782 research outputs found

    Reconstrained Design: A Manifesto

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    This manifesto marks the first anniversary of a project, Reconstrained Design, launched explicitly to challenge the state of design: its narrowing pathways, prevailing assumptions, and corporate agendas. Our manifesto takes the form of a preamble which outlines the history of the manifesto genre and its origins in the historical avant-garde of a century ago, followed by a list of 12 tenets that put forward specific design challenges (each based on or challenging a thought-provoking quotation). With this text we aim to pry open new discursive and imaginative spaces, to force new ideas into the public view, to promote engagement with politics, technology and other facets of everyday life, and to upset the status quo of design thinking. It is written in an appropriately polemical style in order to take at its word the call to provocation. We hope this manifesto will establish our project's aims while encouraging important discussions between conference participants

    Spicing It Up: From Ubiquitous Devices to Tangible Things Through Provocation

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    Shortest Paths in Distance-regular Graphs

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    AbstractWe aim here to introduce a new point of view of the Laplacian of a graph, Γ. With this purpose in mind, we consider L as a kernel on the finite space V(Γ), in the context of the Potential Theory. Then we prove that L is a nice kernel, since it verifies some fundamental properties such as maximum and energy principles and the equilibrium principle on any proper subset of V(Γ). If Γ is a proper set of a suitable host graph, then the equilibrium problem for Γ can be solved and the number of the different components of its equilibrium measure leads to a bound on the diameter of Γ. In particular, we obtain the structure of the shortest paths of a distance-regular graph. As a consequence, we find the intersection array in terms of the equilibrium measure. Finally, we give a new characterization of strongly regular graphs

    Vector Calculus on weighted networks

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    In this work we study the different type of regular boundary value problems on a path associated with the Schr\"odinger operator. In particular, we get the Poisson kernel and the Green function for each problem and we emphasize the cases of Dirichlet, Neumann, Mixed and periodic problems. In any case, the Poisson kernel and the Green function are given in terms of second and third kind Chebyshev polynomials since they verify a recurrence law similar to the one verified by the Sch\"odinger operator on a path

    Guiding Principles for Participatory Design-inspired Natural Language Processing

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    We introduce 9 guiding principles 1 to integrate Participatory Design (PD) methods in the development of Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems. The adoption of PD methods by NLP will help to alleviate issues concerning the development of more democratic, fairer, less-biased technologies to process natural language data. This short paper is the outcome of an ongoing dialogue between designers and NLP experts and adopts a non-standard format following previous work by Traum (2000); Bender (2013); Abzianidze and Bos (2019). Every section is a guiding principle. While principles 1-3 illustrate assumptions and methods that inform community-based PD practices , we used two fictional design scenarios (Encinas and Blythe, 2018), which build on top of situations familiar to the authors, to elicit the identification of the other 6. Principles 4-6 describes the impact of PD methods on the design of NLP systems, targeting two critical aspects: data collection & annotation , and the deployment & evaluation. Finally, principles 7-9 guide a new reflexivity of the NLP research with respect to its context, actors and participants, and aims. We hope this guide will offer inspiration and a road-map to develop a new generation of PD-inspired NLP

    Modelo de evaluación de la gestión logística en empresas

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    Diversos estudios apuntan a que el desarrollo de cualquier área de gestión empresarial requiere tanto de la existencia de sistemas de gestión para los procesos implicados, como de modelos de evaluación y diagnóstico basados en su correspondiente sistema de gestión. En el área de la gestión logística, la literatura científica y diversos trabajos técnicos ya recogen la existencia de un sistema de gestión logística (modelo CPLA). Por tanto, este trabajo desarrolla un modelo de evaluación basado en el modelo CPLA de gestión logística, contando además con la experiencia de aplicación en más de 30 empresas de diversos sectores industriales

    The impact of immigration on the financial- actuarial of the spanish pension system sustainability

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    En los últimos años una parte importante del esfuerzo investigador se ha centrado en analizar las interrelaciones entre la inmigración y la sostenibilidad del sistema de pensiones español. La mayoría de las investigaciones publicadas estudian el impacto de la inmigración desde un enfoque puro de caja, es decir, comparando sus flujos anuales de pensiones y cotizaciones. La principal aportación de este trabajo es que, a diferencias de estudios anteriores, el análisis se realiza desde un punto de vista actuarial ya que el objetivo es comprobar si existe un adecuado equilibrio financiero-actuarial entre las aportaciones que realizan los inmigrantes a lo largo de su vida laboral y las prestaciones que percibirán después de jubilarse. Para ello, se utilizarán una serie de indicadores entre los cuales destaca el tanto interno de rendimiento. Los datos del estudio empírico proceden de la MCVL del año 2008. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la inmigración está lejos de ser la solución para la sostenibilidad de las pensiones en el largo plazo.In recent years an important part of the research effort has focused on analyzing the interrelationships between immigration and the sustainability of the spanish pension system. The majority of published researches study the impact of immigration from a pure cash approach, i.e., comparing their annual pensions and contributions flows. The main contribution of this work is that, unlike previous studies, testing is performed from an actuarial point of view since the objective is to see if there was a proper financial-actuarial balance between contributions made by immigrants throughout their working lives and benefits which will receive after retirement. To do this, a series of indicators among them both inside the performance will be used. The data of the empirical study comes from the MCVL of the year 2008. The results obtained indicate that immigration is far from being the solution for the sustainability of pensions in the long term

    M-Matrix Inverse problem for distance-regular graphs

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    We analyze when the Moore–Penrose inverse of the combinatorial Laplacian of a distance–regular graph is a M–matrix;that is, it has non–positive off–diagonal elements or, equivalently when the Moore-Penrose inverse of the combinatorial Laplacian of a distance–regular graph is also the combinatorial Laplacian of another network. When this occurs we say that the distance–regular graph has the M–property. We prove that only distance–regular graphs with diameter up to three can have the M–property and we give a characterization of the graphs that satisfy the M-property in terms of their intersection array. Moreover we exhaustively analyze the strongly regular graphs having the M-property and we give some families of distance regular graphs with diameter three that satisfy the M-property.Peer Reviewe

    Making Problems in Design Research: The Case of Teen Shoplifters on Tumblr

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    HCI draws on a variety of traditions but recently there have been calls to consolidate contributions around the problems researchers set out to solve. However, with this comes the assumption that problems are tractable and certain, rather than constructed and framed by researchers. We take as a case study a Tumblr community of teen shoplifters who post on how to steal from stores, discuss shoplifting as political resistance, and share jokes and stories about the practice. We construct three different “problems” and imagine studies that might result from applying different design approaches: Design Against Crime; Critical Design and Value Sensitive Design. Through these studies we highlight how interpretations of the same data can lead to radically different design responses. We conclude by discussing problem making as a historically and politically contingent process that allow researchers to connect data and design according to certain moral and ethical principles