35 research outputs found

    FcMgv1, FcStuA AND FcVeA based genetic characterization in fusarium culmorum (W.G. Smith)

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    Fusarium culmorum (W.G. Smith) leads to economic losses in wheat and barley fields in Turkey as well as in many countries worldwide as a result of head blight and crown rot diseases. In this study, in vitro growth capacity of 33 F. culmorum isolates originating from Turkey and the relationship between phenotypic and genetic characteristics obtained based on similarities of FcMgv1, FcStuA and FcVeA genes were investigated. Linear growth rate values were recorded at 4th and 7th days of incubation. The mean linear growth rate values ranged from 7.58±1.06 to 14.7±1.26mm/day. The isolates F2 and 18F with relatively high linear growth values and the isolates 12F and F19 with relatively low linear growth values, were selected to be used in multiloci based genotyping analysis. FcMgv1, FcStuA and FcVeA genes were amplified in lengths of 1733, 2001 and 1898bp, respectively. The genes were sequenced, aligned and then subjected to BLASTn and to maximum likelihood topology analysis. Nucleotide sequence of each gene showed maximum hit with associated genes deposited in NCBI with 0.0-0.0 Evalues and 1188 to 3256 bit scores. Alignment analysis resulted in at least 89% bootstrap support. Moreover, isolates with similar linear growth rates were co-clustered in phylogenetic analysis. The findings obtained in this study showed that the three genes which are essential for fungal survival could be used in genetic characterization analysis and in revealing the associations between their genetic and phenotypic characteristics.Dünya çapında pek çok ülkede olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de Fusarium culmorum (W.G. Smith) başak yanıklığı ve kök çürüklüğü hastalıkları ile arpa ve buğday tarım alanlarında ekonomik kayıplara yol açar. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’den köken alan 33 F. culmorum izolatının in vitro büyüme kapasitesi ile FcMgv1, FcStuA ve FcVeA genetik benzerliği aracılığı ile elde edilen fenotipik ve genetik karakterlerin ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Doğrusal büyüme oranı değerleri inkübasyonun 4. ve 7. günlerinde kaydedilmiştir. Ortalama doğrusal büyüme oranlarının 7,58±1.06 ve 14,7±1.26mm/gün arasında olduğu görülmüştür. Göreceli olarak yüksek LGR değerlerine sahip olduğu belirlenen F2 ile 18F izolatları ile göreceli olarak düşük LGR değerlerine sahip olduğu belirlenen 12F ve F19 izolatları multilokus temelli genotiplendirme analizlerinde kullanılmak üzere seçilmiştir. FcMgv1, FcStuA ve FcVeA genlerine ait sırasıyla 1733, 2001 ve 1898bç ürünler elde edilmiştir. Genler dizilenmiş, bir araya getirilmiş ve BLASTn ile maksimum olasılık topoloji analizi yapılmıştır. Her bir genin nükleotid dizisi NCBI'da 0,0-0,0 Edeğeri ve 1188-3256 arası bit skoru vermiştir. Hizalama analizi en az %89 ön yükleme değeri ile sonuçlanmıştır. Ayrıca, benzer büyüme oranına sahip izolatlar filogenetik analizlerde aynı alt kümede yer almıştır. Bu çalışmada elde edilen bulgular, fungal yaşam için gerekli olan bu üç genin, genetik karakterizasyonda ve fenotipik ve genotipik özellikleri arasında ilişki kurulmasında kullanılabileceğini ortaya konmuştur

    Semi-nonparametric modeling of topological domain formation from epigenetic data

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    Abstract Background Hi-C experiments capturing the 3D genome architecture have led to the discovery of topologically-associated domains (TADs) that form an important part of the 3D genome organization and appear to play a role in gene regulation and other functions. Several histone modifications have been independently associated with TAD formation, but their combinatorial effects on domain formation remain poorly understood at a global scale. Results We propose a convex semi-nonparametric approach called nTDP based on Bernstein polynomials to explore the joint effects of histone markers on TAD formation as well as predict TADs solely from the histone data. We find a small subset of modifications to be predictive of TADs across species. By inferring TADs using our trained model, we are able to predict TADs across different species and cell types, without the use of Hi-C data, suggesting their effect is conserved. This work provides the first comprehensive joint model of the effect of histone markers on domain formation. Conclusions Our approach, nTDP, can form the basis of a unified, explanatory model of the relationship between epigenetic marks and topological domain structures. It can be used to predict domain boundaries for cell types, species, and conditions for which no Hi-C data is available. The model may also be of use for improving Hi-C-based domain finders

    Thinking Ahead in Real-Time Search

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    We consider real-time planning problems in which some states are unsolvable, i.e., have no path to a goal. Such problems are difficult for real-time planning algorithms such as RTA* in which all states must be solvable. We identify a property called k-safeness, in which the consequences of a bad choice become apparent within k moves after the choice is made. When k is not too large, this makes it possible to identify unsolvable states in real time. We provide a modified version of RTA* that is provably complete on all k-safe problems. We derive k-safeness conditions for real-time deterministic versions of the well-known Tireworld and Racetrack domains, and provide experimental results showing that our modified version of RTA* works quite well in these domains

    Investigation of antifungal activities of myrcene on Fusarium reference strains

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    Antifungal efects of myrcene, the plant-based naturel compound, were investigated on Fusarium graminearum PH-1 and Fusarium culmorum FcUK99 references, for the first time. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and half of MIC (MIC50) of both Fusarium strains against myrcene were found as 25µg/µl and 12.5µg/µl, respectively. MIC50 application decreased the cell viabilities in the ratios of 34.90% and 33.91% in PH-1 and FcUK99, respectively (p <0.01). The signifcantly increased catalase (CAT) activity was recorded in MIC50 treated strains (p<0.01). Apoptosis-like process and cellular oxidative stress were also monitored with acridine orange/ethidium bromide (Ao/Eb) dual staining and 2′,7′-dichlorodihydrofuorescein diacetate (DCF-DA) staining. The genomic template stability (GTS) percentages were calculated as 79% for PH-1 and 71% for FcUK99 via random amplifed polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Methylation polymorphism values were calculated as 53.8% and 50.6% in PH-1 and 40.4% and 39% in FcUK99 for HapII and MspI, respectively by coupled restriction enzyme digestion-random amplifcation (CRED-RA). Methylation-sensitive amplifed polymorphism (MSAP) revealed that myrcene caused both type I and type III epigenetic modifcations in both genomes. MIC50 dose caused up to 13.86±0.42-fold changes in the expressions of cat, mst20, and stuA, whereas downregulation in tri5 was recorded. Myrcene application did not change the retrotransposon movement in both species by the amplifying of idiomorphic retrotransposon patterns through inter-retrotransposon polymorphism-polymerase chain reaction (IRAP-PCR). This study demonstrated that myrcene is an efective compound in the management of phytopathogenic Fusarium species by causing morphological, genetic, epigenetic, and cellular alterations, and has a potential to utilize as an antifungal agent