31 research outputs found
Background: Inappropriate antibiotic usage can cause negative effect such as antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic usage without proper indication often happens in surgery cases, there is not much data available about antibiotic usage in surgery cases.
Aim: To determine the quality of antibiotic usage on orthopedic surgery case in RSUP Dr. Kariadi surgery ward
Methods: This descriptive research was done in RSUP Dr. Kariadi surgery ward with 50 orthopedic patients as the research subject. The data was obtained by analyzing medical records using Gyssens criteria to determine the quality of antibiotic usage.
Result: From 150 prescriptions, the rational antibiotic usage (Category I) is 45.3% and the irrational antibiotic (Category IIIA, IVD, dan V) is 53.3%.
Conclusion: The quality of antibiotic usage on orthopedic surgery case in RSUP Dr. Kariadi is still below the expected result.
Keywords: Antibiotic usage quality, orthopedic surgery case, surgery ward, Gyssens criteri
Studi Pendahuluan Hubungan Panjang–Berat Ikan Tenggiri (Scomberomorus commerson) dari Perairan Semarang
Length-weight relationship study of narrow-barred spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) from Semarang waters was commenced in October-November 2014. The result showed that the fish growth at both the months of October and November 2014 was a negative allometric growth. There was uncertainty to answer the low value for b component during November although at this month was a peak of the fish catching at Java Sea. Due to small fish landed, it indicated that narrow-barred Spanish mackerel of Semarang waters were not proper to be caught.
Studi hubungan panjang-berat ikan tenggiri (Scomberomorus commerson) dari perairan Semarang sudah dilakukan selama bulan Oktober dan November 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan ikan tenggiri selama bulan Oktober maupun November 2014 adalah bersifat allometrik negative. Tidak diketahui dengan pasti penyebab kecilnya nilai b terutama pada bulan November, meskipun pada periode tersebut merupakan salah satu puncak musim penangkapan ikan tenggiri di Laut Jawa. Kecilnya ukuran ikan yang didaratkan, menunjukkan bahwa ukuran ikan tenggiri di perairan Semarang belum layak tangkap
Biopigment Tracing of Mangrove Rhizophora mucronate Leaf an Bark Waste and Its Application for Batik Dyeing by Multiple Fixations
The purpose of this research is to determine the pigments in the bark and leaves of mangrove (Rhizophora mucronata), to analyze rate of color fastness in batik, level of consumer interest, and most effective pricing for the resulting batik products. The research was conducted between June 2015 and February 2016, and took place in Mangunharjo village, Tugu district, Semarang city, Indonesia. The pigment identification tests were performed in Laboratorium Terpadu Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia. This research focused on the leaves and barks of mangrove plants. The leaves and barks were extracted to be used as dyeing agents, after which the batik fabrics were fixated using alum, limestone and lotus. This descriptive research employed UV-Vis spectrophotometry to identify pigment and Adobe Photoshop computer program to perform color fastness analysis. The result showed that chlorophyll is a pigment which contributes to the color green in leaves. Photochemical test results also show that the pigment associated to the blackish-green hue was tannin, andthat which was associated with red was flavonoid and quinone. The various colors were applied in batik dyeing process, which resulted in a range of color from yellow to dark brown. Color fastness test of batik dyed with mangrove-derived pigments on wash air dry, wash press dry, and wash sun dry using calico as fabric showed that alum and limestone fixated fabric had the least color fastness, while conversely, lotus-fixated fabric displayed good color retention. Levels of consumer interest naturally-dyed batik fabric by alum fixation was 20%. Of all the respondents, 46.67% showed interest in limestone-fixated batik, whereas 40% responded well with the lotus-fixated batik. Consumer acceptance levels for the mangrove-dyed batik fixated by alum, limestone, and lotus were 6.67%, 16.66% and 13.33% respectively. High consumer interest in fabric fixated by limestone and lotus was attributed to darker and stronger hues. The most effective price point suggested per 2.1 x 1 m of fabric was between IDR 200,000 to IDR 350,000
Peer Review : Morphology of Traditional City Center in Semarang: Towards Adaptive re- use in urban heritage.
