2,323 research outputs found

    Anisotropic Assembly of Colloidal Nanoparticles: Exploiting Substrate Crystallinity

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    We show that the crystal structure of a substrate can be exploited to drive the anisotropic assembly of colloidal nanoparticles. Pentanethiol-passivated Au particles of approximately 2 nm diameter deposited from toluene onto hydrogen-passivated Si(111) surfaces form linear assemblies (rods) with a narrow width distribution. The rod orientations mirror the substrate symmetry, with a high degree of alignment along principal crystallographic axes of the Si(111) surface. There is a strong preference for anisotropic growth with rod widths substantially more tightly distributed than lengths. Entropic trapping of nanoparticles provides a plausible explanation for the formation of the anisotropic assemblies we observe

    Exploiting technological synergies for future launch vehicles

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    Two launch vehicle concepts based on technologies available today or in a short term future in Western Europe are presented. The design of both launchers has the goal of exploiting synergies with current European programs to limit development and operational costs. Technologies of particular interest here are the high performance solid rocket motors with carbon-epoxy filament wound monolithic motor cases and the future high performance cryogenic expander cycle engine Vinci. The first concept dubbed ANGELA (A New GEneration LAuncher) is a study financed with funds of the German Ministry of Economics and managed by the DLR Space Administration. The project, which started in the summer of 2012 aims at designing a low cost versatile launcher able to place payloads between 2 and 5 tons into GTO. Three architectures have been considered during the first phase of the study. This phase was concluded in March 2013 with the preliminary stagings, which will be the starting point of more detailed analyses. The first architecture is made out of an H110 (stage with 110 tons of LOx/LH2) equipped with two Vulcain 2 engines with shortened nozzles and an H29 propelled by a Vinci engine. In addition the variation of the number of P36 solid rocket boosters allow to reach the entire range of payload performance. The second architecture differs from the first one only by the use of a new staged-combustion engine instead of two Vulcain 2 engines. The new engine, which should deliver 1800 kN in vacuum, allows a reduction of the size of the stages to H90-H24, enhanced with P34 boosters. The third and last architecture is a so called Multi PPH. The first stage is a bundle of 2 or 3 P120 solid rocket motors. The second stage is made out of one single P120, strictly similar to those used for the first stage. Finally the upper stage is an H23 equipped with a Vinci engine, the same as the two other architectures. The second launcher concept described in this paper is the small TSTO launch vehicle. It consists of a large solid rocket motor first stage P175 and a cryogenic upper stage propelled by the Vinci engine, H26. The preliminary design performed at DLR-SART considers two target performances. The light version of the small TSTO shall perform Galileo satellite replacement single launch missions to MTO corresponding to a payload performance of about 1400 kg in GTO. A heavy version of the launch vehicle shall be able to launch payloads up to 3000 kg in GTO. The performance increase for the heavy version is made possible by the addition of two pairs of P23 boosters, the second pair being ignited with a delay

    Propuesta de Plan estratégico de mercadotecnia con enfoque de innovación y emprendedurismo en la microempresa “Librería La Económica”, ubicada en el municipio de Jinotepe, departamento de Carazo, durante el II semestre del año 2016

