2,939 research outputs found

    A model of service design elements to understand innovative service processes 

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    This paper aims to provide an understanding of innovative service design processes by comparing service design logic with the entrepreneurial logics of causation, effectuation and bricolage (CEB). The paper draws upon empirical data to show how both service design logic and entrepreneurship logics may help us to create more innovative service design outcomes. In this process, we hope to understand how the creation of value enters into the service innovation process through co-creation between customers, organisations, ecosystem members and society. Data used within this paper includes deep qualitative interviews with key stakeholders, written documents and participative observation. From our analysis, we develop a model of service innovation design that shows how design logics and entrepreneurial logics influence the development of new and innovative services

    Bricolage - a mindset of resourcefulness: stories as a vehicle for mediating means into resources

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    This study builds on the notion of viewing bricolage as a mindset of resourcefulness rather than seeing it only as a resource integration or resource scarcity. Particularly, we study service innovation processes to shed light on how entrepreneurs use stories of their experience and interactions as a vehicle for mediating means into resources. In order to understand how particular stories contribute to service innovation processes we adopt a process-based methodology (Langley, 1999; Van de Ven & Huber, 1990). Our study shows how a certain knowledge base and a worldview enabled the entrepreneur to understand the power of his own experiences, turn them into opportunities and utilise them as a source for stories of entrepreneurial outcomes. These stories then in turn mediated the available means into resources in various ways

    A Conceptual Framework for Servitization in Industry 4.0: Distilling Directions for Future Research

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    Purpose: This paper focusses on developing further the recent conceptual frameworks of competitive dynamics and business-to-business value ecosystems considering the changing environment of Industry 4.0 and the particular perspective of servitization. Design/Methodology/Approach: This a conceptual paper that reviews and syntheses business model concepts in relation to competitive dynamics, collaborative business ecosystems and supply chain as evolving and reshaping manufacturing and services within Industry 4.0. Findings: The transformation of organizations in light of Industry 4.0 has led to a reframing of business models and practices, such as stakeholder value and supply chain relationships cooperating within a highly dynamic environment. In an attempt to consider the implications that Industry 4.0 has, particularly from the service perspective, this work attempts to distil directions for future research. Originality/Value: Previous studies on Industry 4.0 have articulated the reasoning about the benefits of Industry 4.0, with its paradigm shift to cyber-physical systems and revised business models. The intention of this paper, is to be able to further define collaboration and value ecosystems in order to show the interdependence and integration between organisations as applied to servitization within Industry 4.0. Moreover, this paper seeks to begin to articulate how research can be conducted to determine the degree to which the change and paradigm shift has become a reality

    In Vivo Assessment of Water Content, Trans-Epidermial Water Loss and Thickness in Human Facial Skin

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    Mapping facial skin in terms of its biophysical properties plays a fundamental role in many practical applications, including, among others, forensics, medical and beauty treatments, and cosmetic and restorative surgery. In this paper we present an in vivo evaluation of the water content, trans-epidermial water loss and skin thickness in six areas of the human face: cheeks, chin, forehead, lips, neck and nose. The experiments were performed on a population of healthy subjects through innovative sensing devices which enable fast yet accurate evaluations of the above parameters. A statistical analysis was carried out to determine significant differences between the facial areas investigated and clusters of statistically-indistinguishable areas. We found that water content was higher in the cheeks and neck and lower in the lips, whereas trans-epidermal water loss had higher values for the lips and lower ones for the neck. In terms of thickness the dermis exhibited three clusters, which, from thickest to thinnest were: chin and nose, cheek and forehead and lips and neck. The epidermis showed the same three clusters too, but with a different ordering in term of thickness. Finally, the stratum corneum presented two clusters: the thickest, formed by lips and neck, and the thinnest, formed by all the remaining areas. The results of this investigation can provide valuable guidelines for the evaluation of skin moisturisers and other cosmetic products, and can help guide choices in re-constructive/cosmetic surgery

    Skin Characterizations by Using Contact Capacitive Imaging and High-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging with Machine Learning Algorithms

