232 research outputs found


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    In this paper, we introduce the notion of the one-sided generalized (α, β)−reversederivation of a ring R. Let R be a semiprime ring, ϱ be a non-zero ideal of R, α bean epimorphism of ϱ, β be a homomorphism of ϱ (α be a homomorphism of ϱ, βbe an epimorphism of ϱ) and γ : ϱ → R be a non-zero (α, β)−reverse derivation.We show that there exists F : ϱ → R, an l−generalized (α, β)−reverse derivation(an r−generalized (α, β)−reverse derivation) associated with γ iff F(ϱ), γ(ϱ) ⊂ CR(ϱ)and F is an r−generalized (β, α)−derivation (an l−generalized (β, α)−derivation) associated with (β, α)−derivation γ on ϱ. This theorem generalized the results of A.Aboubakr and S. Gonzalez proved in [1, Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 3.2 ]

    Variation of scores in language achievement tests according to gender, item format and skill areas

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    Ankara : The Department of Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Bilkent University, 2012.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2012.Includes bibliographical references leaves 87-100.Students are assessed to collect information on their language ability or achievement. Some other factors as well as the proficiency level of a student may play a role in their language achievement scores. Gender, item format and skill areas are the factors that may cause variation in the scores, hence affecting the decisions made through these scores. However, there has not been a study that reveals if achievement scores of language learners vary depending on gender, item format or skill areas or the interaction among these factors. This study investigated how language learners scores in language achievement tests vary according to gender, item format (matching, fill in the blanks, find the correct form, multiple choice, open ended, and paragraph writing) and skill areas (reading, writing, listening, grammar, and vocabulary); and whether the male and females’ scores vary according to item format and skill areas. The research was conducted at T.C. Kadir Has University Preparatory School, Istanbul, Turkey. The second achievement test of the second module administered to 303 pre-intermediate level students from different majors was analyzed. The statistical analysis of data revealed that gender does not have a significant effect on the total scores of the students in language achievement tests. On the other hand, students’ total scores vary significantly depending on both the item format and skill areas in the test. In other words, it makes a difference which item format or skill area is used in a test because students’ scores change according to the type of the item form and skill areas. Males’ and females’ mean scores also show differences depending on both item format and skill areas. According to the findings, females outperform males significantly in two item formats; ‘find the correct form’ and ‘paragraph writing’ questions, whereas males do not show any superiority in any item format. Also, in skill areas, females outperform males in three skill areas; ‘writing,’ ‘grammar’ and ‘vocabulary’ while males score higher only in one skill area; ‘listening.’ This study contributed to the existing literature by having studied gender differences. With results both confirming and contradicting the previous research, the present study has a unique place in the language testing literature by looking at the variation of scores according to three variables; gender, item format and skill areas, that have been studied together for the first time, and comparing males’ and females’ scores in terms of item format and skill areas again for the first time. The wide spectrum adopted while evaluating the differences in the results, and speculations made about these differences can benefit both future researchers in the field in terms of theoretical perspectives, and teachers and administrator in terms of practical perspectives.Engin, AyşeM.S

    Identification, preservation and management of cultural heritage of Edirne, Turkey by means of a web-based application

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    Cultural Heritage can be expressed as the ways of living developed by a community and passed on from generation to generation, including places, objects, practices, customs, values and artistic expressions. The care of its historical memory reveals the degree of civilization and morality of a city and/or country. In this regard, digitization plays a key role for conserving, maintaining and sharing cultural assets. In this study, an online access platform for conserving, maintaining and sharing the cultural assets of Edirne has been developed. Firstly, a new digitization and archiving application has been developed and integrated into existing library automation systems. Second, after obtaining their copyrights, available books, magazines and other printed materials have been scanned, indexed, abstracted and archived in the database of the online access platform. Finally, the digitized materials in the online access platform have been made publicly available. The project realized in this study will both enable to digitally conserve the available cultural assets of Edirne and hand them down to the next generations