This study is a continuation of dissertation and studies after that. The concept of most of the traditional city in Java are waterfront city. Old Semarang traditional city center used to have to move four times. All of them laid along the river. Jurnatan (1695), The Gabahan (1659), Sekayu (1666) and Kanjengan (1670). But there is no explanation about the formerly of the city form to support the Program Planning and Preservation of Heritage Cities. How were the traditional city patterns at the time? How to conduct adaptive reuse to promoting the heritage cities in Indonesia to be recognized as World Heritage Cities by UNESCO? The serial maps from KITLV. NL, Tropenmuseum and Atlas Mutual Heritage will superimpose on an aerial view from google earth. Analysing using a sketch and computer aided design will peel the layering of the development of the city along the river. The result will compare with the Johannes R hand drawing of Semarang in 16s centuries.The formerly city form of Semarang in 16s-18s centuries had a history as international port based on the maritime power at the time similar with Malaka. Malaka since 1984 become world Heritage site could become a best practice for next research to attract tourism
Efektivitas Penerapan Learning Management System Berbasis Moodle Terhadap Partisipasi Belajar Siswa MIN 01 Kota Madiun
Abstrak: LMS menjadi salah satu alternatif teknologi media digital yang bisa memberikan proses pembelajaran yang kreatif dan inovatif. Penggunaan LMS tentunya akan menjadikan siswa lebih interaktif dan komunikatif sehingga partisipasi belajar siswa juga akan tinggi. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini agar diketahui efektivitas penerapan LMS Berbasis Moodle terhadap partisipasi belajar siswa MIN 01 Kota Madiun. Penelitian menggunakan metode survey dengan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada kelas VI dengan jumlah populasi 247 siswa sedangkan jumlah sampel penelitian 153 siswa. Metode angket atau kuesioner sebagai teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini. Berdasarkan perhitungan, t hitung = 43,217 > t tabel = 1,9 dan didukung dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000 t table = 1.9 and supported by a significance value of 0.000 <0.05. So there is a significant influence or effectiveness of the application of Moodle-based LMS on student learning participation. In addition, the result shows that R2 = 0, 925 or 92.5%, which means that the application of Moodle-based LMS effectively increases student learning participation by 92.5%
Semarang Kota Pesisir Lama
Buku ini merupakan hasil penelitian dan serial dari lanjutan dan penelitian yang telah dilakukan sejak tahun 2010 yang berfokus pada kota tradisional di Jawa. Berdasarkan riset terdahulu yang
didanai oleh DIPA Universitas Diponegoro dalam skim Riset Publikasi International (RPI) 2016 serta proceeding (Rukayah, 2016) menghasilkan temuan bahwa dengan hasil temuan bahwa kota Semarang merupakan riverfront dan berada di muara sungai Semarang.
Pada masa lalu, kota Semarang (bila mengacu pada foto dari KITLV maka old Semarang adalah kawasan Layur dan Kampung Melayu di muara sungai Semarang) diduga berada pada garis pantai (Bemmelen, 1948; Muhammad, 2016; Tio, 2004). Bila hal ini benar maka hasil penelitian dari sudut pandang arsitektur dan urban design ini akan melengkapi penyataan dari para ahli sejarah dan geologi. Nilai sejarah dan arsitektur tersebut perlu pengamanan dari amblesan tanah, bencana alam rob dan laju pembangunan.
Isu penelitian dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya proses abrasi dan akresi yang dialami oleh pesisir pantai Utara di pulau Jawa (Sardiyatmo dkk,
2013; Suara Merdeka, 2014; Ambaryanto, 2012; Sardiyatmo, 2013) dan isu perencanaan, pemanfaatan, pengawasan, dan pengendalian dari Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Jawa Tengah, serta isu penataan kawasan
2 Semarang Kota Pesisir Lama
cagar budaya yang belum menyentuh benda tinggalan arsitektur dan perancangan kota pesisir.
