122 research outputs found

    Recull de dades per al coneixement de la vegetació. Part I (1986-1989)

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    Recull i digitalització d’un total de 143 inventaris aixecats durant les pràctiques de l’assignatura Tipologia de la Vegetació, entre els anys 1986 i 1989. Estan realitzats amb la metodologia de Braun-Blanquet, i s’han identificat a nivell d’associació. Aquests inventaris, volgudament complets i revisats, s’adjunten en un full de càlcul (Excel)

    Syntaxonomic conspectus of the vegetation of Catalonia and Andorra. I: Hygrophilous herbaceous communities.

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    The first part of a general survey of the vegetation of Catalonia and Andorra, this paper reports all the phytocoenological associations and subassociations recorded in this area. For each community, we provide the correct name and usual synonyms, its typification (where appropriate), all the references including relevés, and the most outstanding features of its structure, species composition, ecology, distribution and diversity. Moreover, associations and subassociations are ordered appropriately in a syntaxonomic scheme. Syntaxonomic ranks are considered in a fairly broad, conservative sense. This classification established 101 associations, which correspond to the classes Lemnetea, Zosteretea, Potametea, Littorelletea, Montio-Cardaminetea, Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea, Scheuchzerio-Caricetea, Isoeto-Nanojuncetea and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea

    Fen and bog plant communities in the Aran valley, in the central Pyrenees

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    La Vall d’Aran està situada al vessant nord dels Pirineus, on el clima de tipus medioeuropeu i de muntanya amb una marcada influència atlàntica propicia una gran diversitat de molleres. En aquest treball presentem els resultats de l’estudi fitosociològic d’aquestes molleres, especialment d’aquelles que formen part de sistemes complexos (que n’inclouen d’ombrògenes, topògenes, solígenes i limnògenes). Hem seguit la metodologia de Braun-Blanquet per a l’aixecament dels inventaris i hem mesurat també alguns factors ambientals (pH i conductivitat de l’aigua lliure del sòl, profunditat de l’aigua freàtica i gruix de la capa de torba) a part de les variables topogràfiques bàsiques. Presentem 144 inventaris de 22 associacions (una d’elles diversificada en 4 subassociacions), 2 de les quals són noves descripcions, i 8 es documenten per primer cop dels Pirineus. La majoria d’associacions corresponen a la classe Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae (molleres i torberes minerogèniques) i força menys es refereixen a torberes ombrogèniques de la classe Oxycocco-Sphagnetea o a la vegetació lacustre associada de les aliances Magnocaricion, Phragmition i Scorpidio-Utricularion minoris. Valorem la diversitat de torberes en forma de bony de la classe Oxycocco-Sphagnetea i la presència de molleres tremoloses del Caricion lasiocarpae, que constitueixen l’única representació dels Scheuchzerietalia a Catalunya. Reinterpretem les formacions dominades per Scirpus cespitosus, i proposem el nom Vaccinio microphylli-Sphagnetum capillifolii per al que fins ara s’ha anomenat Calluno-Sphagnetum subnitentis Casanovas 1992 (nom. inval.) Com a conclusió general, destaquem la singularitat de la Vall d’Aran per la diversitat i excepcionalitat de les comunitats de molleres que s’hi donen. A més, aquestes formen sistemes molt particulars pel que fa a la hidrologia i al mosaic de comunitats que acullen; en són exemples destacats els de bassa Nera, Planhòla d’Aiguamòg i pla de Tor.Given the topographic situation of the Aran valley, on the north side of the Pyrenees, the climate regimes (from medio-European to high mountain types) have a strong Atlantic influence. This, and the complex relief and bedrock assemblage of the area, enable the formation of great diversity of fens and bogs, covering from mediumsized to small areas. Here we present a phytosociological study of these vegetation units, and especially of those found in the complex systems, where ombrogenous, topogenous, soligenous and limnogenous mires may occur. We obtained field relevés according to the Braun-Blanquet approach, and recorded various associated environmental parameters (pH and conductivity of the soil water, depth of the phreatic water table, peat thickness), as well as topographic descriptors. By means of 144 relevés we discuss 22 associations (one of these split in 4 subassociations), from which 2 are new descriptions and 8 are firstly documented from the Pyrenees. Most of the associations treated are included in the vegetation class Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae (fens), whereas few are referred to the Oxycocco-Sphagnetea ombrogenic bogs or to the neighbouring lacustrine alliances Magnocaricion, Phragmition and Scorpidio-Utricularion minoris. We discuss the diversity of the Oxycocco-Sphagnetea bog hummocks, and the occurrence of the Caricion lasiocarpae floating carpets, which are the sole Scheuchzerietalia representation in Catalonia. Other novelties are the reinterpretation of the Scirpus cespitosus communities, and the new name Vaccinio microphylli-Sphagnetum capillifolii, which properly refers to the Calluno- Sphagnetum subnitentis Casanovas 1992 (nom. inval.). As a general conclusion, we point out the singularity of the Aran valley, referred to the diversity and particularity of the fen and bog communities found. Moreover, these communities are combined into particular systems according to hydrologic aspects, which are especially diverse and outstanding at Bassa Nera, Planhòla d’Aiguamòg and Plan de Tor

