17 research outputs found

    Redox Centers Evolution in Phospho-Olivine Type (LiFe0. 5Mn0. 5 PO4) Nanoplatelets with Uniform Cation Distribution

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    Accepted Version of the publication: Nano Lett. 2014, 14, 3, 1477–1483. Publication Date: February 24, 2014. https://doi.org/10.1021/nl4046697 © 2014 American Chemical Society. In phospho-olivine type structures with mixed cations (LiM1M2PO4), the octahedral M1 and M2 sites that dictate the degree of intersites order/disorder play a key role in determining their electrochemical redox potentials. In the case of LiFexMn1−xPO4, for example, in micrometer-sized particles synthesized via hydrothermal route, two separate redox centers corresponding to Fe2+/Fe3+ (3.5 V vs Li/Li+) and Mn2+/Mn3+ (4.1 V vs Li/Li+), due to the collective Mn−O−Fe interactions in the olivine lattice, are commonly observed in the electrochemical measurements. These two redox processes are directly reflected as two distinct peak potentials in cyclic voltammetry (CV) and equivalently as two voltage plateaus in their standard charge/discharge characteristics (in Li ion batteries). On the contrary, we observed a single broad peak in CV from LiFe0.5Mn0.5PO4 platelet-shaped (∼10 nm thick) nanocrystals that we are reporting in this work. Structural and compositional analysis showed that in these nanoplatelets the cations (Fe, Mn) are rather homogeneously distributed in the lattice, which is apparently the reason for a synergetic effect on the redox potentials, in contrast to LiFe0.5Mn0.5PO4 samples obtained via hydrothermal routes. After a typical carbon-coating process in a reducing atmosphere (Ar/H2), these LiFe0.5Mn0.5PO4 nanoplatelets undergo a rearrangement of their cations into Mn-rich and Fe-rich domains. Only after such cation rearrangement (via segregation) in the nanocrystals, the redox processes evolved at two distinct potentials, corresponding to the standard Fe2+/Fe3+ and Mn2+/Mn3+ redox centers. Our experimental findings provide new insight into mixed-cation olivine structures in which the degree of cations mixing in the olivine lattice directly influences the redox potentials, which in turn determine their charge/discharge characteristics

    Colloidal Cu 2-x(S ySe 1-y) alloy nanocrystals with controllable crystal phase: Synthesis, plasmonic properties, cation exchange and electrochemical lithiation

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    We report synthetic routes to both cubic and hexagonal phase Cu 2-x(S ySe 1-y) alloy nanocrystals exhibiting a well-defined near-infrared valence band plasmon resonance, the spectral position of which is dependent mainly on x, i.e. on Cu stoichiometry, and to a lesser extent on the crystal phase of the NCs. For cubic Cu 2-x(S ySe 1-y) nanocrystals y could be varied in the 0.4-0.6 range, while for hexagonal nanocrystals y could be varied in the 0.3-0.7 range. Furthermore, the Cu 2-x(S ySe 1-y) nanocrystals could be transformed into the corresponding Cd-based alloy nanocrystals with comparable S ySe 1-y stoichiometry, by cation exchange. The crystal phase of the resulting Cd(S ySe 1-y) nanocrystals was either cubic or hexagonal, depending on the phase of the starting nanocrystals. One sample of cubic Cu 2-x(S ySe 1-y) nanocrystals, with S 0.5Se 0.5 chalcogenide stoichiometry, was then evaluated as the anode material in Li-ion batteries. The nanocrystals were capable of undergoing lithiation/delithiation via a displacement/conversion reaction (Cu to Li and vice versa) in a partially reversible manner. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    About the Formation of NH<sub>2</sub>OH<sup>+</sup> from Gas Phase Reactions under Astrochemical Conditions

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    We present here an analysis of several possible reactive pathways toward the formation of hydroxylamine under astrochemical conditions. The analysis is based on ab initio quantum chemistry calculations. Twenty-one bimolecular ion–molecule reactions have been studied and their thermodynamics presented. Only one of these reactions is a viable direct route to hydroxylamine. We conclude that the contribution of gas-phase chemistry to hydroxylamine formation is probably negligible when compared to its formation via surface grain chemistry. However, we have found several plausible gas-phase reactions whose outcome is the hydroxylamine cation

    CuInxGa1-xS2 nanocrystals with tunable composition and band gap synthesized via a phosphine-free and scalable procedure

