114 research outputs found

    Engineering nonlinear response of nanomaterials using Fano resonances

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    We show that, nonlinear optical processes of nanoparticles can be controlled by the presence of interactions with a molecule or a quantum dot. By choosing the appropriate level spacing for the quantum emitter, one can either suppress or enhance the nonlinear frequency conversion. We reveal the underlying mechanism for this effect, which is already observed in recent experiments: (i) Suppression occurs simply because transparency induced by Fano resonance does not allow an excitation at the converted frequency. (ii) Enhancement emerges since nonlinear process can be brought to resonance. Path interference effect cancels the nonresonant frequency terms. We demonstrate the underlying physics using a simplified model, and we show that the predictions of the model are in good agreement with the 3-dimensional boundary element method (MNPBEM toolbox) simulations. Here, we consider the second harmonic generation in a plasmonic converter as an example to demonstrate the control mechanism. The phenomenon is the semi-classical analog of nonlinearity enhancement via electromagnetically induced transparency.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Konwencjonalna i płynna cytologia – badania porównawcze

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    Objectives: The aim of our study is the comparison of the results of conventional smear (CC) technique and liquidbased cytology (LBC) technique used as cervical cancer screening methods. Material and methods: The results of 47954 patients submitted to smear screening in our gynecology clinic between January 2008 and December 2014 have been studied. The smear results have been divided into two groups CC and LBC according to the technique used. Results: When considering the distribution within CC group, the results were as follows: intraepithelial cell abnormalities 2,0% (n=619), insufficient sample for analysis 2,1% (n=660), Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) 1.8% (n=554), Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LGSIL) 0.1% (n=35), High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HGSIL) 0.1% (n=16), Atypical squamous cells – cannot exclude HGSIL (ASC-H) 0.029% (n=9), Atypical glandular cells- not other wise specified (AGC-NOS) 0.012% (n=4), squamous carcinoma 0.003% (n=1). When considering the distribution in LBC group, the results were as follows: intraepithelial cell abnormalities2.1% (n=357), insufficient sample for analysis 0.9% (n=144), ASC-US 1.8% (n=296), LGSIL 0.2% (n=38), HGSIL 0.1% (n=8), ASC-H 0.1% (n=10), AGC-NOS 0.017% (n=3), squamous carcinoma 0.011% (n=2). Conclusions: Although the rates of epithelial cell abnormalities are similar for both tests, LSIL results are more frequently observed in LBC technique. In LBC technique, the number of insufficient sample for analysis is quite low compared to CC group and thus constitutes an advantage.  Cel pracy: Celem badania było porównanie wyników konwencjonalnej (CC) i płynnej cytologii (LBC) stosowanej w skriningu raka szyjki macicy. Materiał i metoda: Przeanalizowano wyniki od 47954 pacjentek objętych cytologicznym badaniem skriningowym w naszym oddziale ginekologicznym w okresie od stycznia 2008 do grudnia 2014. Wyniki cytologiczne podzielono na dwie grupy CC i LBC w zależności od techniki pobierania. Wyniki: W grupie CC wyniki przedstawiały się nastepująco: nieprawidłowości komórek śródnabłonkowych 2,0% (n=619), nieodpowiednia próbka do analizy 2,1% (n=660), ASC-US 1.8% (n=554), LGSIL 0.1% (n=35), HGSIL 0.1% (n=16), ASC-H 0.029% (n=9), AGC-NOS 0.012% (n=4), rak płaskonabłonkowy 0.003% (n=1). W grupie LBC wyniki przedstawiały się następująco: nieprawidłowości komórek śródnabłonkowych 2.1% (n=357), nieodpowiednia próbka do analizy 0.9% (n=144), ASC-US 1.8% (n=296), LGSIL 0.2% (n=38), HGSIL 0.1% (n=8), ASC-H 0.1% (n=10), AGC-NOS 0.017% (n=3), rak płaskonabłonkowy 0.011% (n=2). Wnioski: Chociaż odsetek nieprawidłowości komórek śródnabłonkowych jest podobny dla obu testów, wyniki LSIL są częściej obserwowane w technice LBC. W metodzie LBC liczba próbek nieodpowiednich do analizy jest dość niska w porównaniu do grupy CC, stąd jest to jej niewątpliwa zaleta.