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    El presente documento constituye una Propuesta de Plan Estratégico de Mercadeo con enfoque de Innovación y Emprendedurismo en la microempresa “Librería La Económica”, ubicada en el municipio de Jinotepe, departamento de Carazo, durante el II semestre del año 2016 dedicado a la venta de materiales y útiles escolares, fotocopias, impresiones. En los aspectos mercadológicos se presenta descripción y diseño del producto, así como sus características innovadoras, información, gustos y necesidades, variables macro y microeconómica, estos datos se tomaron en cuenta para el diseño del mismo por medio del estudio de mercado realizado a los clientes futuros el cual nos permitió realizar un análisis exhaustivo tanto en el comportamiento de la demanda, sus factores determinantes, distribución y determinación de la misma, así como del comportamiento de la oferta del mercado, distribución, entre otros; de tal forma que se realizó un cálculo detallado de la demanda insatisfecha, que fue relevante en el plan productivo. Este plan incorpora el diseño de las estrategias mercadológicas para la impulsión del producto en el mercado, de modo que permita su posicionamiento. Se diseñó normativas y manual de funciones para el personal de producción de manera que se garantice la calidad en el producto y la eficacia en la elaboración de los mismos. Se especifican las maquinarias y equipos a utilizar en la elaboración del producto mediante una ficha técnica que garantiza una adecuada descripción de estas, así como su costo respectivo y el método de depreciación a utilizar de acuerdo con la ley de equidad fiscal. El control estratégico que se empleará en la empresa estará contemplado en cada una de las áreas funcionales y su vez se utilizará un control preliminar, concurrente y de retroalimentación para la parte productiva, mercadeo y finanzas con el objetivo de evaluar eficientemente el cumplimiento de las actividades y lograr que se ajusten a lo planificado en cada etapa prevista

    Optimal care and design of the tracheal cuff in the critically ill patient

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    Despite the increasing use of non-invasive ventilation and high-flow nasal-oxygen therapy, intubation is still performed in a large proportion of critically ill patients. The aim of this narrative review is to discuss recent data on long-term intubation-related complications, such as microaspiration, and tracheal ischemic lesions. These complications are common in critically ill patients, and are associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. Recent data suggest beneficial effects of tapered cuffed tracheal tubes in reducing aspiration. However, clinical data are needed in critically ill patients to confirm this hypothesis. Polyurethane-cuffed tracheal tubes and continuous control of cuff pressure could be beneficial in preventing microaspiration and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). However, large multicenter studies are needed before recommending their routine use. Cuff pressure should be maintained between 20 and 30 cmH(2)O to prevent intubation-related complications. Tracheal ischemia could be prevented by manual or continuous control of cuff pressure

    “Encores me frissonne et tremble le cœur dedans sa capsule”:Rabelais’s anatomy of emotion and the soul

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    This article examines the role of anatomical references in the representation of emotion and argues that they constitute textual markers of the Rabelaisian view of the relationship between the body and the soul, and the nature of the soul itself. By analyzing the ancient models of natural philosophy and medicine on which Rabelais draws—Galen, in particular—and by contextualizing Rabelais’s thinking within contemporary debates on the faculties of the soul, the article aims to shed light on his representation of the intersection between material and immaterial processes within the human body. Instead of trying to reconcile potentially contradictory aspects of these ancient models with the Christian faith, Rabelais’s prose is informed by an intuitive understanding of ancient philosophy. His exploitation of the Galenic concept of the animal spirits gives us invaluable insights into the influence of materialist representations of the soul on Rabelais’s thinking.Cet article étudie le rôle des références anatomiques dans la représentation rabelaisienne de l’émotion et propose d’y voir les marqueurs textuels de la façon dont Rabelais conçoit les rapports entre l’âme et le corps, et la nature de l’âme elle-même. En analysant les modèles anciens de la philosophie naturelle et de la médecine — Galien en particulier — dont Rabelais s’inspire et en situant sa pensée dans le contexte des débats contemporains sur les facultés de l’âme, l’article vise à éclairer la façon dont Rabelais représente l’intersection à l’intérieur du corps humain des processus matériels et immatériels. Sans chercher à réconcilier avec la foi chrétienne certains aspects de ces anciens modèles qui peuvent être en contradiction avec elle, la prose rabelaisienne porte la marque d’une compréhension intuitive de la philosophie ancienne. En particulier, l’exploitation de la conception galénique des esprits animaux donne de précieux aperçus concernant l’influence des représentations matérialistes de l’âme sur la pensée de Rabelais

    La construction de l’exemplarité historique de Guillaume du Bellay, seigneur de Langey, dans les textes des XVIe et XVIIe siècles