    Evaluation of adolescent pregnancies in terms of maternal and perinatal risks

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    Objective: We aimed to evaluate adolescent pregnancy rates and both maternal and perinatal adverse pregnancy outcomes in a secondary care public hospital. Methods: Maternal and perinatal pregnancy outcomes of pregnant women of adolescent age who applied to a secondary level public hospital between June 2018 and March 2021 were evaluated. The study was started with 1803 patients. After the exclusion criteria, the study was continued with 1753 patients. Results: When the parameters that are significant in the binary analysis are analyzed by logistic regression analysis; 2.13-fold the risk of preterm birth (CI: 1.319–4.625), 1.621-fold the risk of premature rupture of membranes (CI: 1.461–2.328), 2.412-fold the risk of low birth weight (CI: 2.894–4.297), and 1.768 fold the need for NICU (CI: 1.013–2.121) were observed to increase. Conclusion: Negative characteristics of adolescent pregnancies should also be taken into account while developing health policies in the coming years. Poor outcomes of adolescent pregnancies should be transferred to both healthcare professionals and society, and adolescent pregnancies should be reduced

    Examining the relationship between body composition and jumping parameters in female volleyball players: Kadın voleybolcularda vücut kompozisyonu ile sıçrama parametreleri arasındaki ilişkinin i̇ncelenmesi

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    Purpose: It can be said that the ever-increasing popularity in the volleyball branch and the search for success at professional levels increases the need for training to be aimed at physical and physiological needs. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between body composition and jumping parameters in elite female volleyball players. Material & Method: The model of the research is the relational scanning model, one of the scanning models. The research group consisted of 9 volunteer professional female volleyball players. The participants' height, body mass index (BMI), fat weight, and body fat percentage (BFP) were measured, and Squat Jump (SJ), active jump (AJ), and hands-free jump tests were performed. Correlation analysis was applied to compare the relationship between body composition and vertical jump parameters. Findings: A moderate positive relationship was found between BMI and BFP (p=.667; r=.050) and a very low positive relationship was found between BMI and fat weight (kg) (p=.820; r=.007). While a weak negative relationship (p=-.672; r=0.047) was detected between BMI and Squat Jump and Active Jump Power difference (W/kg), no statistical relationship was found between the other parameters. Results: When the study findings were evaluated, a negative relationship was found between body mass index, body fat percentage, and jump parameters. This situation reveals that, as the fat percentage increases, the jumping performance of athletes decreases. Considering that one of the performance parameters most commonly used by female volleyball players is jumping, the result of the study is that improving body composition at a level that will increase performance will contribute to success. Özet Amaç: Voleybol branşında artan ilgi ve profesyonel başarı arayışları doğrultusunda, sporcuların fiziksel ve fizyolojik ihtiyaçlarının ve bunların performans çıktılarına etkilerinin bilinmesi, bu etkilere göre optimal düzeyde çalışmalar oluşturulması, performansın yükseltilmesi ve başarının elde edilmesi için önem taşımaktadır. Bu durum göz önüne alındığında bu çalışmanın amacı elit kadın voleybolcularda vücut kompozisyonu ile sıçrama parametreleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelemesidir. Materyal & Metot: Araştırmanın modeli tarama modellerinden ilişkisel tarama modelidir. Araştırma grubunu toplamda 9 gönüllü profesyonel kadın voleybolcu oluşturmuştur. Katılımcıların boy uzunluğu, vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ), yağ ağırlığı ve vücut yağ yüzdesi (VYY) ölçülmüş, Squat Sıçrama (SS), aktif sıçrama (AS) ve eller serbest sıçrama testleri uygulanmıştır. İstatistiksel analiz değerlendirmesi için, vücut kompozisyonun dikey sıçrama parametreleriyle ilişkisini karşılaştırmada korelasyon analizi uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: VKİ ile VYY arasında orta düzeyde pozitif yönde (p=,667; r=,050) VKİ ile yağ ağırlığı (kg) arasında pozitif yönde çok düşük düzeyde (p=,820; r=,007) ilişkiye rastlanılmıştır. VKİ ile Squat Sıçrama ve Aktif Sıçrama Güç farkı (W/kg) arasında ise negatif yönde zayıf düzeyde (p=-,672; r=0,047) ilişki tespit edilirken, diğer parametreler arasında ise istatistiksel olarak bir ilişkiye rastlanmamıştır. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, yapılan çalışmanın bulguları değerlendirildiğinde vücut kitle indeksi ve vücut yağ yüzdesi ile sıçrama parametreleri arasında negatif yönlü bir ilişkiye rastlanmıştır. Bu durum yağ yüzdesinin artması ile sporcuların sıçrama performanslarının azaldığı düşüncesini ortaya çıkartmaktadır. Kadın voleybolcuların en çok en çok kullandığı performans parametrelerinden birinin sıçrama olduğu düşünüldüğünde, çalışmadaki sonuç vücut kompozisyonun performansı arttıracak düzeyde iyileştirilmesinin başarıya katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir

