91 research outputs found

    Cation-dependent cleavage of the duplex form of the subtype-B HIV-1 RNA dimerization initiation site

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    The crystal structure of subtype-B HIV-1 genomic RNA Dimerization Initiation Site duplex revealed chain cleavage at a specific position resulting in 3′-phosphate and 5′-hydroxyl termini. A crystallographic analysis showed that Ba2+, Mn2+, Co2+ and Zn2+ bind specifically on a guanine base close to the cleaved position. The crystal structures also point to a necessary conformational change to induce an ‘in-line’ geometry at the cleavage site. In solution, divalent cations increased the rate of cleavage with pH/pKa compensation, indicating that a cation-bound hydroxide anion is responsible for the cleavage. We propose a ‘Trojan horse’ mechanism, possibly of general interest, wherein a doubly charged cation hosted near the cleavage site as a ‘harmless’ species is further transformed in situ into an ‘aggressive’ species carrying a hydroxide anion

    Aminoglycoside binding to the HIV-1 RNA dimerization initiation site: thermodynamics and effect on the kissing-loop to duplex conversion

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    Owing to a striking, and most likely fortuitous, structural and sequence similarity with the bacterial 16 S ribosomal A site, the RNA kissing-loop complex formed by the HIV-1 genomic RNA dimerization initiation site (DIS) specifically binds 4,5-disubstituted 2-deoxystreptamine (2-DOS) aminoglycoside antibiotics. We used chemical probing, molecular modeling, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and UV melting to investigate aminoglycoside binding to the DIS loop–loop complex. We showed that apramycin, an aminoglycoside containing a bicyclic moiety, also binds the DIS, but in a different way than 4,5-disubstituted 2-DOS aminoglycosides. The determination of thermodynamic parameters for various aminoglycosides revealed the role of the different rings in the drug–RNA interaction. Surprisingly, we found that the affinity of lividomycin and neomycin for the DIS (Kd ∼ 30 nM) is significantly higher than that obtained in the same experimental conditions for their natural target, the bacterial A site (Kd ∼ 1.6 µM). In good agreement with their respective affinity, aminoglycoside increase the melting temperature of the loop–loop interaction and also block the conversion from kissing-loop complex to extended duplex. Taken together, our data might be useful for selecting new molecules with improved specificity and affinity toward the HIV-1 DIS RNA

    HuR interacts with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase, and modulates reverse transcription in infected cells

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    Reverse transcription of the genetic material of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is a critical step in the replication cycle of this virus. This process, catalyzed by reverse transcriptase (RT), is well characterized at the biochemical level. However, in infected cells, reverse transcription occurs in a multiprotein complex – the reverse transcription complex (RTC) – consisting of viral genomic RNA associated with viral proteins (including RT) and, presumably, as yet uncharacterized cellular proteins. Very little is known about the cellular proteins interacting with the RTC, and with reverse transcriptase in particular. We report here that HIV-1 reverse transcription is affected by the levels of a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein – the RNA-binding protein HuR. A direct protein-protein interaction between RT and HuR was observed in a yeast two-hybrid screen and confirmed in vitro by homogenous time-resolved fluorescence (HTRF). We mapped the domain interacting with HuR to the RNAse H domain of RT, and the binding domain for RT to the C-terminus of HuR, partially overlapping the third RRM RNA-binding domain of HuR. HuR silencing with specific siRNAs greatly impaired early and late steps of reverse transcription, significantly inhibiting HIV-1 infection. Moreover, by mutagenesis and immunoprecipitation studies, we could not detect the binding of HuR to the viral RNA. These results suggest that HuR may be involved in and may modulate the reverse transcription reaction of HIV-1, by an as yet unknown mechanism involving a protein-protein interaction with HIV-1 RT

    Targeting the dimerization initiation site of HIV-1 RNA with aminoglycosides: from crystal to cell