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    Guillaume du Bellay, seigneur de Langey, est entré dans l’histoire de la Renaissance par les liens exceptionnels qu’il a entretenus avec deux des personnages les plus marquants de la première moitié du XVIe siècle en France, François Ier, dont il fut l’un des plus proches serviteurs, et François Rabelais, qui fut son médecin et qui bénéficia, comme nombre d’humanistes de son époque, de la protection et des largesses de ce grand mécène. Si c’est bien dans les écrits et les éloges des humanistes contemporains qu’a débuté la construction de l’exemplarité historique du personnage, celle-ci dépasse très largement le cadre de cette reconnaissance émue. De son vivant même, c’est la singularité historique du personnage qui nourrit cette exemplarité, celle d’un homme de guerre et de Cour qui s’est aussi brillamment illustré dans les lettres, notamment dans le projet d’une grande œuvre historique, exemple unique d’un accomplissement que les humanistes ne pouvaient alors qu’appeler de leurs vœux. De même, sa mort prématurée sera représentée comme un bouleversement cosmique, qui bouscule l’ordre du temps et de l’histoire – une histoire vue désormais comme évidée de sa présence singulière –, signe manifeste de la force de l’investissement historique et symbolique du personnage par ses contemporains.Guillaume du Bellay, Lord of Langey, left his mark on French Renaissance history through the exceptional relationships he cultivated with two of the most remarkable men of his time: Francis I, whom he served as general and diplomat, and François Rabelais, who was his private physician, and who, like many of his fellow humanists, benefited from the protection and generosity of this great benefactor. While Du Bellay’s historical exemplarity clearly finds its roots in his writing and his praising of contemporary humanists, the scope of his exemplarity goes far beyond the heartfelt gratitude felt by many poets and prose writers at the time. During his own lifetime, Guillaume du Bellay’s historical singularity defined him, as both a highly successful diplomat and general and an accomplished man of letters, particularly in his project to write a great historical work, a unique example of what the humanists were calling for. In the same way, his premature death was construed as a cosmic event that upset the course of time and history, to such an extent that historical events that followed his death were represented through the lens of his absence which is a clear sign of the historic and symbolic esteem his contemporaries had for him

    L’utopie de Thomas More à Rabelais : sources antiques et réécritures

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    Parmi les philosophes antiques qui se sont intéressés à la question de la meilleure communauté politique, Platon et Aristote constituent les sources essentielles de l’Utopie de More, publiée en 1516. La forme du dialogue philosophique au livre I ou du traité de philosophie politique au livre II se lisent en filigrane d’un texte profondément original, premier représentant d’un genre littéraire nouveau. Mais si les auteurs antiques examinent de façon abstraite les principes d’organisation et de fonctionnement de la cité idéale, More choisit le mode descriptif d’un discours fictif représentant l’île d’Utopie comme existant réellement, dans un ailleurs défini comme « nul-lieu ». Entre sérieux et ironie, c’est la voix de Lucien que le texte fait entendre, Lucien qui est aussi au cœur de l’intertextualité qui unit l’Utopie à l’œuvre rabelaisienne, et se décline sur le mode d’un humanisme facétieux.Amongst the ancient philosophers who examined the question of the best political community, Plato and Aristotle appear as the essential sources of More’s Utopia, published in 1516. The form of the philosophical dialogue in Book I or that of the political philosophy treatise in Book II implicitly shape this most original text that represents the first example of a new literary genre. But while ancient authors discussed the organisation and running of the ideal city on an abstract level, More chooses to describe Utopia through a fictitious account that presents the island as existing in reality – in an elsewhere defined as “no-place”. Half in earnest, half in jest, More’s Utopia resonates with the voice of Lucian – Lucian who stands at the heart of the intertextual relation that links Rabelais’ works to Utopia, through a consistently playful approach informed by a facetious humanism

    Correction to: Ion microprobe dating of fissure monazite in the Western Alps: insights from the Argentera Massif and the Piemontais and Briançonnais Zones

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    Following publication of the original article (Ricchi et al. 2020), multiple typesetting errors were identified in the article. The updated sections/sentences are given below and the changes have been highlighted in bold typeface