47 research outputs found

    Pharmacological evidence for the stimulation of NADPH oxidase by P2X7 receptors in mouse submandibular glands

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    ATP in the 100 μM-1 mM concentration range provoked a calcium-independent increase of the oxidation of dichlorodihydrofluorescein (DCFH) to dichlorofluorescein (DCF) by mouse submandibular cells. 3′-O-(4-benzoyl)benzoyl adenosine 5′-triphosphate (BzATP), a P2X7 agonist, but not a muscarinic or an adrenergic agonist, reproduced the effect of ATP. The inhibition of phospholipase C by U73122 or the potentiation of P2X4 receptor activation with ivermectin did not modify the response to ATP. ATP did not increase the oxidation of DCFH in cells isolated from submandibular glands of P2X7 knockout mice or in cells pretreated with a P2X7 antagonist. The inhibition of protein kinase C or of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) or of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase blocked the oxidation of DCFH without affecting the increase of the intracellular concentration of calcium or the uptake of ethidium bromide in response to extracellular ATP. From these results it is concluded that the activation of the P2X7 receptors from submandibular glands triggers an intracellular signalling cascade involving protein kinase C and MAP kinase leading to the stimulation of NADPH oxidase and the subsequent generation of reactive oxygen species

    P2X4 receptors in activated C8-B4 cells of cerebellar microglial origin

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    We investigated the properties and regulation of P2X receptors in immortalized C8-B4 cells of cerebellar microglial origin. Resting C8-B4 cells expressed virtually no functional P2X receptors, but largely increased functional expression of P2X4 receptors within 2–6 h of entering the activated state. Using real-time polymerase chain reaction, we found that P2X4 transcripts were increased during the activated state by 2.4-fold, but this increase was not reflected by a parallel increase in total P2X4 proteins. In resting C8-B4 cells, P2X4 subunits were mainly localized within intracellular compartments, including lysosomes. We found that cell surface P2X4 receptor levels increased by ∼3.5-fold during the activated state. This change was accompanied by a decrease in the lysosomal pool of P2X4 proteins. We next exploited our findings with C8-B4 cells to investigate the mechanism by which antidepressants reduce P2X4 responses. We found little evidence to suggest that several antidepressants were antagonists of P2X4 receptors in C8-B4 cells. However, we found that moderate concentrations of the same antidepressants reduced P2X4 responses in activated microglia by affecting lysosomal function, which indirectly reduced cell surface P2X4 levels. In summary, our data suggest that activated C8-B4 cells express P2X4 receptors when the membrane insertion of these proteins by lysosomal secretion exceeds their removal, and that antidepressants indirectly reduce P2X4 responses by interfering with lysosomal trafficking

    P2 receptor-mediated modulation of neurotransmitter release—an update

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    Presynaptic nerve terminals are equipped with a number of presynaptic auto- and heteroreceptors, including ionotropic P2X and metabotropic P2Y receptors. P2 receptors serve as modulation sites of transmitter release by ATP and other nucleotides released by neuronal activity and pathological signals. A wide variety of P2X and P2Y receptors expressed at pre- and postsynaptic sites as well as in glial cells are involved directly or indirectly in the modulation of neurotransmitter release. Nucleotides are released from synaptic and nonsynaptic sites throughout the nervous system and might reach concentrations high enough to activate these receptors. By providing a fine-tuning mechanism these receptors also offer attractive sites for pharmacotherapy in nervous system diseases. Here we review the rapidly emerging data on the modulation of transmitter release by facilitatory and inhibitory P2 receptors and the receptor subtypes involved in these interactions

    Molecular and functional properties of P2X receptors—recent progress and persisting challenges

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    Cloning and Characterization of a P2X Receptor Expressed in the Central Nervous System of Lymnaea stagnalis

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    P2X receptors are membrane ion channels gated by extracellular ATP. Mammals possess seven distinct P2X subtypes (P2X1-7) that have important functions in a wide array of physiological processes including roles in the central nervous system (CNS) where they have been linked to modulation of neurotransmitter release. We report here the cloning and functional characterization of a P2X receptor from the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis. This model organism has a relatively simple CNS consisting of large readily identifiable neurones, a feature which together with a well characterized neuronal circuitry for important physiological processes such as feeding and respiration makes it an attractive potential model to examine P2X function. Using CODEHOP PCR we identified a single P2X receptor (LymP2X) in Lymnaea CNS which was subsequently cloned by RT-PCR. When heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes, LymP2X exhibited ATP evoked inward currents (EC(50) 6.2 µM) which decayed during the continued presence of agonist. UTP and ADP did not activate the receptor whereas αβmeATP was a weak agonist. BzATP was a partial agonist with an EC(50) of 2.4 µM and a maximal response 33% smaller than that of ATP. The general P2 receptor antagonists PPADS and suramin both inhibited LymP2X currents with IC(50) values of 8.1 and 27.4 µM respectively. LymP2X is inhibited by acidic pH whereas Zn(2+) and Cu(2+) ions exhibited a biphasic effect, potentiating currents up to 100 µM and inhibiting at higher concentrations. Quantitative RT-PCR and in situ hybridization detected expression of LymP2X mRNA in neurones of all CNS ganglia suggesting this ion channel may have widespread roles in Lymnaea CNS function

    Functional characterisation of a P2X receptor from Schistosoma mansoni.

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