7 research outputs found


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    Kampus IV Universitas Khairun di Dusun Bangko Pulau Halmahera Provinsi Maluku Utara memiliki luas lahan sekitar 150 ha, namun belum terisi infrastruktur bangunan sehingga ditumbuhi semak belukar. Kondisi lahan seperti ini dimanfaatkan untuk dijadikan sebagai lokasi pengembangan pakan ternak ternak sapi. Tanaman Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) ditanami pada lokasi kampus dengan tujuan untuk pakan ternak sekaligus sebagai pembatas penanda lahan kampus. Penanaman dilakukan dari Utara ke Selatan sepanjang 440m sebanyak 500 batang tanaman Gamal. Sumber bibit tanaman Gamal diperoleh dari Pulau Tidore diangkut dengan Kapal Fery dengan mobil pick up. Penanaman dilakukan menggunakan linggis kemudian ditancapkan batang Gamal. Penanaman dilakukan pada tanggal 9 Juli 2023 dan Produksi diperkirakan 3 bulan kemudian yaitu sekitar bulan Oktober 2023. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah percabangan terjadi setelah 2 minggu penananaman. Keberlanjutannya yaitu hasil dari tanaman ini berupa batangnya yang telah besar ditebang dan ditanam pada lokasi lain sekaligus daunnya sudah bisa dijadikan makanan ternak dari jenis leguminsoa. Manfaatnya pada masyarakat peternak sekitar adalah dapat dijadikan sebagai pakan ternak sapi merek

    Carrying Capacity Estimation of Herbicide-Treated and Untreated Palm Oil Plantation for Bali Cows

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    This study aims to estimate the carrying capacity of oil palm plantations with the use of herbicides based on the forage availability for Bali cows. The research was performed in palm oil plantation owned by PTPN V Riau, from March 2016 until March 2017. The parameters observed were 1) Forage production that grows between palm trees at 6 weeks cutting age. The forage sample was taken from 5 point of 1x1m2, then subjected to proximate analysis. Data were analyzed with one-way random design, 2) Forage consumption; obtained by observation of 5 pregnant Bali cow and 7 non-pregnant for seven consecutive days 3). Estimated carrying capacity for Bali cows, obtained from the calculation of forage production (/ha/year) divided by forage consumption. The result of the research showed that 1). The production of dry matter (DM) forage in herbicide-treated areas was 689.55 kg/ha/year, not significantly different compared to untreated areas (622.33 kg/ha/year). Crude protein (CP) forage content of forage obtained from herbicide-treated area was significantly higher (p<0.05) than untreated area, whereas the total content of DM and total digestible nutrients (TDN) was not significantly different. DM consumption of pregnant Bali cow was on average 3.68±0.29 kg/head/day or 1,343.20±105.85 kg/head/year and non-pregnant 4.02±0.36 kg/head/day or 1,467.30±131.4 kg/head/year. The estimated carrying capacity on herbicide-treated (0.51 head of pregnant cow/ha), did not show any significant difference compared to untreated area (0.46 head/ha). For non-pregnant, the carrying capacity of herbicide-treated area (0.47 head/ha) was not different with non-treated area (0.42 head/ha). It was concluded that the use of herbicide on palm oil plantation had no effect on the carrying capacity of the Bali cow

    Performans Induk Sapi Silangan Simmental – Peranakan Ongole dan Induk Sapi Peranakan Ongole dengan Pakan Hijauan dan Konsentrat (Performance of Simmental – Ongole Crossbred Cow and Ongole Crossbred Cow Fed with Forage and Concentrate Feed)

