125 research outputs found

    Digital Competence and Literacy: Developing New Narrative Formats. The «Dragon Age: Origins» Videogame

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    The approach of this article is centered on the concepts of digital competence and new narrative formats. We aim to apply these dimensions to the videogame «Dragon Age Origins», winner of the 2009 videogame of the year award. Its features - plot, characters and interactivity – make it ideal reading material in other formats and are highly motivational for young people. The development of digital competence signifies new literacy, and it is necessary to find new stimulating resources that combine the fun and formative dimensions. Equally relevant are multimodal texts (Kress & Van Leeuwen, 2001), especially new narrative formats that imply social progress, as the ways of reading are different. The texts have acquired new formats with the same quality as books but they sometimes motivate users more. This is the case of «Dragon Age Origins», a dark heroic fantasy role-playing game set in a unique world containing a story to be read and experienced. Our analysis of the videogame discusses whether it should be considered a form of reading or not

    Recorriendo el mundo de Oz hasta llegar a Terramar. La importancia de diseñar buenos escenarios para el lector

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    Conferencias y Comunicaciones del primer Congreso Internacional de literatura fantástica y ciencia ficción, celebrado del 6 al 9 de mayo de 2008 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madri

    El medio ambiente urbano, prolija fuente de conocimiento: un acercamiento psicopedagógico

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    Enviroronmental Education has an essential function in make conscious of and understanding problems that concern to environment, with the intention of establíshing a new ethícal of world development, but wíth the objectíve of encomage positive attitudes to the closer environmenttoo. It' s suggested from thís aiticle the didactic taking advantage of a resource near to thestudents as the city be, the highly positíve psychological and pedagogical aspects that involve the good use of ali posibilities spectre that city offers advise teaching-apprenticeship processes transformation to !et the pass to an scholastic culture, critical talking in pedagogical terms, basically based on two axes: constructive learning and investigation from the students.La Educación Ambiental tiene una función primordial en la concienciación y comprensión de los problemas que afectan al medio ambiente, con la intención de instaurar una nueva ética del desarrollo mundial, pero también con el objetivo de fomentar actitudes positivas hacía elmedio más próximo. Se propone desde este artículo el aprovechamiento didáctico de un recurso próximo al alumnado como es el medio urbano, los altainente positivos aspectos psicopedagógicos que suponen un buen aprovechamiento de todo el espectro de posibilidades que ofrece la ciudad aconseja la transformación de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en nuestras aulas para dar paso a una cultura escolar crítica, psícopedagógicamente hablando, basada fundamentalmente en dos ejes: el constructivismo y la investigación por parte del alumnad

    La racionalidad tecnológica de Mario Bunge como oposición al pensamiento crítico de Stephen Kemmis

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    The best way to proceed when there are problems to solve, in Research, and in Education, always has been a reason of search from thinkers. Is exposed in this text the altitude of two thinkers whose thoughts are divergents. In one of the sides, Mario Bunge, theoretician that chooses the technocratic paradigm, a positivist vision of Research and Education, and in the other side, Stephen Kemmis, that pleads on a critical conception of both. The comparison of both theories be the central point of this written.El mejor modo de proceder a la hora de resolver problemas, de investigar o de educar, siempre ha sido motivo de búsqueda por parte de muchos pensadores. Se expone en este texto el posicionamiento de dos autores con pensamientos divergentes: por un lado Mario Bunge, teórico que opta por el modelo tecnocrático, por una visión positivista de la Investigación y de la Educación, y por el otro Stephen Kemmis, que aboga por una concepción crítica de ambas. La comparación entre ambas teorías será el tema central de este escrito

    La lengua y la literatura ante las nuevas tecnologías: hacia la superación de la antinomia clasista letra-imagen

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    Casi inmersos en el Tercer Milenio, las nuevas tecnologías adquieren cada vez una mayor relevancia en nuestras vidas. Ahora bien, ¿qué ocurre con un área de conocimiento que tradicionalmente se ha regido por la palabra hablada o escrita?. Desde esta comunicación, se trata de analizar qué posibilidades alcanzan las nuevas tecnologías en el desarrollo de la formación lingüística del alumnado, tanto en la enseñanza ordinaria como en la educación a distancia. Se pretende llegar a la conclusión de que puede haber una concordia entre las palabras y las imágenes para, de ese modo, favorecer la formación integral del alumnado.Almost living in the Third Millennium, new technologies, every time acquire a bigger outstanding role in our lives. Now, what happen with a knowledge area that traditionally has been guided by the spoken or the written word?. From this communication, we will try to analyze what posibilities reach new technologies in development of students linguistic education, in the common teaching as well as in the distance education. It´s sought to reach the conclusion that is possible an agreement between words and pictures, to, from that way, favour the students´ integral education

    Digital Competence and Literacy: Developing New Narrative Formats. The «Dragon Age: Origins» Videogame

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    The approach of this article is centered on the concepts of digital competence and new narrative formats. We aim to apply these dimensions to the videogame «Dragon Age Origins», winner of the 2009 videogame of the year award. Its features - plot, characters and interactivity – make it ideal reading material in other formats and are highly motivational for young people. The development of digital competence signifies new literacy, and it is necessary to find new stimulating resources that combine the fun and formative dimensions. Equally relevant are multimodal texts (Kress & Van Leeuwen, 2001), especially new narrative formats that imply social progress, as the ways of reading are different. The texts have acquired new formats with the same quality as books but they sometimes motivate users more. This is the case of «Dragon Age Origins», a dark heroic fantasy role-playing game set in a unique world containing a story to be read and experienced. Our analysis of the videogame discusses whether it should be considered a form of reading or not

    Evaluative research on the critical thinking of primary school students

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    ©2023. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in International Journal of Educational Research Open. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedro.2023.100249The critical thinking of primary students might be related to digital media. Based on this premise, the main objectives of this study are to analyse the level of critical thinking shown by Primary School students (Murcia, Spain), as well as to find out about the media elements they handle. A diagnostic investigation is proposed for this purpose with two writing activities that integrate socially relevant problems. The analysis based on the humanistic-interpretative paradigm of the 1272 productions yields results that show low critical levels in students aged 9 to 12. This data contrasts with the large number of media components they refer to in their productions, which generates relevant implications about the challenges education systems must take on in order to respond to today’s needs