244 research outputs found

    Contribution of Bacterial Infection to Male Infertility in Nigerians

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    There is disagreement as to the influence of certain microbial infection on male infertility and such agents are ignored. The incidence of these microbial agents in seminal fluid isolates is on the increase. This study therefore evaluates the prevalence of male factor infertility and contribution of microbial infection to male infertility in Kano, northern Nigeria. Seminal fluid analysis in five hundred males who were investigated for infertility was evaluated using the 5th generation SQ AII C-P sperm quality analyzer and the Neubaeur counting chamber. The result indicates that 58.2% had sperm density less than twenty million per millilitre. The oligospermic subjects (sperm density 2-19 millions/ml) were 27.6%, severe oligospermic (sperm density less than 2 million) 13.2% and azoospermia, 17.4%. Asthenospermia (motility less than 50%) decrease from 44.8% in oligospermia to 24.0% in severe oligospermia. Teratospermia (abnormal morphology greater than 50%) also deteriorated from 46.3% to 35.4% in oligospermic and severe oligospermic males respectively. Seminal fluid infection increases with decreasing sperm density, motility and morphology. The prevalence of abnormal sperm indices and bacterial infection is high and Staphylococcus aureus infection should be treated and no longer ignored in the management of male factor infertility

    Impact Of Hepatitis C Co-Infection On CD4 Cell Count In HIV Infected Subjects

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    Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-infection is reported to be common among HIV infected subjects due to share routes of transmission. The fact that HCV infection may act as cofactor for HIV disease progression has been suggested.\ud Objective: To determine if HCV and HIV co-infection affect the immunocompetence (CD4) of the infected subjects and response to Highly Active Anti Retroviral therapy.\ud Subjects and methods: Fifty HIV/HCV co-infected and fifty HIV monoinfected adults were retrospectively studied. Their baseline CD4 cell counts were done using Dynal beads technique before commencement of HAART and repeated after six months.\ud Results: The CD4 cell counts of co-infected subjects were lower than the mono-infected subjects. Sixty eight percent of the co-infected subjects had CD4 cell count less than 200cells/uL, and they responded poorly to HAART therapy than the mono-infected subjects (P<0.05). Those with CD4 cell count greater than 200cells/uL responded better to treatment than those with CD4 cell count less than 200cells/uL (P<0.001)\ud Conclusion: HCV/HIV co-infection affects the immunocompetence of the patients and HCV may acts as cofactor for HIV disease progression. It is needful to screen all HIV positive subjects for HCV antibody as this will improve their clinical management and outcome

    Male infertility in Nigeria: A neglected reproductive health issue requiring attention

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    Even though infertility is not lethal, it has been described as a radical life changing problem that carries with it significant psychological trauma. Male factor infertility is responsible for about 40–50% of all infertility cases. Despite its high prevalence in Nigeria, not much effort has been made at tackling the problem. The impact of male factor infertility is likely to increase if adequate measures are not taken. This paper reviews the main factors that are responsible for the problem and also highlights the need to focus on prevention and management; how those affected could be assisted by government, agencies and the private sector. Internet search of studies on male infertility was done, and those relevant for this study were reviewed. The major causes of infertility in Nigeria are sexually transmitted infections and hormonal abnormalities. Effort should be made in arriving at a proper diagnosis, and adequate treatment given where causes are treatable. Otherwise the patients should be adequately counseled. In irreversible cases, assisted reproductive techniques may be suggested. This procedure as at now is beyond the reach of the average Nigerian citizen. Centers, where such facilities are available, may be subsidized by the government to reduce the cost.KEY WORDS: Adoption, assisted reproductive techniques, bacterial infection, erectile dysfunction, hormonal abnormalities, male infertilit

    Anatomical distribution and biochemical composition of urolithiasis in Kano, northern Nigeria

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    Urinary lithiasis disorder is one of the oldest disorders known to man yet the anatomic locations of urolithiasis and the chemical compositions vary from one geographic location to another. This study therefore analyzed the anatomic location of urolithiasis and their chemical composition in a sudano-sahelian tropical region. All Urolithiasis extracted from or passed by patients attending Murtala Mohammed Specialist Hospital, Abubakar Imam Urology centre and Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital within the period of four years (2000-2003) were collected, their anatomic locations documented, and analyzed for chemical composition by chemical method. Urolithiasis occur in males six fold more than in females. On the whole the lower urinary stones consisted of 55.7%, while the upper urinary stone was 44.3% of the total urolithiasis extracted (p&gt;0.05). The most frequent anatomic site for all urolithiasis is the urinary bladder (38.6%) followed by ureteric lithiasis (21.4%). Renal stone is more frequent than stones excreted in the urine, 17.1% and 16% respectively. Both urethral and gall gladder lithiasis presented with equal frequency of 8%. Calcium was present in 86.2% of the stones analyzed. Urate and magnesium were not components of all the urethral lithiasis analyzed. Urolithiasis was rare over the age of 65years. Frequency of composite analytes in the stones is presented. The lower urinary calculi were commonest in this centre than the upper urinary calculi and the chemical composition of urological calculi is similar to those reported in other parts of Nigeria.Keywords: Urinary lithiasis, biochemical composition and distribution, calculi and stone formation

