43 research outputs found

    Fatigue and fatigue after impact behaviour of Thin- and Thick-Ply composites observed by computed tomography

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    This study investigates the influence of load ratio and impact damage on the fatigue behaviour of high-performance carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP) with areal fibre weights between 30 gsm and 360 gsm. For undamaged samples, the ultimate tensile and compressive strength, as well as the fatigue properties, are evaluated with regard to their layer thicknesses. The fatigue tests were performed under tension-tension (R=0.1), tension-compression (R=-0.5) and compression-compression (R=10) regime. The results are illustrated as a constant-life diagram, and a piecewise linear interpolation examines a first prediction. The results show that static and fatigue performance improves with decreasing layer thickness. Particularly under tension-compression loading, significant improvements are observed, due to the suppression of matrix cracks and delaminations with thinner layers. In addition, the effect of low-energy impact on the fatigue behaviour of Thin- and Thick-Ply laminates is investigated. The tests demonstrate that although the delamination area is larger, Thin-Ply laminates can sustain higher stresses and still reach the same number of load cycles in contrast to Thick-Ply laminates. Computed tomography measurements visualize 3-dimensional the damage progression after various cycles and prove that the Thin-Ply composites show no increase in the damaged area during fatigue. The interlaminar stress at the delamination is not sufficient for expansion. In contrast, in the case of thicker layers, the damage growths progressively throughout the whole sample with increasing number of cycles. © 2021 The Author(s

    On the Effectiveness of Sexual Offender Treatment in Prisons: A Comparison of Two Different Evaluation Designs in Routine Practice

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    Although there is less continuity of sexual offending in the life course than stereotypes suggest, treatment should lead to a further reduction of reoffending. Contrary to this aim, a recent large British study using propensity score matching (PSM) showed some negative effects of the core sex offender treatment program (SOTP) in prisons. International meta-analyses on the effects of sex offender treatment revealed that there is considerable variety in the results, and methodological aspects and the context play a significant role. Therefore, this study compared different designs in the evaluation of sex offender treatment in German prisons. PSM was compared with an exact matching (EM) by the Static-99 in a sample of 693 sex offenders from Bavarian prisons. Most results were similar for both methods and not significant due to low base rates. There was a treatment effect at p < .05 on general recidivism in the EM and at p = .06 on serious reoffending in the PSM. For sexual recidivism, EM showed a negative trend, whereas PSM suggested the opposite. Overall, the study underlines the need for more replications of evaluations of routine practice, methodological comparisons, sensitive outcome criteria, and differentiated policy information

    The decay pattern of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance of ¹⁴⁰Ce

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    The decay properties of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR) have been investigated in the semi-magic N=82 nucleus ¹⁴⁰Ce using a novel combination of nuclear resonance fluorescence and γ–γcoincidence techniques. Branching ratios for transitions to low-lying excited states are determined in a direct and model-independent way both for individual excited states and for excitation energy intervals. Comparison of the experimental results to microscopic calculations in the quasi-particle phonon model exhibits an excellent agreement, supporting the observation that the Pygmy Dipole Resonance couples to the ground state as well as to low-lying excited states. A 10% mixing of the PDR and the [2+1×PDR]is extracted

    Clinical correlates and prognostic impact of neurologic disorders in Takotsubo syndrome

