60 research outputs found

    Impact of Climate variability and change on agricultural productivity in the three northern regions of Ghana

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    Agriculture in the three regions of the north is mainly subsistence and rain-fed with very limited irrigation facilities. Traditional approach to agriculture in the region is therefore being threatened by erratic rainfall, high temperature, drought and floods due mainly to a changing climate.  This research, therefore, examines the climate in the Upper West, Upper East and Northern regions and its impacts on agriculture productivity. It began with an extensive desktop study and the collection of rainfall and temperature data from 1961-2010 from the three regions.  The data was analyzed to determine the rainfall and temperature trends and their significance using XLSTAT software and basic statistical tools and subsequently tested with the Modified Mann-Kendal’s test to confirm the increasing or decreasing trends and their significance. The results showed that the climate is changing with an increasing temperature and decreasing rainfall trends across the three regions. The test also confirmed a significant increase in temperature but no trend in rainfall at 95% level of confidence. The change in the climate is also observed to have significant impact on agriculture. The knowledge in the climate variation and change will be relevant to decision and policy makers, farmers, water users, water providers, NGOs and students as a whole. The research was concluded with suggested strategies as policy options to help improve climate change adaptation and agricultural productivity

    Relevance of Competency Based Training in Polytechnic Education for National Development

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    The educational system in Ghana has undergone various forms of transformation over the last few decades. These transformations aim at improving the educational system to produce the right calibre of graduates for national development.  The Ministry of Education in 1987 introduced new educational system which gradually replaced the British-based G.C.E Ordinary and Advanced level systems. In September 2007, the country gave birth to another educational reform which emphasized on Science, Mathematics, Technology and Technical & Vocational Educational Training (TVET). This is to provide employable skills for graduates and help reduce the high rate of unemployment in the country. Over the years, TVET has been limited to the apprenticeship, vocational and technical institutions. Learning at the tertiary level has always been the acquisition of theoretical knowledge with very little hands on training. Industries have no other alternative than to give their employees many weeks of on the job training. Introduction of Competency Based Training (CBT) at the polytechnics which aims at providing graduates with the employable skills is therefore welcoming news and must be cherished and sustained by all. CBT is the acquisition of appropriate knowledge, attitudes, personal traits and skills to efficiently perform work place roles in industry, commerce, management and administration. This paper highlights further the need for CBT in all the Ghanaian polytechnics. It outlines the importance of CBT in polytechnic education, gives overview of the structure of the CBT curriculum, its development and implementation in agricultural engineering, assessment criteria and challenges. It was concluded with some recommendations

    Integration of Biogas Technology into Farming System of the three Northern Regions of Ghana

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    This article takes a look at the possible integration of biogas technology into farming system of the three northern regions of Ghana. The nexus between animal husbandry and crop production is a key to improving agricultural productivity in the study areas. The research involves a thorough study of the farming system in the three northern regions and an extensive review of literature on biogas technology. During the research, it was revealed that the three northern regions which have the largest concentration of livestock hardly use the enormous manure generated by these livestock efficiently to improve the condition of their soils which lack basic nutrients such as Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P) and Potassium (K) needed for high crop yield. Farmers in the regions thus depend largely on chemical fertilizers. The research compares the use of digested slurry and raw manure, nutritional values of different animals’ slurry and outlines the efficiencies of biogas in different equipment. The paper discusses the processes in biogas production as a source of energy in farming communities, outlines the basic farming systems in the three northern regions, the composition and application of biogas and the digested slurry, and summarizes the micro and macro benefits of the biogas technology. It was concluded with some recommendations

    The nuclear chaperones NPM1 and Bag-1L in the regulation of androgen receptor action in prostate cancer cells

