162 research outputs found

    Characterization of hybrid biocomposite Poly-Butyl-Succinate/Carbon fibers/Flax fibers

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    The investigation of renewable and recyclable materials becomes more critical every day due to the high levels of waste and carbon emissions and their impact on the environment. The use of eco-friendly materials, such as natural fibers and bioplastics, is increasingly important, and their use is always more popular. The aim of this research is to evaluate the changes in properties of composite materials made of Poly-Butyl-Succinate (PBS), a biodegradable thermoplastic matrix, and carbon fiber when some layers of carbon fiber are replaced by some layers of flax fiber to create a hybrid composite; in order to obtain a material more environmentally friendly with similar mechanical properties. To modify the flax fiber’s surface energy and improve the wettability with the PBS matrix, an Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Torch (APPT) treatment was performed. The fibers’ surfaces were characterized by measuring the contact angle; the contact angle values confirmed the wettability and accordingly, adhesion increased after plasma treatment. Different experiments were performed after substituting carbon fibers to evaluate the changes in the composite material’s mechanical and thermal properties: tensile test, threepoint bending test, impact tests and differential scanning calorimetry. Replacing the carbon fiber core layer with one or two flax fiber layers did not compromise the thermal stability. It led to the manufacturing of a hybrid composite with improved mechanical properties and higher impact resistance.This work has been supported by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) - multiannual agreement with UC3M ("Excelencia para el Profesorado Universitario"; - EPUC3M04) - Fifth regional research plan 2016-202

    On the holobiont ‘predictome’ of immunocompetence in pigs

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    Background Gut microbial composition plays an important role in numerous traits, including immune response. Integration of host genomic information with microbiome data is a natural step in the prediction of complex traits, although methods to optimize this are still largely unexplored. In this paper, we assess the impact of different modelling strategies on the predictive capacity for six porcine immunocompetence traits when both genotype and microbiota data are available. Methods We used phenotypic data on six immunity traits and the relative abundance of gut bacterial communities on 400 Duroc pigs that were genotyped for 70 k SNPs. We compared the predictive accuracy, defined as the correlation between predicted and observed phenotypes, of a wide catalogue of models: reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS), Bayes C, and an ensemble method, using a range of priors and microbial clustering strategies. Combined (holobiont) models that include both genotype and microbiome data were compared with partial models that use one source of variation only. Results Overall, holobiont models performed better than partial models. Host genotype was especially relevant for predicting adaptive immunity traits (i.e., concentration of immunoglobulins M and G), whereas microbial composition was important for predicting innate immunity traits (i.e., concentration of haptoglobin and C-reactive protein and lymphocyte phagocytic capacity). None of the models was uniformly best across all traits. We observed a greater variability in predictive accuracies across models when microbiability (the variance explained by the microbiome) was high. Clustering microbial abundances did not necessarily increase predictive accuracy. Conclusions Gut microbiota information is useful for predicting immunocompetence traits, especially those related to innate immunity. Modelling microbiome abundances deserves special attention when microbiability is high. Clustering microbial data for prediction is not recommended by default.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On the holobiont 'predictome' of immunocompetence in pigs

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    Gut microbial composition plays an important role in numerous traits, including immune response. Integration of host genomic information with microbiome data is a natural step in the prediction of complex traits, although methods to optimize this are still largely unexplored. In this paper, we assess the impact of different modelling strategies on the predictive capacity for six porcine immunocompetence traits when both genotype and microbiota data are available. We used phenotypic data on six immunity traits and the relative abundance of gut bacterial communities on 400 Duroc pigs that were genotyped for 70 k SNPs. We compared the predictive accuracy, defined as the correlation between predicted and observed phenotypes, of a wide catalogue of models: reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS), Bayes C, and an ensemble method, using a range of priors and microbial clustering strategies. Combined (holobiont) models that include both genotype and microbiome data were compared with partial models that use one source of variation only. Overall, holobiont models performed better than partial models. Host genotype was especially relevant for predicting adaptive immunity traits (i.e., concentration of immunoglobulins M and G), whereas microbial composition was important for predicting innate immunity traits (i.e., concentration of haptoglobin and C-reactive protein and lymphocyte phagocytic capacity). None of the models was uniformly best across all traits. We observed a greater variability in predictive accuracies across models when microbiability (the variance explained by the microbiome) was high. Clustering microbial abundances did not necessarily increase predictive accuracy. Gut microbiota information is useful for predicting immunocompetence traits, especially those related to innate immunity. Modelling microbiome abundances deserves special attention when microbiability is high. Clustering microbial data for prediction is not recommended by default. The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12711-023-00803-4

    Rentabilidad de tres principales rubros de la agricultura familiar campesina paraguaya

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    El objetivo general fue analizar la rentabilidad de tres rubros de la agricultura familiar campesina paraguaya, conectadas a mercados internacionales: cedron paraguay (Lippia citriadora), caña de azúcar orgánica (Sacharum officinarum), y banana (Musa paradisiaca) con distintas tasas de interés.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Genome data from a sixteenth century pig illuminate modern breed relationships