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    © The Author(s) 2021. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.Cardiac alterations are frequently observed after acute neurological disorders. Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) represents an acute heart failure syndrome and is increasingly recognized as part of the spectrum of cardiac complications observed after neurological disorders. A systematic investigation of TTS patients with neurological disorders has not been conducted yet. The aim of the study was to expand insights regarding neurological disease entities triggering TTS and to investigate the clinical profile and outcomes of TTS patients after primary neurological disorders. The International Takotsubo Registry is an observational multicenter collaborative effort of 45 centers in 14 countries (ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier NCT01947621). All patients in the registry fulfilled International Takotsubo Diagnostic Criteria. For the present study, patients were included if complete information on acute neurological disorders were available. 2402 patients in whom complete information on acute neurological status were available were analyzed. In 161 patients (6.7%) an acute neurological disorder was identified as the preceding triggering factor. The most common neurological disorders were seizures, intracranial hemorrhage, and ischemic stroke. Time from neurological symptoms to TTS diagnosis was ≤ 2 days in 87.3% of cases. TTS patients with neurological disorders were younger, had a lower female predominance, fewer cardiac symptoms, lower left ventricular ejection fraction, and higher levels of cardiac biomarkers. TTS patients with neurological disorders had a 3.2-fold increased odds of in-hospital mortality compared to TTS patients without neurological disorders. In this large-scale study, 1 out of 15 TTS patients had an acute neurological condition as the underlying triggering factor. Our data emphasize that a wide spectrum of neurological diseases ranging from benign to life-threatening encompass TTS. The high rates of adverse events highlight the need for clinical awareness.The International Takotsubo Registry was supported by the Biss Davies Charitable Trust. Dr. Scheitz has been supported by the Corona Foundation. Dr. Templin has been supported by the H.H. Sheikh Khalifa bin Hamad Al-Thani Research Programme and the Swiss Heart Foundation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Strafe und Schadensersatz im Urteilsverbund

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    Wenn Strafe und Schadenersatz gemeinsam im Urteil verwendet werden, bilden sie methodisch einen besonderen multi variaten Urteils komplex, weil auch ihre Summe psychologisch interpretierbar ist. Anhand der Effekte dieses Verbunds, den auch das Zivil- und Strafrecht kennt, wurde geprüft, ob der Einsatz eines Doppel-Urteils für die Erforschung sozialer Kognitionen erforderlich ist. Dazu beurteilten Pbn in zwei Untersuchungen Informationen über schädigende Handlungen mit einem univariaten Ersatz-Urteil (N = 124) bzw. mit dem Doppel-Urteil von Ersatz und Strafe (N = 143). Als Folge der Einführung des Doppel-Urteils ergab sich, daß die Häufigkeiten von Über kompensation für absichtliche Schädigungen erheblich reduziert wurden. Jedoch wurden zugleich die Häufigkeiten von vollem Ersatz bei diesen Bedingungen beträchtlich erhöht. Bei versehentlichen Schädigungen hatte die Einführung des Doppel-Urteils keinen Effekt. Weiterhin blieb dort der univariate Befund multipler Modalwerte erhalten. In den Mittelwerten hatte das Mitverschulden des Geschädigten nur im Schadensersatz-Urteil einen Effekt, nicht jedoch in den Strafurteilen. Außerdem blieb die für die Schadensersatz- Urteile charakteristische Non-Additivität von Verschulden und Mitschuld bestehen.The combination of recompense and punishment in judgments forms a special multivariate response because also their sum is psychologically meaningful. The effects of this duplex-response were examined in order to clarify whether it is a useful tool for the study of social cognitions. Subjects in two experiments (N = 124 and N = 143) specified adequate amounts either of recompense or of recompense and punishment for harmful acts differing in levels of harmdoer's and victim's fault. The frequency of overcompensation, as found with the univariate response, was largely reduced by the introduction of the duplex response while exact restitution increased in number. Response variation did not affect, however, the judgments on inadvertent harm and the finding of multiple mo des. In the means stable non-additive effects of harmdoer's and victim's fault on recompense judgments were observed. The structural difference between the two sanctioning judgments was also illustrated by the fact that victim's fault had a significant effect on assigned recompense but was irrelevant for punishment

    Strafzweckeinstellungen als Moderatorvariable in den Urteilsschemata von Strafe und Ersatz