Menurut berita sejarah, kota Semarang merupakan kota yang telah ada sejak abad 8 dan pernah dikunjungi oleh Tome Pires, Armada Cheng Ho dan Ma Huan. (Cortesao, 1954). Menurut Bemmelen, 1949, pada abad ke 8 Kota Semarang masih berupa gugusan pulau. Garis pantai berada di kawasan Candi. Sementata itu pada abad ke 14-an garis pantai semakin maju hingga di kawasan Sleko. (Tio, 2004). Di kawasan tersebut ditandai dengan adanya perkampungan multi etnis
Sementara itu dalam peta kuno (Peta Pulau Jawa Kuno Pertama - Iava Maior Karya Barent Langenes 1612) dan berita perjalanan para pelaut asing abad XVI, serta berita sejarah dari Tome Pires dan Mahuan (Cortesao,
1944) menyebutkan bahwa mereka telah menyinggahi beberapa kota-kota di sepanjang pantai Utara Jawa namun belum menyebutkan adanya kota Semarang pada peta tersebut. Keberadaan kota-kota kuno yang tergambar pada peta pulau Jawa abad XVI tersebut kini kehilangan identitas sebagai kota tradisional akibat laju sedimentasi, abrasi ataupun laju pembangunan. Oleh karena itu, buku hasil riset Penelitian Terapan Ungulan Perguruan Tinggi ini akan memberikan pengetahuan baru tentang kawasan heritage pesisir sebagai cagar budaya yang bisa diimplementasikan sebagai dalam perencanaan, pemanfaatan, pengawasan, dan pengendalian kawasan pesisir Hal tersebut, guna mengisi detail yang belum terjelaskan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2014 tentang Kelautan. (Pasal 43 ayat 1 tentang perencanaan zonasi wilayah pesisir). Demikian pula pengetahuan pada buku ini diharapkan akan memberikan wawasan untuk melengkapi Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah Nomor 6 Tahun 2010 Tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 2009 – 2029
Pasal 30 dan 31, yaitu tentang pola ruang wilayah provinsi yang meng- gambarkan rencana sebaran kawasan lindung (dalam hal ini dijelaskan salah satu kawasan lindung adalah kawasan cagar budaya). Selain itu tujuan penulisan buku ini diharapkan mampu memberi masukan yang lebih detail tantang zona kawasan cagar budaya bagi Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1992 tentang Benda Cagar Budaya
Biopigment Tracing of Mangrove Rhizophora mucronata Leaf and Bark Waste and Its Application for Batik Dyeing by Multiple Fixations
The purpose of this research is to determine the pigments in the bark and leaves of mangrove (Rhizophora mucronata), to analyze rate of color fastness in batik, level of consumer interest, and most effective pricing for the resulting batik products. This research focused on the leaves and barks of mangrove plants. The leaves and barks were extracted to be used as dyeing agents, after which the batk fabrics were fixated using alum, limestone, and lotus. This descriptive research employed UV-Vis spectrophotometry to identify pigment and Adobe Photoshop computer program to perform color fastness analysis. The result showed that chlorophyll is a pigment associated to the blackish-green hue was tannin, and that which was associated with red was flavonoid and quinone. The various colors were applied in batik dyeing process, which resulted in a range of color from yellow to dark brown. Colorfastness test of batik dyed with mangrove-derived pigments on wash air dry, wash press dry, and wash sundry using calico as fabric showed that alum and limestone fixated fabric had the least color fastness, while conversely, lotus-fixated fabric displayed good color retention
Turnitin - Exploring The Position of Old Semarang Sea Port: Based on Javanese City Pattern.
According to the world traveller that have visited the old cities on the Java Island in the
15th century, the cities have a seaport. The sea port became a place for transit and stay until grown
as a coastal city, Unfortunately, some of these cities have disappeared due to the process of
secretions. Semarang in the 14th century also had a sea port as a landing area in Kampung Melayu.
Recently the village no longer located in the coastal but in the middle of the city. How to prove
that the area was a coastal area? By tracing some architectural remains, toponimy and comparing
with the Javanese urban design pattern revealed the old phenomena in the past. Architectural
sketches will make a clearly information about the old coastal line of Semarang. It is estimated
that the seaport directly connected to the alun-alun / traditional square as central government. The
city founders in Java puts the center of government using the same city spatial structure as
waterfront city. The architecture remaining as a landmark of coastal city should be conserved.
Keywords: old, Semarang, seaport, alun-alun, local wisdo
Turnitin - Local Wisdom of The Native Settlement as A Main Gate in The Northern Axis of Javanese City Center In Semarang
Similar to the city structure of Islamic cities in Java, Semarang also has multi-ethnic
kampongs located around alun-alun / traditional square. There is a uniqueness kampong ethnic
village that was located in the coastal city of Semarang. Now there are no longer in coastal
area. Based on historical method using some old maps and the old images and field study
resulted that the old city centre of Semarang had a north axis connecting the seaport (Kampung
Darat - 14th century) to the alun-alun as administrative city centre (16th century). The axis was
once a commercial corridor with settlements arrays behind the commercial corridor. There is
some local wisdom in the settlement arrangement. The economic and religious harmonies live
together along the corridor. The ethnic Chinese and Arabs as a merchant set up shop houses in
the corridor that had a strategic value. Meanwhile, Malay, Arab, Cirebon and Banjar
settlements located behind commercial corridors. This corridor present that the economic
activity dominated done by Arabic and Chinese trader. Local wisdom in urban design heritage
along North axis functioned as main gate to traditional city centre. The local wisdom is
potential to be integrated with recent situation and replicated in another regio