27 research outputs found

    RETRACTED: Perkembangan Penulisan Ilmiah Berkaitan Sifat 20 Di Malaysia: Satu Sorotan

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    RETRACTEDFollowing a rigorous, carefully concerns, and considered review of the article published in Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies, Vol. 1(1), November 2018 to article entitled “Perkembangan Penulisan Ilmiah Berkaitan Sifat 20 Di Malaysia: Satu Sorotan ".This article contained plagiarism and it has been found to be in violation of the Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies and it has been retracted.The document and its content has been removed from Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies and reasonable effort should be made to remove all references to this article

    Sumbangan Za’ba terhadap Kesedaran Agama Islam dan Pendidikan di Kelantan melalui Majalah Pengasuh antara Tahun 1918 Hingga 1919

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    Artikel ini membincangkan mengenai penglibatan Za’ba dalam pembangunan agama Islam dan pendidikan di Kelantan antara tahun 1918 hingga 1919. Fokus utama adalah terhadap sumbangan Za’ba dalam agama Islam dan pendidikan kepada Masyarakat Melayu di negeri Kelantan. Keperibadian dan intelektual yang di pamerkan oleh Za’ba juga menjadi asbab kepada pembangunan agama Islam di negeri Kelantan pada awal abad ke-20. Artikel ini akan memfokuskan antara tahun 1918 hingga 1919 yang menjadi tahun-tahun kemuncak dalam tugasnya sebagai seorang pengarang di negeri Kelantan. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif yang merangkumi pengumpulan dan analisis data daripada sumber-sumber primer yang diperoleh daripada Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat Negeri Kelantan (MAIK) seperti majalah Pengasuh dan naskah al-Quran. Selain itu, sumber sekunder turut digunakan seperti jurnal dan buku bagi mengukuhkan lagi kajian yang dijalankan. Data yang diperolehi akan dianalisis bagi mendapatkan maklumat yang sebenar berkenaan kajian yang dilakukan. Pengkaji akan menggunakan kaedah pendekatan sejarah dengan menggunakan kaedah tema supaya kajian lebih tersusun dan berbentuk analitikal. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa Za’ba berjaya mengasimilasikan budaya masyarakat Melayu Kelantan melalui majalah Pengasuh dengan kepentingan menuntut ilmu agama dan pendidikan untuk disertakan bersama dalam setiap pekerjaan yang dilakukan mengikut ketetapan syariat agama Islam. This article discuss the involvement of Za’ba in the development of Islam in state of Kelantan between 1918 to 1919. The main focus is the on the contribution of Za’ba in Islam and education to Malay citizen in Kelantan. The personality and intellectual showed by Za’ba also contribute to the development of Islam in Kelantan in early 20th century. This article will further discuss from the year of 1918 to 1919 which considered as the golden years of his writing profession in Kelantan. This study uses a qualitative method that includes the collection and analysis of data from primary sources obtained from Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat Negeri Kelantan (MAIK) such a magazine entitled Pengasuh and Al-Quran manuscript. In addition, secondary sources are also uses such as journals and books to further strengthen the study conducted. The data obtain will be analyzed to obtain actual information regarding the study conducted. Reseacrhers will uses the Historical Approach method by using a theme method to ensure the the study is more structured and analytical. From his writing, we found that Za’ba succeeded in assimilating the culture of Kelantan citizen through a magazine entitled Pengasuh on the importance of seeking Islamic knowledge and education to be included in every job done in accordance of Islamic law

    Penyelewengan Akidah dalam Ajaran Sesat di Malaysia: Satu Analisis [Perversion of Faith Heresy in Malaysia: A Review]

