33 research outputs found
Fine stream wood : effects on drift and brown trout (Salmo trutta) growth and behaviour
Stream ecosystems and their riparian zones have previously been regarded as two different ecosystems, linked through numerous reciprocal subsidies. Today, ecologists agree that the stream and the riparian zone should be regarded as one system, the stream-riparian ecosystem, which is characterised largely by the subsidies between land and water. The terrestrial subsidies to the stream affect stream-living biota in several ways, some of which are well-known while others less so. The input of wood to the stream from the riparian zone is believed to play an important role in the population dynamics of stream-living fish. In this doctoral thesis, I explore effects of fine stream wood (FW, <10 cm diameter) on wild stream-living young-of-the-year brown trout (Salmo trutta) by reporting and discussing results from laboratory, semi-natural and field experiments. My results show that the local density of drifting prey is higher in the presence of FW than in its absence, and also that young-of-the-year brown trout decrease their diurnal foraging time and prey capture success when FW is added to their habitat. I show that trout decrease their swimming activity in the presence of FW, aggregate in FW bundles, and have lower growth rates than trout without FW access. Also, the degree of sheltering in FW bundles was higher during day than at night in a study performed at low water temperatures; moreover, the presence of an ectothermic nocturnal predator (burbot, Lota lota) did not affect the degree of sheltering in FW bundles by trout. Taken together, my results indicate that young-of-the-year brown trout with access to FW bundles spend considerable amounts of time sheltering in the FW, and by doing so they miss the opportunity for higher growth and foraging rates outside of the shelter. The most probable explanation for this behaviour is that growth is traded off against survival, i.e., the predation risk is higher outside of the shelter.Stream ecosystems and their riparian zones have previously been regarded as two different ecosystems, linked through numerous reciprocal subsidies. Today, ecologists agree that the stream and the riparian zone should be regarded as one system, the stream-riparian ecosystem, which is characterised largely by the subsidies between land and water. In this doctoral thesis, I explore one such subsidy – the input of fine stream wood (FW) to streams. Wild stream-living young-of-the-year brown trout (Salmo trutta) was chosen as study species. My results show that the local density of drifting prey is higher in the presence of FW than in its absence, and that young-of-the-year brown trout decrease their diurnal foraging time and prey capture success when FW is added to their habitat. I show that trout decrease their activity in the presence of FW, aggregate in FW bundles, and have lower growth rates than trout without FW access. Taken together, my results indicate that young-of-the-year brown trout spend considerable amounts of time in FW bundles, and by doing so they miss the opportunity for higher growth and foraging rates outside of the shelter. The most probable explanation for this behaviour is that growth is traded off against survival.Artikel 3 publicerades i avhandlingen som manuskript med samma titel.</p
Program för miljöövervakning i Kalmar län 2006
Miljöövervakning bedrivs i Kalmar län inom samtliga tio programområden utom FJÄLL. Det övergripande syftet är skapa en bild av miljösituationen i länet och att följa upp de nationella och regionala miljökvalitetsmålen. Strategin för att nå en effektiv övervakning är att använda standardiserade undersökningsmetoder och samutnyttja resultaten från olika undersökningar. Övervakningen inom programområde LUFT täcker både långdistanstransporterade och lokala föroreningar. Luftföroreningars hälsoeffekter behöver dock bevakas bättre. Energi- och klimatfrågorna behöver också bättre täckning. Övervakningen inom programområde KUST OCH HAV är god i närheten av utsläppskällor, en följd av att den bekostas av utsläpparna. Det är önskvärt med bättre täckning av övriga kustområden med avseende på undersökningstyperna kustfiskbestånd, hälsotillstånd hos kustfisk och vegetationsklädda bottnar. Det behövs även mer övervakning av biologisk mångfald, växt- och zooplankton samt ytterligare övervakning av miljögifter i sediment och biota. Inom programområde SÖTVATTEN är övervakningen inriktad på vattnets fysikaliska och kemiska kvalitet. Det är önskvärt att utöka de biologiska undersökningarna. Största delen av övervakningen av biota sker idag