678 research outputs found

    Tracking Federated Queries in the Linked Data

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    Federated query engines allow data consumers to execute queries over the federation of Linked Data (LD). However, as federated queries are decomposed into potentially thousands of subqueries distributed among SPARQL endpoints, data providers do not know federated queries, they only know subqueries they process. Consequently, unlike warehousing approaches, LD data providers have no access to secondary data. In this paper, we propose FETA (FEderated query TrAcking), a query tracking algorithm that infers Basic Graph Patterns (BGPs) processed by a federation from a shared log maintained by data providers. Concurrent execution of thousand subqueries generated by multiple federated query engines makes the query tracking process challenging and uncertain. Experiments with Anapsid show that FETA is able to extract BGPs which, even in a worst case scenario, contain BGPs of original queries

    Personal Linked Data: A Solution to Manage User's Privacy on the Web

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    National audienceWhile using modern applications, personal digital data is spread over hundreds of servers all around the world and users have very poor control over these data. To tackle this issue, based on the semantic Web, we are developing a framework, named Privacy-Lookout, to allow people to be on the lookout for transgressions of their personal data privacy. Concretely, we propose to construct a personal linked data view of individuals to organize and semantically enrich the meta information of their personal data existing in the Web. The mean idea is to allow users to know if the information the Web posses about them respects their privacy principles. This paper introduces the first ideas of such approach

    Poden les infeccions autòctones protegir enfront les infeccions exòtiques?

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    Les espècies, en un hàbitat nou, necessiten trobar un espai lliure on establir-se. Si l'ecosistema té una alta diversitat i tots els nínxols ecològics estan ocupats, l'espècie invasora no tindrà èxit i morirà. Establint una analogia entre els ecosistemes biològics i l'organisme, investigadors de la UAB s'han plantejat si una gran diversitat de simbionts (paràsits i comensals) dins d'un organisme pot dissuadir la infecció per part d'un nou paràsit. Ho han investigat en l'anguila europea, que disposa de paràsits autòctons així com d'un paràsit exòtic, l'Anguillicoloides crassus, introduit degut a una importació massiva d'anguiles asiàtiques infectades als anys 80, i que infecta la vesícula natatòria d'aquest peix.Las especies, en un hábitat nuevo, necesitan encontrar un espacio libre donde establecerse. Si el ecosistema tiene una alta diversidad y todos los nichos ecológicos están ocupados, la especie invasora no tendrá éxito y morirá. Estableciendo una analogía entre los ecosistemas biológicos y el organismo, investigadores de la UAB han planteado si una gran diversidad de simbiontes (parásitos y comensales) dentro de un organismo puede disuadir la infección por parte de un nuevo parásito. Lo han investigado en la anguila europea, que dispone de parásitos autóctonos así como de un parásito exótico, el Anguillicoloides crassus, introducido debido a una importación masiva de anguilas asiáticas infectadas en los años 80, y que infecta la vesícula natatoria de este pez

    Estudien quin factor fóra més probable que causés l'extinció dels isards

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    Investigadors del Servei d'Ecopatologia de Fauna Salvatge (SEFaS) de la UAB han realitzat una aproximació, mitjançant un model estadístic, de les probabilitats que les allaus de neu i diverses malalties infeccioses puguin causar l'extinció dels isards pirinencs. La modelització s'ha fet amb una població hipotètica de 500 isards i considerant el punt d'extinció per sota dels 30 individus. El Border Disease Virus genotip 4 (BDV-4), causant ja d'altes mortalitats en algunes zones dels Pirineus, fóra el que tindria un major impacte sobre la viabilitat de les poblacions d'isards.Investigadores del Servicio de Ecopatología de Fauna Salvaje (SEFaS) de la una aproximación, mediante un modelo estadístico, de las probabilidades de nieve y varias enfermedades infecciosas puedan causar la extinción de los reb modelización se ha realizado con una población hipotética de 500 rebecos y co de extinción por debajo de los 30 individuos. El Border Disease Virus genotipo causado ya altas mortalidades en algunas zonas de los Pirineos, sería el qu impacto sobre la viabilidad de las poblaciones de rebeco

