86 research outputs found

    La producción de mantones de Manila en Sevilla. Una dinámica tradición artesana

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    En número dedicado a: Sevill

    The Role of Knowledge in Constructing the Quality of Olive Oil in Spain

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    The sustainability of a large proportion of Spanish olive oil-producing territories depends to a great extent on their capacity to fit into a specific model of food quality. The strategies used in the di erent territories di er with respect to their adherence to the objectifiable conception of quality, based on scientific-technical knowledge, or subjectivating conception of quality, based on tacit and practical knowledge. In this paper, we analyse the route taken by two territories with olive oil protected designation of origin (PDO) status in Spain to construct their quality model, the type of knowledge that has been applied and how knowledge processes a ect the construction of sustainable quality models. This study applies a qualitative methodology based on participative observation and semi-structured interviews with key actors of the territories. The results indicate that processes of production, reproduction and dissemination of knowledge are basic pillars for the construction of sustainable quality projects. The degree of understanding of the objectifiable and subjectivating conception of quality in olive-producing territories and the interaction between them depend on the specific characteristics of the territory, the objectives set in connection to the olive oil quality method, the importance given to the di erent types of knowledge, and its standing on the issue of territorial sustainabilit

    Building food quality: tradition, innovation and power in the Iberian DPO ham in Spain

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    La creciente desconfianza de los consumidores hacia el sistema alimentario está favoreciendo la demanda de productos de calidad. La certificación de determinadas producciones agroalimentarias constituye la fórmula que garantiza esta nueva diná-mica social. Una de las certificaciones más importantes es la Denominación de Origen (DOP). Está basada en factores ambienta-les, territoriales y culturales. De este modo, el uso y las tradiciones productivas locales determinan en gran parte la calidad de dichas producciones. En este texto analizamos el caso del jamón ibérico de bellota y sus DOP, para demostrar cómo estamos ante un proceso ciertamente complejo, en la medida que la construcción de la calidad se basa en la articulación entre tradición e innovación, es decir, entre unos saberes locales, asociados al patrimonio cultural de territorios concretos y los nuevos requerimientos técnicos ligados a la producción de alimentos de calidad. A partir de un trabajo de campo realizado en zonas de las regiones españolas de Extremadura y Andalucía, analizamos este proceso, para explicitar de qué modo se lleva a cabo la transición de un sistema de producción doméstico, a un proceso de elaboración industrial. Este proceso se sustenta, en gran medida, en el uso y apropiación de saberes y prácticas tradicionales por parte de los actuales agentes agroindustriales. Este caso empírico nos sitúa ante un interesante contexto donde se dan variables como la resignificación de valores patrimoniales usados ahora para construir una nueva imagen de la calidad alimentaria; una realidad con múltiples intereses, liderazgos y no exenta de tensiones inherentes al poder en pugna.Growing consumer distrust toward the food system is favoring the demand for quality products. The formula to guarantee this new social dynamic is the certificate ion of some agribusiness products. One of the most important certifications is the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), which is based on environmental, territorial and cultural factors. Thus, the use and local production traditions largely determine the quality of these produces. This article analyzes the case of the Iberian ham de belotta (acorn) and its PDOs in order to demonstrate how complex this process is, insofar as quality construction is based on the link between tradition and innovation, ie, local knowledges associated with the cultural heritage of specific territories and the new technical requirements for quality food production. After an intensive fieldwork conducted in areas of the Spanish regions of Extremadura and Andalusia, we analyzed this process to understand how a household production system turns into to an industrial one. To a large extent, this process is based on the use and appropriation of traditional knowledge and practices by current agribusiness agents. This empirical case confronts us with an interesting context where variables such as the resignification of heritage values are used to build a new image of food quality. In brief, we are in front of a reality with multiple interests and leadership and not without the tensions inherent in the power struggle

    Local knowledge, tradition and innovation: the case of Iberian ham

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    La creciente desconfianza de los consumidores hacia el sistema alimentario está favoreciendo la demanda de productos de calidad. La certificación de determinadas producciones agroalimentarias constituye la fórmula que garantiza esta nueva demanda social. La Denominación de Origen es una de las certificaciones más importantes. Está basada en factores ambientales, territoriales y humanos. De este modo, el uso y las tradiciones productivas locales determinan en gran parte la calidad de dichas producciones. En este texto analizamos el caso del jamón ibérico de bellota, para demostrar cómo la creación de su calidad se basa en una adecuada articulación entre tradición e innovación, es decir entre unos saberes locales, asociados al patrimonio cultural de territorios concretos y los nuevos requerimientos técnicos ligados a la producción de alimentos de calidad.The current demand for quality products is relate with the growing of consumers’s suspition to the food system. The certification of certain agrifood products is the way that guarantees this new social demands. The Denomination of Origin is one of the most important certifications. It is based on environmentals land and human ́s factors. Part of the quality of these productions are determined by the use of local know -how.In this paper we analyze the case of Iberian ham, to demonstrate how the creation of quality is based on an appropriate link between tradition and innovation. That is the joint between local knowledge and cultural heritage, associated with specific territories and new technical requirements, have been considered to explain the quality food ́s productio

    Patrimonialization of local knowledge, resignifying tradition and innovation: the case of Iberian ham

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    En este texto analizamos el caso del jamón ibérico de bellota y sus DOP, para demostrar cómo la creación de su calidad se basa en una adecuada articulación entre tradición e innovación, es decir entre unos saberes locales, asociados al patrimonio cultural de territorios concretos y los nuevos requerimientos técnicos ligados a la producción de alimentos de calidad.In this paper we analyze the case of iberian ham and DOP, to demonstrate how the creation of quality is based on an appropriate link between tradition and innovation. That is the joint between local knowledge and cultural heritage, associated with specific territories and new technical requirements, have been considered to explain the quality food ́s production