inom kalkeffektuppföljningen, vilket innebär att de nordvästra delarna av länet, där kalkningen är ringa, är dåligt täckta, liksom nedströmsdelarna av avrinningsområdena. Kompletteringar behövs också med mätningar av miljögifter. Skogsvårdsstyrelsen driver fortlöpande undersökningar inom programområde SKOG. Länsstyrelsen har genomfört ett flertal kampanjer. Resurser behöver tillföras för att nå en tillfredsställande övervakning. Ett stort antal kampanjvisa undersökningar har gjorts inom programområde JORDBRUKSMARK. Två undersökningar är årligen återkommande, Inventering av fåglar på Ölands sjömarker och Närsaltläckage från jordbruksmark. Programområdet är mycket väsentligt för Kalmar län område och behovet stort av utökade systematiska undersökningar. Verksamheten inom programområde HÄLSORELATERAD MILJÖÖVERVAKNING är splittrad på olika myndigheter. Bättre samordning behövs. Inom programområde LANDSKAP har ett antal metodtester och pilotprojekt genomförts. Resurserna behöver dock tillföras. Samordningen med terrester övervakning inom programområdena JORDBRUKSMARK och VÅTMARK bör ökas. Inom programområde VÅTMARK övervakas långbensgroda på Öland. Övervakning inom programområde MILJÖGIFTSSAMORDNING sker idag inom Emåns avrinningsområde. Dessutom övervakas miljögifter inom programområdena SÖTVATTEN och KUST OCH HAV. Miljögiftskartläggningen bör utvidgas till andra avrinningsområden genom att engagera intresserade kommuner.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import från MDP 2015-05</p
Broderligen och till sista droppen : Karlsbrödraförbundet i Västerås och alkoholen
Temperance turning a blind ey
Merethe Roos. Hartvig Nissen: Grundtvigianer, skandinav, skolemann
Review: Merethe Roos. Hartvig Nissen: Grundtvigianer, skandinav, skolemann. Oslo: Cappelen Damm akademisk, 2019, 282 pp.</p
Sverigedemokraten kommer! : En kvantitativ studie av hur Sverigedemokraterna gestaltades i lokalpressen under månaden för riksdagsvalet 2010
Abstract Title: The Sweden Democrat is coming! – A quantitative study of the framing of the Sweden Democrats in the local press during the month of the parliamentary election in 2010 (Sverigedemokraten kommer! – En kvantitativ studie av hur Sverigedemokraterna gestaltades i lokalpressen under månaden för riksdagsvalet 2010) Number of pages: 41 (42 including enclosures) Author: Tobias Enefalk Tutor: Amelie Hössjer Course: Media and Communication Studies C Period: Autumn 2010 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: This essay seeks to study how the Swedish political party the Sweden Democrats was framed in Swedish local press during the month of the parliamentary election in 2010. The study is based upon eight local newspapers located in the municipalities where the voting result for the Sweden Democrats increased the most and the least. Material/Method: The material consists of 263 articles from eight different local newspapers gathered from the month of September 2010 (the month of the election). Using a quantitative content analysis and a cluster analysis inspired by Matthes & Kohring, a comparison of the framing is made between the different newspapers. The results of this comparison are then analyzed and discussed by applying theories of political communication, media logic and framing. Main results: The results show that some similarities and some differences occur regarding the framing of the Sweden Democrats between the different newspapers. A neutral frame of the party’s policies and the result of the election was common in all of the newspaper. This frame was, however, somewhat more salient in the newspapers where the party increased the most. While the group of newspapers where the party increased the least tended to criticize the Sweden Democrats to a higher extent, the moral evaluations in the other group of newspapers differed and also tended to criticize other parties to a higher extent. Regarding the treatment of the party in terms of bias no major differences could be distinguished. Keywords: Framing, The Sweden Democrats, media logic, political communication, local press, quantitative content analysis
Improvements to Thermal Management System for Automotive Components