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    Penyelewengan akidah adalah masalah yang makin berleluasa di Malaysia. Pelbagai jenis ajaran yang didapati muncul dalam kajian ini. Jika tindakan membanterasnya tidak diberi tumpuan yang bersungguh-sungguh, golongan yang membawa ajaran menyeleweng ini akan merosakkan akidah masyarakat. Akhirnya, ajaran seperti ini akan membawa kepada perpecahan dalam masyarakat dan negara. Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengenal pasti penyelewengan dari segi akidah dalam ajaran sesat yang wujud Malaysia. Selain itu, untuk kajian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kesan yang berlaku kepada masyarakat akibat penyelewengan akidah yang berlaku serta menganalisis kajian lepas yang pernah dilakukan oleh pengkaji lepas berkaitan dengan tema ini. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa jabatan agama dan institusi agama yang terlibat telah mengambil inisiatif dalam membendung isu penyelewengan akidah dalam ajaran sesat ini. Implikasi kajian ini akan dapat meningkatkan kecekapan secara berkesan samaada undang-undang persekutuan atau negeri dalam mencegah kumpulan ajaran sesat daripada menyebarkan fahaman akidah yang menyeleweng. Justeru itu, kajian ini dapat memperkasa pemikiran masyarakat dan memberi kesedaran yang jitu mengenai ajaran akidah Islam yang sebenar. Aqedah faith misappropriation is one of the problems that arising in Malaysia. Various types of religious cult have been discovered during this research. The organizations that bring these cults beliefs will threaten Muslims' faith if effort to eliminate them is not being seriously handled. These kinds of beliefs and cult will eventually split the people and country. The purpose of this study to identify variations in Malaysians' acceptance of heretical teachings. Furthermore, it is to explain the sociological implications to the people that caused by existence of religious cult, as well as to evaluate past research on this topic by previous experts. The research discovers that the religious department and institutions in Malaysia that are involved have taken initiatives to resolve the issue of faith misappropriation in this religious cult. The outcomes of this research will aid in the improvement of federal and state legislation that restrict cult groups from promoting incorrect doctrines. As a result, this study can serve to enhance the community's thinking and provide a solid understanding of the true teachings of Isla


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    Takmir classes are conducted in every registered mosques as an initiative to develop religious knowledge comprising aqeedah, ibadah and akhlaq studies. However, a7ccording to MAIK’s oral reports, aqeedah studies in takmir classes in Kelantan are not widely re7ceived by the Muslim community. Hence this study aims to look at the response of the Mu7slim community towards aqeedah takmir classes in Kelantan mosques. This study also aims to e7xamine the implementation of the classes, analyse the response factors, and identify the problems that has led to its low response. This is an observation study where a survey was conducted on 375 respondents comprising masjid-goers. They were selected via stratified random sampling. This study also took a qualitative approach in addressing objectives number 1 and number 3. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The respondents consisted of 5 takmir teachers, 5 takmir coordinators, and a takmir officer. The data obtained through the questionnaire were then analysed using the descriptive analysis approach in the forms of mean, frequency and percentage. A pilot study was first conducted on 30 respondents. For the Muslim community’s response factor, it had a high Cronbach’s Alpha value (.810). The findings show an encouraging response of the Muslim community by gender, whereby 82.9% from the age group of 51 years and above are male, is at 38.7%. The high mean value of the Muslim community's response towards the aqeedah takmir classes are the venue’s conduciveness, (.637), the mosque’s well-maintained facilities (.637), the individuals’ own awareness to learn aqeedah (.724), sound health which allows them to attend takmir classes (.677), and educated teachers that contribute to the encouraging attendance (.702). The findings also show low mean values that need to be improved such as teachers who do not use teaching aids such as laptops, whiteboards or LCDs.  