33 research outputs found

    On the spin modulated circular polarization from the intermediate polars NY Lup and IGRJ1509-6649

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    We report on high time resolution, high signal/noise, photo-polarimetry of the intermediate polars NY Lup and IGRJ1509-6649. Our observations confirm the detection and colour dependence of circular polarization from NY Lup and additionally show a clear white dwarf, spin modulated signal. From our new high signal/noise photometry we have unambiguously detected wavelength dependent spin and beat periods and harmonics thereof. IGRJ1509-6649 is discovered to also have a particularly strong spin modulated circularly polarized signal. It appears double peaked through the I filter and single peaked through the B filter, consistent with cyclotron emission from a white dwarf with a relatively strong magnetic field. We discuss the implied accretion geometries in these two systems and any bearing this may have on the possible relationship with the connection between polars and soft X-ray-emitting IPs. The relatively strong magnetic fields is also suggestive of them being polar progenitors.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures and 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The outburst of the changing-look AGN IRAS23226-3843 in 2019

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    IRAS23226-3843 has previously been classified as a changing-look AGN based on X-ray and optical spectral variations. In 2019, Swift observations revealed a strong rebrightening in X-ray and UV fluxes in comparison to observations in 2017. We took follow-up Swift, XMM-Newton, and NuSTAR observations together with optical spectra (SALT and SAAO 1.9m telescope) from 2019 until 2021. IRAS23226-3843 showed a strong X-ray and optical outburst in 2019. It varied in the X-ray and optical continuum by a factor of 5 and 1.6, respectively, within two months. This corresponds to a factor of 3 in the optical after correction for the host galaxy contribution. The Balmer and FeII emission-line intensities showed comparable variability amplitudes. The Halpha profiles changed from a blue-peaked profile in the years 1997 and 1999 to a broad double-peaked profile in 2017 and 2019. However, there were no major profile variations in the extremely broad double-peaked profiles despite the strong intensity variations in 2019. One year after the outburst, the optical spectral type changed and became a Seyfert type 2 in 2020. Blue outflow components are present in the Balmer lines and in the Fe band in the X-rays. A deep broadband XMM-Newton/NuSTAR spectrum was taken during the maximum state in 2019. This spectrum is qualitatively very similar to a spectrum taken in 2017, but by a factor of 10 higher. The soft X-ray band appears featureless. The soft excess is well modeled with a Comptonization model. A broadband fit with a power-law continuum, Comptonized soft excess, and Galactic absorption gives a good fit to the combined EPIC-pn and NuSTAR spectrum. In addition, we see a complex and broadened Fe K emission-line profile in the X-rays. The changing-look character in IRAS23226-3843 is most probably caused by changes in the accretion rate -- based on the short-term variations on timescales of weeks to months.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics in pres

    Robotic reverberation mapping of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 120

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    We carried out photometric and spectroscopic observations of the well-studied broad-line radio galaxy 3C 120 with the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) global robotic telescope network from 2016 December to 2018 April as part of the LCO AGN Key Project on Reverberation Mapping of Accretion Flows. Here, we present both spectroscopic and photometric reverberation mapping results. We used the interpolated cross-correlation function (ICCF) to perform multiple-line lag measurements in 3C 120. We find the Hγ\gamma, He II λ4686\lambda 4686, Hβ\beta and He I λ5876\lambda 5876 lags of τcen=18.81.0+1.3\tau_{\text{cen}} = 18.8_{-1.0}^{+1.3}, 2.70.8+0.72.7_{-0.8}^{+0.7}, 21.21.0+1.621.2_{-1.0}^{+1.6}, and 16.91.1+0.916.9_{-1.1}^{+0.9} days respectively, relative to the V-band continuum. Using the measured lag and rms velocity width of the Hβ\beta emission line, we determine the mass of the black hole for 3C 120 to be M=(6.30.3+0.5)×107(f/5.5)M=\left(6.3^{+0.5}_{-0.3}\right)\times10^7\,(f/5.5) M_\odot. Our black hole mass measurement is consistent with similar previous studies on 3C 120, but with small uncertainties. In addition, velocity-resolved lags in 3C 120 show a symmetric pattern across the Hβ\beta line, 25 days at line centre decreasing to 17 days in the line wings at ±4000\pm4000 km s1^{-1}. We also investigate the inter-band continuum lags in 3C 120 and find that they are generally consistent with τλ4/3\tau\propto\lambda^{4/3} as predicted from a geometrically-thin, optically-thick accretion disc. From the continuum lags, we measure the best fit value τ0=3.5±0.2\tau_{\rm 0} = 3.5\pm 0.2 days at λ0=5477\lambda_{\rm 0} = 5477A. It implies a disc size a factor of 1.61.6 times larger than prediction from the standard disc model with L/LEdd=0.4L/L_{\rm Edd} = 0.4. This is consistent with previous studies in which larger than expected disc sizes were measured