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    We present our latest research on skin characterizations by using Contact Capacitive Imaging and High-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging with Machine Learning algorithms. Contact Capacitive Imaging is a novel imaging technology based on the dielectric constant measurement principle, with which we have studied the skin water content of different skin sites and performed image classification by using pre-trained Deep Learning Neural Networks through Transfer Learning. The results show lips and nose have the lowest water content, whilst cheek, eye corner and under-eye have the highest water content. The classification yields up to 83.8% accuracy. High-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging is a state-of-the-art ultrasound technology, and can produce high-resolution images of the skin and superficial soft tissue to a vertical resolution of about 40 microns, with which we have studied the thickness of different skin layers, such as stratum corneum, epidermis and dermis, around different locations on the face and around different body parts. The results show the chin has the highest stratum corneum thickness, and the arm has the lowest stratum corneum thickness. We have also developed two feature-based image classification methods which yield promising results. The outcomes of this study could provide valuable guidelines for cosmetic/medical research, and methods developed in this study can also be extended for studying damaged skin or skin diseases. The combination of Contact Capacitive Imaging and High-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging could be a powerful tool for skin studies

    Dirac R-matrix calculations for the electron-impact excitation of neutral tungsten providing noninvasive diagnostics for magnetic confinement fusion

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    Neutral tungsten is the primary candidate as a wall material in the divertor region of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). The efficient operation of ITER depends heavily on precise atomic physics calculations for the determination of reliable erosion diagnostics, helping to characterise the influx of tungsten impurities into the core plasma. The following paper presents detailed calculations of the atomic structure of neutral tungsten using the multiconfigurational Dirac-Fock method, drawing comparisons with experimental measurements where available, and includes a critical assessment of existing atomic structure data. We investigate the electron-impact excitation of neutral tungsten using the Dirac R-matrix method and, by employing collisional-radiative models, we benchmark our results with recent Compact Toroidal Hybrid measurements. The resulting comparisons highlight alternative diagnostic lines to the widely used 400.88nm line.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Centralized design and production of the ultra-high vacuum and laser-stabilization systems for the AION ultra-cold strontium laboratories

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    This paper outlines the centralized design and production of the ultra-high-vacuum sidearm and laser-stabilization systems for the AION Ultra-Cold Strontium Laboratories. Commissioning data on the residual gas and steady-state pressures in the sidearm chambers, on magnetic field quality, on laser stabilization, and on the loading rate for the 3D magneto-optical trap are presented. Streamlining the design and production of the sidearm and laser stabilization systems enabled the AION Collaboration to build and equip in parallel five state-of-the-art Ultra-Cold Strontium Laboratories within 24 months by leveraging key expertise in the collaboration. This approach could serve as a model for the development and construction of other cold atom experiments, such as atomic clock experiments and neutral atom quantum computing systems, by establishing dedicated design and production units at national laboratories

    Digital Peer-Supported Self-Management Intervention Codesigned by People With Long COVID: Mixed Methods Proof-of-Concept Study.

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    BACKGROUND: There are around 1.3 million people in the United Kingdom with the devastating psychological, physical, and cognitive consequences of long COVID (LC). UK guidelines recommend that LC symptoms be managed pragmatically with holistic support for patients' biopsychosocial needs, including psychological, emotional, and physical health. Self-management strategies, such as pacing, prioritization, and goal setting, are vital for the self-management of many LC symptoms. OBJECTIVE: This paper describes the codevelopment and initial testing of a digital intervention combining peer support with positive psychology approaches for self-managing the physical, emotional, psychological, and cognitive challenges associated with LC. The objectives of this study were to (1) codesign an intervention with and for people with LC; (2) test the intervention and study methods; (3) measure changes in participant well-being, self-efficacy, fatigue, and loneliness; and (4) understand the types of self-management goals and strategies used by people with LC. METHODS: The study used a pre-post, mixed methods, pragmatic, uncontrolled design. Digital intervention content was codeveloped with a lived-experience group to meet the needs uncovered during the intervention development and logic mapping phase. The resulting 8-week digital intervention, Hope Programme for Long COVID, was attended by 47 participants, who completed pre- and postprogram measures of well-being, self-efficacy, fatigue, and loneliness. Goal-setting data were extracted from the digital platform at the end of the intervention. RESULTS: The recruitment rate (n=47, 83.9%) and follow-up rate (n=28, 59.6%) were encouraging. Positive mental well-being (mean difference 6.5, P<.001) and self-efficacy (mean difference 1.1, P=.009) improved from baseline to postcourse. All goals set by participants mapped onto the 5 goal-oriented domains in the taxonomy of everyday self-management strategies (TEDSS). The most frequent type of goals was related to activity strategies, followed by health behavior and internal strategies. CONCLUSIONS: The bespoke self-management intervention, Hope Programme for Long COVID, was well attended, and follow-up was encouraging. The sample characteristics largely mirrored those of the wider UK population with LC. Although not powered to detect statistically significant changes, the preliminary data show improvements in self-efficacy and positive mental well-being. Our next trial (ISRCTN: 11868601) will use a nonrandomized waitlist control design to further examine intervention efficacy
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