finale con comunicazioni orali sull’elemento adottato alla fine di maggio (intorno al 20 maggio, mercoledì

    On transparency in health care guidelines

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    Accessibility is one of the core requirements for health care guidelines. The present article offers some considerations on the subject and briefly describes the general situation in Canada  following provisions recently adopted by the Supreme Court and, more specifically, developments in Québec (regulations adopted by the Assemblée Nationale du Québec), where the Collège des Médecins du Québec has issued a “Practice Guideline for Medical Aid in Dying” (“Guide d’Exercice sur l’Aide Médicale à Mourir”). Without entering into the merits of the arguments dividing the supporters and opponents of euthanasia, the present article shows how access to the guideline is subject to restrictions that are unjustified from the point of view of medical ethics.

    Incidental findings, genetic screening and the challenge of personalisation

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    Genetic tests frequently produce more information than is initially expected. Several documents have addressed this issue and offer suggestions regarding how this informa-tion should be managed and, in particular, concerning the expedience of revealing (or not revealing) it to the persons concerned. While the approaches to the management of these incidental findings (IFs) vary, it is usually recommended that the information be disclosed if there is confirmed clinical utility and the possibility of treatment or preven-tion. However, this leaves unsolved some fundamental issues such as the different ways of interpreting “clinical utility”, countless sources of uncertainty and varying ways of defining the notion of “incidental”. Guidelines and other reference documents can offer indications to those responsible for managing IFs but should not be allowed to relieve researchers and healthcare professionals of their responsibilities

    Between social and healthcare: a necessary synergy

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    On the oligopoly of academic publishers

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    Chronic venous disorders: Correlation between visible signs, symptoms, and presence of functional disease

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    none5siBackground: The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of chronic venous disorders (CVD) in different demographic groups in Italy and to provide correlations between patterns of valve incompetence and clinical feature of disease severity. Methods: Advertisements in television and newspapers in 53 Italian cities were used to solicit 16,251 subjects (13,826 women, mean age 50.4 years; 2,425 men, mean age 59.1 years). They underwent a clinical examination of the lower limbs, including presence and severity of visible signs (CEAP classification), and assessment of functional disease by color-coded duplex ultrasound imaging. Results: Varicose veins and telangiectases were the most common objective signs in both men and women. Older people were more severely affected. Telangiectases were more frequent in women, and men had a higher incidence of trunk varices, trophic changes, and venous reflux. Frequency of both visible and functional venous disease increased with family history and body mass index. Presence of reflux correlated positively with increasing CEAP grade of visible disease (P for trend < .0001 for all superficial venous segments). A large number of subjects, especially women, complained of subjective symptoms in the legs, and the presence of symptoms correlated almost always positively with both worsening of visible findings (P for trend < .001) and presence of hemodynamic change in both genders. Conclusions: The frequency of reflux increased with the severity of visible signs of disease as described by the CEAP classification. In men, the occurrence of subjective symptoms was mostly correlated with functional disorders. © 2007 The Society for Vascular Surgery.Chiesa, R.; Marone, E.M.; Limoni, C.; Volontè, M.; Petrini, O.Chiesa, R.; Marone, ENRICO MARIA; Limoni, C.; Volontè, M.; Petrini, O
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