    Efficacy of Sucralfate in the Early Postoperative Improvement of Pediatric Thermal Welding Adenotonsillectomy Morbidity

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    Objective:Many surgical techniques and solutions have tried to improve the morbidity of pediatric adenotonsillectomy. Pain is mainly treated with analgesics, steroids and anaesthetics. However, various topical solutions such as sucralfate have been used for pain relief.Methods:We investigated the efficacy of sucralfate together with the TW technique on post-tonsillectomy morbidity in children. Our hypothesis was that the advantages of the TW technique might be improved by the protective coating effect of sucralfate on post-tonsillectomy morbidity. Patients were examined and scored clinically by their parents on the day of the operation and at the end of the day for the next 7 days. Throat pain was estimated by parents using the Faces Pain Scale-Revised from 0 to 10 with 0 representing the absence of pain and 10 maximal pain on postoperative days 1 to 7 while swallowing, speaking and resting.Results:The daily pain scores over the entire 7-day postoperative period were consistently lower in the sucralfate group than in the placebo group. The reduction of throat pain was significantly lower in the sucralfate group compared to the placebo group from the 1st to the 3rd postoperative day.Conclusion:Our study demonstrates that sucralfate is safe and improves post-tonsillectomy analgesia in combination with the TW technique in children

    The nightmare of obstetricians — the placenta accreta spectrum in primiparous pregnant women

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    Objectives: The incidence of PAS is increasing day by day as a life-threatening condition. The purpose of the present study was to determine the factors affecting PAS formation in primiparous pregnant women and to define possible risk factors for the mother and the baby. Material and methods: Bursa Yüksek İhtisas Training and Research Hospital, department of obstetrics and gynecology, Bursa, Turkey, between June 2016 and December 2020. A total of 58,895 patients were included in the study. After the exclusion criteria, the study was continued with 27 primiparous PAS and 54 non-primiparous PAS patients. The primary purpose is to evaluate PAS risk factors. The secondary aim is to examine maternal and neonatal characteristics. Result:When the parameters that are significant in terms of PAS risk factors were analyzed by Logistic Regression Analysis, it was found that the increase in age also increased the development of PAS 1.552 times (95% CI: 1.236–1.948) and a history of abortion was 7.928. times (95% CI: 1.408–44.654) and 11,007 times (95% CI: 2.059–58.832) with history of myomectomy; postoperative HB values (p < 0.001), an estimated amount of bleeding (p < 0.001), need for transfusion (p = 0.002), and use of drains (< 0.001) were statistically significant different between two groups. When the neonatal results between patients with and without PAS were examined, birth weight (p < 0.001) and gestational week (< 0.001) were statistically significant. Conclusions: PAS does not occur only in multiparous patients who have a history of previous cesarean section. It may also occur in primiparous patients and is a life-threatening condition

    Sustainability of traditional buildings located in rural area

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    In this days, sensitivity to environmental issues of people increased together with the awareness of the concept of sustainability. The structures, which are built in a rural residential area, are integrated with the natural environment. In Turkey, local traditional structures are structures that can be produced easily in place and materials are being used wisely. These houses which are used renewable natural materials carries a lot of features of the sustainable approach. Traditional structures have been shaped by the region where they are, because of the necessity. In this study, materials and construction systems of the traditional buildings which are located in rural areas are discussed and the buildings have been evaluated the context of ecology and sustainability

    The Relationship between Romantic Attachment and Coping Styles for Graduation Stress for College Seniors

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    The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationship between graduation stress and attachment domains for college seniors. Two hundred and fifteen university students expecting to graduate in one or two academic semester participated to the study. Out of the participants 123 (57.2%) were female, 78 (36.3%) were male, the mean age of participants was 22.06. Participants answered the questions of Experiences in Close Relationships Questionnaire-Revised (ECR-R; Fraley, Waller and Brennan 350) and Coping Style Scale (Şahin and Durak 56) via web-based database application. The results showed that students having high level of attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance were less likely to have problem focused/effective coping styles, and more likely to have emotion focused/ineffective coping styles when they feel stress related to graduation. This study has provided a helpful resource not only to the researchers but also to the practitioners and experts providing psychological support to university students