16 research outputs found

    A critical review of adverse effects to the kidney: mechanisms, data sources and in silico tools to assist prediction

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    Introduction: The kidney is a major target for toxicity elicited by pharmaceuticals and environmental pollutants. Standard testing which often does not investigate underlying mechanisms has proven not to be an adequate hazard assessment approach. As such, there is an opportunity for the application of computational approaches that utilise multi-scale data based on the Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) paradigm, coupled with an understanding of the chemistry underpinning the molecular initiating event (MIE) to provide a deep understanding of how structural fragments of molecules relate to specific mechanisms of nephrotoxicity. The aim of this investigation was to review the current scientific landscape related to computational methods, including mechanistic data, AOPs, publicly available knowledge bases and current in silico models, for the assessment of pharmaceuticals and other chemicals with regard to their potential to elicit nephrotoxicity. A list of over 250 nephrotoxicants enriched with, where possible, mechanistic and AOP-derived understanding was compiled. Expert opinion: Whilst little mechanistic evidence has been translated into AOPs, this review identified a number of data sources of in vitro, in vivo and human data that may assist in the development of in silico models which in turn may shed light on the inter-relationships between nephrotoxicity mechanisms

    Prevention and control of multi-drug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria: recommendations from a Joint Working Party

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    Multi-drug-resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacterial infections have become prevalent in some European countries. Moreover, increased use of broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents selects organisms with resistance and, by increasing their numbers, increases their chance of spread. This report describes measures that are clinically effective for preventing transmission when used by healthcare workers in acute and primary healthcare premises. Methods for systematic review 1946–2014 were in accordance with SIGN 501 and the Cochrane Collaboration;2 critical appraisal was applied using AGREEII.3 Accepted guidelines were used as part of the evidence base and to support expert consensus. Questions for review were derived from the Working Party Group, which included patient representatives in accordance with the Patient Intervention Comparison Outcome (PICO) process. Recommendations are made in the following areas: screening, diagnosis and infection control precautions including hand hygiene, single-room accommodation, and environmental screening and cleaning. Recommendations for specific organisms are given where there are species differences. Antibiotic stewardship is covered in a separate publication

    Multidrug-resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacteria information leaflets

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    The Working Party recommends (section 9.5) that clear information on the standards of infection prevention and control should be available to promote confidence in the quality of care provided.1 To assist, the following four information leaflets have been created. The purpose of these leaflets is to explain the meaning of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative organisms and, more specifically, carbapenem-resistant organisms; to assist healthcare workers, patients, relatives, and visitors in understanding why these bacteria are a problem; and to explain what precautions can be taken to help prevent the spread of these bacteria

    To the Statistics of the Jewry of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes

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    U tekstu se daju sažeti opisi dve cionističke organizacije u Kraljevini SHS koje su delovale kao ogranci Svetske cionističke organizacije. Svrha formiranja ovih organizacija bila je da se Jevrejima iz celog sveta omogući povratak u njihovu domovinu - Erec Izrael odnosno Palestinu. Balfurovom deklaracijom iz 1917. godine godine Velika Britanija dala je podršku za osnivanje jevrejske države na području Palestine a zaključkom Lige naroda ova podrška postala je i i formalna. Podrška jevrejstva u Kraljevini SHS ovom pokretu odnosila se na prikupljanje priloga, učenje hebrejskog jezika, promovisanje nacionalnih vrednosti, osnivanje sindikalnih i radničkih organizacija. U ovom pregledu predstavljeni su Savez Cionista u Kraljevini SHS i Hapoel hacair Jugoslavije. Kao centralno glasilo jugoslavenskih Jevreja i cionističke misli naveden je i časopis "Židov" osnovan 1916. godine.The text gives concise descriptions of two Zionist organizations in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes that acted as branches of the World Zionist organization. The purpose of forming these organizations was to enable Jews from all over the world to return to their homeland - Eretz Israel or Palestine. With the Balfour Declaration of 1917, Great Britain gave support for the establishment of a Jewish state on the territory of Palestine, and with the conclusion of the League of Nations, this support became formal. The support of Judaism in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes to this movement referred to collecting donations, learning the Hebrew language, promoting national values, and founding trade unions and workers' organizations. In this review, the Federation of Zionists in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and Hapoel Hacair of Yugoslavia are presented. The magazine "Židov" (Jew), founded in 1916, is also mentioned as the central newspaper of Yugoslav Jews and Zionist thought