Findings from the interview, on the other hand, show that the takmir classes are conducted according to the timetable set by MAIK, and that the low response to the classes needs addressing such as improving the teaching and learning methods that would encourage better response from the community towards the classes. The response by the Muslim community towards the aqeedah takmir classes are not highly satisfactory. However, the response of the Muslim community to the aqeedah takmir classes has enhanced with improvements towards the public‘s response. Keywords: Response factor by the Muslim communicity, Aqeedah takmir classes, Muslim communityAbstrakKelas takmir ialah satu pengajian yang telah dijalankan di setiap masjid yang berdaftar sebagai inisiatif untuk mengembangkan ilmu agama yang terdiri daripada akidah, ibadah dan akhlak. Bagaimanapun, laporan lisan MAIK menunjukkan pengajian akidah dalam kelas takmir di Negeri Kelantan kurang memberangsangkan. Justeru kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau faktor sambutan masyarakat Islam terhadap kelas takmir akidah di masjid Negeri Kelantan. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk meneliti pelaksanaan kelas tersebut, menganalisis faktor sambutan masyarakat dan mengenalpasti masalah-masalah sambutan. Kajian ini adalah kajian tinjauan yang menggunakan soal selidik seramai 375 orang responden daripada jemaah masjid yang dipilih melalui persampelan rawak berstrata sebagai instrumen kajian. Di samping itu, kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif bagi menjawab objektif kajian satu dan tiga. Tatacara pengumpulan data adalah melalui temu bual separa struktur. Responden temu bual terdiri daripada 5 orang guru takmir dan 5 orang penyelaras takmir serta seorang pegawai takmir. Data yang diperoleh melalui soal selidik telah dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan analisis deskriptif dalam bentuk min, kekerapan dan peratusan. Kajian rintis telah dijalankan melibatkan 30 orang responden dan didapati nilai Cronbach Alpha pada tahap tinggi bagi item faktor sambutan masyarakat Islam adalah (.810). Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa sambutan masyarakat Islam memberangsangkan berdasarkan jantina daripada responden lelaki sebanyak 82.9% daripada kategori umur 51 tahun ke atas sebanyak 38.7%. Nilai min yang tinggi bagi faktor sambutan masyarakat Islam terhadap kelas takmir pengajian akidah adalah faktor keselesaan tempat pengajian mewakili (.637), kemudahan masjid yang berfungsi dengan baik mewakili (.637), faktor kesedaran itu sendiri yang dapat mendorong jemaah untuk mempelajari ilmu akidah mewakili (.724), kesihatan yang baik membolehkan jemaah hadir ke kelas takmir mewakili (.677) dan guru yang berpendidikan tinggi memberi keyakinan kepada jemaah untuk menghadiri kelas takmir mewakili (.702). Hasil kajian turut menunjukkan nilai min rendah yang perlu dibuat penambahbaikan iaitu guru tidak menggunakan alat bantu mengajar seperti laptop, papan putih atau LCD, 7manakala hasil kajian daripada temu bual mendapati bahawa perjalanan kelas takmir berjalan dengan lancar dengan ketetapan waktu yang telah ditetapkan oleh MAIK dan beberapa masalah sambutan iaitu perlu menambahbaik lagi kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang lebih berkesan bagi meningkatkan lagi sambutan masyarakat Islam terhadap kelas takmir. Penyertaan masyarakat Islam terhadap kelas takmir akidah kurang memuaskan. Walau bagaimanapun, tahap sambutan masyarakat Islam terhadap kelas takmir akidah lebih meningkat dengan penambahbaikan terhadap faktor sambutan masyarakat. Kata kunci: Faktor Sambutan, Masyarakat Islam, Pengajian Akidah, Masji