    Serum Calcium Level is Associated with Lipids in Young Nigerian Women Using Low‑Dose Oral Contraceptive Pills

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    Background: The formulation of low‑dose oral contraceptive pill (OCP) has not been able to completely eliminate the cardiovascular risks associated with its use. Studies have associated serum calcium with metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure and lipids in the general population. Aim: To examine the association of serum total calcium with lipids levels and blood pressure in young Nigerian women who use OCP. Subjects and Methods: Fasting serum triglyceride, total cholesterol, high‑density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL‑c), low‑density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL‑c), very low‑density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL‑c), total lipids and total calcium were assayed in 160 young women (110 OCP users and 50 controls) using colorimetric methods. Body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure were also measured. Results: Serum triglyceride (1.19(0.01) vs 0.94(0.02), total cholesterol (4.08(0.06) vs 3.52 (0.05), LDL‑c (1.79(0.04) vs 1.24 (0.02), VLDL‑c (0.25(0.02) vs 0.18(0.03), total lipids (7.55(0.2) vs 6.26(0.2), total calcium (2.25(0.01) vs 2.06(0.03), systolic (108.9(0.9) vs 103.1(0.9) and diastolic (67.7(0.7) vs 65.0(0.5) blood pressures were significantly higher (P &lt; 0.001) in OCP users than non‑users. Conversely, HDL‑c levels in OCP users were lower (1.77(0.08) vs 1.84(0.02); P = 0.30) compared with non‑users. Serum calcium positively correlated with blood pressure and lipid parameters except HDL‑c in women OCP users. Women on OCP who had lower serum total calcium levels had statistically significant lower lipid parameters while those women on OCP who had higher serum calcium levels had significantly higher lipid parameters. The BMI of both study population and control was not significantly different. Conclusion: Low‑dose OCPs induce increased levels of serum lipids, calcium and blood pressures. Serum total calcium level was positively associated with blood pressure, measured lipid parameters except HDL‑c in women on OCP. These data suggest that serum calcium may have some influences on lipids and blood pressure in subjects who use OCP irrespective of their BMI. Keywords: Blood pressure, oral contraceptive pill, serum total calcium, total lipids and lipoprotein

    Association between a marker of sperm DNA damage and sperm indices in infertile males in Benin City, Nigeria: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Studies have shown oxidative DNA damage is associated with male infertility. Objective: This study determines the levels of 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and some markers of oxidative stress in seminal fluid of males investigated for infertility and men of proven fertility in Benin City, Nigeria. Materials and Methods: Semen samples produced by self or assisted masturbation were analyzed by microscopic technique according to the World Health Organization guidelines. Thereafter, samples were centrifuged and seminal fluid plasma separated and stored at -20°C prior to assay for 8-OHdG and oxidative stress biomarkers. Based on the sperm concentration/count, the overall samples were grouped into the following categories: normospermia (n = 20), oligozoospermia (n = 30), and azoospermia (n = 20). The control group comprised of 30 age-matched males of proven fertility. The seminal fluid 8-OHdG, total antioxidant status, superoxide dismutase and malondialdehyde (MDA) were assayed through ELISA and spectrophotometric methods, respectively. Results: Seminal plasma level of 8-OHdG and MDA were significantly higher (p = 0.01) in infertile subjects than controls. The mean levels of 8-OHdG and MDA in infertile subjects were higher in azoospermia than oligospermia than normospermia and so, was least in the normospermia. Conversely, the mean levels of total antioxidant status and superoxide dismutase were significantly lower (p = 0.01) in infertile than fertile the control male subjects with levels higher in normospermia than oligospermia and least in azoospermia. Moreover, the seminal 8-OHdG correlated negatively with sperm count (r = -0.359, p = 0.01), percent motility (r = -0.388, p = 0.04), and percent morphology (r = -0.327, p = 0.02). Conclusion: The assessment of sperm DNA damage in addition to routine seminal fluid analysis may play an important role in specific diagnosis and management of male infertility. Key words: Male, Semen, Antioxidants, Sperm count, DNA damage

    Association of CD4 cell count and antiretroviral therapy antibody production in Human Immunodeficiency virus seropositive subjects on antiretroviral drugs in Benin City, Nigeria.