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    The kissing-loop complex that initiates dimerization of genomic RNA is crucial for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) replication. We showed that owing to its strong similitude with the bacterial ribosomal A site it can be targeted by aminoglycosides. Here, we present its crystal structure in complex with neamine, ribostamycin, neomycin and lividomycin. These structures explain the specificity for 4,5-disubstituted 2-deoxystreptamine (DOS) derivatives and for subtype A and subtype F kissing-loop complexes, and provide a strong basis for rational drug design. As a consequence of the different topologies of the kissing-loop complex and the A site, these aminoglycosides establish more contacts with HIV-1 RNA than with 16S RNA. Together with biochemical experiments, they showed that while rings I, II and III confer binding specificity, rings IV and V are important for affinity. Binding of neomycin, paromomycin and lividomycin strongly stabilized the kissing-loop complex by bridging the two HIV-1 RNA molecules. Furthermore, in situ footprinting showed that the dimerization initiation site (DIS) of HIV-1 genomic RNA could be targeted by these aminoglycosides in infected cells and virions, demonstrating its accessibility

    HIV-1 RT Inhibitors with a Novel Mechanism of Action: NNRTIs that Compete with the Nucleotide Substrate

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    HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors currently used in antiretroviral therapy can be divided into two classes: (i) nucleoside analog RT inhibitors (NRTIs), which compete with natural nucleoside substrates and act as terminators of proviral DNA synthesis, and (ii) non-nucleoside RT inhibitors (NNRTIs), which bind to a hydrophobic pocket close to the RT active site. In spite of the efficiency of NRTIs and NNRTIs, the rapid emergence of multidrug-resistant mutations requires the development of new RT inhibitors with an alternative mechanism of action. Recently, several studies reported the discovery of novel non-nucleoside inhibitors with a distinct mechanism of action. Unlike classical NNRTIs, they compete with the nucleotide substrate, thus forming a new class of RT inhibitors: nucleotide-competing RT inhibitors (NcRTIs). In this review, we discuss current progress in the understanding of the peculiar behavior of these compounds

    Conformations of Flanking Bases in HIV-1 RNA DIS Kissing Complexes Studied by Molecular Dynamics

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    Explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations (in total almost 800 ns including locally enhanced sampling runs) were applied with different ion conditions and with two force fields (AMBER and CHARMM) to characterize typical geometries adopted by the flanking bases in the RNA kissing-loop complexes. We focus on flanking base positions in multiple x-ray and NMR structures of HIV-1 DIS kissing complexes and kissing complex from the large ribosomal subunit of Haloarcula marismortui. An initial x-ray open conformation of bulged-out bases in HIV-1 DIS complexes, affected by crystal packing, tends to convert to a closed conformation formed by consecutive stretch of four stacked purine bases. This is in agreement with those recent crystals where the packing is essentially avoided. We also observed variants of the closed conformation with three stacked bases, while nonnegligible populations of stacked geometries with bulged-in bases were detected, too. The simulation results reconcile differences in positions of the flanking bases observed in x-ray and NMR studies. Our results suggest that bulged-out geometries are somewhat more preferred, which is in accord with recent experiments showing that they may mediate tertiary contacts in biomolecular assemblies or allow binding of aminoglycoside antibiotics

    Nucleic Acids Res

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    The HIV-1 dimerization initiation sequence (DIS) is a conserved palindrome in the apical loop of a conserved hairpin motif in the 5'-untranslated region of its RNA genome. DIS hairpin plays an important role in genome dimerization by forming a 'kissing complex' between two complementary hairpins. Understanding the kinetics of this interaction is key to exploiting DIS as a possible human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) drug target. Here, we present a single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) study of the dimerization reaction kinetics. Our data show the real-time formation and dissociation dynamics of individual kissing complexes, as well as the formation of the mature extended duplex complex that is ultimately required for virion packaging. Interestingly, the single-molecule trajectories reveal the presence of a previously unobserved bent intermediate required for extended duplex formation. The universally conserved A272 is essential for the formation of this intermediate, which is stabilized by Mg2+, but not by K+ cations. We propose a 3D model of a possible bent intermediate and a minimal dimerization pathway consisting of three steps with two obligatory intermediates (kissing complex and bent intermediate) and driven by Mg2+ ions