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    The purposed of the study was to identify performances of Simmental – Ongole Crossbred (SIMPO) cow and Ongole Crossbred (PO) cow fed with forage and concentrate feed. This experiment was carried out at Laboratory ofMeat, Draught, and Companion Animals, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta on May 16th to July 24th 2009. Six SIMPO cows with initial body weight of 352±47 kg and ten PO cows with initial body weightof 295±60 kg aged 3-4 years was used in the experiments. They were fed with elephant grasses and concentrate feds (60:40/DM basis) as much as 3% of body weight (DM basis). Data collected were dry matter, organic matter, crudeprotein and total digestible nutrients intakes, dry matter, organic matter, and crude protein digestibilities, body condition score and estrus cycles. Experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The dataoptained showed that feed intake of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, and TDN on SIMPO were higher (P<0.01) than PO (13.99±2.64 kg/head/day vs 10.95±1.03 kg/head/day; 11.74±2.21 kg/head/day vs 9.17±0.87kg/head/day; 1.63±0.29 kg/head/day vs 1.28±0.11 kg/head/day; 7.53±1.41 kg/head/day vs 6.17±0.60 kg/head/day respectively), whereas there were no significant differences on the nutrient intake expressed in metabolic body weight(0.16±0.02 kgMBW vs 0.14±0.02 kgMBW; 0.13±0.02 kgMBW vs 0.12±0.02 kgMBW; 0.018±0.002 kgMBW vs 0.02±0.002 kgMBW; 0.09±0.01 kgMBW vs 0.08±0.01 kgMBW) respectively. There were no difference both on drymatter, organic matter, crude protein digestibility (70.83±3.26% vs 65.36±2.19%; 72.38±3.08% vs 67.10±2.15%; 79.48±2.29% vs 75.79±2.17%), and so were in the case of BCS, and estrus cycles in SIMPO and PO cow. It is concluded that based on the metabolic body weight and feed digestibility, between SIMPO and PO cows were similar.(Key words: Performance, Cow, Simmental – Ongole Crossbred cow, Ongole Crossbred cow, Forage, Concentrate

    Indigenous Goat Genetic Resources In Indonesia: Current Status and Future Improvement

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    Goats have made an important contribution to household income and food security, especially in rural areas. Goats have provided meat and milk as high-quality protein sources, and are an integral part of rural livelihoods and an insurance against future emergencies. Nearly 19.22 million heads of goats are distributed throughout the Islands of Indonesia, most of which belong to indigenous breeds, which possess phenotypic and genetic diversities that are indispansable for their conservation and genetic improvement programs. Despite their considerable diversities, not all the indigenous goats are fully characterized and harnessed. Unfortunately, some are classified as at risk of extinction. Since small-scale farmers with traditional production systems dominate in the country, goat productivity is relatively low. But the indigenous goats are still important genetic resources due to their adaptive traits that are relevant to climate change and low maintenance. This review gives an overview of the current knowledge, production system, and future improvement of the indigenous goat genetic resources in Indonesia

    Body condition score sapi Bali induk dan temperature-humidity index di Kecamatan Tidore Utara, Kota Tidore Kepulauan

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    This study aimed to determine the body condition score (BCS) of Bali cows kept on smallholder farms and the temperature-humidity index (THI) in the Tidore Utara sub-district, from June to July 2022. Eighteen cows (2-3 years old) were selected on the basis of their BCS through direct observation (scoring scale: 1-5). The BCS data were analyzed as percentages (%) for each scoring scale and presented in a chart. The THI value was determined based on temperature (ºC) and humidity (%) data and analyzed using descriptive statistics as mean and standard deviation. The results showed that the average temperature in the morning and evening at the study site was relatively the same (32.00±3.14ºC vs. 32.01±1.17ºC), while the average humidity in the two-time groups was relatively different (87.89±11.14% vs. 77.96±6.50%). The average THI in the morning and evening (88.71±3.23 vs. 85.67±1.00) indicated that the cows in the study site experienced severe heat stress. The majority of the cows had BCS 3 (46.67%), while the remaining cows had BCS 2 (33.33%), BCS 4 (13.33%), and BCS 1 (6.67%). None of the cows had BCS 5 (0%)


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    The aim of this study was to identify the potential of goat farming on Tidore island through the identification of physical characteristics, e.g. body coat color, coat color pattern, facial profile, beard profile, and back profile. The physical characteristics of 101 goats (11 males and 90 females; aged 1 to 2 years) were observed, tabulated, and analyzed using descriptive statistics as number of observations and percentage. The results showed that the majority of the studied goats had the following physical characteristics: a combination of brown and white and of black, white, and brown for body coat color in males (45.45%) and females (27.78%), respectively, striped coat color pattern (63.64% in males; 78.89% in females), straight facial profile (81.82% in males; 95.56% in females), bearded in males (63.64%) and beardless in females (95.56%), and straight back profile (81.82% in males; 91.11% in females). It can be concluded that the studied goat population had variations in the physical characteristics, suggesting their potential use as a basis for development of goat genetic resources on Tidore island