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    We report a phosphine-free colloidal synthesis of CuInxGa1-xS2 (CIGS) nanocrystals (NCs) by heating a mixture of metal salts, elemental sulfur, octadecene, and oleylamine. In contrast with the more commonly used hot injection, this procedure is highly suitable for large-scale NC production, which we tested by performing a gram-scale synthesis. The composition of the CIGS NCs could be tuned by varying the In and Ga precursor ratios, and the samples showed a composition-dependent band gap energy. The average particle size was scaled from 13 to 19 rim by increasing the reaction temperature from 230 to 270 degrees C. Two concomitant growth mechanisms took place: in one, covellite (CuS) NCs nucleated already at room temperature and then incorporated increasing amounts of In and Ga until they evolved into chalcopyrite CIGS NCs. In the second mechanism, CIGS NCs directly nucleated at intermediate temperatures. They were smaller than the NCs formed by the first mechanism, but richer in In and Ga. In the final sample, obtained by prolonged heating at 230-270 degrees C, all NCs were homogeneous in size and composition. Attempts to replace the native ligands on the surface of the NCs with sulfur ions (following literature procedures) resulted in only around 50% exchange. Films prepared using the partially ligand exchanged NCs exhibited good homogeneity and an ohmic dark conductivity and photoconductivity with a resistivity of about 50 Omega.cm

    Relevance of LiPF6 as Etching Agent of LiMnPO4 Colloidal Nanocrystals for High Rate Performing Li-ion Battery Cathodes

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    [Image: see text] LiMnPO(4) is an attractive cathode material for the next-generation high power Li-ion batteries, due to its high theoretical specific capacity (170 mA h g(–1)) and working voltage (4.1 V vs Li(+)/Li). However, two main drawbacks prevent the practical use of LiMnPO(4): its low electronic conductivity and the limited lithium diffusion rate, which are responsible for the poor rate capability of the cathode. The electronic resistance is usually lowered by coating the particles with carbon, while the use of nanosize particles can alleviate the issues associated with poor ionic conductivity. It is therefore of primary importance to develop a synthetic route to LiMnPO(4) nanocrystals (NCs) with controlled size and coated with a highly conductive carbon layer. We report here an effective surface etching process (using LiPF(6)) on colloidally synthesized LiMnPO(4) NCs that makes the NCs dispersible in the aqueous glucose solution used as carbon source for the carbon coating step. Also, it is likely that the improved exposure of the NC surface to glucose facilitates the formation of a conductive carbon layer that is in intimate contact with the inorganic core, resulting in a high electronic conductivity of the electrode, as observed by us. The carbon coated etched LiMnPO(4)-based electrode exhibited a specific capacity of 118 mA h g(–1) at 1C, with a stable cycling performance and a capacity retention of 92% after 120 cycles at different C-rates. The delivered capacities were higher than those of electrodes based on not etched carbon coated NCs, which never exceeded 30 mA h g(–1). The rate capability here reported for the carbon coated etched LiMnPO(4) nanocrystals represents an important result, taking into account that in the electrode formulation 80% wt is made of the active material and the adopted charge protocol is based on reasonable fast charge times

    Redox Centers Evolution in Phospho-Olivine Type (LiFe<sub>0.5</sub>Mn<sub>0.5</sub> PO<sub>4</sub>) Nanoplatelets with Uniform Cation Distribution

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    In phospho-olivine type structures with mixed cations (LiM1M2PO<sub>4</sub>), the octahedral M1<i> </i>and M2 sites that dictate the degree of intersites order/disorder play a key role in determining their electrochemical redox potentials. In the case of LiFe<sub><i>x</i></sub>Mn<sub>1–<i>x</i></sub>PO<sub>4</sub>, for example, in micrometer-sized particles synthesized via hydrothermal route, two separate redox centers corresponding to Fe<sup>2+</sup>/Fe<sup>3+</sup> (3.5 V vs Li/Li<sup>+</sup>) and Mn<sup>2+</sup>/Mn<sup>3+</sup> (4.1 V vs Li/Li<sup>+</sup>), due to the collective Mn–O–Fe interactions in the olivine lattice, are commonly observed in the electrochemical measurements. These two redox processes are directly reflected as two distinct peak potentials in cyclic voltammetry (CV) and equivalently as two voltage plateaus in their standard charge/discharge characteristics (in Li ion batteries). On the contrary, we observed a single broad peak in CV from LiFe<sub>0.5</sub>Mn<sub>0.5</sub>PO<sub>4</sub> platelet-shaped (∼10 nm thick) nanocrystals that we are reporting in this work. Structural and compositional analysis showed that in these nanoplatelets the cations (Fe, Mn) are rather homogeneously distributed in the lattice, which is apparently the reason for a synergetic effect on the redox potentials, in contrast to LiFe<sub>0.5</sub>Mn<sub>0.5</sub>PO<sub>4</sub> samples obtained via hydrothermal routes. After a typical carbon-coating process in a reducing atmosphere (Ar/H<sub>2</sub>), these LiFe<sub>0.5</sub>Mn<sub>0.5</sub>PO<sub>4</sub> nanoplatelets undergo a rearrangement of their cations into Mn-rich and Fe-rich domains. Only after such cation rearrangement (via segregation) in the nanocrystals, the redox processes evolved at two distinct potentials, corresponding to the standard Fe<sup>2+</sup>/Fe<sup>3+</sup> and Mn<sup>2+</sup>/Mn<sup>3+</sup> redox centers. Our experimental findings provide new insight into mixed-cation olivine structures in which the degree of cations mixing in the olivine lattice directly influences the redox potentials, which in turn determine their charge/discharge characteristics