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    Die Entstehung und Progression von Prostatakarzinomen sind in hohem Maß von Androgenen abhängig. Ihren Effekt entfalten die männlichen Geschlechtshormone durch die Bindung an den Androgen Rezeptor (AR), einen Liganden-gesteuerten Transkriptionsfaktor. In Abwesenheit von Hormonen befindet sich der inaktive AR in einem Komplex mit molekularen Chaperonen im Cytoplasma. Nach Bindung von Androgenen an den AR dissoziieren die Chaperone und der Rezeptor transloziert in den Nukleus, wo er die Expression von AR-regulierten Genen beeinflusst. Es wurde bisher angenommen, dass die Hauptfunktion der Chaperone darin liegt, die geeignete Konformation des AR zur Bindung von Androgenen zu gewährleisten. Es existieren jedoch auch Chaperone, die vorwiegend im Nukleus lokalisiert sind und die transkriptionelle Aktivität des AR beeinflussen. Die Wirkung, die diese Chaperone auf die AR Aktivität und auf die Krebsentwicklung haben, bleibt jedoch unklar. Zwei nukleare Chaperone, deren Beteiligung an der Regulation der transkriptionellen Aktivität des AR bereits gezeigt wurde, sind Bag-1L und NPM1. Der Mechanismus, der der Regulation durch die beiden Chaperone zu Grunde liegt, ist jedoch unbekannt. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Charakterisierung der beiden nuklearen Chaperone (Bag-1L und NPM1) im Bezug auf die Regulation des AR Aktivität und das Wachstum von Prostatakrebszellen. Weiterhin sollte untersucht werden, ob die beiden Proteine ihren Effekt durch einen gemeinsamen oder zwei sich voneinander unterscheidenden Signalwege entfalten. In dieser Arbeit konnte zunächst nachgewiesen werden, dass die beiden Chaperone, neben der jeweiligen Interaktion mit dem AR, auch miteinander interagieren. Eine Herunterregulation von NPM1 führte weiterhin zu einem reduzierten Expressionslevel der Bag-1 Proteine (einschließlich Bag-1L). Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Knock-down von NPM1 die Translokationsgeschwindigkeit des AR von Cytoplasma in den Nukleus beeinträchtigt. Dieser Effekt war zum Teil reversibel, wenn in NPM1-Knock-down Zellen Bag-1L überexprimiert wurde. Dies lässt vermuten, dass der beobachtete Effekt teilweise durch reduzierte Bag-1L Level in den NPM1 knock-down Zellen hervorgerufen wurde. Der Knock-down von NPM1 beeinträchtigte ebenfalls die transkriptionelle Aktivität des AR, was bereits für den knock-out von Bag-1L gezeigt werden konnte. Ein Vergleich von genomweiten Transkriptom-Datensätze der NPM1 knock-down Zellen mit denen der bereits veröffentlichten Bag-1L knock-out Zellen zeigte auffallend viele Überlappungen. Durch statistische Auswertung der Gene, die gemeinsam durch die beiden Chaperone reguliert werden, konnte ein Signalweg identifiziert werden, der zu der Bildung von oxidativen Stress in Prostatakrebszellen führt. Oxidativer Stress wurde lange, hauptsächlich mit einer schädlichen Wirkung auf die Zellvitalität in Verbindung gebracht. Neuere Studien zeigen jedoch, dass sich oxidativer Stress auch positiv auf das Überleben von Zellen und deren Proliferation auswirken kann. Da sowohl der knock-down von NPM1, als auch der knock-out von Bag-1L die Expression androgen-abhängiger Gene negativ beeinflusst, die für die Entstehung von oxidativen Stress wichtig sind, liegt die Schlussfolgerung nahe, dass Bag-1L und NPM1 in Prostatakrebszellen interagieren, um AR-vermittelte Signalwege zu aktivieren. Dies führt zur Entstehung von oxidativen Stress, was das Überleben der Tumorzellen begünstigt


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    Background: As rural hospitals in Kentucky face insolvency, stakeholders must assess the value of rural hospitals as well as alternatives such as rural clinics and private physician offices. Objective: To identify the value of attributes of healthcare facilities based on Kentucky’s rural residents’ willingness-to-pay (WTP). Methods: A survey instrument was created and distributed to ten counties in rural Kentucky. A conditional logit model was used to obtain baseline values and then a mixed logit model was used to address heterogeneity among consumers in estimating WTP. WTP values incorporated respondents’ demographic characteristics and their health status from self-reported frequency of use of medical services and distance from these services. Results: The results indicate that on average respondents were willing to pay 69.90eachyearfortheattributeofafacilitythattreatspatientswhethertheyhavehealthinsuranceornot,comparedtoafacilitythatonlyacceptspatientswithprivatehealthinsurance.Uninsuredresidentswerewillingtopay69.90 each year for the attribute of a facility that treats patients whether they have health insurance or not, compared to a facility that only accepts patients with private health insurance. Uninsured residents were willing to pay 81.15 for this attribute level. Conclusion: The study suggests that uninsured residents value this attribute level of a facility that grants them access to care. Stakeholders may justify such welfare benefit amounts in support of the establishment or maintenance of such a facility

    Influence of Micro Finance and Small Loan Centre (MASLOC) on the Development of Small Scale Enterprises in the Wa Municipality

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    This research was to find out the influence of Micro finance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) on small and medium scale enterprise in the Wa Municipality. It involved the identification of ten different enterprises with 50 individual business owners. Questionnaires were also designed for MASLOC officials and the 50 business owners identified. The responses from both officials and the business owners were analysed using SPSS and basic excel tools. It was observed during the research that loans given out by MASLOC have indeed improved the lives of the beneficiaries. Closed to 80% of the beneficiaries have been able to expand their businesses, increased their profit margin and have seen tremendous improvement in their business activities. Most of them can now take care of their families and children's education; their livelihood and social lives have also been enhanced. The average performance rating of all the businesses visited is between 60-75% which is very good. It was, however, observed that about 60% of the beneficiaries are refusing to redeem their loans despites the progress of their businesses making it difficult for others to also benefit. It was also observed that MASLOC lack the resources both human and material to operate effectively. Information and data on some of the beneficiaries were non-existence thus making it difficult to retrieve the loans given out.  The research was concluded with some recommendations to help improve the activities of MASLOC. Keywords: MASLOC, small and medium scale enterprises, microfinance, microcredit, loan