    Polarized QPOs from the INTEGRAL polar IGRJ14536-5522 (=Swift J1453.4-5524)

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    We report optical spectroscopy and high speed photometry and polarimetry of the INTEGRAL source IGRJ14536-5522 (=Swift J1453.4-5524). The photometry, polarimetry and spectroscopy are modulated on an orbital period of 3.1564(1) hours. Orbital circularly polarized modulations are seen from 0 to -18 per cent, unambiguously identifying IGRJ14536-5522 as a polar. Some of the high speed photometric data show modulations that are consistent with quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) on the order of 5-6 minutes. Furthermore, for the first time, we detect the (5-6) minute QPOs in the circular polarimetry. We discuss the possible origins of these QPOs. We also include details of HIPPO, a new high-speed photo-polarimeter used for some of our observations.Comment: Accepted for publication by MNRAS. The paper contains 7 figures and 1 tabl

    Continuum reverberation mapping of Mrk 876 over three years with remote robotic observatories

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    Funding: Research at UC Irvine is supported by NSF grant AST-1907290. HL acknowledges a Daphne Jackson Fellowship sponsored by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), UK. ERC acknowledges support by the NRF of South Africa. TT acknowledges support from NSF through grant NSF-AST-1907208.Continuum reverberation mapping probes the sizescale of the optical continuum-emitting region in active galactic nuclei (AGN). Through 3 years of multiwavelength photometric monitoring in the optical with robotic observatories, we perform continuum reverberation mapping on Mrk~876. All wavebands show large amplitude variability and are well correlated. Slow variations in the light curves broaden the cross-correlation function (CCF) significantly, requiring detrending in order to robustly recover interband lags. We measure consistent interband lags using three techniques (CCF, JAVELIN, PyROA), with a lag of around 13~days from u to z. These lags are longer than the expected radius of 12~days for the self-gravitating radius of the disk. The lags increase with wavelength roughly following λ4/3, as would be expected from thin disk theory, but the lag normalization is approximately a factor of 3 longer than expected, as has also been observed in other AGN. The lag in the i band shows an excess which we attribute to variable Hα broad-line emission. A flux-flux analysis shows a variable spectrum that follows fν ∝ λ-1/3 as expected for a disk, and an excess in the i band that also points to strong variable Hα emission in that band.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A complex dust morphology in the high-luminosity AGN Mrk 876

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    Recent models for the inner structure of active galactic nuclei (AGN) advocate the presence of a radiatively accelerated, dusty outflow launched from the outer regions of the accretion disk. Here we present the first near-infrared (near-IR) variable (rms) spectrum for the high-luminosity, nearby AGN Mrk 876. We find that it tracks the accretion disk spectrum out to longer wavelengths than the mean spectrum due to a reduced dust emission. The implied outer accretion disk radius is consistent with the infrared results predicted by a contemporaneous optical accretion disk reverberation mapping campaign and much larger than the self-gravity radius. The reduced flux variability of the hot dust could be either due to the presence of a secondary, constant dust component in the mean spectrum or introduced by the destructive superposition of the dust and accretion disk variability signals or some combination of both. Assuming thermal equilibrium for optically thin dust, we derive the luminosity-based dust radius for different grain properties using our measurement of the temperature. We find that in all cases considered the values are significantly larger than the dust response time measured by IR photometric monitoring campaigns, with the least discrepancy present relative to the result for a wavelength-independent dust emissivity law, i.e. a blackbody, which is appropriate for large grain sizes. This result can be well explained by assuming a flared, disk-like structure for the hot dust.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures; accepted to Ap

    The Chandra Multi-Wavelength Project: Optical Spectroscopy and the Broadband Spectral Energy Distributions of X-ray Selected AGN