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    Ancient DNA (aDNA) provides direct evidence of historical events that have modeled the genome of modern individuals. In livestock, resolving the differences between the effects of initial domestication and of subsequent modern breeding is not straight forward without aDNA data. Here, we have obtained shotgun genome sequence data from a sixteenth century pig from Northeastern Spain (Montsoriu castle), the ancient pig was obtained from an extremely well-preserved and diverse assemblage. In addition, we provide the sequence of three new modern genomes from an Iberian pig, Spanish wild boar and a Guatemalan Creole pig. Comparison with both mitochondrial and autosomal genome data shows that the ancient pig is closely related to extant Iberian pigs and to European wild boar. Although the ancient sample was clearly domestic, admixture with wild boar also occurred, according to the D-statistics. The close relationship between Iberian, European wild boar and the ancient pig confirms that Asian introgression in modern Iberian pigs has not existed or has been negligible. In contrast, the Guatemalan Creole pig clusters apart from the Iberian pig genome, likely due to introgression from international breeds

    The challenges facing indigenous communities in Latin America as they confront the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-2019) pandemic struck Latin America in late February and is now beginning to spread across the rural indigenous communities in the region, home to 42 million people. Eighty percent of this highly marginalized population is concentrated in Bolivia, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru. Health care services for these ethnic groups face distinct challenges in view of their high levels of marginalization and cultural differences from the majority. Drawing on 30 years of work on the responses of health systems in the indigenous communities of Latin America, our group of researchers believes that countries in the region must be prepared to combat the epidemic in indigenous settings marked by deprivation and social disparity. We discuss four main challenges that need to be addressed by governments to guarantee the health and lives of those at the bottom of the social structure: the indigenous peoples in the region. More than an analysis, our work provides a practical guide for designing a response to COVID-19 in indigenous communities. Resumen La pandemia de coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) golpeó a América Latina a fines de febrero y ahora está comenzando a extenderse por las comunidades indígenas y rurales de la región, hogar de 42 millones de personas. El 80% de esta población altamente marginada se concentra en Bolivia, Guatemala, México y Perú. Los servicios de atención médica para estos grupos étnicos enfrentan desafíos distintos en vista de sus altos niveles de marginación y diferencias culturales de la mayoría. Con más de 30 años de trabajo e investigación sobre las respuestas de los sistemas de salud dirigida a las comunidades indígenas de América Latina, consideramos que los países de la región deben estar preparados para combatir la epidemia en contextos indígenas marcados por la privación y la disparidad social. Discutimos cuatro desafíos principales que deben ser abordados por los gobiernos para garantizar la salud y la vida de los que se encuentran en la parte inferior de la estructura social: los pueblos indígenas de la región. Este análisis proporciona una guía práctica para diseñar e implementar una respuesta a COVID-19 en comunidades indígenas

    Recombination of the porcine X chromosome : a high density linkage map

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    Linkage maps are essential tools for the study of several topics in genome biology. High density linkage maps for the porcine autosomes have been constructed exploiting the high density data provided by the PorcineSNP60 BeadChip. However, a high density SSCX linkage map has not been reported up to date. The aim of the current study was to build an accurate linkage map of SSCX to provide precise estimates of recombination rates along this chromosome and creating a new tool for QTL fine mapping. A female-specific high density linkage map was built for SSCX using Sscrofa10.2 annotation. The total length of this chromosome was 84.61 cM; although the average recombination rate was 0.60 cM/Mb, both cold and hot recombination regions were identified. A Bayesian probabilistic to genetic groups and revealed that the animals used in the current study for linkage map construction were likely to be carriers of X chromosomes of European origin. Finally, the newly generated linkage map was used to fine-map a QTL at 16 cM for intramuscular fat content (IMF) measured on longissimus dorsi. The sulfatase isozyme S gene constitutes a functional and positional candidate gene underlying the QTL effect. The current study presents for the first time a high density linkage map for SSCX and supports the presence of cold and hot recombination intervals along this chromosome. The large cold recombination region in the central segment of the chromosome is not likely to be due to structural differences between X chromosomes of European and Asian origin. In addition, the newly generated linkage map has allowed us to fine-map a QTL on SSCX for fat deposition. The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12863-014-0148-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Centro Agroturistico del Llano.

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    117 hLa presente investigación propone diseñar un estudio de mercado, a una idea de finca agro turística, a realizarse en el municipio de Granada Departamento del Meta, para la realización de este proyecto se han tenido en cuenta varios aspectos de relevancia los cuales permitirá aportar al interesado en la ejecución del mismo visualizar hasta donde este proyecto puede causar un interés en ellos, ya que al finalizar el lector podrá enterarse a través del análisis de indicadores tales como definición del servicio partiendo de la caracterización del mismo, allí dará lugar al análisis de la demanda mostrando como y donde se localiza el mercado y la demanda del mismo, podrá preverse aspectos como la competencia y las tendencias de competitividad que tiene el municipio para partir de ello, fijar unos precios competitivos que se desarrollaran a la par de unas políticas de comercialización y distribución del mismo, siendo en si una gran oportunidad como este proyecto responde a las necesidades de un centro agro turístico acorde a las necesidades que reclama la región.Resultado para Obtener el Título de Profesional en Administración Financiera, Tesis (Administrador Financiero) Universidad de los Llanos. Convenio Unitolima Facultad de Ciencias Humanas. Programa de Administración , 2015.PregradoEspecializaciones en Finanza