    FETA: Federated QuEry TrAcking for Linked Data

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    International audienceFollowing the principles of Linked Data (LD), data providers are producing thousands of interlinked datasets in multiple domains including life science, government, social networking, media and publications. Federated query engines allow data consumers to query several datasets through a federation of SPARQL endpoints. However, data providers just receive subqueries resulting from the decomposition of the original federated query. Consequently, they do not know how their data are crossed with other datasets of the federation. In this paper, we propose FETA, a Federated quEry TrAcking system for LD. We consider that data providers collaborate by sharing their query logs. Then, from a fed-erated log, FETA infers Basic Graph Patterns (BGPs) containing joined triple patterns, executed among endpoints. We experimented FETA with logs produced by FedBench queries executed with Anapsid and FedX federated query engines. Experiments show that FETA is able to infer BGPs of joined triple patterns with a good precision and recall

    A License-Based Search Engine

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    International audienceThe reuse of licensed resources to produce new ones is very common and encouraged on the Web. But producing resources whose licenses are compliant with all reused resource licenses is not easy. It is necessary to know (1) the set of licenses with which the license of the produced resource is compliant and (2) what are the available resources whose licenses are part of this set. With CaLi, we provide an answer to the first concern. CaLi is a lattice-based model that partially orders licenses in terms of compatibility and compliance. In this demonstration, we illustrate the usability of CaLi through a prototype for the second concern. That is, based on a CaLi ordering of licenses we implement a license-based search engine which can answer questions such as "find licensed resources that can be reused under a given license" or "find licensed resources that can reuse a resource that has a particular license"

    Extracting Basic Graph Patterns from Triple Pattern Fragment Logs

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    The Triple Pattern Fragment (TPF) approach is de-facto a new way to publish Linked Data at low cost and with high server availability. However, data providers hosting TPF servers are not able to analyze the SPARQL queries they execute because they only receive and evaluate queries with one triple pattern. In this paper, we propose LIFT: an algorithm to extract Basic Graph Patterns (BGPs) of executed queries from TPF server logs. Experiments show that LIFT extracts BGPs with good precision and good recall generating limited noise

    Crédito de instituciones públicas municipales y regionales a las microempresas y empresas de la economía solidaria del estado zulia, venezuela periodo 2000-2009

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    Se analiza el financiamiento otorgado por las instituciones públicas municipales y regionales a las microempresas y empresas de la economía solidaria del Estado Zulia, Venezuela. Con información suministrada de las instituciones incluidas en el estudio (y Corpozulia), se examinan las condiciones del financiamiento, la cobertura geográfica de los créditos, las actividades económicas financiadas y la condición sociodemográfica de los beneficiarios. Para ello se utilizó estadística descriptiva, lo que hace que el estudio sea de carácter no experimental. Se concluye que las instituciones antes mencionadas se ajustan a lo que establece la Ley de Microfinanzas en lo relacionado a la cobertura en la extensión territorial del Estado Zulia. En su gran mayoría, los créditos fueron otorgados a mujeres, los jóvenes han sido los menos beneficiados.The goal of this research is to analyze the funding offered by regional and municipal public institutions to the microcompanies and companies of the solidary economy of Zulia state. The information presented has been compiled directly from the institutions included in this study (SAMI y Corpozulia). The financing conditions, the geographic coverage of the credits given, the financed economic activities and the socio-demographic conditions of the beneficiaries are analyzed. The descriptive statistics technique was used for data interpretation. The research is non experimental. Results show that the institutions adjust to the microfinance law, the coverage of the institutions is equal in all the geographic extension in Zulia State, most credits were given to women, and the young people received the least
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