    Flora del Massís de la Fembra Morta

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    Aquest treball va guanyar "ex-aequo" el VI Premi Jaume Caresmar i Alemany, atorgat l'any 1998 i convocat conjuntament per l'Ajuntament d'Igualada i el Centre d'Estudis Comarcals d'Igualad

    Noves aportacions a la flora de les comarques meridionals de Catalunya

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    Es comenten un total de 89 tàxons. Arabis nova Vill. subsp. iberica Rivas Mart. ex Talavera, Cistus × nigricans Pourr. i Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth. constitueixen novetats per a la flora de Catalunya, i 15 tàxons (Allium oporinanthum Brullo & al., Apera interrupta (L.) Beauv., Asplenium trichomanes L. subsp. trichomanes, Campanula affinis Schult., Carex sylvatica Huds. subsp. paui (Sennen) A. & O. Bolòs, Epilobium angustifolium L., Limonium hibericum Erben, Melilotus messanensis (L.) All, Minuartia funkii (Jord.) Graebner, Onosma tricerosperma subsp. catalaunica (Sennen) O. Bolòs & Vigo, Orchis palustris Jacq., Orchis simia Lam., Selaginella denticulata (L.) Spring, Stellaria neglecta Weihle in Bluff & Fingerh. i Vaccinium myrtillus L. suposen novetats per a les comarques meridionals de CatalunyaData about 89 taxa are presented. Arabis nova Vill. subsp. iberica Rivas Mart. ex Talavera, Cistus × nigricans Pourr. and Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth. are new records for the Catalan flora, and 15 taxa (Allium oporinanthum Brullo & al., Apera interrupta (L.) Beauv., Asplenium trichomanes L. subsp. trichomanes, Campanula affinis Schult., Carex sylvatica Huds. subsp. paui (Sennen) A. & O. Bolòs, Epilobium angustifolium L., Limonium hibericum Erben, Melilotus messanensis (L.) All., Minuartia funkii (Jord.) Graebner, Onosma triceros-perma subsp. catalaunica (Sennen) O. Bolòs & Vigo, Orchis palustris Jacq., Orchis simia Lam., Selaginella denticulata (L.) Spring, Stellaria neglecta Weihle in Bluff & Fingerh. and Vaccinium myrtillus L. are new records for Southern Cataloni

    Additions to the flora of the central Pyrenees (II)

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    En aquest treball aportem noves dades de 58 plantes vasculars trobades, principalment, al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici o en àrees properes (des de la Vall d’Aran fins a Andorra). De cadascuna, en donem les localitats on l’hem observada i en valorem l’interès fitogeogràfic, tenint en compte el coneixement actual de la flora pirinenca. Festuca alpina Suter subsp. riverae Chas, Kerguélen & Plonka i Trisetum spicatum (L. ) K. Richt. subsp. ovatipaniculatum Hultén ex Jonsell representen novetats per a la flora de Catalunya, alhora que es confirma la presència de Lathyrus bauhinii Genty i Trisetum baregense Laffite & Miégeville, plantes citades d’antic. La resta de citacions corresponen a plantes rares o poc citades en aquest territori o al conjunt de Catalunya.Here we report new data concerning 58 rare plants, mainly recorded in the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park or in neighbouring areas (from Vall d’Aran to Andorra). For each taxon, we discuss the phytogeographic interest of the new locations given, according to the present knowledge of the Pyrenean flora. Festuca alpina Suter subsp. riverae Chas, Kerguélen & Plonka and Trisetum spicatum (L. ) K. Richt. subsp. ovatipan iculatum Hultén ex Jonsell become novelties for the Catalan flora, and we confirm the presence of Lathyrus bauhinii Genty and Trisetum baregense Laffite & Miégeville. In other cases, the new data improve the distributional knowledge of rare plants in the above-mentioned area or in Catalonia

    Seed production and dispersal limit treeline advance in the Pyrenees

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    Aims Pinus uncinata is the major treeline‐forming species in the Pyrenees. Yet, the role of its reproduction and dispersal as drivers of treeline dynamics remains unknown. Here we quantify seed production, dispersal and germination changes along the elevation gradient to assess whether they may constrain the foreseen treeline advance in the Pyrenees. Location Central Pyrenees, Catalonia, NE Spain. Methods We established four plots along an elevation gradient from the closed subalpine forest to the krummholz zone at five study sites. In each plot, we collected cones from five to six trees, measured their length, and triggered their opening in the laboratory to count the number of empty seeds and the number and weight of full seeds. We used the collected seeds in a germination experiment under controlled conditions in growth chambers. Additionally, we installed seed traps along the forest-alpine grassland transition to measure seed rain for three consecutive years in three of the study sites. Results The number of full seeds per cone decreased along the elevation gradient and was correlated with cone length. However, the proportion of full seeds per cone and their weight did not differ between elevation positions. Seed rain decreased drastically with elevation and no seeds arrived into the alpine grassland traps consistently across study years. Although germination success did not significantly differ between elevation provenances (i.e., elevation position of origin), we found significant differences in germination dynamics between study sites and between elevation provenances within sites. Conclusions Our results indicate that whereas the viability of Pinus uncinata seeds is not limited by elevation, seed production and dispersal are constraining the ongoing rates of treeline advance in the Pyrenee