4,120 research outputs found

    Investigating populations via penguins and their poo!

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    We describe an activity that introduces students to population modelling, enables them to use estimates obtained from a sample to infer back to the population, and understands how the findings are translatable via penguins and their poo

    Single Proton Knock-Out Reactions from 24,25,26F

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    The cross sections of the single proton knock-out reactions from 24F, 25F, and 26F on a 12C target were measured at energies of about 50 MeV/nucleon. Ground state populations of 6.6+-.9 mb, 3.8+-0.6 mb for the reactions 12C(24F,23O) and 12C(25F,24O) were extracted, respectively. The data were compared to calculations based on the many-body shell model and the eikonal theory. In the reaction 12C(26F,25O) the particle instability of 25O was confirmed

    Tunneling dynamics in relativistic and nonrelativistic wave equations

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    We obtain the solution of a relativistic wave equation and compare it with the solution of the Schroedinger equation for a source with a sharp onset and excitation frequencies below cut-off. A scaling of position and time reduces to a single case all the (below cut-off) nonrelativistic solutions, but no such simplification holds for the relativistic equation, so that qualitatively different ``shallow'' and ``deep'' tunneling regimes may be identified relativistically. The nonrelativistic forerunner at a position beyond the penetration length of the asymptotic stationary wave does not tunnel; nevertheless, it arrives at the traversal (semiclassical or B\"uttiker-Landauer) time "tau". The corresponding relativistic forerunner is more complex: it oscillates due to the interference between two saddle point contributions, and may be characterized by two times for the arrival of the maxima of lower and upper envelops. There is in addition an earlier relativistic forerunner, right after the causal front, which does tunnel. Within the penetration length, tunneling is more robust for the precursors of the relativistic equation

    Rotational states in deformed nuclei: An analytic approach

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    The consequences of the spontaneous breaking of rotational symmetry are investigated in a field theory model for deformed nuclei, based on simple separable interactions. The crucial role of the Ward-Takahashi identities to describe the rotational states is emphasized. We show explicitly how the rotor picture emerges from the isoscalar Goldstone modes, and how the two-rotor model emerges from the isovector scissors modes. As an application of the formalism, we discuss the M1 sum rules in deformed nuclei, and make connection to empirical information.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Negative phase time for Scattering at Quantum Wells: A Microwave Analogy Experiment

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    If a quantum mechanical particle is scattered by a potential well, the wave function of the particle can propagate with negative phase time. Due to the analogy of the Schr\"odinger and the Helmholtz equation this phenomenon is expected to be observable for electromagnetic wave propagation. Experimental data of electromagnetic wells realized by wave guides filled with different dielectrics confirm this conjecture now.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum Nonlocality in Two-Photon Experiments at Berkeley

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    We review some of our experiments performed over the past few years on two-photon interference. These include a test of Bell's inequalities, a study of the complementarity principle, an application of EPR correlations for dispersion-free time-measurements, and an experiment to demonstrate the superluminal nature of the tunneling process. The nonlocal character of the quantum world is brought out clearly by these experiments. As we explain, however, quantum nonlocality is not inconsistent with Einstein causality.Comment: 16 pages including 24 figure

    Estimates of metabolic rate and major constituents of metabolic demand in fishes under field conditions: Methods, proxies, and new perspectives

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    Metabolic costs are central to individual energy budgets, making estimates of metabolic rate vital to understanding how an organism interacts with its environment as well as the role of species in their ecosystem. Despite the ecological and commercial importance of fishes, there are currently no widely adopted means of measuring field metabolic rate in fishes. The lack of recognized methods is in part due to the logistical difficulties of measuring metabolic rates in free swimming fishes. However, further development and refinement of techniques applicable for field-based studies on free swimming animals would greatly enhance the capacity to study fish under environmentally relevant conditions. In an effort to foster discussion in this area, from field ecologists to biochemists alike, we review aspects of energy metabolism and give details on approaches that have been used to estimate energetic parameters in fishes. In some cases, the techniques have been applied to field conditions; while in others, the methods have been primarily used on laboratory held fishes but should be applicable, with validation, to fishes in their natural environment. Limitations, experimental considerations and caveats of these measurements and the study of metabolism in wild fishes in general are also discussed. Potential novel approaches to FMR estimates are also presented for consideration. The innovation of methods for measuring field metabolic rate in free-ranging wild fish would revolutionize the study of physiological ecology
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