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    Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is widely used and subjects on ART were reported to develop antibodies against these drugs when used as monotherapy. The aim of this study was to determine the proportion of HIV-sero positive subjects on antiretroviral therapy who developed antibodies to the drugs used as combination therapy and to associate the presence of antibodies to CD4 cell count which is a marker of disease progression. A total of 300 subjects were randomly selected for the study, consisting of 100 HIV-sero positive subjects already on ART, 100 newly diagnosed HIV-sero positive ART- naive subjects and 100 HIV-sero negative individuals who were monitored as controls. CD4 cell count and complete blood count were assayed using BD FASCOUNT CD3/CD4 and Sysmex KX-21N autoanalyzer respectively. Antigen-Antibody agglutination technique was used to detect antibodies produced against antiretroviral drugs in HIV -sero positive subjects on ART. The results showed that antibodies to antiretroviral drugs (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/lamivudine Efavirenz + lamivudine/ nevirapine/zidovudine combination) were detected in 33(33%) out of the 100 HIV-sero positive subjects on ART studied. Significantly higher CD4 cell count (p&lt;0.001), PCV (p&lt;0.001) and white blood cell count (p&lt;0.001) were recorded among control group than HIV positive subjects whether they in 33(33%) out of the 100 HIV- sero positive subjects on ART combination studied.&nbsp; The use of combination therapy has led to a smaller number of subjects on ART who developed antibody as against a higher percentage on monotherapy that was previously reported. Significantly lower level of platelet was observed among HIV-sero positive subjects who developed ART antibodies.&nbsp

    Seminal Caspase 3, Cytochrome C and Total Atioxidant capacity in Nigerian male subjects undergoing infertility evaluation

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    Male factor infertility may be responsible for about half of cases of infertility. This study evaluated the activities of caspase 3, cytochrome c and total antioxidant capacity in normospermic males investigated for infertility. Seminal plasma cytochrome c, caspases3 and total antioxidant capacity were determined by Enzyme linked Immunosorbent assay technique. Sixty (60) infertile males aged 39.6±0.28 and 30 males aged 38.9±0.52 with proven fertility were enrolled. The activities of cytochrome c (p&lt;0.002) and caspase 3 (p&lt;0.01) were significantly higher in infertile but normospermic than controls. There was however no significant different in the level of total antioxidant capacity between the groups. The levels of cytochrome c (p&lt;0.001) and caspase 3 (p&lt;0.02) were significantly higher in the subjects with primary infertility than secondary infertility. Cytochrome c and caspase 3 correlated negatively with sperm morphology in normospermic infertile males. Seminal fluid caspase 3 and cytochrome c activities were higher in normospermic but infertile males than control subjects. The implication of these findings on fertility potential of the male subjects is discussed.Keywords: Seminal caspase 3, cytochrome c, infertility, normospermia and total antioxidant capacityAfr. J. Biomed. Res. Vol. 22 (January, 2019); 59- 6

    Sickle Cell Disease and Renal Disease

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    Association of Oxidative Stress Markers with Atherogenic Index of Plasma in Adult Sickle Cell Nephropathy

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    This paper evaluates the association of oxidative stress and atherogenic index of plasma in order to assess the cardiovascular risk in Sickle cell nephropathy especially as lipoprotein levels are lower in SCD than non-SCD patients. Antioxidant enzymes, malondialdehyde(MDA), urea, creatinine, and glomerular filtration rate were evaluated in 110 confirmed sickle cell disease patients: 65 males in steady state, aged 21.1 ± 6.0 years, 30 males with macroalbuminuria, aged 24.5 ± 7.0, years and 15 with chronic kidney disease (CKD), aged 31.8 ± 2.0 years. The mean activity levels of glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (Cu/ZnSOD), and catalase (CAT) were significantly lower (P < 0.001) in SCD with macroalbuminuria and CKD while MDA was higher (P < 0.001) in SCD with macroalbuminuria and CKD compared with controls. There was negative correlation between GPx (P < 0.001), Cu/ZnSOD (P < 0.02), and Atherogenic index of plasma in SCD with CKD, while MDA shows a positive correlation (P < 0.001) with AIP in SCD with CKD. There was however no correlation between CAT and AIP. Decreased activity levels of antioxidant enzymes and low HDL-cholesterol concentration were confirmed in adult SCD with CKD in Nigerians. The increase oxidative stress and high atherogenic index in CKD may accelerate the process of cardiovascular complications in adult SCD patients. Atherogenic index of plasma was negatively correlated with antioxidant enzymes and positively with MDA
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