6 research outputs found

    Dodatna terapija željezom poboljÅ”ava hematoloÅ”ke i imunoloÅ”ke poremećaje kod ankilostomoze pasa.

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    For the purpose of investigating the effects of iron supplementation on the therapy of experimental canine ancylostomosis, twenty 8 week old pups were rando mly divided into four equal groups A, B, C and D. Groups A, B and C were serially infected bi-weekly with infective Ancylostoma caninum (L3) larvae up to 98 days. Thereafter, Groups A and B were treated with pyrantel pamoate and dextrose saline infusion with or without iron dextran supplementation, respectively. Pups in Group C were left untreated as were the uninfected control pups in Group D. Clinical observations revealed a serial reversion of the distressing hookworm disease signs in only the two infected and treated Groups A and B, but not in the infected but untreated pups in Group C. Both the haematological, and immunological parameters were most elevated in the iron-treated pups in Group A, with high and positive correlation coefficient (r) of + 0.94, 0.83, 0.41 and 0.98 for the respective Groups A, B, C and D. Iron therapy was suggested as being responsible for the prompt haematological and immunological reversion observed in Group A pups through its facilitation of the haemoglobin synthesis and the iron dependent mitotic cell division processes.U pokusu određivanja učinka dodatka željeza na terapiju pokusno izazvane ankilostomoze pasa, 20 Å”tenadi u dobi 8 tj. bilo je podijeljeno u četiri skupine označene A, B, C i D. Skupine A, B i C bile su svaka dva tjedna invadirane invazijskim ličinkama Ancylostoma caninum (ličinke 3. stupnja) u razdoblju 98 dana. Nakon invazije skupine A i B bile su liječene pirantel pamoatom i infuzijama fizioloÅ”ke otopine dekstroze s dodatkom ili bez dodatka željeza i dekstrana. Skupina C i kontrolna skupina D nisu bile liječene. Ustanovljeno je znatno poboljÅ”anje kliničkih znakova bolesti u Å”tenadi skupine A i B, ali ne i u invadirane i neliječene Å”tenadi skupine C. Vrijednosti imunoloÅ”kih i hematoloÅ”kih pokazatelja bile su mnogo viÅ”e u skupini A liječenoj željezom s visokim i pozitivnim korelacijskim koeficijentom (r) od +0,94, 0,83, 0,41 i 0,98 za odgovarajuće skupine A, B, C i D. Smatra se da je terapija željezom, putem olakÅ”ane sinteze hemoglobina i o željezu ovisnih procesa mitoze, dovela do brzog poboljÅ”anja hematoloÅ”kih i imunoloÅ”kih pokazatelja u Å”tenadi skupine A

    Haematological responses of three Nigerian goat breeds to field acquired helminthes infection and their haemoglobin types

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    Response of goats to natural helminth infection was investigated among 277 Nigerian indigenous goats belonging to three different breeds [West African dwarf (WAD), Red Sokoto (RS) and Sahel White (SW)] through the determination of parasitological and haematological parameters. The results showed that 65% of the sampled animals were positive for one helminth or two. Mixed infection due to Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongylus colubriformis constituted 33.33% prevalence rate, while Haemonchus contortus and Oesophagostomum columbianum mixed infection had 26.67% rate of infection among the sampled animals. However, single infection due to either of Haemonchus contortus, Oesophagostomum columbianum, Trichostrongylus colubriformis, Strongyloides papilosus , Cooperia punctata , Trichuris ovis , Paramphistomum cervi and Moniezia benedini constituted 5.0%. There was no significant (p>0.05) difference in mean faecal egg count (FEC) among the breeds investigated. Similarly, correlation coefficient between Haemonchus worm count (HWC) and FEC showed positive correlation value which was significantly (p<0.01) higher among WAD (0.661) than SW (0.427) and RS (0.350) breeds. Three (3) different haemoglobin types (HbAA, HbAB and HbBB) were detected among the goats investigated. Goats with HbAA showed significantly (p<0.05) higher PCV compared to those with HbAB/HbBB alleles. In addition, Sahel White and Red Sokoto breeds had microcytic, hypochromic anaemia with a significantly (p<0.05) lower haematocrit values than the West African Dwarf breed. Eosinophil count of RS and SW goats did not vary significantly between the parasitized and the non-parasitized goats. However, in WAD, the eosinophil count was significantly higher (p<0.05) in parasitized than non-parasitized goats. In conclusion, the WAD breed appears to be more resistant to helminthes infections and H. contortus in particular, than RS and SW, and this may be due to high frequency of HbAA alleles in this breed. The advantage of this relative resistance could be exploited by crossbreeding WAD with other breeds

    SeroloŔko istraživanje leptospiroze u pasa u Nigeriji.