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    Die Beschreibung einer fahrlässigen Körperverletzung im Straßenverkehr wurde mit 12 Stimulusgeschichten in den Informationen über die Entschuldigung des Täters und die Drittentschädigung des Opfers in einem faktoriellen Meßwiederholungsplan variiert. Abhängige Variablen waren jeweils verbundene Schadensersatz· und Strafurteile. Weiterhin wurden die Einstellungen der Pbn zu Aspekten von Vergeltung, Prävention, Resozialisierung und Wiedergutmachung mit 12 Items auf siebenstufigen Ratingskaien erfaßt. Die Wirkung der beiden Stimulusinformationen war urteilsabhängig. Aber ein Teil der 58 Pbn berücksichtigte die Entschuldigung nicht nur bei den Strafurteilen, sondern auch beim Schadensersatz. Da diese Pbn vor allem präventiven Strafzwekken zustimmten, wurde die Hypothese einer präventiven Verwendung des Schadensersatzes als Erklärung des Effekts der Entschuldigung auf dem Ersatz gestützt. Die konkurrierende Hypothese, wonach die Entschuldigung die immaterielle Wiedergutmachung des Schadensersatzes abdeckt, fand hingegen keine ausreichende Bestätigung. Die Fortentwicklung und Anwendung des verwendeten Instruments zur Erfassung von Einstellungen zu Sanktionszwecken erscheint sinnvoll.Information about an offender's defence plea and the victim's insurance compensation was varied in twelve vignettes describing a traffic offence leading to bodily harm. In a within-subject factorial design, combined judgments about the proper amount of punishment and ab out the damages were used as dependent variables. Attitudes toward sanctioning goals were measured in twelve items referring to diverse aspects of retribution, prevention, rehabilitation and restitution. The effects of stimulus information depended on judgment type. Information ab out the plea not only influenced punishment judgments, but were also used, by so me of the 58 subjects, to determine the amount of damages. Subjects endorsing predominantly special prevention as a sanctioning goal corroborated the hypothesis that the effect of a plea was caused by a deterrent use of the restitutive sanction. The competing hypothesis, viewing the plea as an immaterial component of damages, was not sufficiently supported by the data. Results imply that the further elaboration of the sanctioning attitude scale may provide a useful tool for legal psychological research

    Zur Wirkung der Entschuldigung auf verbundene Urteile von Strafe und Schadensersatz

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    Mit einem besonderen multivariaten Urteilsverbund von Ersatz und Strafe als abhängige Variable wurden die Wirkungen von Entschuldigung und Verschulden untersucht. 62 erwachsene Pbn beurteilten in zehn Geschichten über eine Briefmarkenruinierung die angemessene Strafe für den Schädiger und verbunden damit dessen angemessene Ersatzleistung an den Geschädigten und anschließend in vierzehn Geschichten über eine Körperverletzung beim Fußballspielen zusätzlich zu Strafe und Ersatz auch das angemessene Schmerzensgeld. In bei den Szenarien ergab sich, daß die Entschuldigung auf das Ersatz-Urteil zwar weniger stark als auf die Strafe wirkte, daß sie aber einen deutlichen Effekt auf das Ersatz-Urteil besaß. Weiterhin wurden die Verschuldensstufen auf beiden Skalen mit anderen relativen Distanzen beurteilt. Die Schmerzensgeld-Urteile im Fußball- Szenario ähnelten weitgehend den Strafe-Urteilen. Auch die Verteilungsformen der Urteile belegten die unterschiedlichen Verwendungsweisen der Teile des Urteilsverbunds. Die untersuchten Urteile scheinen daher zugleich restitutive und punitive Strukturen aufzuweisen, zu deren quantitativer Erfassung Forschungsansätze nötig sind, die den hier eingeführten Duplex-Verbund von Strafe und Ersatz beinhalten.The effects of apology on the special multivariate duplex response of punishment and liability were examined. Sixty-two adult subjects rated the adequate amounts of restitution and punishment in ten stories about ruined stamps, and the just amounts judged in addition to restitution and punishment of in 14 stories about physical injury during a soccer game. In both scenarios apology had significant effects not only on punishment judgments, but also - though to a lesser degree - on recompensation. Different levels of responsibility were judged in differing patterns on both response types, with judgments of compensation in the soccer scenario appearing quite similar to those of punishment. Differences in the use of both responses were also revealed in the frequency distributions of the judgments. Since the judgments appeared to consist of two simultaneously existing structures, punishment and recompense, the use of the multivariate duplex response may be recommendable for further quantitative research on the moral cognitions