    Magnetic resonance imaging study of corpus callosum abnormalities in patients with different subtypes of schizophrenia

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    Background. Reductions in the size of the corpus callosum (CC) have been described for schizophrenia patients, but little is known about the possible regional differences in schizophrenia subtypes (paranoid, disorganised, undifferentiated, residual).  Methods. We recruited 58 chronically schizophrenic patients with different subtypes, and 31 age-and-gender matched healthy controls. The callosum was extracted from a midsagittal slice from T1 weighted magnetic resonance images, and areas of the total CC, its five subregions, CC length and total brain volume were compared between schizophrenia subtypes and controls. Five subregions were approximately matched to fibre pathways from cortical regions.  Results. Schizophrenia patients had reduced CC total area and length when compared with controls. Disorganised and undifferentiated schizophrenics had a smaller prefrontal area, while there was no significant difference for the paranoid and residual groups. The premotor/supplementary motor area was smaller in all schizophrenia subtypes. The motor area was smaller only in the disorganised group. A smaller sensory area was found in all subtypes except the residual group. Parietal, temporal and occipital areas were smaller in the paranoid and undifferentiated groups. Total brain volume was smaller in all schizophrenia subtypes compared with controls, but did not reach statistical significance.  Conclusion. These findings suggest that the heterogeneity of symptoms may lead to the different CC morphological characteristics in schizophrenia subtypes

    Učinak eksrakta kore brucijskog bora (Pinus brutia) na čiste i mješovite kulture buražnih bakterija i arheja te na fermentacijske značajke buraga in vitro

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of Pinus brutia bark extract, which is rich in polyphenolic compounds of tannins, on both pure and mixed continuous cultures of rumen bacteria and archaea, as well as on rumen fermentation characteristics in vitro. Antimicrobial susceptibility assay with pure cultures was carried out in an anaerobic chamber. Pinus brutia bark extract exhibited a potential inhibitor activity (P<0.05) against pure cultures of Ruminococcus flavefaciens, Eubacterium ruminantium, and Methanobacterium formicicum while a growth stimulatory effect (P<0.05) was observed for Ruminoccocus albus, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, and Streptococcus bovis. Pinus brutia bark extract only had a potential inhibitor effect (P<0.05) on R. albus at the highest dose (1200 μg/mL). Pinus brutia bark extract also stimulated (P<0.05) the growth of pure cultures of Fibrobacter succinogenes, while it did not affect Megasphaera elsdenii, except at the highest dose. The effects of two doses (75 and 375 mg/L) of P. brutia bark extract on in vitro mixed cultures and rumen fermentation parameters were determined by the rumen simulation technique (Rusitec). Supplementation with P. brutia bark extract led to a quadratic decrease (P<0.05) in the cell numbers of R. flavefaciens. Production of total and individual short chain fatty acids (SCFA), acetate to propionate ratio (C2/C3), total protozoa, ruminal pH, and dry matter digestibility (DMD) did not change in the presence of P. brutia bark extract. Supplementation with both doses of P. brutia bark extract decreased (P<0.05) the ammonia-N concentrations. Ammonia-N concentration was lowest in the high-supplemented group (P<0.05). As a conclusion, inhibitory effects of P. brutia bark extract on some species in the pure cultures were in the same direction as with mixed ruminal cultures, while stimulatory effects disappeared. The lack of inhibitory effects on protozoa and on a large number of Gram-positive rumen bacteria in the mixed cultures suggests that its mechanism of action is not exactly similar to antibiotics. Although P. brutia bark extract did not alter ruminal SCFA, it could have potential to improve ruminal protein utilization without depressing rumen microbial fermentation.Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti učinak ekstrakta kore brucijskog bora (Pinus brutia), koji je bogat polifenolnim sastojcima tanina, na čiste i mješovite kulture buražnih bakterija i arheja kao i na in vitro fermentacijske značajke buraga. Proveden je test antimikrobne osjetljivosti s čistim kulturama u anaerobnim uvjetima. Ekstrakt kore brucijskog bora pokazao je potencijalnu inhibitornu aktivnost (P < 0,05) protiv čistih kultura bakterija Ruminococcus flavefaciens, Eubacterium ruminantium i Methanobacterium formicicum, a stimulacijski učinak na rast (P < 0,05) opažen je za bakterije Ruminoccocus albus, Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens i Streptococcus bovis. Ekstrakt kore brucijskog bora imao je potencijalan inhibitorni učinak (P < 0,05) na R. albus samo u najvećoj dozi (1200 μg/mL). Također je imao stimulacijski učinak (P < 0,05) na čiste kulture Fibrobacter succinogenes, a nije utjecao na Megasphaera elsdenii osim u najvećoj dozi. Učinak dviju doza (75 i 375 mg/L) ekstrakta kore brucijskog bora na in vitro mješovite culture i pokazatelje fermentacije u buragu određen je simulacijskom tehnikom (Rusitec). Dodatak ekstrakta kore brucijskog bora doveo je do kvadratnog smanjenja (P < 0,05) broja stanica R. flavefaciens. Nije bilo promjena u proizvodnji ukupnih i pojedinačnih kratkolančanih masnih kiselina (SCFA), omjeru acetata i propionata (C2/C3), ukupnom broju protozoa, buražnom pH i probavljivosti suhe tvari (DMD). Suplementacija objema dozama ekstrakta kore brucijskog bora smanjila je (P < 0,05) koncentracije amonijaka-N. Koncentracija amonijaka-N bila je najniža u skupini s najvećom dozom suplementa (P < 0,05). Zaključujemo da je inhibitorni učinak ekstrakta kore brucijskog bora na neke vrste u čistim kulturama bio jednak onomu u mješovitim buražnim kulturama, a nije bilo stimulacijskog efekta. Manjak inhibitornih učinaka na protozoe i na mnoge Gram-pozitivne buražne bakterije u mješovitim kulturama upućuje na to da njihov mehanizam djelovanja nije jednak onomu kod antibiotika. Premda ekstrakt kore brucijskog bora nije promijenio buražni SCFA, mogao bi poboljšati iskorištavanje proteina u buragu a da pritom ne suprimira mikrobnu fermentaciju