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    Serum antibody titres against the prevailing serovars of Leptospira interrogans were evaluated in 52 dogs that were clinically and epidemiological screened for leptospirosis by the microscopic agglutination test in three ecologically distinct veterinary clinics in the Southwestern Nigeria. New non-vaccinal serovars of grippotyphosa, pomona and bratislava were of higher (P<0.01) prevalence than the old vaccinal serovars of canicola and icterohaemorrhagiae due to growing pet-wildlife contact in urbanization that exposes the pets to these former animal serovars. Grippotyphosa was again singularly higher (P<0.02) in prevalence in the large adult male dogs among the local and exotic breeds tested in the coastal urban clinic than in the arid suburban clinic with an over-representation of the German Shepherd breed (46.2%). Aetiological serovars were diagnosed as grippotyphosa in both the rain forest belt clinic A and the arid savannah belt clinic C and mixed grippotyphosa, bratislava and pomona in the urban coastal clinic B. Heavy coastal rains that promote spirochetes survival in dirty flood waters, the contaminating vaccination-induced ā€œcarrierā€ state that exposes dogs to new and more pathogenic serovars, use of abattoir-offal as dog foods and the fast urbanization in city clinics that permits more dog-wildlife contacts, which also promotes contact with more pathogenic wild serovars, were responsible for the change in epidemiology. Use of new polyvalent subunit vaccines against the new serovars with an improved protocol, good kennel hygiene, including watering and feeding and environmental sanitation, including wildlife control, are recommended for control.Titar serumskih protutijela za najčeŔće serovarove vrste Leptospira interrogans određivan je mikroskopskom aglutinacijom u uzorcima seruma 52 psa s triju ekoloÅ”ki različitih područja jugozapadne Nigerije. Prevalencija je bila veća (P<0,01) za novodokazane serovarove Grippotyphosa, Pomona i Bratislava protiv kojih psi nisu bili cijepljeni, nego za serovarove Canicola i Icterohaemorrhagiae koji se rabe za proizvodnju cjepiva. To se događa zbog sve čeŔćeg dodira između kućnih ljubimaca i divljih životinja pa su ljubimci izloženiji serovarovima iz divljih životinja. Veća prevalencija (P<0,02) dokazana je za serovar Grippotyphosa u populaciji odraslih mužjaka velikih pasmina u klinikama priobalnih gradova nego u klinikama suÅ”nih prigradskih naselja s najvećom učestaloŔću u pasmine njemački ovčar (46,2%). Serovar Grippotyphosa bio je dokazan i u vlažnom Å”umskog pojasu A i u suhom savanskom pojasu C dok su mjeÅ”ovite zaraze serovarovima Grippotyphosa, Bratislava i Pomona bile dokazane u klinikama priobalnih gradskih područja. Promjeni epizootioloÅ”kog stanja leptospiroze doprinijele su jake priobalne kiÅ”e koje pogoduju preživljavanju leptospira u povrÅ”inskim vodama, kliconoÅ”tvo nakon vakcinacije Å”to omogućuje izloženost pasa novim virulentnijim serovarovima, upotreba klaoničkih otpadaka za pasju hranu te brza urbanizacija koja doprinosi prijenosu bolesti s divljih životinja na pse. Uporaba novih polivalentnih podjediničnih cjepiva protiv novih serovarova na tom području s poboljÅ”anim protokolom cijepljenja, dobra higijena Å”tenara, uključujući pranje, hranidbu i sanitarne mjere te kontrola kretanja divljači preporučuju se kao kontrolne mjere za suzbijanje leptospiroze

    Dodatna terapija željezom poboljÅ”ava hematoloÅ”ke i imunoloÅ”ke poremećaje kod ankilostomoze pasa.