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    From optical spectroscopy of X-ray sources observed as part of ChaMP, we present redshifts and classifications for a total of 1569 Chandra sources from our targeted spectroscopic follow up using the FLWO, SAAO, WIYN, CTIO, KPNO, Magellan, MMT and Gemini telescopes, and from archival SDSS spectroscopy. We classify the optical counterparts as 50% BLAGN, 16% NELG, 14% ALG, and 20% stars. We detect QSOs out to z~5.5 and galaxies out to z~3. We have compiled extensive photometry from X-ray to radio bands. Together with our spectroscopic information, this enables us to derive detailed SEDs for our extragalactic sources. We fit a variety of templates to determine bolometric luminosities, and to constrain AGN and starburst components where both are present. While ~58% of X-ray Seyferts require a starburst event to fit observed photometry only 26% of the X-ray QSO population appear to have some kind of star formation contribution. This is significantly lower than for the Seyferts, especially if we take into account torus contamination at z>1 where the majority of our X-ray QSOs lie. In addition, we observe a rapid drop of the percentage of starburst contribution as X-ray luminosity increases. This is consistent with the quenching of star formation by powerful QSOs, as predicted by the merger model, or with a time lag between the peak of star formation and QSO activity. We have tested the hypothesis that there should be a strong connection between X-ray obscuration and star-formation but we do not find any association between X-ray column density and star formation rate both in the general population or the star-forming X-ray Seyferts. Our large compilation also allows us to report here the identification of 81 XBONG, 78 z>3 X-ray sources and 8 Type-2 QSO candidates. Also we have identified the highest redshift (z=5.4135) X-ray selected QSO with optical spectroscopy.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in ApJS. Full data table and README file can be found online at http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~pgreen/Papers.htm

    Determining the extragalactic extinction law with SALT. II. Additional sample

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    We present new results from an on-going programme to study the dust extragalactic extinction law in E/S0 galaxies with dust lanes with the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) during its performance-verification phase. The wavelength dependence of the dust extinction for seven galaxies is derived in six spectral bands ranging from the near-ultraviolet atmospheric cutoff to the near-infrared. The derivation of an extinction law is performed by fitting model galaxies to the unextinguished parts of the image in each spectral band, and subtracting from these the actual images. We compare our results with the derived extinction law in the Galaxy and find them to run parallel to the Galactic extinction curve with a mean total-to-selective extinction value of 2.71+-0.43. We use total optical extinction values to estimate the dust mass for each galaxy, compare these with dust masses derived from IRAS measurements, and find them to range from 10^4 to 10^7 Solar masses. We study the case of the well-known dust-lane galaxy NGC2685 for which HST/WFPC2 data is available to test the dust distribution on different scales. Our results imply a scale-free dust distribution across the dust lanes, at least within ~1 arcsec (~60 pc) regions.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. R-band contour maps and B-R colour-index maps are low-resolution versions of those used in the MNRAS versio

    Possible detection of two giant extrasolar planets orbiting the eclipsing polar UZ Fornacis

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    We present new high-speed, multi-observatory, multi-instrument photometry of the eclipsing polar UZ For in order to measure precise mid-eclipse times with the aim of detecting any orbital period variations. When combined with published eclipse times and archival data spanning ~27 years, we detect departures from a linear and quadratic trend of ~60 s. The departures are strongly suggestive of two cyclic variations of 16(3) and 5.25(25) years. The two favoured mechanisms to drive the periodicities are either two giant extrasolar planets as companions to the binary (with minimum masses of 6.3(1.5)M(Jupiter) and 7.7(1.2)M(Jupiter)) or a magnetic cycle mechanism (e.g. Applegate's mechanism) of the secondary star. Applegate's mechanism would require the entire radiant energy output of the secondary and would therefore seem to be the least likely of the two, barring any further refinements in the effect of magnetic fieilds (e.g. those of Lanza et al.). The two planet model can provide realistic solutions but it does not quite capture all of the eclipse times measurements. A highly eccentric orbit for the outer planet would fit the data nicely, but we find that such a solution would be unstable. It is also possible that the periodicities are driven by some combination of both mechanisms. Further observations of this system are encouraged.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Discovery of the first symbiotic star in NGC6822

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    We report the discovery of the first symbiotic star (V=21.6, K_S=15.8 mag) in the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy NGC6822. This star was identified during a spectral survey of Ha emission-line objects using the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) during its performance-verification phase. The observed strong emission lines of HI and HeII suggest a high electron density and T* < 130 000 K for the hot companion. The infrared colours allow us to classify this object as an S-type symbiotic star, comprising a red giant losing mass to a compact companion. The red giant is an AGB carbon star, and a semi-regular variable, pulsating in the first overtone with a period of 142 days. Its bolometric magnitude is M_bol=-4.4 mag. We review what is known about the luminosities of extragalactic symbiotic stars, showing that most, possibly all, contain AGB stars. We suggest that a much larger fraction of Galactic symbiotic stars may contain AGB stars than was previously realised.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted to MNRA