    Asymmetric dimerization in a transcription factor superfamily is promoted by allosteric interactions with DNA

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    Transcription factors, such as nuclear receptors achieve precise transcriptional regulation by means of a tight and reciprocal communication with DNA, where cooperativity gained by receptor dimerization is added to binding site sequence specificity to expand the range of DNA target gene sequences. To unravel the evolutionary steps in the emergence of DNA selection by steroid receptors (SRs) from monomeric to dimeric palindromic binding sites, we carried out crystallographic, biophysical and phylogenetic studies, focusing on the estrogen-related receptors (ERRs, NR3B) that represent closest relatives of SRs. Our results, showing the structure of the ERR DNA-binding domain bound to a palindromic response element (RE), unveil the molecular mechanisms of ERR dimerization which are imprinted in the protein itself with DNA acting as an allosteric driver by allowing the formation of a novel extended asymmetric dimerization region (KR-box). Phylogenetic analyses suggest that this dimerization asymmetry is an ancestral feature necessary for establishing a strong overall dimerization interface, which was progressively modified in other SRs in the course of evolution.journal articl

    RNA Biol

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    The HIV-1 Vif protein plays an essential role in the regulation of the infectivity of HIV-1 virion and in vivo pathogenesis. Vif neutralizes the human DNA-editing enzyme APOBEC3 protein, an antiretroviral cellular factor from the innate immune system, allowing the virus to escape the host defence system. It was shown that Vif is packaged into viral particles through specific interactions with the viral genomic RNA. Conserved and structured sequences from the 5'-noncoding region, such as the Tat-responsive element (TAR) or the genomic RNA dimerization initiation site (DIS), are primary binding sites for Vif. In the present study we used isothermal titration calorimetry to investigate sequence and structure determinants important for Vif binding to short viral RNA corresponding to TAR and DIS stem-loops. We showed that Vif specifically binds TAR and DIS in the low nanomolar range. In addition, Vif primarily binds the TAR UCU bulge, but not the apical loop. Determinants for Vif binding to the DIS loop-loop complex are likely more complex and involve the self-complementary loop together with the upper part of the stem. These results suggest that Tat-TAR inhibitors or DIS small molecule binders might be also effective to disturb Vif-TAR and Vif-DIS binding in order to reduce Vif packaging into virions

    Quantitative and predictive model of kinetic regulation by E. coli TPP riboswitches.

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    Riboswitches are non-coding elements upstream or downstream of mRNAs that, upon binding of a specific ligand, regulate transcription and/or translation initiation in bacteria, or alternative splicing in plants and fungi. We have studied thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) riboswitches regulating translation of thiM operon and transcription and translation of thiC operon in E. coli, and that of THIC in the plant A. thaliana. For all, we ascertained an induced-fit mechanism involving initial binding of the TPP followed by a conformational change leading to a higher-affinity complex. The experimental values obtained for all kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of TPP binding imply that the regulation by A. thaliana riboswitch is governed by mass-action law, whereas it is of kinetic nature for the two bacterial riboswitches. Kinetic regulation requires that the RNA polymerase pauses after synthesis of each riboswitch aptamer to leave time for TPP binding, but only when its concentration is sufficient. A quantitative model of regulation highlighted how the pausing time has to be linked to the kinetic rates of initial TPP binding to obtain an ON/OFF switch in the correct concentration range of TPP. We verified the existence of these pauses and the model prediction on their duration. Our analysis also led to quantitative estimates of the respective efficiency of kinetic and thermodynamic regulations, which shows that kinetically regulated riboswitches react more sharply to concentration variation of their ligand than thermodynamically regulated riboswitches. This rationalizes the interest of kinetic regulation and confirms empirical observations that were obtained by numerical simulations