Global warming imposes great challenges, and anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have to be reduced by active measures. The transportation sector is one of the key sectors where significant reductions are desired. Within a vehicle, the cooling/thermal management system is a subsystem intended for temperature control of automotive components. Reducing the power consumption for thermal management is one of several possible ways to reduce the environmental impact of the vehicle. This report considers an existing reference cooling system, with three separate circuits at different temperature levels. The purpose is to suggest improvements to the reference system with respect to increasing energy efficiency as well as reducing the number of components. Potential improvements are identified during a literature study, and then evaluated one by one. After the first evaluation, four improvements are selected: Firstly, a liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger in high temperature circuit, with connections to both the medium and low temperature circuits. Secondly, common medium/low temperature radiators, which can be allocated according to cooling demand. Thirdly, pipe connections for coolant transfer between the low and medium temperature circuits. Finally, a liquid-cooled condenser in the active cooling system, cooled by the medium temperature circuit. The result is a system with flexible radiator allocation, more even load distribution, ability to heat components using heat losses from other components, and one radiator less than the reference system. A complete system evaluation is performed in order to find the most beneficial arrangement of the components. Steady state calculations are performed in MATLAB, using five different operational cases as input data. Out of six different alternatives, one is recommended for high load operation and another for low load operation. The difference between the two is the position of the condenser, since a low condensation temperature should be prioritized at part load but not at high load. The main uncertainties of this report are steady state calculations, which are not fully reflecting real driving situations, and approximations due to lack of input data. For further work, verification of these results by transient simulations and practical testing is recommended. Removing one of the high temperature radiators could be investigated, as well as downsizing the medium temperature radiator. Integration with the cabin thermal management system, which is beyond the scope of this report, is also a relevant area for future investigation. By suggesting improvements to an automotive subsystem, this report strives to make a difference on a small-scale level, but also to contribute to an ongoing transition process on the global level.Den globala uppvärmningen medför stora utmaningar, och de antropogena växthusgasutsläppen måste minskas genom aktiva åtgärder. Transportsektorn är en av de viktigaste sektorerna där avsevärda utsläppsminskningar eftersträvas. I ett fordon är kylsystemet ett delsystem avsett att kontrollera temperaturen på komponenter som är viktiga för fordonets funktion. Att sänka kylsystemets effektförbrukning är ett av flera möjliga sätt att minska fordonets miljöpåverkan. Den här rapporten utgår från ett befintligt referenskylsystem, med tre separata kretsar som arbetar vid olika temperaturnivåer. Syftet är att föreslå förbättringar för att öka energieffektiviteten, samt minska antalet komponenter i systemet. Potentiella förbättringar identifieras genom en litteraturstudie, och utvärderas därefter en efter en. Efter denna utvärdering väljs fyra förbättringar ut: För det första, en vätskevärmeväxlare i högtemperaturkretsen, med anslutningar till både mellan- och lågtemperaturkretsen. För det andra, gemensamma mellan- och lågtemperaturkylare, som kan fördelas mellan kretsarna efter behov. För det tredje, röranslutningar för överföring av kylvätska mellan låg- och mellantemperaturkretsen. Slutligen, en vätskekyld kondensor i det aktiva kylsystemet, vilken kyls av mellantemperaturkretsen. Resultatet är ett kylsystem med flexibel tilldelning av kylare, jämnare fördelning av värmeförluster, möjlighet att värma komponenter med förlustvärme från andra komponenter, samt en kylare mindre än referenssystemet. Som sista steg genomförs en helsystemsutvärdering, för att hitta det mest fördelaktiga sättet att placera komponenterna i förhållande till varandra. Stationära beräkningar utförs i MATLAB, med fem olika driftfall som indata. Av sex olika utformningar rekommenderas en för drift med hög belastning, och en annan för drift med lägre belastning. Skillnaden mellan dem är kondensorns placering, på grund av att en låg kondensationstemperatur bör prioriteras vid låg belastning men inte vid hög belastning. Den största osäkerheten i tillvägagångssättet är de stationära beräkningarna, som inte helt motsvarar verkliga körfall, samt approximationer som gjorts vid brist på indata. För framtida arbete rekommenderas verifiering av dessa resultat genom transienta simuleringar och praktiska tester. Att ta bort en av högtemperaturkylarna och/eller minska storleken på mellantemperaturkylaren kan också undersökas. Även integration med kupéns värme- och kylsystem, vilket ligger utanför ramen för denna rapport, är ett relevant område för fortsatta undersökningar. Genom att föreslå förbättringar av ett delsystem i ett fordon strävar denna rapport efter att åstadkomma förbättringar på liten skala, men också att bidra till en pågående omvandling på den globala skalan