    Etched Colloidal LiFePO4 Nanoplatelets toward High-Rate Capable Li-Ion Battery Electrodes

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    LiFePO4 has been intensively investigated as a cathode material in Li-ion batteries, as it can in principle enable the development of high power electrodes. LiFePO4, on the other hand, is inherently “plagued” by poor electronic and ionic conductivity. While the problems with low electron conductivity are partially solved by carbon coating and further by doping or by downsizing the active particles to nanoscale dimensions, poor ionic conductivity is still an issue. To develop colloidally synthesized LiFePO4 nanocrystals (NCs) optimized for high rate applications, we propose here a surface treatment of the NCs. The particles as delivered from the synthesis have a surface passivated with long chain organic surfactants, and therefore can be dispersed only in aprotic solvents such as chloroform or toluene. Glucose that is commonly used as carbon source for carbon-coating procedure is not soluble in these solvents, but it can be dissolved in water. In order to make the NCs hydrophilic, we treated them with lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6), which removes the surfactant ligand shell while preserving the structural and morphological properties of the NCs. Only a roughening of the edges of NCs was observed due to a partial etching of their surface. Electrodes prepared from these platelet NCs (after carbon coating) delivered a capacity of ∼155 mAh/g, ∼135 mAh/g, and ∼125 mAh/g, at 1 C, 5 C, and 10 C, respectively, with significant capacity retention and remarkable rate capability. For example, at 61 C (10.3 A/g), a capacity of ∼70 mAh/g was obtained, and at 122 C (20.7 A/g), the capacity was ∼30 mAh/g. The rate capability and the ease of scalability in the preparation of these surface-treated nanoplatelets make them highly suitable as electrodes in Li-ion batteries.ISSN:1530-6984ISSN:1530-699

    Hollow iron oxide nanoparticles in polymer nanobeads as MRI contrast agents

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    Magnetic nanobeads are synthesized by coprecipitation of hollow iron oxide nanoparticles and an amphiphilic polymer. The resulting nanobeads can be tuned in diameter and nanoparticle content. X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy and superconducting quantum interferometer device (SQUID) characterization of the nanobeads reveal that they exhibit an increased effective magnetic anisotropy as compared to the individual nanoparticles, despite that no structural changes of the particles had occurred during the embedding process into the polymer. The spin-spin relaxation times of the pristine hollow nanoparticles and of the final magnetic nanobeads reveal a high R2 relaxivity of 206 s-1 mM-1 for the magnetic nanobeads. This result should enable their application as negative contrast enhancing agents in magnetic resonance imaging.We are grateful for financial support from the European project Magnifyco (contract NMP4-SL-2009-228622), by the Italian AIRC project (contract no. 14527 to T.P.), EU-ITN network Mag(net)icFun (PITN-GA-2012-290248), and by the Italian FIRB project (Nanostructured oxides, contract no. 588 BAP115AYN). N.C.B. is grateful for financial support from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework of the program NanoMatFutur (support code 03X5525). Funding from Spanish MINECO through grants MAT2011-27470-C02-02 and CSD2009_00013 is greatly acknowledged

    Relevance of LiPF<sub>6</sub> as Etching Agent of LiMnPO<sub>4</sub> Colloidal Nanocrystals for High Rate Performing Li-ion Battery Cathodes

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    LiMnPO<sub>4</sub> is an attractive cathode material for the next-generation high power Li-ion batteries, due to its high theoretical specific capacity (170 mA h g<sup>–1</sup>) and working voltage (4.1 V vs Li<sup>+</sup>/Li). However, two main drawbacks prevent the practical use of LiMnPO<sub>4</sub>: its low electronic conductivity and the limited lithium diffusion rate, which are responsible for the poor rate capability of the cathode. The electronic resistance is usually lowered by coating the particles with carbon, while the use of nanosize particles can alleviate the issues associated with poor ionic conductivity. It is therefore of primary importance to develop a synthetic route to LiMnPO<sub>4</sub> nanocrystals (NCs) with controlled size and coated with a highly conductive carbon layer. We report here an effective surface etching process (using LiPF<sub>6</sub>) on colloidally synthesized LiMnPO<sub>4</sub> NCs that makes the NCs dispersible in the aqueous glucose solution used as carbon source for the carbon coating step. Also, it is likely that the improved exposure of the NC surface to glucose facilitates the formation of a conductive carbon layer that is in intimate contact with the inorganic core, resulting in a high electronic conductivity of the electrode, as observed by us. The carbon coated etched LiMnPO<sub>4</sub>-based electrode exhibited a specific capacity of 118 mA h g<sup>–1</sup> at 1C, with a stable cycling performance and a capacity retention of 92% after 120 cycles at different C-rates. The delivered capacities were higher than those of electrodes based on not etched carbon coated NCs, which never exceeded 30 mA h g<sup>–1</sup>. The rate capability here reported for the carbon coated etched LiMnPO<sub>4</sub> nanocrystals represents an important result, taking into account that in the electrode formulation 80% wt is made of the active material and the adopted charge protocol is based on reasonable fast charge times