    Company’s Economic Reality: A Comparative Analyses and Forecasts Regarding Its Subsequent Evolution of Financial Statements Theories and Their Dynamism

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    All over the time, the accounting theorists and practitioners focused their attention on the synthesis accounting documents because, by means these documents, the financial position and the corresponding results are periodically rendered.  Thus it is essential that the way this presentation is made should allow both some accurate comprehension of any company’s economic reality and carrying on comparative analyses and forecasts regarding its subsequent evolution.  This is the very reasons for having been looked for an adequate model to help these purposes to be accomplished.  Hence, a series of balance sheet theories issued.  The aim our paper hints at was to point out some theoretical aspects, specific to the classic theories on the balance-sheet, aspects that still prove to be present interest. Keywords: balance sheet, static, dynamic, organic, multiple, theories

    A parallel hybrid modular multilevel converter for high voltage DC applications

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    Reliability and efficiency of power transmission has been at the forefront of research for some time and is currently being given critical consideration due to the increased dependence on electrical energy. With the increased demand for electricity, engineers are considering different methods of supply arrangement to improve the security of electricity supply. High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission is a technology that avails itself for distance power transmission, interconnection of asynchronous networks and cross sea or offshore power transmission. The main element of an HVDC system is the AC/DC or DC/AC power converter. Recently, a new breed of power converters suitable for HVDC transmission has been the subject of considerable research work. These converters are modular in structure with high efficiency and their operation results in higher power quality, with reduced filtering components when compared to the use of Line Commutated and two-level or three-level Voltage Source Converter (VSC) based transmission systems. One such modular circuit is the Parallel Hybrid Modular Multilevel Voltage Source Converter (PH-M2L-VSC). This research investigates the operation and control of the PH-M2L-VSC for HVDC applications. Control schemes supporting the operation of the converter as would be expected of an HVDC VSC are proposed, including operation with an unbalanced AC network. Simulation results from a medium voltage demonstrator and experimental results from a laboratory scale prototype are presented to validate the methods proposed and enable a performance comparison to be made with other topologies

    Bioaccumulation of heavy metals concentration in some selected cereals grown near illegal mine Sites at Poyentanga in Wa of the Upper West Region, Ghana

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    The contamination of cereals by heavy metals due to illegal mining activities in most farming communities has been a major challenge to food production in Ghana. The research is thus to examine bio-accumulation of heavy metals (Cadmium (Cd), Arsenic (As), Iron (Fe), Lead (Pd) and Zinc (Zn)) concentration in Maize and Millet grown near illegal mining sites at Poyentanga. The study area was divided into five farming zones (farm 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) and soil and crop samples were taken from each of the zones to the laboratory for analysis using the Atomic Absorption Spectrometer and the results compared to World Health Organization (WHO) permissible limits. The results indicate presence of the selected heavy metals in the cereals and soils sampled from the community. Cd, Pb and Fe concentrations in the cereals were found to be above the WHO permissible limits whereas As and Zn concentrations were below. The soil concentrations of all the five heavy metals were extremely below the WHO permissible limits. It was also observed that farms near the mining sites have higher concentrations with the concentration in the maize being lower than that of Millet. The contamination levels in both cereals are as follows: Zn As Fe Pb Cd. The bioaccumulation ratio indicated that Cd, As and Pb levels were higher in Millet whereas Fe and Zn were highest in the Maize. These results therefore show that the consumption of these cereals for a very long time could have adverse health effect on the community and an indication that activities of illegal mining could thus affect the quality and safety of food produced in many farming communities. The research was concluded with recommendations to improve agricultural activities in such communities

    A parallel hybrid modular multilevel converter for high voltage DC applications

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    Reliability and efficiency of power transmission has been at the forefront of research for some time and is currently being given critical consideration due to the increased dependence on electrical energy. With the increased demand for electricity, engineers are considering different methods of supply arrangement to improve the security of electricity supply. High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission is a technology that avails itself for distance power transmission, interconnection of asynchronous networks and cross sea or offshore power transmission. The main element of an HVDC system is the AC/DC or DC/AC power converter. Recently, a new breed of power converters suitable for HVDC transmission has been the subject of considerable research work. These converters are modular in structure with high efficiency and their operation results in higher power quality, with reduced filtering components when compared to the use of Line Commutated and two-level or three-level Voltage Source Converter (VSC) based transmission systems. One such modular circuit is the Parallel Hybrid Modular Multilevel Voltage Source Converter (PH-M2L-VSC). This research investigates the operation and control of the PH-M2L-VSC for HVDC applications. Control schemes supporting the operation of the converter as would be expected of an HVDC VSC are proposed, including operation with an unbalanced AC network. Simulation results from a medium voltage demonstrator and experimental results from a laboratory scale prototype are presented to validate the methods proposed and enable a performance comparison to be made with other topologies
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