Patriotic Dreamlands : Music, Nationalism and Gender in the Long Nineteenth Century
The subject of this thesis is Scandinavian nationalism from the late 18th century to ca 1920. The focus lies on that particular aspect of nationalism that was at the same time the most mundane and the most enigmatic: the ever-present depicting of the nation in words, pictures and music, which in effect created a parallel universe, a patriotic dreamland. This creation was highly gendered, and the media in which it flourished most abundantly was the patriotic song. The study therefore uses song texts as its primary source material and builds upon the theoretical foundations laid by, e.g., Joan Scott and Michael Billig. Geographically, the investigation centers on Sweden, using Norway and Swedish-speaking Finland as objects of comparison. The main producers of the lyrics and their intended target groups are identified, and an in-depth analysis of a large corpus of songs is made. The main conclusion is that the patriotic songs, in spite of spreading to an ever increasing proportion of the population, were not an expression of the ‘voice of the people’ or even that of the bourgeoisie as a whole. The texts were chiefly written by male academics, and from their formative years during the Napoleonic wars the songs preserved an obsession with a warlike unmarried manhood. Only in the last decades of the period were civilian virtues and national womanhood slightly more emphasized. It is suggested that the songs, apart from being an expression of what Billig has termed ‘banal nationalism,’ also functioned as a bastion of a ‘banal androcentrism.’ The thesis shows that the patriotic dreamland of the patriotic songs was designed in a way that promoted the interests of its producers and reproducers. The seemingly semi-autonomous quality of the discourse is also discussed, employing meme theory as used by, e.g., Daniel Dennett
Sverigedemokraten kommer! : En kvantitativ studie av hur Sverigedemokraterna gestaltades i lokalpressen under månaden för riksdagsvalet 2010
Abstract Title: The Sweden Democrat is coming! – A quantitative study of the framing of the Sweden Democrats in the local press during the month of the parliamentary election in 2010 (Sverigedemokraten kommer! – En kvantitativ studie av hur Sverigedemokraterna gestaltades i lokalpressen under månaden för riksdagsvalet 2010) Number of pages: 41 (42 including enclosures) Author: Tobias Enefalk Tutor: Amelie Hössjer Course: Media and Communication Studies C Period: Autumn 2010 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: This essay seeks to study how the Swedish political party the Sweden Democrats was framed in Swedish local press during the month of the parliamentary election in 2010. The study is based upon eight local newspapers located in the municipalities where the voting result for the Sweden Democrats increased the most and the least. Material/Method: The material consists of 263 articles from eight different local newspapers gathered from the month of September 2010 (the month of the election). Using a quantitative content analysis and a cluster analysis inspired by Matthes & Kohring, a comparison of the framing is made between the different newspapers. The results of this comparison are then analyzed and discussed by applying theories of political communication, media logic and framing. Main results: The results show that some similarities and some differences occur regarding the framing of the Sweden Democrats between the different newspapers. A neutral frame of the party’s policies and the result of the election was common in all of the newspaper. This frame was, however, somewhat more salient in the newspapers where the party increased the most. While the group of newspapers where the party increased the least tended to criticize the Sweden Democrats to a higher extent, the moral evaluations in the other group of newspapers differed and also tended to criticize other parties to a higher extent. Regarding the treatment of the party in terms of bias no major differences could be distinguished. Keywords: Framing, The Sweden Democrats, media logic, political communication, local press, quantitative content analysis