141 research outputs found

    An Empirical Investigation of Barriers, Drivers and Practices for Energy Efficiency in Primary Metals Manufacturing SMEs☆

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    Abstract Despite the well-known need for increased industrial energy efficiency, several studies indicate that energy efficiency measures are little implemented, especially in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, to sustain the development of the effective policies, a better understanding of the barriers to be tackled and the drivers to be promoted is crucial. To do so, we have performed an investigation within 64 primary metal manufacturing SMEs located in a Northern Italy province. The adoption of energy management practices among the sample is scarce: indeed, consumption monitoring, energy data analysis, programs of staff training and motivation are barely implemented. The analysis highlights the relevance of economic and information barriers, suggesting that, beside the issue of capital availability, information about technology, regulations and opportunities for financing are perceived as complicated, fragmented or not trustworthy, especially those coming from government and financial institutions. Moreover, barriers affect mostly the first steps of the decision-making process, i.e. those related to the awareness and identification of the punctual measure to be adopted. With exception of smaller firms, start-up and training are not perceived as critical. All external drivers are perceived as more relevant than internal ones. Nonetheless, beside the primary role of economic drivers, the study shows that SMEs look also for increased information on energy efficiency solutions, with greater role played by their energy suppliers, manufacturers and technology suppliers. Finally, particular relevance is given to training, suggesting that greater attention should be paid in the increased competences that manufacturers, technology suppliers and installers should hand over to their final industrial users

    Journal Staff

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    Es bien sabido que la innovación impulsa el desarrollo de las organizaciones de diferentes tamaños e industrias. Mientras para las grandes empresas es relativamente fácil innovar debido a sus recursos, en el caso de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMEs) el escenario es más complicado. Sin embargo, existen modelos para gestionar la innovación que han probado ser útiles para apoyar a varios tipos de empresas. La Innovación Abierta (Open Innovation) es uno de estos modelos que ha atraído la atención en los últimos años debido a que ha podido integrar modelos anteriores para gestionar la innovación junto con las prácticas que utilizan las organizaciones hoy en día. En general,  la aplicación y las ventajas de la Innovación Abierta se evidencian con casos de sectores emergentes de alta tecnología y de empresas multinacionales establecidas en países desarrollados, mermando su aplicabilidad en otro tipo de contextos. Esta desproporción aunada a la falta de comprensión de cómo aplicar la Innovación Abierta, es probablemente la causa de que varias empresas no la vean como una forma factible para mejorar su proceso de innovación. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este trabajo es describir algunas de las prácticas relacionadas con la Innovación Abierta que podrían ser utilizadas por los emprendedores y las PYMEs para innovar sus productos y comercializar sus ideas. Para lograr esto presentamos el estudio de caso de VUHL, un auto súper deportivo mexicano, creado por una PYME que ha sabido aprovechar varias de las prácticas de Innovación Abierta para crear un producto atractivo con altos niveles de innovación y tecnología. El caso demuestra como al utilizar este tipo de prácticas, las PYMEs pueden superar obstáculos relacionados con la falta de recursos, conocimientos, y experiencia. Así mismo, estas prácticas pueden ayudar a crear vínculos con diferentes actores en la sociedad, a nivel nacional e internacional, en los cuales se obtienen beneficios mutuos. Se concluye que las PYMEs, incluso en industrias maduras como la automotriz, podrían usar la Innovación Abierta como una estrategia competitiva adecuada para crear y comercializar productos innovadores y exitosos.QC 20141205</p

    Drivers for OSH interventions in small and medium-sized enterprises

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    The debate concerning occupational safety and health (OSH) interventions has recently focused on the need of improving the evaluation of interventions, and in particular on the need of providing information about why the intervention worked or not, under what circumstances, and in which context. Key concepts in the analysis of the context are the drivers, i.e., those factors enabling, fostering, or facilitating OSH interventions. However, the concept of driver for an OSH intervention is both confused and contested. Although the term is widely used, there is little consensus on how drivers should be understood, how important they are in different contexts, and how they can facilitate interventions. This exploratory study based on interviews with the owner-managers and the safety officers of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) gives an overview of the most characteristic drivers for OSH interventions. The results will be used to make an initial evaluation of SMEs needs, and will help orient interventions and future research

    Improving eco-efficiency through waste reduction beyond the boundaries of a firm: Evidence from a multiplant case in the ceramic industry

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    To pursue eco-efficiency, one of the most important principles is the sustainable use of resources. The challenge in resource use improvement lies in a clear assessment of resource utilization. However, this evaluation is currently performed within the scope of a company and such an approach is not sustainable anymore in a world with increasingly complex production systems. This paper provides a decision support system (DSS) to disclose where wastes absorb resource capacity of a whole production system beyond the boundaries of a firm. In this way, an intervention priority plan can be established to effectively improve the eco-efficiency of production systems by considering interactions among players of a multiplant or supply chain context. An implementation of the DSS is proposed for the ceramic industry to test it and explore the potential benefits. Results confirm that the DSS can effectively enable different actors to understand how significant inter-firm saving opportunities can be identified

    Воспроизводственные процессы в крупных городах Донецкой области: траектория развития, параметры, причины

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    Сокращение городского населения в Донецкой области, наблюдаемое с начала 90-х годов, порождает ряд проблем городского развития. Это актуализирует потребность рассмотрения причин падения численности населения и выработки соответствующих мер управленческого воздействия. Сравнительный анализ показал, что, несмотря на географическую близость, города Донецкой области не имеют единой воспроизводственной модели.Скорочення міського населення в Донецькій області, що спостерігається з початку 90-х років, породжує ряд проблем міського розвитку. Це актуалізує потребу розгляду причин падіння чисельності населення і розробки відповідних управлінських рішень. Порівняльний аналіз показав, що, незважаючи на географічну близькість, міста Донецької області не мають єдиної відтворювальної моделі.Reduction of urban population in Donetsk region observed since the beginning of 90s generates some problems of city development. It necessitates the consideration of reasons for population reduction and making of the proper measures of administrative influence. A comparative analysis showed that despite a geographical closeness the cities of Donetsk region do not have a single reproduction model

    Diffusion of motor systems energy efficiency measures: an empirical study within Italian manufacturing SMEs

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    AbstractEnergy efficiency is a crucial issue for increased industrial sustainability and competitiveness. In the present study we have conducted an investigation about the diffusion of energy efficiency measures within motor systems, which are responsible of about 74% of all industrial consumption of electric energy in Italy. Starting from a selection of nine measures that range from substitution of equipment to management and maintenance of motor systems, we have also tried to find out the problems (barriers) that firms experience in the implementation of such specific measures, and the drivers they perceive to be more effective to overcome barriers. Results show that maintenance measures are mostly diffused, whilst the substitution of equipment with innovative technologies such as inverters or AFDs is still limited. Moreover, beside economic issues, that are even more critical for smaller enterprises, organizational issues emerge. Additionally, the presence of an energy manager points out a greater relevance of technology barriers and leads the firms to have a better knowledge about interventions and devices, that can be used to enhance the level of energy efficiency of electric motors. Finally, the diffusion of inverters and AFDs is limited to larger motors (mostly between 10 and 100kW), thus tending to disregard the many small motors installed in the production system