619 research outputs found

    Phase-field-crystal model for liquid crystals

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    Based on static and dynamical density functional theory, a phase-field-crystal model is derived which involves both the translational density and the orientational degree of ordering as well as a local director field. The model exhibits stable isotropic, nematic, smectic A, columnar, plastic crystalline and orientationally ordered crystalline phases. As far as the dynamics is concerned, the translational density is a conserved order parameter while the orientational ordering is non-conserved. The derived phase-field-crystal model can serve for efficient numerical investigations of various nonequilibrium situations in liquid crystals

    Innovative Families Of Double-Layer Tensegrity Grids: Quastruts and Sixstruts

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    Double-layer tensegrity grids (DLTG) are spatial reticulated systems based on tensegrity principles, which have been studied in detail over recent years. The most important investigations have been carried out focusing on a short list of tensegrity grids. This paper explains with real examples how to use Rot-Umbela Manipulations, a unique technique developed for generating innovative typologies of tensegrity structures. It is applied to two already existing tensegrity grids in order to obtain two new DLTGs. Their analysis permits us to identify, inside these novel grids, the modules that compose them which were unknown until now. A brief description of these components is provided, as well as some information about their static analysis, e.g. states of self-stress and internal mechanisms. These novel modules belong to a family, all of them with similar characteristics in terms of geometry and topology, and can be used to generate a wide catalogue of DLTGs. Some examples of new grids are presented, describing the methodology on how to obtain many more models for other designers interested in creating and studying innovative DLTGs

    Excitations of attractive 1-D bosons: Binding vs. fermionization

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    The stationary states of few bosons in a one-dimensional harmonic trap are investigated throughout the crossover from weak to strongly attractive interactions. For sufficient attraction, three different classes of states emerge: (i) N-body bound states, (ii) bound states of smaller fragments, and (iii) gas-like states that fermionize, that is, map to ideal fermions in the limit of infinite attraction. The two-body correlations and momentum spectra characteristic of the three classes are discussed, and the results are illustrated using the soluble two-particle model.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Phase-field-crystal models for condensed matter dynamics on atomic length and diffusive time scales: an overview

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    Here, we review the basic concepts and applications of the phase-field-crystal (PFC) method, which is one of the latest simulation methodologies in materials science for problems, where atomic- and microscales are tightly coupled. The PFC method operates on atomic length and diffusive time scales, and thus constitutes a computationally efficient alternative to molecular simulation methods. Its intense development in materials science started fairly recently following the work by Elder et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002), p. 245701]. Since these initial studies, dynamical density functional theory and thermodynamic concepts have been linked to the PFC approach to serve as further theoretical fundaments for the latter. In this review, we summarize these methodological development steps as well as the most important applications of the PFC method with a special focus on the interaction of development steps taken in hard and soft matter physics, respectively. Doing so, we hope to present today's state of the art in PFC modelling as well as the potential, which might still arise from this method in physics and materials science in the nearby future.Comment: 95 pages, 48 figure

    Binding between two-component bosons in one dimension

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    We investigate the ground state of one-dimensional few-atom Bose-Bose mixtures under harmonic confinement throughout the crossover from weak to strong inter-species attraction. The calculations are based on the numerically exact multi-configurational time-dependent Hartree method. For repulsive components we detail the condition for the formation of a molecular Tonks-Girardeau gas in the regime of intermediate inter-species interactions, and the formation of a molecular condensate for stronger coupling. Beyond a critical inter-species attraction, the system collapses to an overall bound state. Different pathways emerge for unequal particle numbers and intra-species interactions. In particular, for mixtures with one attractive component, this species can be viewed as an effective potential dimple in the trap center for the other, repulsive component.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    The reaction 2H(p,pp)n in three kinematical configurations at E_p = 16 MeV

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    We measured the cross sections of the 2^2H(p,pp)n breakup reaction at Ep_p=16 MeV in three kinematical configurations: the np final-state interaction (FSI), the co-planar star (CST), and an intermediate-star (IST) geometry. The cross sections are compared with theoretical predictions based on the CD Bonn potential alone and combined with the updated 2π\pi-exchange Tucson-Melbourne three-nucleon force (TM99'), calculated without inclusion of the Coulomb interaction. The resulting excellent agreement between data and pure CD Bonn predictions in the FSI testifies to the smallness of three-nucleon force (3NF) effects as well as the insignificance of the Coulomb force for this particular configuration and energy. The CST also agrees well whereas the IST results show small deviations between measurements and theory seen before in the pd breakup space-star geometries which point to possible Coulomb effects. An additional comparison with EFT predictions (without 3NF) up to order N3^3LO shows excellent agreement in the FSI case and a rather similar agreement as for CD Bonn in the CST and IST situations.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Complex networks embedded in space: Dimension and scaling relations between mass, topological distance and Euclidean distance

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    Many real networks are embedded in space, where in some of them the links length decay as a power law distribution with distance. Indications that such systems can be characterized by the concept of dimension were found recently. Here, we present further support for this claim, based on extensive numerical simulations for model networks embedded on lattices of dimensions de=1d_e=1 and de=2d_e=2. We evaluate the dimension dd from the power law scaling of (a) the mass of the network with the Euclidean radius rr and (b) the probability of return to the origin with the distance rr travelled by the random walker. Both approaches yield the same dimension. For networks with δ<de\delta < d_e, dd is infinity, while for δ>2de\delta > 2d_e, dd obtains the value of the embedding dimension ded_e. In the intermediate regime of interest deδ<2ded_e \leq \delta < 2 d_e, our numerical results suggest that dd decreases continously from d=d = \infty to ded_e, with dde(δde)1d - d_e \sim (\delta - d_e)^{-1} for δ\delta close to ded_e. Finally, we discuss the scaling of the mass MM and the Euclidean distance rr with the topological distance \ell. Our results suggest that in the intermediate regime deδ<2ded_e \leq \delta < 2 d_e, M()M(\ell) and r()r(\ell) do not increase with \ell as a power law but with a stretched exponential, M()exp[Aδ(2δ)]M(\ell) \sim \exp [A \ell^{\delta' (2 - \delta')}] and r()exp[Bδ(2δ)]r(\ell) \sim \exp [B \ell^{\delta' (2 - \delta')}], where δ=δ/de\delta' = \delta/d_e. The parameters AA and BB are related to dd by d=A/Bd = A/B, such that M()r()dM(\ell) \sim r(\ell)^d. For δ<de\delta < d_e, MM increases exponentially with \ell, as known for δ=0\delta=0, while rr is constant and independent of \ell. For δ2de\delta \geq 2d_e, we find power law scaling, M()dM(\ell) \sim \ell^{d_\ell} and r()1/dminr(\ell) \sim \ell^{1/d_{min}}, with ddmin=dd_\ell \cdot d_{min} = d.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure

    An Exactly Solvable Two-Way Traffic Model With Ordered Sequential Update

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    Within the formalism of matrix product ansatz, we study a two-species asymmetric exclusion process with backward and forward site-ordered sequential update. This model, which was originally introduced with the random sequential update, describes a two-way traffic flow with a dynamic impurity and shows a phase transition between the free flow and traffic jam. We investigate the characteristics of this jamming and examine similarities and differences between our results and those with random sequential update.Comment: 25 pages, Revtex, 7 ps file