    Dynamical slowing down in an ultrafast photo-induced phase transition

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    Complex systems, which consist of a large number of interacting constituents, often exhibit universal behavior near a phase transition. A slowdown of certain dynamical observables is one such recurring feature found in a vast array of contexts. This phenomenon, known as critical slowing down, is well studied mostly in thermodynamic phase transitions. However, it is less understood in highly nonequilibrium settings, where the time it takes to traverse the phase boundary becomes comparable to the timescale of dynamical fluctuations. Using transient optical spectroscopy and femtosecond electron diffraction, we studied a photo-induced transition of a model charge-density-wave (CDW) compound, LaTe3_3. We observed that it takes the longest time to suppress the order parameter at the threshold photoexcitation density, where the CDW transiently vanishes. This finding can be quantitatively captured by generalizing the time-dependent Landau theory to a system far from equilibrium. The experimental observation and theoretical understanding of dynamical slowing down may offer insight into other general principles behind nonequilibrium phase transitions in many-body systems

    Evidence for topological defects in a photoinduced phase transition

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    Upon excitation with an intense ultrafast laser pulse, a symmetry-broken ground state can undergo a non-equilibrium phase transition through pathways dissimilar from those in thermal equilibrium. Determining the mechanism underlying these photo-induced phase transitions (PIPTs) has been a long-standing issue in the study of condensed matter systems. To this end, we investigate the light-induced melting of a unidirectional charge density wave (CDW) material, LaTe3_3. Using a suite of time-resolved probes, we independently track the amplitude and phase dynamics of the CDW. We find that a quick (\sim\,1\,ps) recovery of the CDW amplitude is followed by a slower reestablishment of phase coherence. This longer timescale is dictated by the presence of topological defects: long-range order (LRO) is inhibited and is only restored when the defects annihilate. Our results provide a framework for understanding other PIPTs by identifying the generation of defects as a governing mechanism

    Recent Advances in Health Biotechnology During Pandemic

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    The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which emerged in 2019, cut the epoch that will make profound fluctuates in the history of the world in social, economic, and scientific fields. Urgent needs in public health have brought with them innovative approaches, including diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. To exceed the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, various scientific authorities in the world have procreated advances in real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) based diagnostic tests, rapid diagnostic kits, the development of vaccines for immunization, and the purposing pharmaceuticals for treatment. Diagnosis, treatment, and immunization approaches put for- ward by scientific communities are cross-fed from the accrued knowledge of multidisciplinary sciences in health biotechnology. So much so that the pandemic, urgently prioritized in the world, is not only viral infections but also has been the pulsion in the development of novel approaches in many fields such as diagnosis, treatment, translational medicine, virology, mi- crobiology, immunology, functional nano- and bio-materials, bioinformatics, molecular biol- ogy, genetics, tissue engineering, biomedical devices, and artificial intelligence technologies. In this review, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of various scientific areas of health biotechnology are discussed