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    For the purpose of investigating the effects of iron supplementation on the therapy of experimental canine ancylostomosis, twenty 8 week old pups were rando mly divided into four equal groups A, B, C and D. Groups A, B and C were serially infected bi-weekly with infective Ancylostoma caninum (L3) larvae up to 98 days. Thereafter, Groups A and B were treated with pyrantel pamoate and dextrose saline infusion with or without iron dextran supplementation, respectively. Pups in Group C were left untreated as were the uninfected control pups in Group D. Clinical observations revealed a serial reversion of the distressing hookworm disease signs in only the two infected and treated Groups A and B, but not in the infected but untreated pups in Group C. Both the haematological, and immunological parameters were most elevated in the iron-treated pups in Group A, with high and positive correlation coefficient (r) of + 0.94, 0.83, 0.41 and 0.98 for the respective Groups A, B, C and D. Iron therapy was suggested as being responsible for the prompt haematological and immunological reversion observed in Group A pups through its facilitation of the haemoglobin synthesis and the iron dependent mitotic cell division processes.U pokusu određivanja učinka dodatka željeza na terapiju pokusno izazvane ankilostomoze pasa, 20 Å”tenadi u dobi 8 tj. bilo je podijeljeno u četiri skupine označene A, B, C i D. Skupine A, B i C bile su svaka dva tjedna invadirane invazijskim ličinkama Ancylostoma caninum (ličinke 3. stupnja) u razdoblju 98 dana. Nakon invazije skupine A i B bile su liječene pirantel pamoatom i infuzijama fizioloÅ”ke otopine dekstroze s dodatkom ili bez dodatka željeza i dekstrana. Skupina C i kontrolna skupina D nisu bile liječene. Ustanovljeno je znatno poboljÅ”anje kliničkih znakova bolesti u Å”tenadi skupine A i B, ali ne i u invadirane i neliječene Å”tenadi skupine C. Vrijednosti imunoloÅ”kih i hematoloÅ”kih pokazatelja bile su mnogo viÅ”e u skupini A liječenoj željezom s visokim i pozitivnim korelacijskim koeficijentom (r) od +0,94, 0,83, 0,41 i 0,98 za odgovarajuće skupine A, B, C i D. Smatra se da je terapija željezom, putem olakÅ”ane sinteze hemoglobina i o željezu ovisnih procesa mitoze, dovela do brzog poboljÅ”anja hematoloÅ”kih i imunoloÅ”kih pokazatelja u Å”tenadi skupine A

    The responses of three nigerian indigenous goat breeds to primary and secondary experimental challenges with Haemonchus contortus

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    A study was designed to investigate if an initial infection is sufficiently protective to prevent the development of subsequent re-infection with H. contortus, and to determine whether or not the removal of primary infection could enhance stronger acquired immunity which is protective enough to prevent the establishment of a secondary infection. Responses of three Nigerian breeds of goat; Red Sokoto (RS), West African Dwarf (WAD) and Sahel White (SW) were investigated following primary and secondary experimental infections with Haemonchus contortus. Forty five (45) goats, (n=15) of each breed type were used in the experiment. During the primary challenge, (n=11) goats each of the three breeds were infected with 100 (L3) larvae of H. contortus by gavage weekly for 7 weeks, while four (4) goats each per breed served as control. On day 42 post infection, (n=12) goats, (4 per breed) of the infected animals were humanely euthanized and worm count determined. The second phase was carried out on the remaining twenty one (21) infected goats. They received the weekly infective dose of H. contortus by gavage up to week 10, when they were divided into 2 groups. The first group of 12 (4 SW, 4 WAD and 4 RS) animals were untreated, while the second group of 9 (3 per breed) animals were treated. The 2 groups were further reinfected with 2000 L3 of H.contortus each for a period of 7 consecutive weeks after a rest period of ten days. Clinical signs, worm establishment rate, faecal egg count (FEC), packed cell volume (PCV), eosinophil count, total serum protein and C3 complement were determined. The PCV, C3 complement and total serum protein of infected animals declined significantly (p&lt;0.05) when compared to the control, after both primary and secondary challenges, irrespective of breed. Conversely, eosinophil count increased significantly (p&lt;0.05). WAD showed improved parameters than other breeds, indicating better adaptability or greater resistance than the other breeds.Keywords: Haemonchosis, Haematology, Nigerian goats, Primary and secondary infections, Resistance, Responses