16 research outputs found

    Employment in Europe 2000

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    [Excerpt] This Report examines in detail basic elements of the employment challenge renewed in Lisbon. Beyond recent employment trends in 1999, the Report sets out how each Member State is expected to contribute to achieving the Union’s employment objectives. It analyses both the nature and quality of jobs being created, with special focus on its gender dimension and the evolution of social and regional imbalances in the EU. In view of the forthcoming enlargement of the Union, the Report also reviews progress in transforming the labour markets in the Central European candidate countries. Finally, the Report assesses the impact of tax and benefit systems on employment, gauging the tax burden on labour and the tax wedge as well as coverage and replacement rates of unemployment benefits and early retirement systems

    Industrial Relations in Europe 2006

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    [Excerpt] This is the fourth report on Industrial Relations in Europe. After the enlargement of the Union in 2004 and the integration of the new Member States into the Lisbon agenda it is of major importance to look again in this wider context at ways to develop the contributions social partners can deliver to reach the ambitious objective of the growth and jobs strategy. This aims to see Europe become the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-based economy capable of sustainable development with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion – a global objective shared by all major actors on the labour market

    Employment in Europe 2001

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    [Excerpt] This latest edition of Employment in Europe gives a clear picture of recent developments in the EU labour markets and provides an analytical approach to these policy issues. Based on the most recent data available and on thorough analysis, it provides an invaluable basis for future discussions and policy development

    Employment in Europe 1998

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    [Excerpt] This year is the tenth anniversary of Employment in Europe. For a decade now this Report, and the thinking behind it, has provided the analytical bedrock for the Commission’s increasingly important role in supporting Member State employment and labour market policies. The Report has pioneered the use of new concepts — like the employment rate which has improved our understanding of our employment potential in Europe and which, this year, is the subject of a special report to the European Council

    Employment in Europe 1999

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    [Excerpt] Like its predecessors, this 1999 Report serves two main purposes. The first is to provide a comprehensive report on recent developments in employment in Europe. This year’s Report takes this first aspect somewhat further and looks at the ups and downs of employment performance in recent years, not only in the Union but also in the United States and Japan. One notable and disturbing fact is that, despite the success of some individual Member States in improving their performance over recent years, employment in the Union as a whole in 1998 had still not regained the level of 1991 before the onset of the recession in the early 1990s

    A Roma European crisis road-map: a holistic answer to a complex problem

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    This contribution explores the adequacy of EU action with regard to the Roma. The expulsion of large numbers of Roma individuals, accompanied by other discriminatory practices and forms of hostility, exclusion and violence against the Roma across Europe, has brought the attention of the media and policy makers to Roma issues to a greater extent than ever before during the last decade. The range of problems still afflicting the lives of many Roma individuals nowadays is extremely wide, well researched and profusely documented. This contribution leaves aside issues related to free movement and EU citizenship, thus moving the debate beyond the narrow framework of the ‘migrant Roma’. This contribution considers the wide range of relevant EU competences in this field, and assesses how comprehensive and appropriate the EU’s approach to Roma issues is. The analysis combines legal instruments, policy papers, and case law, draws from legal and non-legal literature, and integrates considerations of a social, economic and cultural nature. In the process, this contribution considers themes that cut across several strands of the EU’s Roma policy, including fundamental rights, intercultural sensitivity, the limits of the ‘integration model’, and issues of enforcement, monitoring and funding. The logical narrative developed puts together the key jigsaw pieces that currently contribute to an EU Roma policy, and clearly identifies the limitations of the present state of affairs. Finally, this contribution interrogates the trends underlying the development of the EU Roma policy and puts forward a range of recommendations

    An ecological study on the relationship between supply of beds in long-term care institutions in Italy and potential care needs for the elderly

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ageing population in Europe is putting an ever increasing demand on the long-term care (LTC) services provided by these countries. This study analyses the relationship between the LTC institutional supply of beds and potential care needs, taking into account the social and health context, the supply of complementary and alternative services, along with informal care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An observational, cross-sectional, ecological study was carried out. Statistical data were obtained from the Italian National Institute of Statistics and Ministry of Health. Indicators, regarding 5 areas (Supply of beds in long term care institutions, Potential care needs, Social and health context, Complementary and alternative services for the elderly, Informal care), were calculated at Local Health Unit (LHU) level and referred to 2004.</p> <p>Two indicators were specifically used to measure supply of beds in long term care institutions and potential care needs for the elderly. Their values were grouped in tertiles. LHU were classified according to the combination of tertiles in three groups: A. High level of supply of beds in long term care institutions associated with low level of potential care needs; B. Low level of supply of beds in long term care institutions associated with high level of potential care needs; C. Balanced level of supply of beds in long term care institutions with potential care needs. For each group the indicators of 5 areas were analysed.</p> <p>The Index Number (IN) was calculated for each of these indicators.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Specific factors that need to be carefully considered were highlighted in each of the three defined groups. The highest level of alternative services such as long-stay hospital discharges in residence region (IN = 125), home care recipients (HCR) (IN = 123.8) were reported for Group A. This group included North regions. The highest level of inappropriate hospital discharges in (IN = 124.1) and out (IN = 155.8) the residence region, the highest value of families who received help (IN = 106.4) and the lowest level of HCR (IN = 68.7) were found in Group B. South regions belong to this group. The highest level of families paying a caregiver (IN = 115.8) was shown in Group C. Central regions are included in third group.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Supply of beds in long term care institutions substantially differs across Italian regions, showing in every scenario some imbalances between potential care needs and other studied factors. Our study suggests the need of a comprehensive rethinking of care delivery "system".</p

    Gender and Management: new directions in research and continuing patterns in practice

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    This is the author’s version of the following article. The definitive version is available at www.interscience.wiley.com:Adelina Broadbridge and Jeff Hearn, Gender and management: New directions in research and continuing patterns in practice, 2008, British Journal of Management, (19), s1, 38-49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8551.2008.00570.xCopyright: British Academy of Management, Blackwell Publishing Ltdhttp://www.blackwellpublishing.com

    Employment in Europe 2001: Autumn Update

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    [Excerpt] The European Union faces difficult times. Even before the events of September 11, we foresaw challenges ahead for our economies, our employment, and our citizens. However, confidence remains firm – not least with the highly successful launch of the Euro currency. We need to build on that success, and on our recent substantial achievements – creating 10 million additional jobs over the past 4 years; bringing unemployment below 8 per cent; and pushing the employment rate above 63 per cent.Employment_in_Europe_2001_Aug_update_en.pdf: 356 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020