    The Integration of Knowledge in Islam : Concept and Challenges

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    Integration is an approach process which can be used in the educational sector to create a madani generation of multidisciplinary knowledge Integration is defined as a merger between two or several races factors sectors etc as a union or consolidation The Muslims are obligated to master various forms of knowledge beginning with the Islamic traditional knowledge of faith akidah syariah and morals akhlak The understanding of the Islamic knowledge together with that of the modern world s can lead to the emergence of new modern knowledge in line with Islamic requirements Islam never forbids the Muslims to learn foreign knowledge in fact it is highly recommended This paper hopes to highlight the concept of integration of knowledge from Islamic perspectives and the challenges that need to be addressed to make it a reality for the society The application of western knowledge leads to the spread of secularinfluence in the educational system of a nation which in turn leads to the gradual loss of Islamic identity of the society Therefore the approach to the integration of Islamic knowledge and that of the West needs to be seen as an alternative for the society in leading their everyday lives based on the true teachings of Isla

    Amalan Hisbah Dan Prospek Terhadap Pengurusan Akidah Di Malaysia: Satu Tinjauan Awal

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    This paper aims to review the practice of hisbah in Malaysia and the relationship with the management of aqidah in Malaysia. Second is to know for sure the role of Islamic institutions in the practice of hisbah especially in the management of faith in the issue and challenges in the inauguration of faith in Malaysia. This study uses content analysis to discuss deep in the practice of faith and its relationship to the management of faith in Malaysia. Although in Malaysia there are institutions such as the Position of the Progress of Islamic Malaysia (JAKIM), the State Islamic Religion Council (MAIN), the State Islamic Religion (JAIN) and the State Mufti Position (JMN) do not use the term hisbah, but intipati, implementation and function the function of hisbah is carried out by Islamic agencies concerned. This study method uses content analysis to get an initial review of the role and contribution of hisbah practice in Malaysia in the issue of the management of faith in Malaysia. And also the initial observations found elements and elements of the approach of hisbah practice are very necessary and implemented in the contemporary world to deal with issues and challenges include the management of aqidah which is emphasized as a fortress rather than threats that bring impact to the mistakes and renewal of the grip of Muslims in Malaysia. Then the role and application of hisbah practice in the management of the faith is very much needed special attention, there are governments, communities and individual Muslims so that the teachings of Islam are maintained and maintained in achieving the blessings and blessings of Allah SWT


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    This research paper observes the implementation of dakwah activities by JAKIM and their acceptance by the indigenous people in the state of Terengganu. This research also focuses on the extent of understanding and practising Islam in their everyday lives.  It is essential to conduct this research to determine that JAKIM’s dakwah activities for the indigenous people thus far have been successful. This research is carried out qualitatively using two methods of data collection; field study and document study.  For the field study, the writers use interviews and observations during their visits and involvements in the indigenous people’s activities to obtain accurate facts. For the document study, information is gathered from documents such as annual reports, minutes of meeting, project papers, calendars provided by JAKIM to help enhance the findings of the research. The findings of this research prove that JAKIM has contributed significantly in dakwah activities to the indigenous people. Even though JAKIM has been successful in its mission, there are still some weaknesses and challenges that need to be considered. As a whole, despite the many dakwah activities done by JAKIM, the indigenous people’s response and appreciation of the teachings of Islam are still poor. ABSTRAKKajian ini adalah bertujuan melihat aktiviti atau program dakwah yang dilaksanakan oleh JAKIM kepada masyarakat Orang Asli di samping mengkaji apakah cabaran-cabaran yang dihadapi oleh JAKIM dalam usaha berdakwah kepada golongan tersebut. Kajian ini adalah penting untuk mempastikan aktiviti dakwah JAKIM kepada masyarakat Orang Asli selama ini telah mencapai matlamat sepenuhnya. Bagi mencapai tujuan tersebut, penulis telah menggunakan dua kaedah utama pengumpulan data iaitu kajian lapangan dan kajian dokumen. Dalam kajian lapangan penulis menggunakan metode temu bual dan pemerhatian serta melalui sesi lawatan atau penyertaan bersama mereka dalam aktiviti yang dijalankan supaya maklumat yang diperolehi lebih tepat. Begitu juga pencarian maklumat diperoleh daripada dokumen yang disediakan oleh pihak JAKIM seperti laporan tahunan, minit mesyuarat, kertas kerja, senarai takwim dan lain-lain  untuk lebih memantapkan lagi hasil kajian ini. Hasil daripada kajian ini, penulis mendapati telah banyak aktiviti atau program yang dilaksanakan oleh pihak JAKIM terhadap golongan sasaran. Secara keseluruhannya dapat dibuat kesimpulan bahawa walaupun aktiviti dakwah kepada masyarakat Orang Asli telah banyak dilakukan oleh JAKIM, namun sambutan dan penghayatan mereka kepada ajaran Islam masih lagi lemah dan berada di tahap yang rendah. Kata Kunci : Aktiviti Dakwah, JAKIM, Orang Asli, Cabara


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    The concept of moderation basically refers to being in the middle of two extremes. This concept can be understood in larger scope which includes the matter of creed, whorship, social relation, economy dan leadership. Nowadays, there are a lot of chaos that has been lit up by a group of people who relate themselves to Islam, thus the Western does not review Islam as a religion that promote justice. It clearly can be seen from the attacks of the groups of Islamic State (ISIS), al-Qaeda, Jamaah Islamiyyah and others. These attacks affect the nomination of Islam as a religion of good and mercy. Hence, this research has been done to highlight the concept of al-wasatiyyah according to perspective of ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama’ah. The research based on the method of libratory study (qualitative) to get the result. The research also collects the data and information via documentation and the method of inductive to get the conclusion. The result showed that ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama’ah stand out in introducing the concept of al-wasatiyyah in creed. The madhhab of Islamic creed is dominated by two group people called as al-Asha’irah and al-Maturidiyyah